Broly In Naruto

Training Arc (Finale)


Jabie stayed up all night to train with the information Esumi brought to him and created even more jutsus to use. His clones on the other hand only made small improvements to the Water Clone jutsu. Nothing worth noting for now, but progress is progress.

He yawned before making a water clone without using a water bottle and ordered it to cook breakfast for him and Esumi. He wanted to become more adept with this medical ninjutsu but had nothing to test on. So, he decided to spend some time later in the training ground 44 to fix that with the many wild and diverse animals inside the forest. The clone dispelled and transferred its memories that the food was done. Jabie went up to Esumi's door and knocked loudly.

"Shut the hell up! People are trying to get their beauty sleep!" Esumi yelled in an aggravated tired high-pitched voice

"I guess I get to eat this breakfast all by myself!" Jabie yelled back before hearing a lock open and watching the door swing wide open with a barely dressed Esumi pushing him out the way and rushing towards his apartment. Jabie had a tinge of red on his cheeks before walking over as well.

He walked into his kitchen to see Esumi wearing a loose tank-top and tight-fitting shorts with bunny house shoes eating a large plate of bacon and pancakes with syrup drowning her pancakes. Jabie quickly grabbed the remaining food left before Esumi could consume them down her black hole of a stomach.

"Instead of increasing her height, the blasted food heads towards her other areas…" Jabie thought with some red on his cheeks.

"Do you think Aomatsuna slept in the Forest or he made it home?" Esumi asks

"You just reminded me to make some food for him too. I better get started." Jabie says before creating another water clone that started to cook a larger sized breakfast than both of his and Esumi's.


"I think he made it home."

"Why do you think that idiot? Huh? Why did you "hypothesize" that nerd?" Esumi taunts.

"I didn't. I guessed on a 50/50 chance question." Jabie says unfazed by the taunting.

"You tryna pick a fight with me this early in the morning Jabie?!" Esumi asks loudly and thuggish-like.

"Maybe after work we can have a spar. But for now, see ya later Esumi." Jabie says before grabbing his Storage Bookbag and walking out the door.

Esumi just tsk'd at the lack of response Jabie shown. He's been getting better and better at avoiding her taunts and insults. She's gonna have to find a new target soon if she can't even antagonize one of her best friends!

Esumi finished up eating and knocked on Aomatsuna's door lightly. He showed up quickly wearing baggy shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Esumi told him that Jabie cooked breakfast for him and it should be ready soon. Broly nodded and walked over to Jabie's room and waited at his kitchen table.

Esumi decided to take a walk around the village on this nice sunny Saturday morning. Her three new swords will finally be finished in two days. She is excited about training with them and eventually mastering them. But she needs experience! There hasn't been anything interesting to fight all week except the dumb creatures in the Forest! Their punishment from missions will be over tomorrow, so that's something to look forward to. Maybe she'll actually be able to test her skills against real opponents!

Esumi thought of something as she was walking throughout the village. Why doesn't she just mess with some of the other genin teams!? Her dumb sensei stopped her from messing with team 8, but he can't stop her now! Esumi quickly started to move through each training grounds searching for genin teams training. She located potential targets, but their sensei was there. If he sticks around longer than the students, she'll have to try another training ground but for now she'll wait.

An hour later of Esumi watching a genin team do practically nothing in her eyes finally paid off. Their sensei body flickered away leaving three fresh innocent genin by themselves. Esumi quickly went through some hand signs and transformed into a completely different appearance. Her new appearance consisted of a tall and lean man wearing a blue mask. The blue mask was in the shape of a snake. The man was wearing basic shinobi wear and walked out in the field towards the three genin.

The three genin just looked in her direction before quickly going back to their conversation. Esumi licked her lips as she disappeared and reappeared over the round boy in green with her sheathe in her hand. She slammed down on the boy's head and he stumbled around for a few seconds before falling unconscious. This caused the two pony-tail haired genin to quickly get in front of the fallen green boy and assumed defensive position.

"Chouji, Shikamaru, and Ino. Three very famous clan heirs of Konoha. Well you're not really famous at all but your clans are! I'm curious on how you three achieve such great techniques. I didn't think I would really knock the Akimichi boy out. Haaaah. Have you three improved at all after becoming ninjas?" Esumi says in a disguised male voice that sounded like a smooth gambler in a casino.

"I doubt you are stupid enough to aim for three clan heirs at once while they are still in their home village." Shikamaru says with suspicion in his voice.

Ino has taken out a kunai and held it towards Esumi.

"Oho using that big brain of yours are you? Let's say I am stupid enough to try to steal the clan techniques from three clans in Konoha. What are you going to do about it when I've already defeated one of you?" Esumi says in a taunting manner.

"Then I'd say you're a bigger idiot than most. And your mine!" Shikamaru says before attaching his shadow possession jutsu to Esumi. Esumi smiled while in disguise, felt the effects of the Nara clan's famed shadow possession jutsu. It was just added resistance. She lowered her gravity seal level to 5 before forcing the Nara clan heir to expend even more chakra trying to hold her in place with his shadow possession jutsu.

Esumi saw the Yamanaka clan heiress connected her index, middle, and thumbs together while holding her palms out in a circular hand sign. Esumi started to seriously think about whether or not it was safe to test this attack out before being hit with it and having her consciousness replaced by Ino.

"Quickly! Shikamaru! He won't hold for long!" Ino shouted.

Shikamaru was shocked someone could resist the mind body switch technique the Yamanaka clan's secret technique and he threw a kunai with an explosion seal attached to it in the sky and then quickly ran towards the currently incapacitated Blue Man. He jumped up before kicking towards Ino inside the Blue Man's body. Ino swiftly retreated back into her own body's consciousness before Shikamaru's attack landed.

"That was crazy! Whoa!" Esumi says letting her transformation drop for a second, revealing her voice and nearly being kicked in the face by Shikamaru. Esumi had quickly released her gravity seal level to 0 when she returned back to her body and dodged the boy and performed a turning kick on his back and smashed him into the ground, cracking it slightly and causing the Nara clan heir to groan in pain loudly. Esumi put her gravity seal level back to 6 before grabbing the bloodied and injured shadow user and lifting him up in the air.

"You ready to give up some clan secrets or you want to feel some more pain first?" Esumi asked in her recovered disguised voice.

"Get lost you blue freak! Our sensei is on his way right now! Shikamaru has already signaled him with that explosion earlier!" Ino shouted with slight fear in her voice.

Esumi smacked her sword sheathe on the brainiac's thigh, causing a sharp cry of pain to come from the boy. Ino's previous brave front was quickly erased with the pained yell of her teammate.

"Don't hurt him! Just put him down and I'll tell you.." Ino said with her voice filled with worry.

"Ah ah ah. I'm the one making the demands here blondie. You tell me and then you get a Nara heir." Esumi said in a playful voice.

Ino was about to speak before being interrupted by a swirl of leaves. A tall man with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard appeared with an angry look on his face. He was wearing a standard ninja uniform.

"Hahahahaha well it was fun and all ya brats. That's my signal to bounce!" Esumi said before throwing Shikamaru in the air and giving him a sharp kick in the back, launching him forward towards his sensei and teammates.


The sound of thunder roared in the training ground before the blue masked man turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared in the trees surrounding the training ground.

Asuma, the sensei for the three genin, wanted to quickly chase after the assailant but decided to take his two boys to the hospital instead and listen to his female student tell him the whole story of what happened.

"So he wanted to know each of your clan's secret jutsus.. Either we have a spy inside the village or a very dangerous shinobi who is able to sneak into the village and out of it without being detected. I'll have to talk to the hokage about this." Asuma said.

Ino was relived but almost forgot something.

"His voice was also very young and high pitched when he was caught by disguise! I think he was using a fake voice when he talked to us." Ino stated.

"I see.. I want you to know I'm proud of you Ino and of Shikamaru and Chouji. You didn't leave each other behind and chose to stay and fight together. I'm proud to be your sensei." Asuma says.

Ino smiled when he said that.


Esumi was currently running away heading towards a new genin team to play with but couldn't find any more teams with their sensei absent. So she gave up on this very fun experience of bullying and decided to train in the forest of death. She chose to increase her gravity seal level to 7 and practice ninjutsu and chakra control for the rest of the day. She stuck several shurikens and kunai on her body with chakra and started to practice her current list of jutsus.


Jabie is currently in the middle of mending some broken genin's bones. He is no longer an intern and is now officially a medical-nin who can treat patients on his own. Although they force him to use a transformation jutsu, because who would trust a pre-teen to heal them in a world full of pre-teens who could easily slit your throat and throw fireballs the size of houses to burn you alive on the regular? But god help us if a pre-teen is tasked with healing someone and not being trusted to do it right even though he was properly taught and tested with all his medical practices.

Jabie quickly got off his rant as he noticed the Nara clan heir was completely healed physically but still sleeping away. The boy was brought in by his jonin teacher along with the Akimichi who was unconscious as well. The shadow clan heir was brought in with a broken femur and a slightly cracked spine. Although these injuries sound serious, they aren't much to a medical-nin who knows what they're doing. Due to Jabie's exceptional chakra control, he is easily able to fix the areas of interest. But he can't just fix a patient up in 10 minutes and leave the room soon after. The hospital staff will either think he gave up or he's a medical genius. Both of those options would get in the way of his training and experimenting.

He also doesn't plan on staying at the hospital for long. Jabie has learned all he could from this place and is starting to feel like this place is only sucking up time that he could be using for training or experimenting. He's probably gonna spend 1 or 2 more weeks here before resigning.

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