
Chapter 1 Bai Jidong

Chapter 1 Bai Jidong

For Bai Jidong, there are only two things worth remembering in 1995.

One is Michael Jordan announcing his comeback.Of course, this has nothing to do with him.Another thing is that his high school career in Chicago is coming to an end.

Bai Jidong's hometown is called Baizhen.Most of the people in this place have the surname Bai.The unique geographical environment allows Baizhen to enter winter half a month earlier.

It was in the winter of that year that a baby boy came to this world in a well-fed family.The baby boy's father devoted all his life's literary talents to the matter of naming, and took his son's name off on the spot.

Oh, by the way, that child's name is Bai Jidong.

Bai Jidong's father is tall. He doesn't remember his father's height, but he estimated that it is no less than 185. His mother used to be a professional women's volleyball player.The combination of the two endowed Bai Weidong with a high athletic talent.

At the age of 5, Bai Jidong touched basketball for the first time, and he fell in love with this sport crazily.

Bai Jidong fought better and better.In the second year of junior high school, he won the MVP of the National Junior High School League and won the first championship in his life.He won both honors the following year.

Bai Jidong has attracted the attention of professional teams, and many teams have offered him an olive branch.But Bai Jidong refused one by one, he had other plans.He wants to go to a higher and bigger stage.That is the country of basketball, America.

It's an era where the basketball gods rule.Michael Jordan's first trip to three consecutive championships was unbeatable, and he was invincible all over the world.It was in this year that Bai Jidong came to Chicago and became a member of St. John's College, a famous school in Chicago.

Soon, Bai Jidong regretted it.Because St. John's is not a famous basketball school.Bai Jidong joined the school team, and entered the main rotation in the first year of high school.However, the weak strength of the school team gave Bai Jidong the idea of ​​changing schools many times.In the third year of high school, Bai Jidong wanted to transfer schools, but his father refused.

"Study is more important than playing, so finish high school for four years." These are the exact words of my father.

Bai Jidong is already a senior in high school. In these four years, he has become the core player of St. John's College.That's all, the core players of St. John's College seem to be nothing special.

"Sigh..." Bai Jidong felt at a loss about the future and couldn't help sighing.Seeing him like this, someone behind him said in pure Chinese: "What's wrong with Xiaobai? He sighed early in the morning." "It must be Sichun. Look at his face, it's as red as an apple." Another person also spoke in Chinese Said.

These two are Bai Jidong's best friends.The one who spoke first was called Ji Dong, and his curly hair was the most conspicuous beauty on his body.The one who spoke last was Hu Zhou, he was big and fat, and he was not easy to mess with at first glance, but anyone who knew him well knew that this guy was very easy to get along with.

"You two idlers still have the time to worry about my heart? If you don't read any books, you will be repeated." Bai Jidong likes to bicker. If you give him a chance to speak, even if you don't answer him, he can still talk about the original topic. Basically peeling off layer by layer, saying that you count for 10 minutes, it will annoy you.

Therefore, no one wants to argue with him.Ji Dong was well aware of the power of Bai Jidong's three-inch tongue, so he looked concerned, "What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?" "Yeah, Xiaobai, what's bothering you? Tell me Listen, let's have a good time." Hu Zhou left his mouth open and revealed his inner voice.

"Stop making nonsense!" Hu Zhou took the initiative to sing the black face, and Ji Dong naturally entered the role of the white face: "Are you a brother? Are you enough buddies? Xiaobai is like this and you still make fun of him? Hu Zhou, Hu Zhou , I didn't expect you to be this kind of person." "Isn't it because I care about it that I get confused? Otherwise, why do you let Xiaobai talk about it?" Hu Zhou immediately pulled back the words.

"Tell me"

Well, Ji Dong also joined Hu Zhou's side.

Hu Zhoujian smiled and said: "Tell me, we will definitely solve your problems."

"What problems can you two lazy fools solve for me?" Bai Jidong couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked out of the classroom.Lin Yi asked: "Where are you going?" "Just walk around, don't follow me." Bai Jidong said.

Bai Jidong appeared in the basketball court.He found a basketball that hadn't been put away.The ball lay alone in the corner.If no one comes, it may stay there until the basketball team assembles.

Bai Jidong walked over, squatted down slowly, stretched out his big hand, and easily grabbed the ball.Bai Jidong's palm is so huge that he grabs a basketball as easily as a normal person grabs an egg.The advantage of big hands gives him many advantages on the court, but at the same time, it also has disadvantages.

"Bang!" A long-distance mid-range shot outside the free throw line, Bai Jidong threw the ball to the front of the basket and bounced out.

As the core of the school team, such a basket cannot be called qualified.Is it a coincidence that he didn't enter?In order to verify this, Bai Jidong picked up the ball and threw it again, but still missed.

That's the downside of big hands.It is difficult for Bai Jidong to find a comfortable shooting point, each shot is of different length.

"Jordan's hands are also big, why is he shooting accurately?" Bai Jidong once asked the coach.

"Because your hands are bigger than his." The coach's words made Bai Jidong speechless.He could only look at his big hands, which were different from ordinary people, and sighed sadly: "Is there something wrong with big hands?"

Bai Jidong dribbles the ball on the spot.Cross-step dribble, crotch dribble, variable-speed dribble, accelerated dribble, slow-speed dribble. All kinds of dribbles come at your fingertips.The ball seemed to grow on him, and he dribbled wherever he pointed.

"I'm so good at the ball, yet I'm allowed to play power forward? Isn't this a talent?" Bai Jidong couldn't help complaining.In his sophomore year of high school, Bai already grew to 1 meters, the second tallest in the team.In order to better protect the rebounds, the coach asked Bai Jidong to take the fourth position.Since then began a three-year inside career.

Bai Jidong felt more and more that it was a mistake to come to St. John's.If I knew this would happen, I might as well go to a professional team.

"Let's go back to China." Bai Jidong suddenly had this plan.But if he just went back like this, he would not be reconciled.

"What if I can play in the NCAA?" Bai Jidong began to fantasize about the future again.He likes to fantasize. At the beginning, he just fantasized about his beautiful high school career and came to the United States, but the reality is much crueler than the fantasy.

Soon, a big event happened in basketball.The comeback Michael Jordan lost to the Orlando Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals.

"Jordan is old." "He lost to the years." Such arguments filled newspapers across the United States.The proud Jordan chose to remain silent on this.He has just come back not long ago, and his functions still belong to those of a baseball player.Now he has a summer to get back into form.

The entrance exam is approaching, and it's time for Bai Jidong to say goodbye to the basketball team.

Bai Jidong and several other high school senior players gave a speech of leaving the team in front of everyone.St. John's College has never been a strong team, but this handover ceremony is very solemn.

"Bye!" called Bai Jidong, who was a senior player like him, and that person was the captain of St. John's College, Lapier Gilas, and called Bai Jidong to stop him.Bai Jidong looked back at him, and asked puzzledly: "Is there something wrong? Gilas." "Bye, do you have any plans for the future?" Gilas asked.

Bai Jidong thought for a while, "I don't know yet. I may return to China or stay in the United States. If there is a school that is willing to provide me with a scholarship, I will consider staying." "There must be a school that will provide you with a scholarship. After all, you He is the best player in St. John's College." Gilas comforted Bai Jidong in a wrong way.

Bai Jidong had no choice but to laugh at himself, "Yeah, the best player in Chicago's top 64 schools, if only I were the best player in Oak Hill High School."

"If you are, you should be more troubled." Gilas laughed.

Bai Jidong pretended to say: "Yes, if I were, I should have invitation letters from several schools by now."

"Even if you don't, I still believe that you can play in the NCAA. My intuition has always been accurate." As soon as Gilas finished speaking, Bai Jidong immediately revealed: "It is indeed accurate. Last time your intuition told me that we will score 32. Strong, but we were bloodbathed by Maryland College that day."

"Trust me, it was just an accident." "I believe in you."

a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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