Bunker 12

Chapter 34: - Preparation

"What?! How!?"

"I don't know, but this is the most fucked up shit I've seen these bastards pull."

"Venom was right to be worried then. This is insane."

"Yeah, no shit."

"If we can't beat it, we need to at least report back. We need to let people know about this. I'll stay. You head back."

"Not doing that."

"Rowdy, I'm serious. This is bad. We nee-"

"I'm serious too. I'm not leaving you alone with this bitch."

"I'll stall and you'll be able to get reinforcement."

"You won't be able to hold it down for that long before getting yourself killed."

"Look, it doesn't seem aggressive. It's only observing us. My guess would be that it's strong on defense but has barely any offense options."

"Maybe it's not attacking now, but we don't know what it'll do if I leave and it realizes the odds ain't against him no more."

"Then what do we do?"

"I don't fucking know. You figure it out. That's why I asked to pair with you to begin with."

"Damn it."

Wig rarely lost her cool, and it was even rarer for her to let it show in front of her peers. None could ever judge her, however, for this threat was unprecedented. 

Still, The Necromancer is well aware of her reputation, or at the very least, her intellect's. She must come up with something. And she will. Lucky for her, the Junkie had some insight she didn't.

"Something has been irritating me though. He pisses me off. Bastard doesn't even look at me when he fights. He quite literally looks everywhere else but at me. I ain't that ugly you piece of shit."

"... Wait. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. Quite fucking sure, thanks."

"... That would mean...'

"Ay now, don't let me out of this. Share with the class. Come on, show your progress."


"Alright then."

"Are you sure? This is reckless. Even for you."

"Don't worry. Pain and I go way back but, Death hasn't reached out to me just yet. I got this."

"Not sure if that's a good thing but I'll take your word for it. Let's get started then."

A morbid cold engulfed the room. Silent as a murmur, piercing as a shriek. A deep lavender fog poisoned the air. Her eyes glowing white, The Necromancer entered a trance. 

Still immobile since its last scuffle, the demon snarled as the thick aura tickled its nose. Nonchalantly, The Junkie pulled on his shirt and ripped it right off of his body. He rolled his head back, cracking the tension away from his sore neck, before rolling the rust off of his shoulders. He then closed his eyes.

With her palms pressed together, she gathered all her energy before immediately releasing it in a burst. Rapidly, her coiffe expanded tremendously and spread across the entire cave. 

Instantly, the beast and the bruiser found themselves in unquenchable darkness, sealed away in a massive sphere of impenetrable shadow strings. One of the duelists used its evolutionary potential to instantaneously adapt to the sudden change in lighting. The other spat on the ground.

"Try me bitch."

While they are fundamentally unable to communicate in any way possible, the monster still ended up doing what the Commander wanted it to. And succeeded. Quite well at that. 

Not even half a second had passed since Wig erected her dome that Rowdy felt fleshy claws slice his ribs. The instant the attack connected, The Junkie blindly wailed his forearm towards the pain, hoping to backhand his assailant. As he expected: it didn't connect. 

Completely camouflaged by the shadows, the Hollow was invisible. No. Paired with its innate ability, it was invincible. With a soundproof hit-and-run tactic, the monster was relentlessly tearing the soldier apart, safe from any counterattack. Not that the Commander wasn't trying to retaliate. He gave it everything he had.

His eyes still closed, Rowdy was furiously punching the air with increasing power every time he was damaged. All in vain. The Commander kept paying his toll in flesh and blood while still unable to even graze the Hollow.

However, as their unprecedented bout showed no sign of rest, their fated arena began to morph rapidly: Menacingly shrinking. The beast caught up to it and was immediately poisoned by a devouring rage. Crawling around the spherical mesh of hair, digging its serrated claws through its sombre lust, it failed to even cut the smallest strand of the Necromancer's mane. 

At the epicentre of all this, the bloody soldier was patiently smiling. Slowly but surely, as a result of Wig's immense display of aura, the unbreakable cell was drastically closing in on the two prisoners. Now aware of its helplessness, the Hollow focused back on the only thing it could overpower. Or so it thought.


"That's it. It can only teleport to where it's looking at."


"It has to be."

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"I can't. It's all based on what you said. Our success depends on how certain you are."

"Well, I'm pretty damn sure of it."

"Alright then. So all we need to do is block its view."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?"

"I'll do it. I'll pin it down inside my trap. But... To kill it..."

"... You'll have to lock me up with him. Ah. Well fuck."

"There has to be another way."

"Probably. But that don't matter. It works. So we'll do it."

"I'll be able to reduce the trap, I'll be using most of my power to ensure it's resilient enough so it won't be able to escape. That means it'll take more time to shrink it. You'll be stuck with it for a while."

"That's fine. Then what?"

"Well it's pretty straightforward. Once the cage is small enough, it won't have anywhere else to flee so..."


Walls of hair were pressing it from all angles, it was fully cornered. Hands fueled by boiling adrenaline appeared out of nowhere and brutally squeezed its neck. The Hollow felt the warm breath, of what used to be its prey, graze its face.

"That's when I strike."

His body horribly mauled, Rowdy felt a surge of strength like no other possess him. With little to no effort, he ripped the monster's head off in one swift movement. 

"Fuck you."

Sensing a change in atmosphere, Wig had a valid hunch the battle was over. Gracefully, her hair softly opened up and retracted back to her, slowly revealing the gore spectacle that undergo within her cover.


She could but only have sorrow and fear looking at the blood-soaked Lieutenant. Most would be dead by now. Yet he was standing. Another day goes by as Death remains hidden. Getting ever slightly closer.

"I'm fine. I don't feel anything yet. Let's get the fuck out of here before I do."

"... Ok. I'll bring the body to Venom's spot."

"Good, 'cause I sure didn't plan to take care of the delivery. Let's bounce. I need a drink."


"You again. I sure be seein' yo face around lately little little lady!"

"Oh! Hahaha, yeah. Abou that…"

Spike looked embarrassed. I've never seen her like that before really. Maybe forge looks intimidating to her. I get it.

"Oh no, do not worry at all. It ain't no problem to me. My girl seems to like havin' ya here. It's just that this place be getting more and more crowded. It started with this guy and now you. Man, i sure have been slacking off."

"And that's a good thing, dad."

The older daughter came of nowhere. I haven't seen her in a bit. I'm guessing she's doing all she can to avoid me. Fair enough.

"Oh well. I don't know about all them sword training shits Slash be putting you girls up to, but I do be glad you can be good friends. Friends are important. More than killing things with a sword."

"Sure, Dad. Sure. Well, don't mind us. We're leaving to go do some… Things friends do."

"Right. No lethal metal swinging or killing practice involved or anything like that, I'm sure."

"Nope. Just some girls being girls. Right Smiley?"

"... Yes."

"Hun hun. Just don't stay up too late. And be safe. Doing the friend trainings."

"Love you Dad!"

And just like that, she ran out of the house, dragging Spike with her. 

"That girl, I swear. Stubborn just like her mother. Thank everything her little sister is still pure and innocent. I must cherish it while it last."

He's just talking to himself. Now that I think about it. He does that quite a lot. It must be because of what he said. He used to be alone here. Alone with his daughters that is. I guess when you haven't talk with anybody in a while you just start talking by yourself. Not that I'm any better. I'm doing the exact same thing right now. Just not out loud.

"Hey, man."

Wait. Me?


"You mind doin' somethin' for me?"

"What is it?"

"I've got a box I gotta send back at the old Lab. Think you can do it for me? I can't leave my youngest here alone."

"Sure. Can I ask what's in it."

"Hmm. Just my debt I gotta pay off if I want to live in peace with my girls."


"Most of it. Just give it to Doc or anybody who'll give it to him. I'm sure you know your way around there more than I do. You'lll be fine."


"Thanks man. Appreciate it."


I don't know why I accepted. I guess it doesn't hurt to help him out for what he did for me. Still. Now I'm stuck walking around with this heavy box. It's heavier than I thought. And for some reason my whole body is sore. But why? I can't remember… I thought I was free of this amnesia non sense. I am still not completely out of this? It's as if I was asleep for a few days. Why?

This is not good. Wasn't I suppose to go on a mission? Why can't I remember? Did I not go? Just thinking about it hurts. Doesn't matter. I'll figure it out. I just need to get this package delivered. I don't know if I'll find Doc. I also don't really to see him. The less I have to do with him the better I feel. He gives me anxiety.

Maybe I'll just find some guy working for him. Like that tall guy. Adam. He seems legit. From what i've seen of him at least. Though, I don't know how I'll find him. It sure won't be out here in the middle of these rubles an-


"Huh- wha?"

He's quite literally right there. Why?

"Why are you here?"

" Ehh, Akuma. You.. I- I don't have time to talk right now."

"That's ok. I just need to this to reach Doc. It's from Forge."

"Oh, well I-. Like I said I don't really have time for this."

"Oh. Yeah that's ok. I'll just go see Doc directly. Do you know if he's available right no-"

"You know what? No need to go see him. Leaver it at the entrance of the Lab. I got it."

"Oh, ok."

"Here you g- Argh! What the fuc-. Hugh. You guys are all trouble."

What happened? He just dropped the box.

"I always forgot you kids are all crazy. Just give me a moment."

Is he just gonna leave the box here. I really can just do it. Wait. He's playing with his bracelet.

"Hey, James. When you get this, I've marked the location of a parcel intended for the Boss. Shit's heavy. Make sure you send enough manpower. Alright. All good. I need to go now."

"Wait. What are you doing here?"

"Huh? I- That has nothing to do with you. Sorry kid. I'm leaving."

I guess that's fair. I don't know why I even asked. I just wonder why he would be here at all.


Infinity. She underdands it now. She's seen it. It is not a void of emptiness. Quite the opposite actually. A bottom less and never ending cycle of chores. While she has been working on fixing her new home for hours, she is yet to see any progress at all. Morale is low. But it keeps her mind busy. That's what Rose tells herself at least.

The shelter is quite large. Much sizeable than she had imagined when leaving the walls of her home. Even though she might have wished it was much smaller in this very instant; Less cleaning. But that was a good thing. A big home. To start fresh. To feel safe. Even if the size of it does not affect in any way it's safeness. Psychologically, it made sense. And she needed all the placebo she could get to convince herself departure was a good move.

Now that the main room wasn't cluttered with debris anymore, she allowed herself a well deserved break. Scavenging through the limited ressources she was able to rescue, Rose found enough to quench her worker's thirst and her hunger for two. Swiping the sudor escaping through her bandana keeping her golden hair out of the way, she smeared dust on her sweaty forehead. 

Sitting in silence in this unknown place, she could feel the dread creeping on her. Or maybe she was just imagining she started to be afraid, which led to its birth in the first place. Nonetheless, she knew she wasn't going to take too long of a break.

"I'm only starting. There's so much left to do."

"You still did a lot already."

She couldn't help but get startled, She didn't hear him enter.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry."

"Fuck. No it's ok."

"We need a password don't we?"

"Better yet. We need a door. So you can knock, you know?"


She unconsciously stood up and accepted Adam's embraced as he softly hugged her from behind. 

"Don't mind my, shall I say, moisture."

James laughed softly. He could tell by the feel of her clothes that she had been hard at work.

"How can you say something so gross yet so seductive?"

"I think that's a you thing."


"Most definitively. Anyways. I should get back to work."

"Take a break. I got it from now."

"You just came back from your job. You must be tired."

"Nah. Just some boring bureaucracy today. It was quiet. I guess I should be happy about that. You don't see that often."

"Still. We would make faster progress if we worked on this together."

"Maybe. But we're in no real hurry. Just lay down for a bit."

"Alright. Then I'll watch you work just so I can sigh and role my eyes at every minor error you might do as I do nothing to help you."

"Great. We'll be like a true couple. The real thing."


They couldn't help but giggle at their own corny commentary. James unbuttoned his outer layer before laying it down on the dusty table occupying the otherwise empty room. His eyes venture across the walls and the ceiling as he slowly folded the sleeves of his shirt, ready as he could be to apprehend this beast of a cleaning task. 


"Things have been weird lately haven't they?"

"What do you mean?"

The two young women were resting in their respective beds, on atop the other. Savvy was nervously playing with her hair as Rouge was nonchalantly laying on her back with her hands behind her head. 

They were quite close, the two of them. Rouge was the first friend she had made since she abandoned the inner city. The first friend she ever made at all actually. Being tow young girls on the same squad for so long, it brings you close. Savvy couldn't help but lay her anxiety on her bottom bunk partner. 

"I mean. We started real mission now. Things are rough."

"That's a fucking understatement girl."

Rouge dry and direct humor always made her friend laugh.

"Haha no, I know. I'm just saying. We just… Face death so often now. And we… don't talk anymore. Everybody is so tense. I get that haninging out like we used to would feel weird, but."

"It would ease the mood a little."


"Yeah, well. You won't have a hard time convincing me. But you're gonna have a hard time with the boys."



"Well I don't know. Even if i wish he would slow down on the drinking, I don't think it would be that hard to get Jab to hang out at the bar. Mute well…"

"It must be rough for him, huh?"

"Yeah I know. I can't even imagine. But wouldn't that make even more sense to just, change things up a little. Think about something else whenever we can."

"We most definitively can try to drag him along. When is our next assignment, do you know?"

"No. They never tell me in advance."

"I thought they would."

"Yeah I know. It would be better. It would give me more time to prepare. I need time to prepare. Otherwise I'll just keep-"

"Woah there. I know what you're gonna say. It wasn't your fault. Like you said. Things are rough out there. None of us blames you."

"No I know. But still. I need to be better."

"You will. Give yourself some time. If anything, the only person to blame was that guy."

"Akuma… What happened with him?"

"I don't know. But he almost got us killed."

"Yeah. I think he can run on like, insctincs or something like that. That must mean he's not in control of himself anymore."

"Yeah well, he better get is shit together. 'Cause I know I won't be stopping Jab if he tries to whoop is ass."

"Oh God. He's gonna be so much more insufferable won't he?"


"Maybe I can't have him off the flask just yet. Might have to keep his brain foggy for a bit. … That migh-"

"That might be wors-"




"We're doomed."

They both sarcastically groan in pain before bursting into laughters.

"Where even are they right now?"


"Mute is probably training somewhere."

"For sure"

"But Jab wasn't at the bar when we passed, was he."

"Nah. Things were too calm in there."


"We know he left the hospital, so. Where the hell could he have gon-"

They heard a sudden knock at their door. 

"Speak of the devil."

Savvy promptly got out of her bed and leaped down as Rouge sat up on the side of her mattress. The blonde walked up towards the door to greet their comrade, and to immediately investigate his whereabouts. 

"You can come in. Just what have you been doin-"

The two friend were left in shock as they were not expecting Nuke's face, as long as a few other soldier behind her. Savvy looked for help in Rouge's eyes behind her, being the more sociable of them. 

"What do you guys want?"

"We're doing it."

"Doing what?"

"The coup. It's happening tonight."

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