Building a New World

Chapter 24 - Nest Treasure Chest

  Jia Zhengjin took a bow and shot an arrow, concentrating and aiming at the kobold leader who had not yet found him.

  During this time he tried hard to practice archery, and his quasi-head is already much better.

   “Whew!” Although the arrow was aiming at the head of the kobold leader, it hit its left arm.

   But for Jia Zhengjin, being able to shoot is already a great success!

  Centipede’s venom attacks, the poisoned arrows let the kobold leader fall on the spot, and fall into a paralysis state of poisoning.

  Since the venom is effective for the kobold leader, Jia Zhengjin feels relieved. In order to prevent the kobold leader from escaping, he quickly descended from the tree, switched his bow and arrow into a poisoned iron spear, and attacked nearby.

  The bow and arrow may not be hit. The kobold leader does not know whether the poison resistance is strong or not, and the recovery is fast. So he wants to keep the kobold leader from having a chance to recover, and he has been paralyzed!

   Say that the leader is the leader, even if he was teased by the python for so long, and shed so much blood, his blood volume is still very amazing 2000/5000.

   5000 points of blood for Jia Zhengjin’s 100 points, the gap is too far. It makes people look jealous! Even if there are 2,000 points after the injury, Jia Zhengjin’s current attack power also needs to poke about two hundred times with an iron spear.

  Poke two hundred times, even if you stand still and let you hit, you can be exhausted!

  Jia Zhengjin kept on clenching his teeth, plus the daily mining effect after crossing was good, and his physical quality improved, so he finally slowly polished the blood of the kobold leader. But in the end, his hands were too tired to make any effort.

   The pythons obviously forgot the kobold leader, or maybe they were all full. After all, the entire kobold lair has been swept away by them! So after Jia Zhengjin killed the leader of the kobold, he found that the giant python in the kobold’s den had disappeared without a trace.

   [Message] You killed the kobold leader and gained 500 experience points!

  【Message】You have upgraded!

  The experience of the kobold leader succeeded in raising Jia Zhengjin to level 5, and also stored about 400 points of experience. It is 1200 points away from the next upgrade of 1600 points.

   Fumbled around the kobold leader for a while, and the harvest was really good!

   [News] You got [Excellent Ebony Staff]!

   [Message] You have obtained [Little Fireball Skill Book]!

   [News] You have obtained [Excellent Leather Armor]!

   [News] You got [Perfect Wooden Stick]!

  【News】You have obtained the key of the nest treasure chest!

   [News] You got [Excellent Beast Tooth Ring]!

   can be said to be a good harvest, three pieces of excellent equipment, a perfect wooden stick, a magic skill book and a treasure chest key!

   The perfect wooden stick is actually just good quality, the actual damage is not as good as the iron spear. So it’s still trash that you can throw away.

   But the ebony staff, leather armor and animal tooth ring are all very good attributes.

The ebony staff increases intelligence by 1 point and increases magic attack damage by 5%; leather armor has 10 defense values, and the entire set of fiber armor is not as high as a whole; the animal tooth ring increases physical damage value by 5 points, which can greatly Enhance combat capabilities!

   Needless to say, Jia Zhengjin immediately put on his leather armor, put on a ring of beast teeth, and then picked up the ebony staff, and took out the [Little Fireball Skill Book] with interest to prepare for learning.

   This is a magic skill book, the game has never seen it! If he masters the magic, he doesn’t have to confront these dangerous outsiders face to face!

   used it silently, but the excited Jia Zhengjin was topped by cold water.

  【Message】You have opened the technology skill tree, you cannot unlock the magic skill tree at the same time!

   “I can’t even learn?” Jia Zhengjin was angry! The golden finger that the emotion brings after crossing it is already a system skill tree, so the path of the magic skill tree is automatically cut off!

   Isn’t this skill book a waste product? He wanted to throw it away, but he couldn’t bear it. If you think about it, you can’t use it. Can people in this world? For example, Tina?

  Thinking of this, he put the ebony staff and the small fireball skill tree into his backpack, and decided to take it back to let Tina try it. If you can, Tina can also get some self-protection ability!

   The mood is up and down. Looking at the last loot, the treasure chest key in the kobold’s lair, Jia Zhengjin couldn’t decide whether to turn home now or take a trip to the kobold’s lair.

   When I go home, I wonder if the treasure chest of the kobold lair will be refreshed, or will it be taken away by some outsider creatures? In the past, I didn’t know that those pythons were still around. If I turned back, I wouldn’t be able to swallow it!

  Thinking again and again, he finally gritted his teeth: “We are seeking wealth and danger! Those pythons should not be able to turn back!”

  Although I think so, I am still very careful.

  He moved slowly step by step. Any slight sound around him would immediately stop to look closely. UU reads the book until it is confirmed that there is no danger.

   Moved slowly to the kobold’s lair in this way, and after confirming that there was no python near him, he ran carefully and quickly, squatted down into the hole and began to look for it.

  The caves of the kobold lair are relatively short, and the kobold itself is free enough to enter and exit. If Jia Zhengjin doesn’t squat, he can’t even enter the entrance.

   “Eh~~” The inside of the cave is so well connected that they are all connected. Just when Jia Zhengjin entered, he saw the bones of many animals, including even a human-like skull, which made him tremble. But for the sake of treasure, he still managed to ignore the piles of bones and continue to search inside.

   As a result, in addition to the bones, there were some rotten corpses that had stinked. The smell made him almost spit out on the spot. It appears that there are several unlucky outsiders who have become kobold’s spare food. If you don’t save Tina that day, I’m afraid she is now one of these carrion corpses?

  Jia Zhengjinqiang endured his disgust, covering his mouth and nose to continue deepening, and finally found a huge locked wooden treasure chest in the innermost spacious space.

   Obviously, it is impossible for kobolds to make treasure chests for storing things. This is a refreshed benefit after killing kobold leaders.

   quickly used the key to open the treasure chest.

   [News] You got [Kobold Nest Construction Drawing]!

   [Message] You have obtained [Garden Construction Drawing]!

   [Message] You have obtained [Arrow Construction Drawing]!

   [Message] You have obtained [Elementary Vitality Potion]!

   [News] You got [Perfect Leather Boots]!

   [Message] You have obtained [Bone Bone Helmet]!

  【Message】You got【Malt Bread】!

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