Bunker 12

Chapter 2: - Heritage

I just woke up, but it feels like I didn't rest at all. I probably just passed out due to the lack of sleep. There is no way I could've voluntarily let myself be this vulnerable. Laying in bed like that makes me the easiest prey for a blood-thirsty Hollow looking for a meal.

Wait, what are those noises? They are probably the reason why I was taken out of sleep. It sounds like there's a lot of traffic; I hear a lot of footsteps. They seem to all go in the same direction. Oh, right. My mind was still cloudy after all. That's the fuss the blacksmith was talking about. He seemed really worried about me getting involved in it, though. Guess I'll go find out.

I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday, those the young woman gave me. I took a quick look at my reflection before leaving. With that white jacket and those blue pants, I really looked like those scientists who were wandering around the Lab. Maybe that man mistook me for them? Maybe that's why he was angry? Maybe that hatred comes from some interaction with the scientists? Mayb- ... I'm still thinking of maybes again. I should really get going.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"I'm here to do the change of clothes!"

The same nurse who showed me my room and gave me my clothes is standing in the door frame. She's gently smiling and holding a new outfit in her arms. I took them and switched attire. I went back to the mirror. The man in front of me gave off a whole new vibe. A simple blue shirt with black pants. I also have some cozy white and red shoes. This is definitely more comfortable than my last outfit. Dressed like that, I will probably be able to blend with the others.


As soon as I opened the door, I immediately dived into a flood of people. They were all coming from the door at the end of the corridor. Those people are completely different than anyone I saw before. This scenery was unbelievable. There are suits and dresses everywhere. All shiny, all glimmering. So much for fitting in. They are all smiling, talking and laughing. … Why? Why are they so carefree? I can't! I need to jus-


I needed to put both of my hands on my mouth to make it shut. It just opened on its own and started screaming. It all happened so quickly. I now have a bunch of oppressive glazes hitting me directly into my soul. I quickly opened the door with my hands behind my back and shut it violently after I had entered. I'll wait a little bit before returning out there. I really shouldn't have yelled like that, but it was all just absurd. Never would I have imagined that level of peace. How is it even possible to be that carefree? Can the Foundation alone be enough to bring that feeling of peace? I've been on alert since the beginning. I've been running on pure survival instinct. And here they are, just walking, naively smiling at each other. Ok. I need to calm down. All I need to do is to find the Foundation. I just need to complete this simple task, and I might have a good lead. Everybody who heard me should be way ahead by now; it should be safe to go out.


I've been following the crowd through the hallways and the open spaces. I've never been here. I haven't seen much of this place actually. I stared at my shoes most of the time, trying to seize a little bit of information with my peripheral view. This place is way bigger than I imagined. There are way more people too. Just how big is the Lab? Since I left my room, all the people I've crossed looked at me with a strange face, with some kind of confused and disgusted expression. It's like they are not used to seeing someone dressed like me. It seems fair since I'm the only person around with a casual outfit. Honestly, they fit the mood and the place more than I do. I had just enough time to stop in my steps as soon as I saw some high heels popping in my vision. I finally lifted my head to see why we stopped. A cluster of ties and jewels was formed in front of a door. Somebody was guarding that door, letting people enter. I was still hearing some muffled conversations when I sensed myself being pulled from my arm. A hand was dragging me inside a room.

"This way rookie!"

I didn't have time to turn my head around to see whose hand this was when mine did a fast circular move to abruptly hit the intruding limb that was clinging onto my arm, violently forcing it to let go of me.

"What the fuck man, what the hell is wrong with you? I was just helping you out! You were going past the newbie's room!"

I stopped looking at my instinctive hand to change my focus on the new room I was in. It was filled with a bunch of people, probably around my age. Out of all of them, a few stuck out of the group. Girls are talking to each other on the left side. Another girl is on the opposite side, sitting on the floor with a strange wooden gear in hand. Other than that, there is a guy, crossed-arm, and another sitting on a desk, drinking something out of a flask. The guy who pulled me in is still looking at me.

"I didn't mean to scare you man, but you were going to miss your stop!"

"You're wrong, look at his wrist."

The guy turned to the blond girl who just spoke before turning again to look at my wrist. His eyes and his mouth suddenly opened widely. He let out a gasp before excusing himself.

"I am truly sorry, sir! Really I… I didn't mean to harm you, I-"

Why did he suddenly change his tone? What's with my wrist anyway?

"I really don't care. It's o-"


The guy with the flask took a sip of his drink before making a noise to show his dissatisfaction.

"What is an asshole like you doing here?"

Wha-What did I do?

"Oh shut up already, you're just drunk. I can smell you from here!"

The blond girl was casually confronting him, like it was something she got used to.

"That doesn't mean jack shit, I'm always drunk! Also, only you noticed what was on his wrist; you're not happy having him here either. Also also, I prefer my stinky smell over his fancy rich perfume!"

"Don't drag me in your idiocy!"

After saying that, the same girl came to me, put her hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me back.

"You really should be going. Trust me, it's for your own good."

After succeeding to me push out of the room, she quickly shut the door on my nose. What just happened? I've just been dragged in and now I'm already kicked out. I was standing there, facing the closed door with people looking at me. For some reason, they seemed to hate me. My wrist? What's with my wrist? The only thing there is the bracelet Doc gave me. Why would it trigger them? Freezing in front of the room won't help. For now, I just need to find a clue about the Foundation.


I'm close to the entrance now. People are going through the door, turn by turn. Before entering, they are showing their bracelet to the man in a suit guarding the gate. After affirmatively nodding, he lets them go through. So, this bracelet really has some sort of importance. But it seems that we all have it, so what's the problem? Didn't those in that room also wear them? Everything went too fast for me to tell.

After steadily walking forward, it's finally my turn. The guard did a doubtful stare, looking at me head to toe. He looked skeptical and asked me to show him my bracelet. He then decided to let me enter the door. I had no idea where I was going. The entrance was dark, I could barely see anything. There were staircases on both sides. Guess I'll just go left. I had to climb quite a bunch of steps before seeing some light. But it was actually really noisy. There was some sort of fuss coming from there. It's probably our final destination. I was now turning the corner at the top of the stairs.


What am I looking at? I was now staring down at this place from the highest point. This place is gigantic. It looks like a Coliseum. All white, no surprise. This huge circular stadium is filled with rows of seats, descending and focusing towards the center. There is no chair; people are directly sitting on the ground, with their backs against where the people from the upper row dangle their legs. This place is almost filled up. Just how many people are there?

Where did they come from? From what I saw, nobody came out from the rooms in my hallway. Those are most likely chambers for patients. They were all coming from the door at the back of the hall. What is lying behind that door? A man behind me had to ask me to move out of his way; I had just frozen there and blocked him. Now I need to find a seat so I can think without troubling others. There seems to be a spot all the way ahead of me. An isolated spot at the highest row with only a few people around. What is going to happen here?

What am I about to witness? Looking at their expression, they seem pretty... resentful. It still surprises me. How can they be so casual? Well, I guess they have to, or they'll grow insane. Worrying all the time could drive someone crazy, or into some mad paranoid. But… Do they actually feel protected by those walls? By this Foundation thing? Or, are they just pretending to feel safe? I guess they really must be resorting to this organization and its people.

Those charged with the impossible task of taking on these beasts. I get chills every time just thinking about them. So, how can they be able to face them, let alone being able to defeat them? They need to be extremely talented and skilled. Not only that. How strong can their will be? I'm a little bit curious to see what somebody like that could look like. To go head-on against those monsters. ... Those things… I can't help but think that a Hollow will just storm in or strike me from the bac-

"Hey, young man!"

I stepped up, out of fear, as soon as I sensed a hand touching my shoulder. I turned around, my arms forming a weak and totally useless shield in front of me. Like I could've blocked a Hollow's attack like that, how foolish. I was lucky that the hand and the voice were Doc's.

"Huh... Sorry, son. Didn't mean to scare you or anything."

"I… I was just spacing out and you surprised me, that's all."

"May I keep you company?"

"If you want."

Doc was just rambling some small talk. I wasn't really attentive to the words he was speaking. I had too many things to ask him, too many questions, interrogations.

"Look Doc, I'll have to interrupt you right now. I have to ask you some questions."

" Oh- Hmm ok. Pretty straightforward, but go ahead, young man."

"So.. Hum... this Foundation thing, how does it work?"

Doc really looked like he was caught off guard, even a bit bitter.

"Hmm, the Foundation you say? How did you learn about that? Who talked to you about that? You weren't supposed to know that before I talked with you."

Was the Blacksmith not supposed to? Does he have issues with the Foundation or the Lab? Remembering how he hated my guts when he saw me in their outfits, he definitely has issues. I shouldn't bring him more.

"Oh, huh... it was the young woman, the nurse you introduced me to…"

"Oh. I see. The Foundation hmm? It is a military program created by the Lab in order to deal with the Hollows. But you probably already knew that much. So what is it that you want to know?"

"What is this place about? Why are their people gathering here? I was told I'd learn more about the Foundation by coming here."

"Haha, you came all the way here without knowing what you were doing, son? Didn't that young woman tell you? Well, I was going to your room to tell you about it anyway. You weren't there, so I figured that you might have been dragged along and ended up here. This is the Graduation Ceremony! All the new Rookies that have joined the Foundation will receive their badges, officially making them Soldiers! Those people who have gathered here are there to welcome and thank them for offering their power to protect those who can't protect themselves! Such as old bones like me!"

"So... Those Rookies, they joined the Foundation because they wanted to? Aren't they scared of being slaughtered? Did they believe they could overpower their enemy? They generously offered themselves for the othe-"

"Oh, I'm truly sorry, young man! I need to go back to the backstages! You see, I'm the host of the ceremony! Wish me good luck!"

Just like that, he left. Did he just dodge my interrogation? Did he not want to answer? Yeah. That's probably it. Well anyway, it seems like the Graduation Ceremony is about to start. I'll finally be able to see what they look like. What a person courageous enough to fight looks like. A person so far apart from what I am, from what I'm capable of.


A small figure appeared at the center of the Coliseum. The old scientist. He looked around, watching his fellow citizens applaud his entrance. He couldn't help but smile. I can't get enough of this. It's my only weakness. Doc was feeding on the cheers. However, he was here for a reason. He raised his hand, demanding silence. Simultaneously, a handful of floating cubes descended from the ceiling, now casually hovering above the crowd. Through them, Doc's voice was reaching everyone.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! It is my pleasure and my honor to be able to introduce you to this new cohort of brave souls, the next breed of saviours! The Next Gen of Soldiers!"

After only a few words, the crowd was already in an uproar. People were shouting, waving and clapping. All of them praising Doc. Doc, and only Doc.

"You are our Saviour Doc!"

"May our wishes be enough to pay back our gratitude to you, our Lord!"

"Please forgive us for being so unworthy of your blind gratitude towards such impure souls like us!"

Praise really has a hold on him. But he had a speech to go through.

"You are too kind towards me! I'm merely trying to do my job! But, let's not forget that today is the day we welcome our new Rookies, ready to become full-fledged Soldiers! All that in order to protect us! They have been working and training tirelessly for the past years. Through blood and sweat, they have honed their body and mind. Through hardship and pressure, they have become men and women capable of great things. But most importantly, they have gone through all those hurdles for you! For me! For us! They have sworn on their lives to protect ours. Please, give the Rookies a great round of applause!"

Under a loud fuss, the Rookies were slowly entering the stadium. The young man was at the edge of his seat, waiting to see who those recruits were. However, a cold shiver traversed him. Only now did he remember his earlier interaction. These young people, in that room, muttered a word that bounced off of him, but just now echoed in his mind. They addressed him as a Rookie. What he feared most at this instant immediately got confirmed.

A horde of young men and women were marching at the center of the scene. All in uniform, they were merely a homogenous mass advancing. Watching them, the amnesiac young man couldn't believe it.

I am shivering. They are all so… young. They are probably all my age. So innocent. What is that? Aren't they supposed to be full-grown adults, full-ledged well-trained adults? What is going on? There's no way they have the power to defeat the enemies! There's no way those guys have the will to fight them! Aren't they just like me? Aren't we the same? Why them? Why would they go to the front lines? They have to know just as well as me how they don't stand a chance. So, why? What am I missing? Do they really know what they are getting themselves into? I need to talk to them. I have so much to ask.


"Tsk! All that shit just for this?"

A tipsy young man was playing with a badge in his hand, tossing it in the air, a flask of alcohol in the other. His long dark hair was resting on both his shoulders. His greasy light-green eyes were staring down on the emblem, with a malicious feeling.

"Don't say that. You know it means more than that."

The young woman standing next to him was firmly holding the badge in both her hands, bringing it closer to her chest. Her long blond hair was reaching the middle of her back. The bright golden slick of her hair was bringing emphasis to her light blue eyes. Her silhouette was very feminine and her facial traits were embelishing her figure.

"Is arguing the only thing you guys do?"

The second girl with a lightly tanner skin tone was leaning on the wall, her shoulders and her foot against it. A little further from the little pack of five, she had an annoyed expression behind her glasses, born from the constant fighting of both her comrades. Her closed eyelids were hiding two round walnut eyes, going in pair with her shoulder-length light brown hair. Her fingers were toying with a key on her necklace.

"Aww! Come on! You know Blondie and Drunky are always like that. They are just messing around!"

The other woman in the group was the only one smiling. Her dark smooth skin was contrasting with her bright violet eyes. She has curly black hair that accentuates her silky and gentle face. With her ukulele strapped on her back and her enthusiastic attitude, she's the one that stands out the most. She was gently fist-bumping the shoulder of the other guy next to her, waiting for him to agree with her.

Unfortunately, she didn't get any reaction from him. He was standing straight, with a firm posture, his arm crossed. He was by far the most muscular around, even in the other groups of people. Tall and ripped, he's the one who appears to be the most capable in combat. His grey eyes, his short black hair and his square face were giving him a pretty generic look.


I spotted their position from up there and now I'm drawing closer to them, closer to the answers. As I'm walking around, piercing through the crowd, I can sense a strange and heavy mood. Even though I'm dodging glances as I'm walking, I can still feel the huge pressure converging towards me. It's the same feeling as before when those people were looking at me in the hallway. It doesn't matter. I'm almost at my destination. I can clearly see them now. The flask guy had already noticed me. He took a huge gulp out of his recipient and started to march towards me menacingly.

"Eh? So you have the balls to show your bitch ass face to me again?"

The blond girl tried to stop him, but it didn't work this time. He's too determined. Or too drunk. Or all of the above. He repulsed her hand with a short but quick and fierce move of his shoulder.

"Hey don't worry, I only want to talk with him!"

I stopped my approach as I knew he was about to catch up to me. When he got closer, he changed his stance. He threw his arm back, armed with a fist, and put all his weight on his back leg. He was preparing to land a hit. A hit I was able to read and prepare for, not knowing if my block was going to be effective.

"Hey buddy, let's talk. With hand signs!-"

As his fist was about to land, both my hands were forming a cup in front of my face, eyes closed. … It didn't hit me. The attack stopped. I opened my eyes and saw somebody between us. It was the big guy. He easily caught that guy's punch. It didn't take long before the small guy cranked up another punch. He aimed it towards my stomach. It also got blocked by the tall guy again. Veins were popping out of the drunk guy's forehead.

"Tsk! You bastard! You had to interfere hun? Had to show everybody that you're strong, hun? Fuck off!"

The assailant violently drew back his hands recently stuck in the palms of his comrade He turned his back against us and opened his flask for another sip. He was holding it above his head; his tongue sticking out. He was moving it around, trying to catch a drop that might have fallen, but he learned that he was now holding an empty flask.

"Shit! Now I don't have anything to clean my mouth after talking to that asshole!"

The girl with the wooden tool came towards me, gently smiling.

"I'm so sorry mister, please forgive his behaviour! But I must say, it's quite ballsy of you to show up again!"

"Told you to leave us alone, it won't do you any good."

That blonde, she was warning me again. But I need to talk to them.

"I really don't care. I have some questions to ask you."

"What do you want from us?"

Even though that girl on the wall sounds suspicious of me, I need to try.

"Why? Why did you join the Foundation? What for? Are you sure you can beat them? What is up with my bracelet? What's the issue? Don't you guys have a bracelet too? Wh-"

"Hahaha! What is wrong with that guy? The dude is nuts!"

That drunkard was laughing at me. Why? I just want to know.

"Umm… Aren't you supposed to know all that big guy?"

Her head was tilted to the side. Her blue eyes were staring directly at me, confused, looking for some clues in mine. And so, I explained everything to them.


"And you think we're gonna eat that bullshit? What kind of fake-ass back story is that?"

That guy was still being noisy and annoying, even after listening to my story. What a noisy jerk.

"Can you shut up for a second? I don't think he would have tried to lie about that; he's not bluffing. Sorry for your loss."

The key-necklace girl pushed herself with her feet resting on the wall after saying that and started to come closer to the others, only leaving the big guy behind.

"Oooh! That's why you were acting kinda creepy! You don't have to worry anymore; I'm here for you now hahaha!"

This girl with the purple eyes, she's always laughing and smiling. She's the only person in this group. No. I turned on myself and looked around me. None of the other recruits are laughing, let alone smiling. The mood is very tense.

"I didn't know about your amnesia, but it was easy to see that you had no clue about anything."

That blond girl seems to be the leader of this group, well, that's the image she gives off at least.

"Ok then now, wh-"

"Hey, hey! Why are you still here? I don't care if you're lying about your story or not! I still hate your guts! Get lost!"

He's still yelling at me like he's ready for another round. He doesn't have to get along with me. Fair enough. I'm not planning to befriend him either. But isn't he exaggerating a bit? Why does he hate me so much?

"For fucks sake! Can't you shut up?"

After confronting him, yet again, she turned back to me and put her hands on my shoulders, just like before.

"Look here newbie, you asked us why we wanted to join, right? The thing is, nobody asks about this. It's taboo."

As she was explaining, I was slightly moving my eyes left and right, seeing that the glazes from before had found me again. The others from her group have suddenly changed their expression. They were spaced out, with unfocused gaze, thinking. The lousy guy was grinning his teeth. The big man clinging his fists. The brown hair girl holding her key firmly in her hands. The other girl was still smiling. An empty, broken and fake smile.

"Not only that, you were talking like we wanted to be here. The thing is, those people you see here didn't want to. I mean, why would they? We didn't choose to become soldiers for a suicide mission. We had no choice."

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