Call of Eschatology

Chapter 22: Simba

The moon was getting darker. Bayi Chinese W? W㈠W㈧. ㈧8㈧1? Z? W ?. QCQO? M

Just when Wenyu closed his eyes and raised his soul.

Jiangbin Park interior.

In the original beautiful park, the original scenery can no longer be found, and in some cases, only stumps and dark brown blood on the ground remain. Human, animal. Strewn all corners of the park.

In this hellish scenery, the interior of the park is very quiet, without the whimpers of zombies or the roar of mutant beasts. It feels like being in a dead zone.

Among the countless bloodstains and broken limbs, a shadow slowly stood up. In the dim moonlight, the 3-meter-high body looks like a hill.

When the moonlight slowly spread over the dark shadow, the horrible figure revealed its true colors.

That is a lion.

As the only male lion inside Jiangbin Park, the wild nature that had been domesticated by humans is completely absent, eating, sleeping and breeding offspring every day.

For a long time, Simba didn't think there was anything wrong.

Simba, this is the name his own breeder gave himself.

In fact, Simba finds this life really good.

I lived this way since I was a child. In Simba's consciousness, this is all the daily life of a lion.

But when the last days came, everything was changed.

A huge sense of killing and hunger came violently, filling up its heart and annihilating its reason.

The first target of catharsis is the females of the same family. The difference in strength leaves no room for resistance of the same kind. In less than 5 minutes, many of his own partners fell at their feet, and then became their own food.

Feeling that his body keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the power is constantly emerging, under the tremendous power, Simba suddenly understood a truth.

I should have killed the surrounding life, I should have stood at the very top of the food chain, and I should have no worries.

There was smoke constantly in his mouth. This lion named Simba felt like a fire in his throat, which made Simba painful, and then he opened his mouth and really spit out a fire.

Flame Stream (Class A): The power of the flames spews out, causing devastating damage to the enemy.

Simba naturally did not quite understand why he would spit fire, but this did not hinder the fact that he could destroy the enemy with flames.

In fact, there are no enemies. The entire Jiangbin Park is its own hunting ground.

Including the east bear, um, this guy is a bit hard to kill. It seems that the head is a bit larger than the last time, and it will also emit a very sharp airflow. It turned into ashes. Although it was a pity that the meat on the head was unfortunate, it didn't matter. There was still a lot of food in the entire park.

Well, the crocodile in the water is not very good. But it doesn't matter. My teeth seem sharper, my claws are sharper, and my skin is harder. However, the crocodile meat is still quite tender.

Well, this crocodile is warm to eat. After eating, Simba feels that his body has become a lot bigger, and the skin has become harder than before. He grabbed his claws, as if he had grabbed the Guan himself. It's like a hard, long strip of things.

Iron Armor (Level B): The power of steel guards you, greatly enhancing your body's defense capabilities.

Although it's a good thing to get bigger, but I feel more hungry, and the burning sensation in the stomach makes Simba slowly lose his mind.

So Simba's hunt began.

For the creatures in the entire Riverside Park, the secondary mutation of Simba is a nightmare.

Therefore, nothing moving has escaped this small park, whether it is humans, mutants, or zombies.

Similarly, many zombies poured into the park, bringing more food to Simba.

Slowly, the zombies gathered around the park, knowing that there was a horrible existence inside the park. The simple instinct made them no longer actively enter the park, but it was not far from the crater that was about to explode.

Until today, until now.

Simba was hungry. For three days, Simba killed all the moving things in the park, and Simba also had a full meal.

However, with less and less activity, his body is getting bigger and his appetite is getting better and better, Simba is not satisfied with those leftovers left by himself.

The tremendous power made Simba regain his pride as a king.

"There should be more to eat outside."

Simba thought so.

Then Simba walked out of his life.

With the strength of a three-level mutant beast.

And pride at the top of the food chain.


The loud noise outside made Wenyu awake from the falsehood.

Quickly came to the window, Wenyu knew the opportunity to wait, and came.

First reflected in Wen Yu's eyes is a huge zombie group.

Countless first-level zombies crawled onto this ball quickly, and simple wisdom told them that there was a very delicious food in it. As long as you take one bite, you will be able to evolve by yourself.

The result is more and more zombies on the big ball, more and more bloated, at the same time, the degree is getting slower.

Then, the huge zombie group stopped.

"Well, it's not like someone rushed in with a bus, it was really impulsive."

You should know that one of the characteristics of zombies is that they are not afraid of death. When they drive in, they will be blocked by a huge tide of corpses, and the first-level zombies inside, ordinary iron skin will definitely not be able to resist their claws.

The most terrible thing is that they will call friends.

In Wenyu's eyes, this is exactly a plan to die.

Just looking at the zombies fluttering wildly around the park, you know that whatever is inside, it is dead.

Even an armored vehicle will be trapped by countless zombies.

Wenyu could not help but feel a little disappointed. If this could rush through, Wenyu would have been on board long ago.

"Looks like this is not my chance to wait."

I was thinking about taking a closer look at the final miserable results of the bus. Suddenly, a dazzling red light emerged from the inside of the giant zombie group, and then exploded.

Enormous strength made Wen Yu shrink her head and saw the furthest zombies flying even exploded by red light 10 meters high, Wen Yu could not help but stunned.

"This, this is, this is Simba!"

Wen Yu opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at the creatures appearing below.

It was a huge lion. Strong body, light yellow mane, lantern-sized eyes, sharp claws and large mouth of blood basin. There was still a hot magma in his mouth.

Although the body size is much smaller than when I saw it in the last life, the same body proportion, fierce murderousness, and iconic inflammation skills are definitely unique.

"This time, the joke is getting bigger."

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