Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Part 4.2)

Jabie was already up at around 7 AM. He was making himself breakfast before getting started on his projects. He was making some bacon and pancakes and eventually a glass of orange juice once he finished cooking. He didn't really get anywhere yesterday night, but at least he knew how start now. He'll create 10 water clones again like yesterday but this time only try to merge 5 water clones this time. Hopefully he'll be able to succeed. Trying to merge 10 depleted nearly everything he had. So he should have around half of his usual chakra once he merges them.

Jabie just got done finishing his breakfast and was eager to start experimenting. He grabbed a water bottle out of the dozens of ones in his fridge and held as much water as he could in his mouth and imbued his chakra into it and spat on his kitchen floor. He made a single hand sign and created 10 water clones from the splash zone.

"You already know I'm going to merge 5 of you together and create a water clone with half of my capabilities. The rest of you 5 will continue where we got side tracked yesterday. Modifying the water clone jutsu and seeing if it kills you or you don't possess enough chakra. Okay start."

Jabie started to gather his chakra and form it into the shape of a wire and attached with the 5 water clones. He quickly started to pull them together and strengthen his chakra wire so that they wouldn't burst. His hands started to get sweaty and his arms started to shake slightly. The few seconds that are passing by started to feel like hours to Jabie and his chakra reserves were quickly dropping. Jabie was getting discouraged over not being able to merge even 5 clones before quickly getting rid of that thought and deciding to not give up so easily. If he gave up so easily, what would he have spent all these years surviving with Aomatsuna for? If he ran away from growth and improvement, all that would be left is weakness and fearfulness. He inwardly shouted "MERGE!!!!!!!" and found some sort of strength within him and forcefully merged the 5 water clones together.


Jabie fell to his kitchen floor once again, but this time without an explosion of water inside his home. He smiled weakly before attempting to get up. His arms were shaking, due to the large amount of chakra loss. It took a few seconds before he was eventually helped up by his creation. He successfully merged 5 water clones and made a single step closer to improving the technique. This water clone has 50% of his strength and chakra reserves. The normal shadow clone has 50% of the user's chakra.

"Okay I am essentially out of chakra. That means no more water clones for me today. I'm gonna call you 5 Clone. You're gonna attempt the jutsus that the other water clones can't provide the chakra for and see what changes. Make sure to write down your every step done in your process for modification, so we don't just continually try things we've done already. I'm going to the hospital, since it's almost time for work."

Jabie said before grabbing his backpack and leaving his clones behind. As he started to walk out the door and down the stairs he heard a large splash of water behind him.

He quickly rushed back into his room before being greeted by the sight of his 5 Clone being the only clone standing surrounded by a bunch of water puddles. *SMACK* He slapped his forehead heavily before remembering from the scroll the water clone jutsu was copied from said that you can't move too far away from the water clones or they dissolve back into water. He laughed at himself before wondering why didn't 5 Clone dissolve as well. Maybe since its 5 water clones merged into one it has 5 times the distance requirement than 1 clone has. Well how much distance does it take for a normal single water clone to even dissolve?! More questions and more tests to perform at a later date… but for now he's going to work.

"5 Clone make your own water clones, but don't use yourself as a source of water. Get one of the water bottles from the fridge and continue the modification until you run out of chakra and dissolve. If you run out of chakra with water clones still out then tell that clone to clean up any water puddles still out. I don't want to see my kitchen or living room soaked again." Jabie orders before walking back out his house and heading to Konoha Hospital.


"Awesome! So if we keep doing these elemental training exercises, we can change our non-elemental jutsus and turn them into elemental ones and even make our own elemental jutsus?!" Esumi asks Broly excitedly. Broly just nodded as he continued with his exercises.

Broly decided to train for all three elements instead of doing it like a normal person and only doing one at a time like Esumi. But this is also because Esumi has only one chakra nature she's aligned to. Some shinobi don't ever master more than two elements in their entire life. The reason for this is because the amount of training it takes to master the elements is not easy. It is so hard in fact that only 5 shinobi in history have been known to master all 5 elements using normal means.

Since Esumi only had one element to train it, you would think that she would be progressing faster than Broly was, but no. Esumi was currently trying to feel lightning chakra but was having no luck with it. She didn't know what the hell lightning chakra even felt like. She knows what lightning is and how it feels to be shocked but not what the hell lightning chakra is. She was starting to get pissed off at the shitty instructions on the notebook before hearing Broly's voice.

"You create lightning chakra by increasing the high frequency vibration of your chakra. Or just make it act or feel like lightning with your chakra." Broly said.

Esumi tried what Broly said and instantly felt a different in her chakra. She only happened to make it click so easily is due to her impressive chakra control allowing her to manipulate her chakra very easily. If she wants it to heat up, cool down, turn hard, or even vibrate, its all impossible if she didn't have such a high control over her chakra from the 4 years of practicing chakra control exercises with her friends. So Esumi quickly manipulated her chakra into what she felt what lightning was before trying to vibrate it like Aomatsuna suggested. It turns out that they both turn into the same lightning chakra. I guess if you know the idea of lightning its fine enough for your chakra. Esumi thought this was pretty weird, but whatever time to control some Lightning chakra!

Broly has already caught on how to feel lightning chakra and was moving on towards earth chakra next and leaving wind chakra for last. The earth element is known as the easiest chakra nature to manipulate, simply because very rarely is there not earth nearby a shinobi. All a shinobi has to do is know how to manipulate the ground with their chakra and boom. But skilled earth users are able to create earth chakra without using the ground or dirt. They create the earth chakra inside their bodies and manipulate their bodies as if it was earth or expel it using earth ninjutsu.

Broly, the masochistic saiyan, is attempting the skilled earth user way first instead of the normal beginner way and just inserting his chakra into the ground and manipulating it into jutsus. Broly continued to try and manipulate his chakra in ways that would be reminiscent of earth or ground. He tried to make it hard like stone and felt a difference and then did the opposite. So instead of making his chakra hard he made it soft and semi-liquidly like mud and it also worked. He now could manipulate his chakra into both lightning and earth natures.

While Broly was learning how to alter the properties and characteristics of his chakra, Esumi decided to test out a few lightning jutsus now that she could make her own and manipulate it. She got up and read the scroll for lightning jutsus she got from the library with Aomatsuna after he came to get her to train with this. After making sure of all the hand signs, Esumi started to walk deeper into the Forest of Death to look for some great test dummies for her new jutsus with a scary looking grin on her face.

Esumi reached deep inside the Forest of Death and finally found what she was looking for. She saw a nice 8 or 9ft bear feasting on a nice deer carcass. She smiled before jumping down from the trees and landing in front of bear enjoying his meal. The bear looked up with an uninterested look on its face before resuming its previous activity. This slightly angered Esumi. She pulled out a kunai and threw it near the bear. The bear stood up on its hind legs and roared. Esumi realized it was trying to scare her away and started to laugh.

"Come on you dumb idiot! Come at me! I'm a nice hot sexy free meal! I need to test my new jutsus on you!!" Esumi yelled.

This pissed the bear off and caused it to run at her. Esumi smiled before going through some hand seals and mouthing the words "Lightning Style: Lightning Ball Jutsu" And spitting out 10 balls of crackling electricity all around her. She sent 2 to intercept the charging bear. The bear took notice of this strange object and stood up on its hind legs before swiping at the balls of electricity. The bear started convulsing as the second lightning ball also hit it causing it to be further electrified. The bear fell over backwards twitching and smoking when the two balls of electricity were done shocking it.

Esumi sighed. The dumb bear lost too fast!

"I still had another move to use!"

Esumi walked over to the twitching bear and kicked it hard in its side. Causing it to produce a strange groaning sound while whimpering. Esumi started to search for another target to test her last jutsu on before hearing a tiny *WHOOSH* behind her. She grinned as she slowed herself to a stop and jumped down and bended over to pretend she was foraging something. She focused her chakra to her ears and heard another near silent *WHOOSH* right behind her. She turned around near instantly before being met with a lunging large spider with its legs spread out, intending to land on her and sink its fangs into her.

Esumi instinctively reached for her blade and pierced straight through the spider's sternum. She then raised her left arm and started to generate a powerful current of electricity with her chakra that traveled through her arm and blade into the spider, shocking it painfully. The Spider screeched and wiggled and squirmed while being shocked and impaled, it quickly died a few seconds afterwards and was left as a burnt smoking corpse. Esumi swiped her sword free bisecting the already dead arachnid, causing the corpse to split in half and land on the forest floor.

"Perfect. Now I can spend my time infusing lightning chakra into my non-elemental jutsus and continuing with Jabie's improved chakra control exercises. And maybe I'll head out with Aomatsuna to accompany him with his punishment from sensei tomorrow. That reminds me! I should see if he's done by now." Esumi thought as she started to run back towards Broly.

The young legendary saiyan in question has finished learning how to change his chakra into the basic forms of lightning, wind, and earth. Eventually when a shinobi gets far enough in learning how to manipulate their chakra nature they can then change it into different forms. Such as turning water chakra into mist, or turning wind chakra into sharp blade, or turning earth into sand and being able to control it like normal earth. It would probably take Broly and Esumi months before they would be able to manipulate their chakra natures into other forms besides the basic one. He was about to start practicing the jutsus he has acquired from the library before hearing something coming towards his location. The incoming source of noise turned out to be Esumi!

"Hey Aomatsuna-kun, you know since your going to be hanging out with some brats tomorrow I think I should come with! We could practice our new ninjutsu on them while also telling them how much they suck!" Esumi said while grinning.

Broly thought about using his newly gained techniques on some young insects. He wasn't looking forward to it, since none of them would really be able to give him much of a challenge even without ninjutsu. But it would be good to test it on live insects. He nodded at Esumi before starting to test his techniques on the local surrounding trees that towered above.

Esumi decided to follow in Aomatsuna's footsteps and also train, but instead of using her ninjutsu she decided to try and use lightning chakra with her non-elemental jutsus. Her first technique to be improved would be her Kenjutsu! Obviously! As a swordswoman, she would definitely need to know how to manipulate lightning through her blades safely and carefully without breaking or overheating her blades. She took out two of her swords out of her newly made storage sheath! There is a storage seal slapped onto a sword sheath. So, she just reaches out with her chakra into the sword sheath with the storage seal on it and pulls out which blade she wants with her chakra and tada! Whatever sword she needs!

She started to change her chakra into lightning chakra while making sure she doesn't shock herself and possibly fry herself alive. Being electrocuted from the inside of your body is something she definitely does not want. She controlled the lightning chakra to go through her arms and into her two swords. Her nodachi blade immediately started to heat up while her katana was shaking and looked as if it was about to crack. She quickly changed the output on her lightning chakra. For her nodachi she slightly lowered the amount of lightning chakra flowing into the blade and for her katana she reduced it by a larger amount. Electricity was crackling nicely all over her nodachi and her katana was only electrifying to the extent of shocking your finger and making you jump. How she figured this out, she will never tell a soul.

Esumi pointed towards a large tree and started to thrust her nodachi towards it. The tree quickly heated up and started to melt as the blade actually started to inch inside it. Esumi pushed further and further until her entire sword besides the handle was stuck inside the tree. She easily slid her nodachi out of the slightly melted tree and put it back in her storage sheath before pulling out her third blade, Uchinin the uchigatana. She increased the lightning chakra's output slightly for her katana and had it sparking electricity off of it just like her nodachi did. She tested it the same way on the same tree and it was a success! It turns out her nodachi had a higher resistance towards her lightning chakra than her katana. She put her katana into storage sheathe and focused on her last sword.

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