C Language Cultivation

Chapter 19 - ddos (1)

With the speed of his programmers for many years, he can’t match Dongjun’s wife’s powder?

No, it must be a bad internet connection.

However, although all the “husbands” are on the barrage, Dongjun has not actually appeared on the screen.

As usual, the concept video of this conference is being broadcast, suggesting the theme of the conference.

The advertising department of Galaxy is very good, and Galaxy itself has a lot of money to burn, so every concept short film can make a special effect blockbuster effect.

However, this time the style is different from the past-very, very fantasy.

A young man in a flowing white robe-seems to be an ancient poet from ancient times, because he holds a brush in his hand and frowns and thinks from time to time.

He walked through many places, the temple under the moonlight, the desert under the scorching sun, the rainforest with the viper, the smoked rain corridor, the east, the west, technology, religion-the magnificent and exquisite scenes dazzled, but he still With a sad face, it seems that he still hasn’t written a satisfactory work.

Eventually, he met someone in a bright library, reaching the bookshelf in the ceiling.

The image of this person is obvious, it is Hawking.

The young poet said, Dear senior, I have traveled more than half of the earth, but I cannot describe the shape of the whole world. You are familiar with all the mechanisms of this world operation, can you give me directions.

Hawking in the wheelchair didn’t speak, and he looked at the tall bookshelf.

Following his gaze, the young man took out a Hamlet from the bookshelf.

Hawking’s eyes turned to him, his eyes very gentle, and he seemed to encourage him to look.

The poet opened the book, the pages automatically rolled over, and finally stopped on a page with a bold sentence.

“I am in a nutshell, but I think I am the king of infinite space.”

The moment I saw this sentence, the whole scene suddenly changed!

The poet’s body floated, and another world spread out before him. He was sometimes at the bottom of the abyss, sometimes at the spire of a human city, and next came to the solemn cathedral of the Renaissance-he even arrived In the world of myth, see angels and demons, Christ, Mary and even Buddha.

In the end, all the worlds with different scenery converge like a kaleidoscope, condense, and then explode like fireworks, becoming hundreds of millions of stars-a black screen spreading a vast galaxy.

——The lens is transferred to the live broadcast scene, the same galaxy background.

The auditorium thundered, applause, cheers, screams, “husband” sounds one after another.

The rapid development of 3D projection technology, the effect at this time is as if Dongjun came out of the stars of the Milky Way.

The applause came to an end, and the sound of “husband” prevailed.

Lin Xun: “…”

He doesn’t care about the little girl.

Yes, it’s not accountable.

He is calm now, very calm.

These people who shouted “husband” did not understand the beauty of Dongjun’s code at all. They were only attracted by Dongjun’s appearance and uncountable money. This was superficial and worthless.

—— Lin Xun successfully hypnotized himself, and looked at the screen calmly again.

Dongjun walked to the center of the platform.

He wore a black blazer, dark purple silk shirt, and silver-gray tie today. His temperament matches the galaxy behind him—mysterious and distant.

The glasses seem to be the same, but they don’t have a chain.

Facing the excitement in the audience, he nodded gently: “Thank you.”

The cheers were even better, and after a while, they gradually stopped.

Facing the crowd, Dongjun said: “Good evening.”

His style at the press conference has always been cold and simple, without too much emotional color, everyone knows this. They didn’t speak, they were quiet, they only listened to Dongjun Road: “The first press conference of the Galaxy five years ago, some people said that I am not like a programmer.”

Laughter came from the audience.

In fact, Dongjun is not like a programmer now-his elegant appearance and demeanor…like a pianist.

“At that time, I replied that the programmer’s initial dream and ultimate mission is to change the world. In addition, this profession does not need more labels.”

The field was quiet, only his voice: “Five years later, I no longer write code, and Galaxy is no longer a company that only does algorithm and system development. But it is gratifying that we always adhere to the beginning Thoughts. So, I can stand here today, on behalf of the Milky Way, to tell you some…small progress in changing the world.”

Applause thundered.

Lin Xun’s heart beat faster.

He remembered the previous press conferences of Galaxy—two times, the significance was particularly significant.

One of them was the first time since the establishment of the Galaxy. They launched the automatic driving system that later ruled all roads and vehicles. Another time, the concept of smart city was initially realized-in this respect, only eagle can compete with Galaxy.

And this time-

Lin Xun recalled all kinds of gossip before.

There is no doubt that if the gossip is true, then this conference will be a milestone.

Thinking this way, he looked at Dongjun on the screen slightly nervously.

Only Dong Jun’s voice sounded: “Seven years ago, vr technology was mature. Through vr glasses and full-body devices, we were able to be in 3D virtual scenes. The following year, Kopin launched a virtual reality gaming helmet based on head tracking technology.

Lin Xun: “!”

At the same time, a message from the group popped up on his phone screen.

Wang Safety: Fuck, is it real?

Zhao architecture: fuck, holographic game!

At the same time, Dongjun looked around the silent crowd and continued: “This work lasted for many years. During this time, Galaxy cooperated with kopin, ocz, usc, and was supported by the Simpson Institute of Neurobiology. Today, it finally Can meet you as a mature technology, I can also claim that Galaxy has achieved a truly free, interconnected, immersive holographic reality experience.”

Speaking of which, he seems to have a slight smile in his eyes: “I personally named it “fruit shell”. We are in the shell, but we think we are the king of infinite space.”

This sentence fell, and the atmosphere at the press conference exploded!

Wang Safety: @林 Algorithm, I want to buy it.

Zhao Jianshe: @林 Algorithm, I want to buy it.

Lin algorithm: closing wheat, waiting for price.

The next second, the screen behind Dongjun began to play the real promotional video of this product “nut shell 1.0.1”.

A silver-white cabin, 3 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. After the human body lay in, thousands of miniature sensors spread all over the body to capture brain wave signals and body nerve signals in real time and define these signals as actions in the virtual world.

The promotional film does not use holographic games as the main point of publicity, it is also of great significance in reality.

Because this holographic world is interconnected-game manufacturers can upload game data, open up the game world, invite players to join, and different users can also meet in virtual reality as they like.

If one day, this cabin has achieved full popularity-everyone only needs to lie in the cabin to complete all things in the virtual world-such as studying, working, socializing, of course, in theory, this day is far very. Currently, it can only be used as a social tool or gaming platform.

The exciting propaganda film came to a lag and was replaced on the field. Dr. Andre from the Simpson Neurobiology Institute explained the underlying principles.

The group was frantically brushing news.

Wang Safety: Holographic Prosperity, I’m here.

Zhao Jianshe: Wake up, I guess I can’t afford it.

Wang Safety: Then only buy one.

Zhao Jizhuo: How do you organize it?

Wang Safety: Hiss.

Wang Safety: What about algorithms, why not talk?

Zhao Jianshi: Bad signal on the mountain, right?

Lin Algorithm: Wake up, 5bsp; Wang Safety: Xun’er, your unexpected silence today.

Lin Suan… Law: I was just a little bit dazed by Dongjun.

Wang Safety: This was not developed by Dongjun, but by Yinhe. Please be clear-headed.

Lin algorithm: Galaxy = Galaxy CEO = Dongjun, the equation is established.

Lin Algorithm: A large part of eagle’s profit comes from the vr industry. Will it not deal with Galaxy even more? The male god’s brain has to be used in meaningless business competition.

Wang Jingjing: I’m worried that you won’t go to heaven.

Lin Xun: “…”

He turned off the chat interface and continued to watch the live broadcast. Dr. Andre was still introducing the product.

He opened the barrage. “Husband I can” is still not rare, but more people are excited to discuss how this technology will set off an epoch-making change.

He was a bit dazed.

At this time, he was supposed to be as excited and uplifted as everyone in the barrage, but in fact, he was a little anxious.

Since he was a teenager, he has regarded Dongjun as a male god.

His intentions are completely different from those of female fans who cried out “husband”. Dongjun looks good, whether he has money or not, it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is the code he wrote, and the ultimate dream of the programmer he represents.

Lin Xun admired him very much. The meaning of this worship was that he recognized Dongjun’s achievements and hoped that one day he would become like Dongjun.

At this moment, the moment Dong Jun was exposed to high light again, he suddenly became less confident.

How much value can Luoshen create? What is the gap between him and Dongjun?

Lin Xun rubbed his eyebrows.

No, no, Lin Xun, you can’t do this.

Although you are a lemon essence certified by a doctor, it should not be sour on Dongjun.

But if you think about it, it’s not sour, just afraid that you won’t be able to make any achievement worth mentioning throughout your life.

Thinking about it, I still have to cultivate immortals to prepare for improving IQ.

He looked at the screen, and Dr. Simpson had just retired, followed by a woman from the Galaxy R&D department. She seemed to be ready for a long talk.

Lin Xun picked up the phone, hesitated, and finally selected Dongjun in the address book, and sincerely sent a text message.

SMS content: Congratulations ^^

Then he put down his phone and listened to the lady’s introduction with his cheek.

Half a minute, the screen of the mobile phone suddenly lights up, and the next second, the bell rings.

Call reminder: Dongjun.

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