Bunker 12

Chapter 16: - Massacre

The Shogun had been waiting very impatiently for this moment. He set himself a duel for everyone to see. Surveilled and hosted by Mohs, a man who can almost equal Slash's unique character, the match is about to start.

"Welcome everyone to this very special event. I have the honor to present to you this fragment of life. A test of strength between powerful beings. Even though weapons take away the brute effect that a bout between muscles has, it is still an honorable feat of one's resolve. Now, the wait shall be brought to an end. In this very circle you spectators have made, here lies our contestants. On my right, we have the legend, the favorite, the uncontested, my antagonist, The Shogun, Slash!"

"Hahaha! I'm as cool as it gets!"

"Facing him, on my left, the new face, the rising hope of the Foundation, the silent warrior, Mute!"


"Gentlemen, here are the rules. Any weapon is allowed. You are not to leave the circle. The bout will end when I say so. I will choose the victor myself. With that said, let the show begin!"

The Commander is failing terribly to hype up the crowd. No one is responding to his arm-waving techniques. The only sound resonating in the Coliseum is the ruckus of his over-the-top combat wears. Contrasting with him, there's Mute. Shirtless with the uniform's black pants. No one can see what is under all these bandages around his head. Only short dark hair is spiking up on top. He is holding two daggers in his hands.

This is it. Right now. This will determine if I really deserve to live. Or if I should've died that day. This is my chance to prove to myself my worth. To get back at you. To redeem mysel- No. I don't deserve that. All I can do is show you my commitment. And in order to do that, right now, I need to defeat Slash.

The young soldier spun the blades in his hands to have them point in different directions. He lowered his center of gravity, preparing himself to launch into battle.

Are you watching? I wonder.

His confidence was shaky in the face of this insurmountable challenge, that took the form of a laughing man in shining red armor. Slash grounded his feet solidly, taking an overly dramatic and heroic pose. He brought his right hand to the handle of his sword sheathed on his hip.

"Hahaha! Something you need to know. I hate to unsheathe my katana for nothing so, entertain me, kid."


"Let the show… Begin!"

Before Mohs fully brought down his arm to give the starting signal, a cloud of dust was all that was left at Mute's starting spot. The young soldier dashed toward the Commander. He planned to surprise him with speed he hasn't shown anyone.

He's fast. But..

As a silhouette appeared behind him, a spark of light flashed at Slash's side. In a swift movement, he unsheathed his katana and swung his blade, leaving a swirly beam of light around him. Without looking, he blocked the attack coming from behind him. A loud clanking noise burst out of their exchange. The echoing sound didn't have time to fade away when the silhouette dropped to the ground and disappeared again.

Mute was now crouching at Slash's feet. The Shogun looked down at him, straight in his eyes. Mute then used the power in his quads to push himself up, using both his daggers to launch a rising slashing strike. With very little movement, the Commander perfectly placed his katana in front of him to smoothly absorb the blow and let the blades of his assailant slide along his. As Mute felt his power being redirected, he used that very same momentum to propel himself.

After spinning in the air, he cracked his arm like a whip and hurled one of his daggers. Slash just had time to tilt his head when the sharp blade planted itself in the ground behind him. Mute's trajectory sent him further away. As the tips of his boots were about to land, a red mass teleported right into his space, its lower body loaded and his katana far behind him, Slash used all the power in his legs and arms to swing his sword.

The vertical circling movement created by his swing only left a trail of dust visible. The metal of his sword was about to slice through Mute's abdomen when the young man turned his torso in mid-air, avoiding the lethal hit. When the sole of his boots finally found grounding, he took the chance to leap away from the huge warrior to give himself space. He realized he had failed when he felt The Shogun's immense stature tower behind him and saw the blade poking into his field of vision, descending diagonally toward his neck.

The silent soldier immediately ducked to evade the lethal strike. Now aware he cannot escape him, he decided to twirl his torso and hack his blade at Slash's legs. The blade cut nothing but air and Mute found himself covered in a heavy shadow. He quickly understood that his enemy jumped above him. The Commander was accumulating immense strength with his falling body. He grunted as he was bringing his sword down towards the small body under him.

However, his katana sliced through the dust cloud left by Mute's rapid evasion. Slash grinned before he fluently spun around and slashed the incoming dagger flying quickly in his direction. The weapon was blown back into the crowd. Mute was crouching next to the dagger he threw earlier, still stuck in the ground, and pulled it out. The Shogun laughed hysterically.

"Hahaha! You're a crafty kid aren't you? You did good, but I'm still not satisfied."

After speaking his mind, the Commander's vibe flipped. Thick purple aura clouds started seeping out of his armor's folds. The violet smoke shrouded him and his weapon, smoothly dancing around its blade. Slash shifted gears, and his opponent knew so. Mute immediately focused all his energy. Veins started to rise under his skin, feeding his muscles with power, now more swollen than ever. In no time, the young man felt a mist forming around him. A blue fog was now covering him. He was mystified.

What is this feeling? It's as if I'm covered in a puff of thin air... It's so.. Gentle... Yet... Terrifying. This power... With this... There's nothing I cannot vanquish.

Mute exceeded anything he thought was his peak. His potential skyrocketed. Tenfold. The young soldier flexed his squads. He held his dagger firmly in front of him. His enemy felt this power up. Craze filling his eyes, he grinned as a thrilling shiver of excitement scoured his body.

Let's do this kid. I need it.

Like a rumbling thunder, a distorting clamor resounded when blue and purple lighting bolts dashed toward one another. The majority of the crowd couldn't see the two men anymore. All they were seeing was a turmoil of bright flashes in smokes of dust; the combatants reached marvellous speed. Only the Commanders were able to see what was happening, and even they had a hard time.

Despite the stunning show happening before their eyes, it was pathetically one-sided. Slash was overwhelming Mute with his attacks. All the young man could do was block the deadly ones, and let the blade of his assailant find its way numerous times in his skin. A short while after, the bout stopped.

Through the suspended ashes of the aftermath, two dark silhouettes were slowly revealing themselves. The Shogun was standing high and mighty, his blade peacefully resting on the throat of his defeated competitor in front of him. Mute was vanquished. Mohs entered the battlefield.

"This is it, we have a winner! Slash, The Shogun, prevails!"

"Hahaha! That's what I would call a cool victory! To celebrate that, everybody is off for the day!"

The Commander was slowly walking away, laughing loudly as he was sheathing his sword. Behind him, left standing in the middle of the Coliseum, was a defeated and lacerated young man.

Why. Why does it have to be like this? No matter what I do, it's all for nothing. I can't be the person I need to be. Back then. I swore on my life that I'd get stronger. But I just can't seem to be. I lost again. I don't want to accept that. I can't accept that. If I let him walk away now, it's just like I admit I need to die. But I can't. I can't die. Not yet. Not like that. I can't let him walk away. I cannot lose.

Slash's cackling abruptly stopped. He felt the murderous intent slowly mustering far behind him. All the Commanders in the room did. They all turned around and looked at the figure in the center. Slash brought his fingers to his katana's guard. He slowly pressed his thumb and pushed on the guard to reveal part of the blade, ready to use it. Mute swiftly turned around, now facing Slash standing far ahead. Before he could take a step and start rushing at the Commander, a violet beam parkoured him, followed by a gust of wind.

What just happene-

Before Mute could finish his thought, he felt the skin on his neck cut open, the noise of sliced flesh seeping into his ears. He brought his fingers holding his dagger to the wound now laying on his neck, feeling the hot blood running down his fingers. Quickly, he realized Slash's presence had left its initial spot and was now further behind him.

The Shogun slowly pressed the handle to slide back in the very little of his katana showing. Mute's dagger leisurely slipped through his loosening grip and hit the ground. Slash casually walked toward the young man, calmly putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Hahaha! Don't get too worked up about it, kid! You were facing me, of course you were gonna lose! You did good though, knowing you can't see. That's pretty cool if you ask me! So don't worry about it! Let's train and try that next time shall we? . . . Hahaha! I forgot you can't talk either, my bad kid! I'll assume you accept my challenge! Go rest for now."

The Commander left his words hanging amidst the heavy mood and left the scene. His friends came to surround him, alongside Venom.

"That guy is just something else. I'm sorry he made you go through this. I'll inject you with this to accelerate the healing but I'm still gonna need you to come with me."

"I'm jealous. I still don't understand why he chose you over me as his adversary, but you did great. Even though I hate to admit it."

Bitterly said Spike with a pouting face.

"Seriously, that was insane. I was scared most of the time. I hope that your wounds will heal quickly and won't leave any markings on you."

Spoke Savvy with a worried voice.

"What's that supposed to mean, huh?"

Teased Rouge as she bumped her elbow into her friend's.

"It- It's not like that!"

Shakingly answered the blonde girl as her face turned red.

"He's good. Wow. Great. Who would have thought? Now, these weapon training sessions are finally done, so let's just get out of here and get drunk."

"But. Haven't you just been drinking this whole time already?"

"And your point being?"

"Never mind."

Dryly exchanged Jab and Akuma with a lack of chemistry. The band left for the bar, leaving behind Mute. Savvy couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with her friend as she looked at him over her shoulder.


"Fuwaa! I'm dead! You're really good at this!"

Spike is lying flat on her back, her tongue out.

"You are really good too, Miss Spike."

Forge's oldest daughter said shily, resting on her staff.

"Drop the Miss. Just call me Spike. Or Smiley, you choose. I prefer Smiley but you do what you want."

"Right. Sorry."

"You're stiffer than your staff. You need to learn to loosen up and have fun! Oh? That's it! Imma call you Stiff!"

"I- Stiff? Wha-"

"Hahaha! I knew you girls were gonna get along great! I wouldn't expect less from my coolest apprentices!"

Slash and the two girls were in the improvised training ground in the back of Forge's house. Slash and the oldest sister build it together, without the approval of the head of the family. Slash brought Spike with him, planning to get his two students to become official sparring buddies.

"Um... Mis-. I mean, Spike. Does it hurt?"


"I'm- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be indiscreet! I'm sorry! I just meant... Your body.."


Spike was holding her stomach, laughing frenetically. She then sat up and looked at the girl two years her junior.

"Hehe, look at you panicking! You're cute, Stiff! I like you! But don't worry about me! Other than making me look extra cool and invincible, it doesn't do anything else! No pain!"

"That's good then."

"Hehe! You haven't been around a lot of people have you Stiff?"

"Hm. I guess so."

"Just your dad, your sister and Slash."

"Hm. Yeah."

"Don't be embarrassed, that's ok. Oh yeah! I almost forgot! You also met Balsy Creep!"

"Yeah. Hm. About him. Why do you call him that?"

"Cause he's got balls. And he's creepy. "

"Right... What do you think of him, in general?"

"Well, I don't call him that for no reason. Why?"

"Oh um, nothing. I just wanted to know."

"And you? What do you think about him?"

"M-Me? Um, I don't know."

"You're lying."


"You should always say what you think, silly."

"Hm, well. I know he's your friend and.."

"I barely know him, and even if I did know him well, you shouldn't be afraid to speak what's on your mind and be honest with yourself.

"Hmm, it's just. I don't really like him. I don't know. He just seems uncaring and ungrateful, even with everything my dad does for him."

"Yeah, he's kinda cold. But it's ok! You got me now! And I'll teach you lots of things and introduce you to lots of people!"

The girl couldn't feel anything but relief, seeing the smile on her new friend's face.

"Hahaha! My followers just never stop growing! But no time to fool around! The Way of the Sword is still a long way to go! Grab your weapons!"

"Yes Sensei!"


Rouge was finally able to drag Jab's body entirely inside the room, allowing her to close the door behind her. She sat against the wall, exhausted, next to the drunk corpse.

"What the fuck is this? Take care of him for me Rouge please, sorry! Sorry, my ass! I had to drag your dumb ass from the bar all the way to our room because of her! And why me of all people? Why on the day everyone was gone? I swear they were all on this together! You're all gonna owe me big time for this! And you too!"

Their usual gathering at the canteen was cut short when Spike left early and neither Akuma nor Mute joined them. They didn't really care about the former, but they were worried about the latter, especially Savvy. They thought he would show up after he was done with his treatments, which Venom said to be short and sweet. But he never came.

Savvy always knew about Mute's habit of training alone late at night and early in the morning. He's always been working so hard she thought. That is why she is wandering the halls alone, making her way to the training grounds, hoping to see him there. She was also wandering in her mind, lost in thoughts, all alone. She was too deep in her head to hear the clatters making their way to her.

Mute was savagely fighting against a sparring dummy. His blows were harder than usual. The sound of one of his right hooks finally woke her up from her spiritual slumber. She then wore a sombre smile, knowing she was sadly right about him being out here at this time around. She couldn't help but to be reminded of what she saw in him earlier today, as the noises of the hits were getting louder and louder.

Mute stopped before she even turned around the corner and set her eyes on him. He knew she was coming his way the second she left the bar. He could hear her footsteps. He could have stopped sparring then, but maybe he actually wanted to lure her here, to have someone find him. Or maybe he just couldn't stop his violent frenzy caused by his internal turmoil. Savvy finally set her eyes on him.



The silence was hard to bear. She was walking shyly like she didn't know him. In a way, she didn't really know the young man she was slowly approaching.

"You should rest now. You've done enough."


She stopped behind him. He didn't turn to face her. Why would he, he can't even see me, she thought. Savvy was relieved. She doesn't feel like she can look him in the eyes right now.

"It must suck so much not being able to talk."

That's nothing.

"I'm really sorry. Well, I guess my pity is only gonna make you feel worse."

Don't say that.

Once she spoke those words, it was too late. The blonde girl started debiting everything on her mind with nothing to stop her. It was probably because she knew he wouldn't tell anyone about this. He's the perfect listener.

"You know, about what I said earlier. I don't know why I said that haha.. It's just. I know what it is. What it feels like. To have your body marked. And how ugly it makes you look."

It doesn't.

"And you can't get rid of them. You are stuck with them all your life. So will regret."

That's not true.

"And all that, 'cause you were fucking stupid. And now it's too late."

You're not stupid.

"There's so many things you guys don't know about me. I lied to you all. All this time, I hid my past from you. I know I should tell you the truth, but you're gonna hate me for it."

We wouldn't. I did things worse than anything you could've done.

"And now, I'm just pushing all this on you. I'm using your condition to dump all my problems on you. I really am a terrible person aren't I?"

You're not. You're not worse than anybody else. Not worse than me.

"I'm sorry for all this. I'll go now. You should too."

Don't go. Stay.

It was only when the blond girl started walking away with a depressing look, without being able to say anything to her, that Mute truly realized the curse that was bestowed upon him, The incapability to communicate anything with anyone. That's without counting the constant lamentations eating his brain away. He can hear everything.

Every door closing. Every crying muffled in the night. Every laugh. His friends' pain. Outsiders. Insiders. Everyone. Every second of it. Even Doc's agenda. He knows it all. But he cannot tell anyone. He is forever stuck in this cycle of pain, suffering from his own issues, on top of everyone else's, without a voice to speak up, to rant, to cry.

I won't be able to go on like this. I just might...

Mute tilted his head toward the ceiling. He started seeing flashes of his past. A kid getting beat up. Getting up every time, with a gentle smile on his face. No matter how hard he was punched or how loud he was yelled at to not be weak by the other kid.

Are you watching? I wonder. Tell me. Did I get stronger, even just a little?


"This isn't normal! What the fuck is going on?!"

"The fuck I would know! Just shut up! Let me think!"

"How much more time do you need to think, Sharp? Knuckle, Saber and Jolt are all already dead!"

"I fucking know that! Now shut your damn mouth and buy me some time Shoot!"

"Fucking shit! AAAARRGH!"

The soldier ran out of his cover and started shooting countless arrows with his crossbow at the hord of Hollows creeping around. Without missing one, he's successfully hitting them dead-on in the head. When they got dispatched to this location, the platoon was charged with a mission that a five-man squad of their level should have been able to handle easily.

Mob briefed them on the assignment given to him by Doc. None were expecting a horde of Epsilon-level Hollows. Crawling on all fours and relatively small, they're not much of a threat on their own. But that's only when they don't work as a pack. Only then do their claws and sabertooth really start to be a serious menace.

Mob didn't tell us about this bullshit! There's no end to them fuckers! We can't make it together! But if it's just me, I can make it. And I'll get reinforcements. If I don't, there will be more deaths. Sorry Shoot, I'm sure you understand.

Sharp stood up from the rock pillar he was hiding behind. He only took a few steps before an arrow poked through his skull.

"That's a good plan, Sharp. But I'll be the messenger, you be the decoy."

Sharp's body dropped dead on the floor, as Shoot took a run for it, leaving his partner behind as if he knew exactly what the man was thinking. However, the pack of Hollows wasn't interested in the corpse. They continued their pursuit and hunted him down.

One of the Hollows was running way up on the ceiling before jumping off directly in the back of the soldier, planting its claws deep in his flesh. The man screamed painfully, alongside the screeches of his pursuers. He fell to the ground and took his crossbow.

"Fuck off bastards! You ain't getting me!"

As a last resort, the man shot himself in the face, hoping to take his life painlessly, before they do, painfully. Sadly for him, the bad angle he had and the consistent pulling from the beasts around him made him miss his vital spot. He suffered excruciating pain until the very end.

All that for nothing; the herd was still advancing rapidly. Out of nowhere, a massive cloud of ice filled the area where the creatures were roaming. Once the frozen mist dissipated, an icy desert overspread the ground and walls, filled with icicles and the frozen corpses of the Hollows. A man was standing in the arctic field.

"Pathetic. Mob's army is getting weaker and weaker. A whole platoon was devastated by a punny band of Hollows. What a joke. The difference between the Commanders and everybody else is terrifying. Maybe I'll soon be able to earn myself a spot as a Commander haha!"


"That bastard! He planned this!"

Mob was infuriated by the news he learned. Standing before The Father were two of the three Dons, his attendants. Besides them, Mob has an organization counting over 200 soldiers. Even though they are all technically under the Foundation's jurisdiction, Mob and Doc have a particular relationship. They are business partners.

Mob gets to have some slacks, allowing him to enroll soldiers and grow his own underground empire. His Gang works for him, sharing part of their earnings with Mob. That allowed him to pull the strings from safe grounds, getting himself a spot in the 12 Commanders. In exchange for liberty of action, he must use his manpower to help Doc with all kinds of assignments. The three strongest soldiers of this clandestine company are the Dons: Scope, Frostbite and Alloy. They are having an emergency meeting with Mob, minus Frostbite.

"What are you trying to say, boss?"

"That was a fucking setup, the old man planned it. It was supposedly a lower-ranked mission. But I felt something was peculiar, so I sent Frostbite to the location. But he hasn't returned. So is the squadron. They are probably all dead by now.

"But why would Doc even need to plot something like that?"

Asked Alloy, confused.

"He's scared."

Responded Mob.

"Of what?"

Questioned Scope.

"Me. I've gained a lot of power and prestige. He's afraid of a coup. Which he should. I'm planning one. But with that setup, he not only reduced my forces but also made me use my strongest asset by sending a Don on the scene, showing me I was merely playing in his hands. And on top of that, he made sure to show he's wary of me and he's always observing me. My powers allow me to know what other people are thinking, but this old man. I just can't. I used to think he was a fraud, but I'm slowly understanding he's not a joke. I don't know how he does it, but he sees and hears everything. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's watching us right now. But that doesn't matter. Sooner or later, I'll overthrow him. I don't care about justice and honor. I'll stab him in the back as soon as I get the chance."

Hindering knowledge is Doc's strongest weapon. His ability to predict, see and hear everything is merely a general misconception, caused by the unawareness of what camera and microphone technologies are, which are set up everywhere. Doc has been listening to their meeting with a vile grin reposing on his lips.

My blade will pierce your back before you even have time to draw yours.

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