Bully Lord




James slowed his pace, his senses sharpening as he scanned his surroundings. In the months since he'd acquired the system, this heightened awareness had saved him more times than he cared to count. As he walked past a convenience store, he caught a flicker of movement in the reflection of the glass window. He couldn’t quite make out the details, but it was enough to confirm his suspicion: he was being followed.


His heart rate quickened, but he didn’t panic. Instead, James continued walking, appearing oblivious as he mentally mapped out an escape route. His body tensed, ready for action, but he maintained his casual stride. It wasn't the first time he'd been pursued, and he doubted it would be the last. However, something about this encounter felt different. More dangerous. More personal.


He turned into a narrow alley and used the dim light to slip into the shadows. As soon as he was out of sight, he leaped up onto a low wall, his movements swift and soundless. Perched above the alleyway, he crouched low, blending into the darkness like a phantom. He waited, his eyes narrowing, ears straining to catch the faintest sound.


The eerie silence was soon broken by the shuffling of footsteps, soft and measured. He watched as two girls passed by, laughing and chatting, seemingly without a care in the world. But James knew they weren’t the ones following him. His instincts, honed by countless battles and close calls, told him that the real threat was still lurking nearby.


A moment later, four men appeared at the mouth of the alley. They moved casually, but James could sense the underlying tension in their bodies. They were searching for something—or someone. He gripped his wooden sword, feeling the grainy texture of the hilt under his fingers, and smirked.


"Looking for someone?" James’s voice echoed down from above, causing the four men to jolt in surprise. They looked around frantically, trying to locate the source, and finally, their eyes landed on James perched on the wall, watching them with an amused expression.


The shortest of the group, a lanky teenager with an unruly mop of hair, blurted out, "How did you know?" The others shot him a look of exasperation, and one of them—a broad-shouldered man who appeared to be the leader—sighed deeply, rubbing his temples.


"You idiot," the leader muttered under his breath. "We weren’t supposed to say anything. Now we’re exposed."


James chuckled, twirling his wooden sword playfully. "You guys aren’t exactly subtle, you know. Next time, try not to look so obvious when you’re tailing someone."


The leader's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. "It doesn’t matter. We’re here for you, anyway."


"Oh? And what makes you think you can take me on?" James jumped down from the wall, landing gracefully in front of them. He was tired, but his spirit was far from broken. In fact, this unexpected encounter was exactly what he needed to test his progress, and the thought of using his wooden sword to its fullest potential sent a thrill through him.

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