Call of Eschatology

Vol 3 Chapter 286: Coming soon

The shouting and screaming outside continued until the communicator in his hand heard the sound of Akkad.

"Boss Wenyu, the reinforcements of the Demons are here, and your little pet is also inside. Oh, good guy, the sixth level peak, so fast?"

"Crap, you don't know how much combat power you gave Xiaobai during this time."

Two months and ten days, this is the total length of time that Wenyu and Akkad have experienced since they attacked Lusaka. All the way, Akkad's performance was very life-threatening because of the big cake drawn by Wenyu.

Not only did he kill a large number of monsters, but also provided Wenyu with a huge amount of creation energy. He also cooperated with Wenyu to give Xiaobai countless achievements in battle, and brought him to the high rank of the head of the Demon Master!

The huge feats, on the one hand, paved a golden avenue for Xiaobai to the upper level, on the other hand, they also brought countless material support for Xiaobai-the demons wanted to cultivate a monster with the sixth peak. , Is still a breeze.

Until now ...

"Master, the commander of the Eighth Army of the Skeleton Corps is currently in the team."

"Well, have you done enough?"

"Enough for the master. Once you kill him, I can successfully replace his position and become the commander of the 8th Army of the 2nd Army of the Skeleton Regiment. The commander of the 2nd Army attaches great importance to me. I think there should be no error."


Wen Yu sighed, then hung up the communication and looked at the distant billowing smoke.

After two months and ten days of hard work, he finally succeeded in laying a nail inside the Demon Clan, and this is not the end.

The interaction with these secrets exposed the various actions of the Demons nakedly in front of Wenyu. Now, as long as Xiaobai is sent to the decision-making level in the African theater, the final part of his own plan can be considered completely completed.

By that time, throughout Africa, no matter what big things or small things, in Wen Yu's eyes, there will be no secret at all!


The 8th Army of the 2nd Corps of the Skeleton Regiment moved quickly and did not make too many deployments outside the city. The Demon Army, led by the Corps leader, poured in on the spot from the gap in the city wall broken by blood slaves, and the blood slaves raging in the city. Start a fierce battle.

Akkad, under Wen Yu's instructions, set down traps one after another to seduce the commander of this legion.

Perceived power is distributed as much as possible, the entire city ’s military deployment, and subtle combat conditions are collected into Wenyu ’s eyes. One command after another is passed from Wenyu ’s mouth and passed to Akkad ’s ears.

Onlookers Qing, directing a battle from the perspective of God, this is also a rare experience for Wenyu. Fortunately, it feels good.


"Follow me!"

The commander of the Eighth Army shouted the slogan of charge, waving his sword forward in the direction of Akkad.

Commanding charge, unwise move ...

However, the commander of the Eighth Army did have unspeakable difficulties.

The little guy who has just emerged recently has put too much pressure on himself, and he has nothing to do. Compared with Lien Chan and Jie Li, the head of the division called Xiaobai, it is really ugly.

Recently, the commander of the Second Army has clearly and secretly expressed dissatisfaction with himself. If he does not make any more achievements, the position of head of the army should not be wanted.

Imagine the embarrassment of changing from the regimental commander to the division commander. At this moment, the blade of the commander of the eighth army commander is superior, leading the elite group of his majesty, like a sharp knife inserted directly into the heart of the enemy!

Until the commander of the army saw the figure of the professional named Akkad.


After more than two months of fighting, Akkad's own intelligence was spied on by the demons, including details of the Dead River, including powerful individual units in the blood slaves, and naturally, Akkad's own situation.

The guy who controls blood slaves can only be described as horrible--a little ...

Fortunately, he only came to the African continent when the plague concentration had fallen sharply. If not, I am afraid that Akkad will be left with the scum of the ubiquitous plague!

The head of the army saw Akkad, as if Teddy saw a bitch, his eyes glowed with blood, and with a long knife, he yelled at Akkad!

"Kill him once, then kill him a second time, again and again!"

The bone demon at the peak of the sixth level, against a professional with only a little physical fitness ... really kill as many times as you want!

Great work is here!

Until a slap bullet awakened the head of the Bone Demon from the dream.

The bullet rushed in, and in a blink of an eye broke through the outer layer of defense of the bone demon, stiffly hit the skull of the head of the bone demon army.


The bone demon seemed to be hit by the hammer in the front, and his body was stagnation for a moment. Then, a completely deformed bullet was disintegrated far away, leaving only a slight crack on the bone demon's head armor.

The sudden strike did not cause any damage to the Bone Demon Chief, but it did give the Head of the Legion a spirit.

His powerful blood slaves are on record. At this moment, every powerful blood slave is entangled, even the latest blood slaves!

The head of the legion couldn't imagine where the attack came from.

The next second was a "bang"!

The far and near bullets are different from just now. This time, the bullets were dimly illuminated with black light. The strong threats uploaded by them made the Bone Devil's legion tremble with emotion.

"That's wrong ... this kind of energy fluctuation ..."


The bullet once again hit the head of the Bone Demon Corps. The length of the bullet, like a drill, whistled and squeezed into the head of the legion, and instantly burst it!

"Good marksmanship!"

"Average, this kind of weapon can also bully bully ..."

Wen Yu calmly retracted the sniper rifle, and the weak power of the sniper rifle—the single thermal weapon wanted to kill the monster at the top of the sixth level. Attached dark energy.

"Come off."

Sending an order to retreat to Akad, watching the skeletal legion that was slowly falling into riots below, and taking advantage of the chaos to seize the time to gather people's hearts, Wen Yu's eyes could not help raising a hint of expectations.

The legion leader, especially the legion leader of the Skeleton Corps, is no longer low in the African theater-at least it is also the highest officer of a large base!

And this status is enough to enter the decision-making level of the Devil's African war zone, and to detect some hidden conditions of the Devil.

Thinking of this, Wenyu thought of the course of action he had planned for Akkad, and for a long while, he could not help but chuckle.

Two months and ten days, for such a long time, the source extraction device still has no precursor.

To come to such a big action, for the demons, it also takes a long time to make better preparations.

It was cheaper for Wenyu, allowing Wenyu to calmly arrange his own master plan in Africa.

Now that even the last nail has been laid, I think it's time to see it.

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