But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

The solution to the green problem, part 1

I agreed with Venom's conclusions, and within a couple of hours I had prepared the necessary chemicals to cure Osborne. I decided to postpone the process until Gwen arrived. Let her first make sure that the woman we caught and her last night's rival were really the same person.

So as not to waste time, which was already in short supply, I began to work on another matter even more important than the Osborne problem. After all, I was threatening to solve Wanda's cancer problem. In fact, I wasn't being completely honest with her. Even before I promised her my help, I intended to give this world a cure for cancer. After all, if I didn't, it would take at least a few more decades for mankind to fight this terrible disease. Although I do not remember the name of the scientist who solved this medical problem in the past, I was too busy after my awakening, but nevertheless, I heard a couple of times that the decision to study the genes of elephants and whales was the turning point in creating a cure. Pretty sensible approach: if nature itself has already found a way to fight cancer cells, why go the hard way when you can just adopt a ready-made solution?

In the freezer, two 20-milliliter tubes of blood from representatives of the order of proboscis were just waiting for their time. Despite all the OzCorp money, that's all I was able to negotiate with the zoo management yesterday. I was just sampling the supernatant after the second centrifugation of elephant blood when Deadpool came down to the basement in the company of Spiderwoman. Since I couldn't interrupt the process now, I didn't interfere with the women's conversation, just listened at the edges of my ears.

But soon, their communication reached a rather sharp verge, and I had to defuse the situation. Eventually, I told Norma's whole story a second time. When my story came to an end, the second centrifuge had just finished its work, and as a result, I had the plasma and elephant blood cell fractions at my disposal. I placed them in the freezer and was finally able to focus on the tasks at hand.

"Well, I'm done here for now, let's bring Norma back to normal!" I say, turning to the girls, and notice how Gwen flinches at my voice, as if before it was somewhere in the clouds. And who am I talking to, recounting the same events over and over again?

And I didn't even ask what kind of conditions Wanda kept Norma in. I really hope she was joking about the freezer box and the dildo up her ass! At least I know that Osborne is in the second basement room adjacent to the lab, the same room where we used to keep Stans.

"You still haven't answered what you're going to do? As far as I know, no one has figured out a way to effectively treat schizophrenia yet," Gwen asks as I pass her on my way out of the lab, and I realize that not all of my story has escaped her ears. Heh, I'm like a teacher trying to figure out how attentive his students are.

"Like I said, Osborne didn't choose to become a psychopath and a murderer, in fact, even the serum she used on herself wasn't on purpose, there's surveillance footage on the computer at OzCorp, you can look it up later - it was a stupid accident. Except the government won't care about that. If we turn her in to the authorities, she'll be locked up in an Ice Box somewhere as a murderer and a psychopath for the rest of her life, not to mention having her body examined to understand the nature of her powers" in truth, she'll only sit in prison until the first mass escape from there, but that's not the point now. "And besides, her son is my friend, so I have some personal interest in getting away with it. One last thing: it would be easier for me to cover up the fraudulent company accounts if Osborne remained the head of the company.

"You robbed OzCorp?" With either admiration or condemnation, Gwen exclaimed.

"Hey! Not robbed, but took a fee for helping out! You think I paid for all this," I circled my arms around the room, "out of my own pocket? After one little brat burned my computer, I didn't even have money to buy a new one! Or did you forget that I even had to synthesize the serum for Connors with equipment stolen from the university?"

"Okay, okay, calm down!" Stacy backtracked. I'm afraid I used that dirty trick to further discourage her from revealing her identity.

"Anyway, with the help of the symbiote and this powerful psychotropic drug, we want to suppress her second personality in Osborne, which appeared after the transformation."

"But that's... very dangerous, and cruel, too..." Stacy protested languidly.

"I'm not a wizard or a telepath to fix the effects of the transformation in her brain with a wave of my hand, so if you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears," we had just stopped in front of the makeshift dungeon, and Deadpool was waiting for the conversation to end before she opened the door.

"I... I don't know, but isn't there any other way?"

"Of course there is," the mercenary replied sarcastically, "blow her brains out and be done with it."

Showing her seriousness, Wanda drew her gun and jerked the bolt in a Hollywood fashion, causing the cartridge in the chamber to fly out.

"Fuck," Wilson cursed, catching the round on the fly.

"Carrying a gun with a round in the chamber and not on the safety," Bobbie remarked.

"I'll have killed you a few times by the time you get around to fiddling with the safety and refilling the round," the mercenary countered, returning the round to the gun's magazine, "being ready for combat at any moment is the duty of a professional."

"Sounds cool, sure," Bobby remarked, "but guns not on the safety can go off with a strong jolt, I've heard of machine guns with a cartridge in the chamber firing during a reshuffle. Not everyone around here has such powerful regeneration as you do."

Wilson rolled her eyes toward the ceiling and defiantly put both barrels on the safety.

"Great," I interjected, "now, if no one has any objections, let's get down to business!"

Stacy was silent, and the others were already in agreement with my plan, and we finally entered Osborne's dungeon. The first thing that struck my eye was the huge, nearly two-meter-tall box from under the freezer, the one in which I had left the samples for further elephant blood research, and the empty bed.


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