But for a Slime

094.2 - A Representative Comes

* * *

The guard watched the eccentric head into the dungeon depths and shivered. He hated having to be the man to come between an eccentric and a clan. Such places often accumulated many dead bodies. He struggled for a few moments before finally sighing and turning to one of the other four guards patrolling the walls. The other guard had caught up to him as he spoke and his eyes must have obviously pled for mercy, but the other guard laughed and shook his head.

“I’ll not step in it. Report it to the captain, for I shan’t.”

He grimaced before sighing and turning to the stairs on the outside of the walls, the inner walls a sheer face to keep any monsters in that might rampage from a dungeon during a dungeon flood. He quickly scrambled down the stairs which emptied directly into the barracks next to the captain’s office. The stairs were well protected, with the only entrance into the walls surrounding the dungeon being through the gate. The gate was often left open, even during dungeon floods as the beasts sought the path of least resistance, and the city elites could easily hold against such a weak dungeon.

The guard quickly came to the captain’s door and knocked on it, rather softly as the crowd of people normally omnipresent were now gone and the barracks were bizarrely silent. His captain seemed to be in a bad mood as he grunted out.

“Come in! Better be good!”

The guard swallowed, almost thinking about fleeing but froze when the captain continued.

“Don’t you think of running! I’ll have no business of chasing you down! Get in here!”

Ohh… Slime piss! This is… He squared his shoulders and entered the door, coming before the captain where he snapped to attention and saluted with precision. He had no desire to increase the ire of the captain.

“Well, report what is so important that you interrupt m’day.”

“Sir! The eccentric has entered the dungeon!”

“What, how is…” the captain trailed off, and while the guard kept his eyes square on the wall behind the captain, the captain’s wrath quickly cooled although now that the problem was in the captain’s hands, he was still as unpleasantly trapped. The captain stood and began growling menacingly under his breath, curses and incoherent mumblings echoing throughout the room before the captain paused once more and turned to him.

“Well, it’s your mess. Report it to the clan, soldier.”

He quivered, his stomach summersaulting while his eyes quivered, struggling to stay straight ahead. His lips twitched and he struggled to raise the courage to question the captain, but the man gave him no time, rapidly shouting out orders to leave and while his mind struggled to find a response, he found his body automatically responding to orders and already outside the door with it shut by the time he screwed up his courage enough to act. By this time, however, it was too late, and he felt his own sour fear now coiling up through his intestines and reaching his stomach as acid began to crawl up his throat. He breathed deep again, and headed out.

The walk to the inner clan gate was the longest he’d ever experienced in his life, his mind whirling through any possibility he could think of, searching for any excuse that might placate a clanner or an option that might see him escape. For the entire trip, his thoughts wound in useless explorations until suddenly, there was no more time. And in that moment, it was the shortest trip he’d ever experienced in his life as he stared at the inner clan guards. What am I supposed to…

“The eccentric Joe has entered a dungeon. The captain asked me to report this to the clan.”

The guard quickly bowed, executed the perfect about face, and marched away. When he was three or four steps away, his eyes widened in shock at what he’d done but found himself committed and couldn’t stop. He crossed the street and immediately turned down a small alleyway which was a quicker way to the beginner dungeon. He rarely used that way, however, as it was narrow, smelly, and disgusting. Today, he breathed in the smell of vomit, rotting refuse, and excrement and felt only freedom. He immediately lengthened his stride, but maintained his gait, making sure the sound of his steps still sounded the same but with the longer stride, it ate up the distance, putting him towards another alleyway. He was almost to the corner when he heard the thumping boots behind him. Panic drove his steps to be longer and he quickly took the corner before immediately changing to a tiptoe, scuttling to another corner, then another, and another until he’d lost himself in the multiple short alleys in the back. Fear had spiked his breath, and he panted as he calmed himself, no longer able to hear the booted steps of the clanners nor their curses. Right… get back to the dungeon and disappear into the crowd of soldiers… oh… find another for my shift! He scrounged through his coin purse as he headed back rapidly, wanting to return and find a replacement before any clanners might show up at the beginners dungeon.

* * *

Gwenvair remained in the inner clan, tension screwing its way up her spine. Kilniara at her side helped calm her, but her mother’s sudden meeting with the Bunarl clan representative left her too concerned to relax. Why … he shouldn’t be here, yet. There is no need, the tax is … still weeks away. He should not be…

“First in Line for Matriarch. The Matriarch is calling for you. Please arrive, if you would.”

Gwenvair blinked and turned to see the small messenger bent at the waist, bowing towards her.

“The Matriarch calls for me?”

“Yes, First in Line for Matriarch.”

“Yes. And your sister as well.”

Gwenvair looked over at Kilniara, then back to the messenger, “Is there any additional news?”

“No, mistress. But all is well, mistress. The Matriarch only seeks to inform you of Eccentric Joe.”

“My King? There is news?”

“He has entered the beginner dungeon with his apprentices.”

Gwenvair breathed deeply at that, then hid her smile, “We will arrive immediately.”

Gwenvair then turned away and begin walking towards the audience hall. Kilniara came to her side, sliding in close to her side.

“Is all well?”

“Joe has chosen to disregard the overlord clan’s call for rest. He went to the beginner dungeon.”

Kilniara’s eyes widened in shock; worry, fear, awe, and uncertainty warring across her face, “Is… he OK? Is all ok?”

Gwenvair looked at Kilniara and smiled softly, “You think an overlord clan has any say over an eleven digit?”

Kilniara calmed slightly but wasn’t quite certain, “No?”

Gwenvair chuckled softly, “No. Absolutely not.”

Kilniara relaxed in relief but then giggled, “Truly?”

Gwenvair’s smile morphed into a grin, “Truly.”

Kilniara began giggling, “He is… overbearing.”

Gwenvair sighed, “And it is… wonderful to have it so against the …”

Kilniara glanced at Gwenvair, noticing her evil grin and happy schadenfreude over the representative’s dismay but both fell silent as walls always had ears. They traveled gracefully but quickly through the hallways until they arrived at her mother’s audience hall, waiting at the door to be announced. The announcement made Gwenvair’s eyebrow rise quickly before she quickly schooled her face. Huh… mom’s not restraining herself.

“Announcing Gwenvair, Queen to the great Eccentric Joe, eleven digit adventurer, slaughterer of monster tides, destroyer of Boss slimes, killer of Guardian City Killers, and ender of tide masters. And sister Kilniara.”

Gwenvair stepped into the audience hall at that and struggled to keep her smile hidden. She kept her focus on the Matriarch, as was appropriate but made sure to quickly take in the Bunarl representative’s features. Hmm. Tense and concerned, but a little angry, it seems. Mother wishes to point out Joe’s great strength and she wished to distance me from the clan? I must speak for Joe, then? She came forward and bowed shallowly to her mother, replying with respect but as one who was at least an equal.

“Matriarch. How may I help you?”

She stood back up and noticed her mother’s soft smile and she hid her own smile, acknowledging their mutual understanding. Her mother settled forward in her seat while also bowing her own head in respect to her. Cradle! Mother is really playing this up!

“Queen of Joe. We ask after Joe and his intentions. Is all well with the eccentric?”

OK. Accentuate the relationship Joe has with the clan… “All is well. I could seek out my husband if you wish? He likely simply desires to maintain his exercise and growth. He has been diligent since the day I have known him to always seek out a dungeon or some location to fight monsters to develop himself and his apprentices. Do you wish for me to seek him out?”

Her mother paused at that and glanced towards the Bunarl clan representative. The Bunarl representative looked at her, very cautiously pausing for some time before nodding carefully, “If his Queen would be willing to do so?”

Gwenvair turned to the Bunarl clan and offered a shallow nod, slightly deeper than the one she offered to her mother as the Bunarl clan was of higher status, “Of course, Clan Bunarl representative, I am willing to speak to my husband.”

“I am grateful for your consideration,” he replied.

The representative sat back at that and Gwenvair took that as a dismissal and spoke before turning away, “I will seek out my husband shortly.”

They both turned and left heading out to the audience hall. They walked beside each other, jittery with nervous yet excited energy but remained silent until they’d left the inner clan walls into the empty inner city. They passed the clan gate and mutually chose to turn the nearest corner to simply get out of sight of the gate. As soon as they did so, they both exploded into jittery excitement, quiet celebration had them bouncing in the street while simultaneously holding one another, soft cries of glee echoing out but barely heard past the corner. Kilniara’s glee… pretty contagious… and its fun to not have to worry about my face! Ha! Just be myself!

* * *

The Bunarl representative watched as the eccentric’s Queen left the audience hall and he ground his teeth in anger, figuratively, of course, as he had no desire to reveal his upset. How can there be an eleven digit in this pig sty! No eleven digit would be here! He must be duping these country fools somehow… but to have an ulvan Queen! The representative took a slow sip of tea, listening to the banal conversation of the various lowborn clanners around him, but he did take a moment to glance towards his right hand man, his eyes floating across him only briefly. It was enough for the man to nod in return and disappear into the crowd, already following after the eccentric’s wives. Let me see who this man is.

* * *

Joe found the experience of fighting in an empty dungeon a bit disconcerting, especially as there were normally dozens, even close to a hundred on the first floor alone, taking turns killing and resting in the safe healing field. To be alone, with the safe zone completely theirs was strange. However, it was also quite nice to be able to simply step out, kill a few goblins, then step back into the safe zone where his pooled resources quickly rejuvenated. Morning passed quickly as did his growth and he found himself leveling up a bit faster today than normal, especially because it seemed the boys were able to fight more regularly and there were more goblins available for them to pull. Maybe came earlier, too? No line in the morning… but… whatever…

Joe and the boys fought pretty well and about a third of the way through their time, Garnedell successfully hit level twenty in specialist. By now, Garnedell was much calmer if still not too excited about the job changes coming his way, especially once he’d escaped the blue of commoner and started into the tan metropolitan jobs. He’d been quite surprised when the light green specialist colored his status, but it was nothing compared to the shock and following excitement that Garnedell showed when Joe was able to finally get him into the education line of jobs after Garnedell hit level twenty in specialist and unlocked the crafting, education and nobility lines. Of course, Garnedell didn’t notice or understand it but the new yellow of education jobs that colored his status after Joe swapped him to the educated job proved incredibly shocking to Garnedell. He’d been flabbergasted for some time before whooping loudly in surprise and joy while leaping and staring at his job status.

Zilnek had come over after that to ask after what had happened and also stared in shock upon seeing Garnedell’s yellow status.

“How… when!? You… a scholar?”

Garnedell whooped again even as he shouted and leaped, “Master… master did it. He promised… and he did it!”

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