
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The hard training made Bai Jidong lose his personal time.Every day when I go home, I just want to sleep.Because Manowski makes sure every day that he doesn't have the energy to do other things.

After half a month, Bai Jidong gradually got used to this kind of hellish training.

After physical training in the morning, he was still in the mood to joke with Hoss, "Kalami, please inform Mano that his tricks don't work for me anymore." "Do you want to die?" Hoss looked at him in surprise. I can't forget the first few days of training, Bai Jidong's look of wanting to live but not dying.

"Limits are meant to be surpassed. I'm ready. Please tell him what I said." Bai Jidong said fearlessly.

This look of death made Hoss want to laugh, and she held back, "I remember your contract hasn't been signed yet, right?"

"Contract?" Bai Jidong didn't have this concept yet.

Hawes said: "You are only selected by the Bulls, not a member of this team. Only by signing a contract can you be considered a member here." "How should I sign? Find Mano?" Bai already Dong's question is idiotic.

Hawes elaborated: "You should find an agent, he will help you deal with these things. Not just signing, if someone wants you to do business activities or ask you to endorse things in the future, your agent will help you. Get the most rewards."

Bai Jidong didn't know an agent, so he habitually asked Hoss for help: "Can you introduce an agent for me?" nanny.

Bai Jidong was very sincere, "If you help me find an agent, I will treat you to dinner."

"Even if I don't help you, someone will treat me to dinner." Hoss said with a smile.Bai Jidong asked: "Why are you willing to help me?" "Throw the ball into the basket from your position and I'll help you." Hoss assigned Bai Jidong an impossible task.

The basket was two three-point lines away from Bai Jidong's feet.

Bai Jidong checked with his eyes, "Three chances! Give me three chances!" "I'll give you five chances." Hoss smirked like a little girl playing a prank.

"OK, five chances." Bai Jidong made a quick shot, and he didn't even get to the basket. It was an air ball.

"One." Hoss said, "You're too hasty." "No, it's not hasty, Karami, you are going to introduce me to an agent." Bai Jidong said with full confidence, as if he had the ball Put in the same.

The second ball still missed the basket.

Then came the third goal, in Bai Weidong's plan, this goal should be scored.He has already calculated the distance, there is no reason not to score this goal.

He overestimated his touch too much. The ball hit the back of the basket and bounced back far away.

Bai Weidong's face changed, the ending was already doomed, the fourth ball and the fifth ball had exactly the same fate, the ball returned the same way after he shot it.

"It's a pity, Bai." Huos thought that Bai Jidong had given up, but unexpectedly, Bai Jidong turned his head pitifully, "Kalami, please" "Just this once." Huos couldn't stand his eyes , had to agree.

Bai Jidong smiled happily: "Just this time! Don't worry, I will treat you to dinner!"

The agent Huos introduced to Bai Jidong was Zoe Crozier.In the American sports circle, he can only be regarded as a second-rate agent, and his biggest player actually plays in the Spanish league. Bai Jidong is the only NBA player in his hands.

Croz cherishes the resource of Bai Jidong very much.Although he was not optimistic about Bai Jidong's development, he still managed to get him the best contract he could get so far.

"3+1? What do you mean? After playing for three years, add another year?" Bai Jidong's weird opinion made Croz laugh.

Croz patiently explained that Bai Jidong only had a preliminary understanding of his contract.

At the end of June, Bai Jidong, Lin Yi, and Hu Zhou officially graduated from St. John's College.

Bai Jidong entered the NBA.Hu Zhou stayed in Chicago and went to the University of Chemical Technology through his family.Lin Yi went to Texas.As for Hollands Stitch, he is still on the so-called road to fame. With his excellent academic performance, he was admitted to the University of Notre Dame.

"If you told me in May that Xiaobai would play in the NBA, I would never believe it! I would think you were crazy." Before parting, the three gathered at Bai Jidong's home.

Lin Yi was not without emotion: "You said that Xiaobai is just the main force of a basketball school like St. John's College, so why did he enter the NBA?" When Ji Dong talked about the top 64, he felt a little guilty.

"But I still have to congratulate you." Lin Yi filled himself with wine, "When the new season starts, I will try to be there to cheer for you." "Okay!" Bai Jidong's eyes turned red.

Ji Dong and Hu Zhou are his only two friends in the United States, and now they are going their separate ways.

Hu Zhou still acted foolishly: "I don't have such troubles. The University of Chemical Technology is in Chicago, and I can often visit Xiaobai." "Cut, what a big deal?" Lin Yi took a sip of his wine.

Because the team clearly told him not to drink alcohol, Bai Jidong filled his glass with water: "The United States is not peaceful, no matter what we are, we are all foreigners. From now on, don't be too ostentatious alone, let's get together more when you have time." "It's like saying goodbye to life and death." Hu Zhou made an unrealistic promise: "Believe it or not, I will come to see you every day?" "I don't believe it!" Bai Jidong touched his glass and drank all the water.

Two months later
Bai Jidong has made great progress in these two months, the most obvious is his physical fitness, which can be said to be a qualitative change compared to before the draft.

In terms of strength, he gained 3KG in two months.Can do 3 times of 80KG bench press without the help of John Roten.

Although the progress is great, it is still not enough to put it in the NBA.Luo Teng preliminarily estimated that it would take at least three years for Bai Jidong to adapt to the confrontation in the NBA.

"Three years? How is that possible! I'll show you the adaptation next year." Bai Jidong said directly when he heard Luo Teng's speculation.Luo Teng was not angry, but said: "Since you are so confident, why not challenge the 90KG now? And your deadlift and kicking are actually unqualified. Do you want to improve it too?"

Bai Jidong was like a punctured balloon, most of his anger was vented, and he didn't say a word.

The shooting was the same, and it had to drive Chris Morvin into a rage every day.What Bai Jidong enjoys the most is shooting practice. The moment he scores a goal, he feels the pores of his whole body stand up, that feeling is really exhilarating.

In September, the Bulls' training camp for the new season will start, which means that the team will return with all members.

Bai Jidong was very nervous.Today is his first meeting with head coach Phil Jackson, as well as Michael Jordan, Scott Pippen, Dennis Rodman and others.

"Kalami, please tell me what Phil hates, what MJ hates, what Scott hates...and Dennis, what does he hate?" Bai Jidong seemed to be a new employee who had a meeting with the boss for the first time, chattering tongue-in-cheek to ask old employees for ways to curry favor with them.

Hawes's answer: "I don't know about Phil, but he's not a difficult person to get along with. MJ hates people who are not aggressive. You are a newcomer. He will take special care of you. You have to be careful. Scott's words" Huos taught Bai Jidong some nonsense that was the same as not being said.

Bai Jidong found out in despair that he had to understand these people by himself.

Thinking of this, he sat like a needle, extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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