Chapter : - Jab’s Story, Part One: The Blue Tint Of Fondness
[ This chapter is meant to be read after the Chapter 19 and before the Chapter 20. It is an auxiliary chapter expending on one of the main character's back story. So not reading it, or reading it at any other moment in the story, would not drastically change the narrative of the normal volumes and chapters progression, but I still recommend reading it after Chapter 19 for the best experience! Thank You! ]
Lab's Remote Outer Residential Area
10 years old
My body keeps trying to puke. But I have nothing left to give. I'm empty. I already painted the ground with my bile. I vomited all over the fresh returned soil in which I buried my brother. I hope he won't resent me for leaving the rope around his neck. I tried removing it; I just couldn't. My fingers were so weak and shaking. I felt my strength leaving my body the longer I stared at his corpse; the longer my hands touched the cold flesh around his broken neck. I really did try to remove it; I just didn't have that kind of strength left in me. I'm sorry, brother.
I never resented you. Ever. The day you found me wandering around, starving, you became my hero. People could say what they wanted about you, your drinking habits or how you lived your life, but they never understood a damn thing about you. But I did. But in the end, I guess I never truly understood you either. I never resented you, even now, after leaving me alone. I'm not mad. I'm just, devastated. Why would you do something like that? People say: do not cry, when someone dies, just because they wouldn't want you to. That's fucking bullshit. You know what you did. You knew I'd cry under your hovering legs all day long. I'm not mad. I'm just lost. What were you expecting me to do when all you left behind for me was your booze and your hanged corpse?
I lied when I said I had nothing left. I do. I should have said I have nothing I care about left. When you found me, I was walking down a path of lies and corruption. But you pulled me out of this accursed contract without knowing it. But now, all I can do is go back to them. I have to. I don't have you to bring me food anymore. Now the only people that will, are them. They fed me after my parents died; food just isn't free. I never thought I'd have to see them again though. But you left me with no choice, brother. All I can do now is leave this place and walk back into the devil's den. The Lab.
I have very little memory of my mom and dad. I was very young when a Hollow took them from me. But the only thing I remember them teaching me is how evil The Lab is. If there is such a thing as a family legacy, it has to be it. My only core memory as a child is my dad telling me how the weirdly dressed people are bad guys. And yet, I blemished his last souvenir by breaking a deal with them. Now that you're gone, I'll just have to go to them again. This is goodbye, brother.
If I remember, I should be getting to the spot soon. It's funny. I used to come here all the time since I can remember. But no matter how familiar this place came to be, it never felt welcoming. Even now, I dread it. But it's a necessity. It's for survival. Or at least, that's what I want to believe. Oh, there it is. I see the guard. Why is he there? It's not like they knew I was coming.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up after all this time. The rumors were right, then. You just made me lose big here. I bet that you were dead. But look at you, all well and alive. Who would have thought? Here to work for us again?"
"What do you think?"
"Damn son, you talk back now? You didn't only grow taller, but you also grew a pair?"
"I just came to put my name in so I can go back and do my job. Where's Doc?"
"Oh, haha! No need to call him in. He already knew you'd be coming back. He had somehow prepared everything already. That old man is always a step ahead of everyone. How did he know you were coming back now? Well, who cares? We have your box all set and ready, just meet me back here whe-"
"I got it."
Nothing changed. I'm back to where I was before. I've been walking for a bit now. But I should be getting there soon, according to the guard. I wonder if the lead was true or not. I hope not. I prefer when the rumors end up being false. Makes it easier for everyone. It still surprises me that I can keep doing this job. I mean, I have been doing it for all my life. I'd assume words of me would have started running around. I wouldn't be surprised if I got caught. Oh well. That wouldn't be so bad.
Here I am. I went and checked in the back. No clues. There almost never is. People are clever. They aren't stupid enough to hide anything in plain sight outside. They do everything inside. I had hoped I could get all the info I needed by looking through the creaks but, no luck. Looks like I'll knock in front.
"What'd you kid want?"
"Sorry, Miss. I am just looking for a place to stay."
"We don't have room for you. Now leave."
"Please, my family died and my house was destroyed; I have nowhere to go."
"Sorry to hear that. But you're not the only kid with that story. Happens every day. We barely have enough to get through just by ourselves. What'd you think would happen if we let all the orphans come in? We already picked up a stranded kid. We don't need another. We'd starve. And you would too. Now go ask somewhere else."
"I understand, Miss, but it would just be for this time. I'll sleep here and I'll leave as soon as I wake up. Please."
I think she believed I wouldn't hear her curse under her breath.
"Hurgh. Sure. You'll sleep on the floor."
"Thank you, Miss."
I always found it strange. Most people accept to let me in under the pretext I need a place to sleep. But that doesn't make any sense. Inside or outside, I still sleep on the ground. Inside or outside, it isn't any safer from Hollows; like being inside a flimsy, organized pile of scraps would protect anyone. But I guess it's just psychological. And you get intimacy, I guess. It doesn't matter. I successfully infiltrated their home. Now I just need to wait for everyone to be asleep.
Everyone is fast asleep. So far, there's the dad, the mom and the kid. Nothing abnormal. He must be the lost kid they let in. He's not of age to enter the Foundation yet. They aren't hiding him. They are probably using him as a price token. They will sell him off as a soldier for The Foundation soon enough. They could have kept me, too, also as a trade. But the both of us here would be too high maintenance. They are playing it safe with just him. Classic.
Finally. I looked in all the rooms, but I finally found it. There's a trap on the floor here. I really hope I'm wrong, but there are definitely kids down there. Everyone works the same way. They hide their own kid, so they don't get drafted. But that way, they don't get payment in food and supplies from The Foundation. To counter that, they get orphans or just straight up steal other people's kids to ensure payment. People are so simple. Some may think they are evil; I don't. I just think they aren't given any other choice. Like me. Or maybe that's just the answer that makes us feel better; that lets us go through life without too much torment.
Damn it. I just needed to lift the trap and get a peak. They have daughters. The oldest would be of age to become a Soldier. The other sister is too young, for now. I'm sure Doc will be delighted to hear about them. I could spare them. Leave. Tell the man there was nothing here. Skipping a meal wouldn't kill me. But I would need to eat at some point. And if I spare them and sell the next family I see, I'll just feel like I specifically chose them.
I know. I tried. But every time I put it off and wait, sparing families, skipping my chance to get food until my ribs try to pierce out my sides, and I finally give in, I feel like I purposely picked a family. Like I chose my victims, sending them off to die as Soldiers. If I just listen to what I'm told, it puts me under the impression that I'm not at fault. I know very well that this is just a delusion. But delusions are all I have.
But also, the longer I wait, the more dangerous it is for me. If I skip on payment, there is no telling I'll ever find a house hiding kids ever again. If I take the chance to wait for another assignment, I might not be as lucky. It's a bet, and knowing my luck, I tend not to make any. Even more when it's my life that's in play.
I'm sorry. You're all sleeping innocently. But when you wake up, you'll have Soldiers barging in. They will take away your daughter. And the youngest sister will be cursed. There's no hiding her now; she'll follow the same path her sister will. Because of me. Because my family and my life were ruined, I am ruining yours. I'm sorry. I truly am. But I'm not sad. I'm used to it now. And if I was ever to feel sad, I'd just tell myself the same lie I always did: It's just fair. Why would their children not be taken while others do? Why would they get to sell away any orphan they get their hands on to protect their kids? They can't escape it. It's only fair.
"Good job, kiddo! Here's your check! Oof, that box is heavy! There you go!"
"Actually, I'd like to request changes."
"What? You serious right now? You used to always take whatever shit we gave you. What's different now?"
"It's 'cause I'd like some of this."
I'm showing him my brother's bottle of alcohol I carry with me, but he's making a weird face. Does he not recognize it?
"Well, kid, I can tell this is some strong booze, but I ain't seen that kind before. Where'd you get that?"
"It's a, hmm, a gift."
"A gift? Holy shit! Who the fuck gives alcohol to such a young kid? You Outsiders are into some next-level shit, that's for sure. I don't know who gave you that, boy, but that person ain't got it from us."
"I see. Nevermind then. I'll jus-"
"Hold on now, my boy. Don't be so hasty."
That voice. I only heard it a few times before, but I'd recognize it any time. Doc.
"Why don't you go on a break for a bit? You must be tired."
"Thank you, Sir!"
Now it's just the old man and me.
"Look at you, son. You're so big now. How have you been doing?"
"What do you want?"
"Why, don't be so shy now. I'm no stranger, am I, son? I haven't seen you in so long; I'm just glad I get to talk with you."
"I have nothing to discuss with you. I will be on my way now."
"That's too bad then, my boy. And here I wanted to tell you how to get your hands on more of that exquisite liquid of yours."
"What do you mean?"
"Haha, look who's open for discussion. Aren't you a funny kid, my boy? Well, it just so happens that I know rumors of where those bottles are manufactured. And as good friends that we are, I wanted to inform you. That's all."
"I ain't your friend, but I still want to know. Where is it?"
"Interested, are we? Lucky for you, your next assignment is at the same place. Isn't that fantastic, my boy?"
"So what, you want to send me to check on the rumors of illegally manufactured alcohol so I can shut down their business?"
"Why no, I would never, son! I would never do that to my esteemed people."
"We aren't your people. We're your merchandise."
"My my, why would you say something like that?"
"Drop the act with me. We both know us Outsiders are only good to your cause when we are either dead or fighting until we are."
"You really are a fucking pain in the ass. Just like the sorry excuse for a dad your old man was. Now you listen here, you piece of shit."
There he is.
"I could let you die for all I care. But here I am, giving you work opportunities. Show some gratitude and shut the fuck up. You want the lead or not?"
"I do."
"Good. It's an isolated shelter. I don't give a fuck about their alcoholic contraband. All you guys are good for is breeding and getting drunk. While you're drinking, you're not throwing fits or protesting at my fucking doors, so. Works for me. No. All I need you to do is the same as always. This place is bound to have some stupid brats hiding around. Got it?"
"I do. But tell me. Why don't you do it yourself? Why have me do it?"
"Why do you think I owe you an explanation? But sure. It's cause they let their guard down when it's a brat. A kid of their own kind at that. If I were to go or send my Soldiers, it would just make them more warry; and consequently, make the job harder. Even so, it would just cause riots and unnecessary killing."
"Since when did you care about killing us?"
"I could slaughter a whole lot of you all and still go to bed the same night with no issue falling asleep. But I always find myself not being able to stop when it comes to spilling your kin's blood. But if I kill all of you bastards, who would breed me Soldiers? Right. That's why, lucky for you, I tend to avoid conflict. I never know when I might lose it and end you people. So take your itinerary and go do your job. Now piss off."
I hate his fake personality. Everybody thinks he's some sort of perfect being. But I know how much of an asshole he is. My dad did too. From the look of it, sounds like Doc hated him. My dad must have given him a hard time. Good. Now that he's gone, I feel like I have to take his place and make sure I make Doc's life harder. Though right now, I'm doing exactly what he's telling me to do.
I still have a ways to go before getting to the shelter. I didn't bring the box with me. I never do. It is literally impossible to carry around that huge crate, and they know it. So every time, I only bring a handful of necessities, usually food pills and hydration bags. I took less than usual though; my brother's stash is taking up more space than I expected. Makes it hard to walk around. But it's totally worth it.
It tastes so bad, though. It took me a while before I was able to actually drink some without spitting it out or choking on it. I don't know how he could drink that shit all day. In the beginning, when I could get through a bottle, I would get sick and feel horrible for a couple of days. Now, it's not as bad. But the taste didn't change; it's still disgusting. But I don't drink for the trip of it. I just feel closer to him. To you. Or to what I remember the most about you. You never allowed me to drink any of your bottles when we were together. You said they were bad and that I should leave them all to you. But now you're gone and somebody's gotta take over, so, cheers.
I should be getting close by now. I wonder if Doc was right. Is this really the place they are producing these bottles? Is that where my brother was getting them from? I'm curious to see what kind of place this is; a place my brother had ties to. He used to leave me most of the time to go somewhere. He never told me where. He just said he was heading off to earn his pay. This might be the place. Maybe they will be able to tell me more about him. But, what if it turns out there are some kids hidden away there? I'd have to sell them off, won't I? Or maybe I could go against myself, and spare them. I guess we will see.
"Please, Mister."
"I told you, kid. I'm running a business here. I can't burden myself with your presence. Now go ask somewhere else."
Damn it. My usual tactic is not working. He just won't listen. Or I think he just doesn't care about what I have to say. I guess my lies only go so far. But what if.
"I could work for you."
"... You? Work for me? What would that do me? What makes you think I value a brat like you to do any good to my business?"
"My brother. I think he might have worked for you. Maybe. If I'm right, there must have been a worker who hasn't come to work lately. Am I right?"
"Hmm. Maybe. What about it?"
"Like I said. I could work in his place. That way, I won't be burdening you."
"Hmm. You think you can do as much as your brother?"
"I don't know, but I can try."
"Hun. Usually, when people are trynna get a job, they tend to be more confident and pride themself. You're kinda underselling yourself here, kid."
"Well, I actually just don't know if I can be as good as him, so. All I can do is try."
"Hmm. What happened to your brother?"
"He died."
"I could figure that much. It's not unusual around here. I meant how did he? Hollow?"
"Umm, no. He umm.. He took his life."
"Hmm. … Go around and meet me in the back."
What is this place? So many people just come and go. There isn't that much alcohol. Sure, some do leave with a couple of bottles, but most of them just take some of the things that are lying around everywhere. There's so much. People just come in with stuff and exchange it with something else in this place. I guess it's just a trading desk. I don't even know what most of the things here are. But what about the alcohol? Were they not producing it after all?
"Come on kid, this way. This is where you'll be working."
In the basement? What is there? … Wait. This place. This is it. It has to be where they are producing alcohol. There are a lot of weird devices and boxes. The smell is also very strong. And bad. There isn't anyone else. Is there nobody else working now?
"Kid, listen here. This is serious. I'm putting everything at risk by letting you here. I'm risking everything precious to me, do you understand?"
"I do."
"Ok. That's good. I trust you kid. If you are to ever do anything that goes against what I say, if you are to ever say anything about what you see here, I don't know what I'll be capable of. Do you understand?"
"I do."
"Good. For as long as you protect my secret, I will keep you safe. Now come out girls."
Girls came out of the door. They are older than me. Probably not of age for the Foundation. But close. So that's his secret. His daughters. Damn it. Why did Doc have to be right, again? Of course. That man built a whole business to cover for his daughters. That way, he still gets to feed them without having to sell off any other kid. And here I am, about to ruin all of this. I wish I never came here.
"My daughters will show you the ropes. You start right now."
The job is not that bad. It's pretty repetitive, though. It gets pretty tiring after a while. The oldest sister needs to rest quite often. She looks ill. But she's trying her best. Her little sister is very hard at work. She's very efficient. She never stops. She's also kinda cute. I have to tell myself not to stare so much, but there's just something about her. And her hair, I never saw anyone with blue hair before. It looks good on her.
They are very kind to me. They took the time to teach me and make sure I understood everything. This is all not so bad; it's the worst thing that could ever happen. What should I do? Even if it goes against my own rules, I just don't think I can bring myself to sell them off. But then, what can I do?
It crossed my mind before but, could I, possibly, stay here? Is it wrong of me to do so? But I feel like, if the father really does need someone to work for him, wouldn't he want to keep me as long as possible? We didn't talk about how long I was going to stay here, so. I guess I can just lay low and see how it goes.
Though, if I don't meet with Doc or his men they will grow suspicious; it might push them to send people here. If they do, it will ruin the whole point: keeping them safe. That means I'll have to ask the dad to leave for a while, so I can tell Doc and his men there was nothing here. But that also means I'll have to keep accepting jobs and continuously lie and meet them every so often, while I'd actually just be coming here instead. Hopefully, that will work.
"What's up, Shopkeep?"
"Hey there, my guy! What do you got for me this time?"
"Oh boy! Probably my biggest haul ever!"
"Damn. I guess business is good for you these days."
"Yeah well, I kinda wish they weren't."
A man walked into the shop, a large sack on his shoulders. He walked up to the owner, throwing the messy bag on the counter under a ruckus of clanking noises. He used a scrap of fabric tied to his well-worn trousers to wipe the dirty sweat off of his pearling forehead. He isn't as young as he used to be.
"Why is that? With merchandise like these, you should be happy. You'll get a good price here."
The shopkeeper was talking as he was investigating the insides of that pouch.
"Yeah, I know that. It's just that the number of families dying and houses getting destroyed near my place is getting kinda wild. I get more spots to scavenge, that's for sure. But at this rate, soon enough it'll be some other dude scavenging my house and my corpse."
"I guess you're right."
"Yeah. And it's not like I trust the Foundation to do anything in time. They always seem to show up too late. Fuckers."
"Yeah. Can't ever trust them."
"Oh yeah! You just reminded me! These bastards started buying our own people to become spies."
"Wait, what? Who would ever want to side with them, paid or not?"
"I don't know, man. Lately, I just heard people talking about how there's a spy kid walking around and stuff."
"Spy kid? What could that even do?"
"I mean, you should watch out. I heard he walks up to people's houses claiming he's an orphan or something. After you let him in, he just goes and rats you out. Who knows what the Lab would do if they heard about your little business here, man."
The man froze as he was listening to his customer. He felt his heart drop. His vision blurred as his ears started ringing. His knees banged on the counter as he felt them weakened, almost dropping him on the floor.
"Just thought I'd let you know. We gotta watch each other's backs. Plus, would be a shame for me if your shop was to be taken dow-"
"I- I have to go."
"Wha- But what about our transac-
"Take whatever the fuck you want and leave."
The owner jumped over the counter and ran to a back door. The image of his daughters and his newest employee flashed in his head. He was seeing red.
That fucking kid. I'll kill him.
The man rampaged through his own abode, all the way down to his personal factory. He burst inside the brewery like a madman; his glare was slicing around the room until he found his victim. He never thought life would bring him to a point where he would hurt a kid. However, here he is.
He rushed to the kid and kicked him in the stomach. He started whaling on him. His overbearing feeling of protection towards his daughter had thrown him into a blind rage. The ease at which his blows were throwing the helpless kid around the room was frightening. If only he could realize what he was doing. His daughters could; they were mortified. They were screaming and crying, but nothing was reaching him in his frenzy.
"You little fucker! You think I wouldn't find out about you? You're here to rat on my daughters, aren't you? You fucking bastard! I won't let you say a damn word about them! Nobody will take them away, you hear me! I'll fucking kill you!"
The kid was about to pass out. His body could not take in the heavy pummeling it was getting. He wasn't trying to defend himself. Perhaps he felt like it didn't matter if he did or not. Or maybe he felt like he deserved this beating. He for sure thought he was gonna die, for no one was going to save him. Why would anyone want to save someone like him? Or so he thought.
The youngest sibling snapped out of her shock and jumped on her father. She tried to forcefully stop him before he ended up killing this kid.
"Dad, stop! What are you doing!?"
"Get the fuck off me!"
The man impulsively pushed away his own daughter, making him lose balance and trip on his own feet. He immediately turned back around and threw himself toward his target. Just in time, the girl jumped between the two of them. She directly took the heavy hit, protecting the beaten child. The blood running down her face mixing up with her tears, worked like a magic potion; it brought her father back to reality.
He couldn't breathe for an instant. He stared at his bleeding daughter and the barely alive body he left behind her. His heart and lungs painfully squeezed inside him. His bruised up and trembling hands were slowly approaching the delicate face of his precious child. She backed off from fear. That broke him. His wheezing breath was cut off every now and then by compulsory retchings. It overcame him: despair.
Holding to consciousness, the kid could barely see what was happening through his swollen eyes. But before passing out, he was able to clearly see a stripe of blue glowing before him. As he just almost gave up on life, it spoke to him; it felt special. He was proven that he was worth saving, something he thought absurd. His life was saved, valued by someone else. He felt something new in him. He grew in affection for this girl. This hue; he will remember it forever. As he will remember this sense of fondness.