Call of Eschatology

Vol 3 Chapter 290: Patronus Daily Interview

"Australia ..."

Wenyu thought about recording this information, and planned to tell Lin Haifeng for a while.

After thinking about his next plan, Wenyu suddenly found out that if his plan was successful, the options left to the Mozu seemed to be only the alternate location in Australia.

Where exactly, it takes a little while to explore the tone of the Commander of the Bone Demon.

Corey's speech still did not end.

"Master Legaz's latest instructions are as follows-to thoroughly clean up all the earth's creatures on the African continent. Once the cleanup is complete, the place where the source extraction device will fall will probably be here, so for the next period of time, , Everyone has a heavy task. "

"And once you complete this task, you all know how much benefit you will get? Lord Legaz's generosity, everyone knows."

"The focus is still on Arcade, Sig."


"Be sure to complete the task after three days!"


Speaking of which, Sig waved.



After the meeting ended, Wen Yu no longer shared his perspective with Xiaobai-although this state is not expensive, it will always occupy a part of soul power, which is equivalent to reducing the reaction and perception ability of the subject in disguise.

Delivering the task of exploring detailed information to Xiaobai, Wenyu closed her eyes and, based on the information just discovered, quickly perfected her own plan.

After a short while, Wenyu opened his eyes and felt that the Soul Puppet Legion, which was spread all over the African continent, made another slight adjustment to their location, until Xiaobai returned detailed feedback on the Australian backup location.

"Near Australia ’s eastern mountain range, near Mount Xia Asco, the mainland of Australia is the defense zone of the eleventh-level strong demon master, and the demon master is said to be the strongest soul-based strong demon of the demon, more specifically. You wo n’t be able to detect it. "

Hearing Xiaobai's mental fluctuations, his mouth was chewing on the two terms, demon spirit and strong soul. For a long time, Wenyu took out the communicator and informed Lin Haifeng of the events here.

Wenyu and Lin Haifeng passed many times during this period, not only because of Tang Haofei, but also about the current source extraction device.

In terms of right and wrong, Lin Haifeng is still trustworthy, but in the case of Tang Haofei's own problems, and there is no time to stand up, there is only Wenyu who is the only strong person on the planet who can get it.

In this communication with Lin Haifeng, neither of them mentioned Tang Haofei's situation. Wen Yu only retelled the news to Lin Haifeng, and Lin Haifeng also explained to Wen Yu the results of the military during this time.

"The changes in the monsters in Japan's Mt. Fuji and Indonesia have subsided, and the same is true of Antarctica. It seems that your news should be fine."

"I'm also a little bit of a stronghold in the American continent as you say. As for Australia ... I'll send someone to see it."

Recalling what Xiaobai said just now, Mr. Wenyu could not help reminding him.

"Where you are, be careful. The commander in charge there may be something special."

Wen Yu, who possesses soul creation, understands deeply how powerful this skill can be in the hands of an eleventh-level powerhouse.

"okay, I got it."


Lin Haifeng's voice has some vicissitudes. After this sentence, Lin Haifeng still wanted to continue to say something, but the communication was hung up by Wen Yu.

Looking at the communicator with a busy tone, Lin Haifeng put it on the table, rubbed his forehead gently, half a moment, and sighed.

The sight couldn't help sweeping towards the wall. At this moment, the TV hanging on the wall was faithfully playing the major events that happened in the gathering place of Yanjing to all residents of Yanjing, including the city of the eternal sky.

Lin Haifeng looked at his watch and immediately pressed the remote control to switch to another channel-Yanjing One.

At this moment, on this live broadcast of Yanjing 1, a host with a hot and **** appearance and a beautiful appearance held a microphone, slaps it up and affixed it to a man, and said sweetly with a greasy voice: "Guardian Lord God, can I ask you a few questions? "

"Of course!"

Tang Haofei stood in front of the screen with a cold face. His uniform was neat and tidy, but he could not hide the evil spirit on Tang Haofei.

Where the camera can't see, Tang Haofei's hand moved slightly twice, and immediately caused the host Xia Fei's cheeks.

"Shou ... Master, guardian god, I heard ... some time ago, you advocated giving up ... the extra allowance for Yanjing gathering place for the elderly over 70 years ... is this thing true?"

The hostess's voice shook, her eyes sparkled, and almost no water dripped.

However, Tang Haofei still kept his face blank and said blankly: "I was forced to do so, and the military soldiers responded to me many times, saying that the soldiers had insufficient pensions after the soldiers died, but Yanjing's monthly finances The income is countless. In order to better guard our homeland and to increase the safety of the people, I hope to reduce the allowance for the elderly over 70 years old to increase the soldiers' pension. "

"There is also the link of education investment. This is the end of the world. I think Yanjing's current education system is not appropriate. All children over the age of ten should learn to face monsters and war, but due to financial constraints, These ideas have to be put on hold for a while. "

"The above two points are the fundamental reasons why I think the allowance for the elderly should be weakened. I think we should exchange the past for the present and the future. This is what we should do."

Tang Haofei in the TV was full of spirits, and his eyes were shining with sharp light. Looking at Tang Haofei who was full of energy, Lin Haifeng in the office couldn't help sighing.

"This is the number? How many hosts has Tang Haofei changed?"

"The 53rd."

"Oh, good guy, full of firepower ..."

In the shadows, Fran's figure slowly appeared.

"The first 52 and 33 were killed by him. In addition, there were 118 women who died on his bed, an average of about 2.1 a day."

"Also, I need to remind you again that most of the high-level powers now serving in the military have joined the ultimate force squad. In other words, you still maintain an absolute advantage in the military and political circles, but in the military, More than 70% of them are now surnamed Tang! "

"In the recent decree you issued, 80% of Tang Haofei was opposed, and 20% was rejected by Tang Haofei with his dog leg."

"Do you still think this Tang Er is better than Tang Haofei before?"

Lin Haifeng was silent for a long while, and finally shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I don't know ... I'm not God after all, and I can't do omniscient and omnipotent, you can't see what will happen in the future, let alone me."

After saying this, Lin Haifeng looked at the TV again.

The words "Daily Interview with the Patron Saint" on the screen are particularly eye-catching.

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