Broly In Naruto

Three Years Later!! Returning to Konoha?!

Broly, Jabie, and Esumi have been building and improving the previously known village called Ryuu and now called the Battle Empire, The Village Hidden in the Galaxy, or just the Village of Demons. After some of the exploits of the village has been heard and seen over the past three years. Although they have not reached anywhere near the amount of military power and population that the 5 main hidden villages has, they are pretty well off economically. Too well off in fact. The Tsuchikage has actually become jealous of how much money they are making and hired multiple assassins, mercenaries, and spies to attack or gain intel about the village.

Though all these attempts failed due to Jabie's interference and spies that were currently inhabiting the hidden stone village. Jabie does not think the Tsuchikage will personally become involved, but crazier things have happened in history. Jabie has improved the village greatly over the past three years with a few changes from inputs from Suna. Jabie is walking around the village he mostly built up himself with a satisfied grin on his face. He looked at the metal-made buildings along with some built with normal wood. He couldn't get the wood until one of his clones found a trader that came from an area with an abundance of wood, so before then he had to stick with his steel release to create buildings. He walked down the road and took notice of the buildings. There was a sweet shop filled with nice delicacies and people joyously eating them. An open bar in the middle of the day with men and women drinking and having fun. He spotted one of his famous tourist attractions, the Demon's Zoo, and took a stroll inside after paying the worker at the gate. He was able to get a lot of animals that don't live in the Land of Earth through Esumi. As she was constantly on missions from clients, she journeyed around a lot. She even managed to pick up a child and had him follow her on dangerous missions.

Esumi told him that she picked up the boy because she thought he was cute. Jabie thought that was totally insane reason for adopting someone, but then again Suna also picked up a little girl on his travels for strong fighters.

'Suna told me and Esumi that she would become useful to him soon. What that meant, I had no idea, but I did have to enhance both of their new apprentices' bodies. I even gave them the Byakugan in their left eyes, but only normal ones, not the improved ones that I gave Suna, Esumi, and myself. I still have quite a few left-over ones from that time I raided the Hyūga graveyard, so I didn't care too much.'

Suna's apprentice had an icy-blue hair color and in a sort of wild hair-style. Like she was born in the wild and didn't have anyone to take care of her hair for her. Her eyes matched her hair. She wore a black cloak over herself that covered most of her body.

Esumi's apprentice wasn't quite opposite from Broly's withdrawn and unspeaking apprentice. He had normal social manners and a gentle or nice personality from what he's seen. He looked like an average village boy with nothing special about him. But after enhancing both of their apprentices, named Khael and Sho respectively, he noticed they had something special about them. Sho had an untapped source of chakra behind the optic nerves in his eyes. Jabie tried activating them but whenever he tried to interact with it his chakra was just sucked away and disappeared.

He didn't give up so easily though. He created the tiniest water clone he could possibly create. He couldn't do this often though. He watched as the clone examined Sho's strange anomaly behind his eyes. It suddenly got sucked into it. It tried to resist as much as it could, but it was ultimately pointless. The clone was sucked into the anomaly and through it's memories later, Jabie witnessed a strange place.. A place filled with nothing but purple and black. The clone was falling endlessly into the purple and black surroundings that filled the entire place. It seemed as if falling for eternity…. Until he suddenly… turned into a puddle of water.

'It seems Esumi has picked up quite the special boy..' Jabie thought to himself.

The only strange thing about Khael was her kekkei genkai. It absorbs and manipulates chakra. If someone attacked her with a jutsu like the rasengan, she would be able to absorb it, figure out their natural chakra element, and then be able to use that element to perform the exact same jutsu they used. Her only drawbacks to this bloodline limit is that if she absorbs too much chakra she must release it in some way or face rupturing of her body's chakra points.

He figured since these two will be following Suna and Esumi around they should prove themselves useful too. He gave Khael an interesting kekkei genkai he managed to extract from a dead shinobi. From the test subject he experimented it on, it allowed the user to manipulate their own skeletal structure. By infusing chakra into the calcium inside their body, they could manipulate the growth and properties of their bones to their liking. He didn't give Sho anything because the boy already most likely had an inactivated hidden Dōjutsu. Maybe if he proved himself interesting enough he could probably gain something from him, but for now he's fine with just a Byakugan and an improved body.

Jabie soon left the zoo filled with strange and interesting animals he may have slightly improved. Either in abilities, appearance, or body structure. They were being taken care of by men and women in his brilliant devices! The Crown of Servitude. The ones wearing them are most of the enemy spies and shinobi sent by the Tsuchikage. Jabie figured it would be much more productive to have them help his village out than dying a worthless death. So he put them to work in many parts of his village. He took the interesting ones to his lab and sent the strong ones to his police force!

The police force took care of matters that would be annoying to solve for Jabie, Suna, or Esumi. The captain of the police force was Dan. Dan hasn't changed much over the years except losing most of his weight and looking like a skeleton with skin. The look in his eyes are still mostly empty, but apparently when he's seen with the children of the village who sometimes play around him or interact with him a slight joyous light is seen in his eyes. His strength has only increased in size since they first met despite how much better he looked three years ago. He's an excellent defender for the village along with Juri and Hoki. Those two seemed to have put the past behind them and started to serve the village in earnest. Only shinobi who graduated from the recently built academy would be able to become police officers.

Suna apparently really didn't like the designs of the Crown of Servitude for some reason and nearly forced me to redesign them. But he calmed himself down and started to mutter about how things are different now and something about his father. This really confused Jabie though. Suna was raised at the orphanage along with him and Esumi, what would he know about his real parents? How peculiar..

But anyway! Jabie continued to stroll through his village until he reached the village's park. Called Dragon's Park in memory of the previous clan that lived here. The children were playing with toy kunai and shurikens as they chased each other around screaming and shouting. The parents saw Jabie and bowed towards him. Jabie waved his hand and smiled as he looked at the playing children. A stray toy kunai came towards his head and bonked him on the forehead. The child, Jabie presumed responsible, came over.

"I'm sorry fatty! I didn't mean to hit your big ole forehead." The rude brash boy said as his friends came over.

Jabie just laughed jollily at the boy before thumping him on the forehead and knocking him away. The boy's friends had a change in their eyes before they all jumped towards Jabie with their toy weapons. Jabie laughed even more before tapping each child away with a similar bruise on their foreheads.

"You kids won't be able to join the academy if that's all you can do. You might need to train a little bit more if you want to become real ninjas for the village. Haha." Jabie said before whistling and turning around.

"If you can become Councilor, I sure as hell can! Just wait Fatty Councilor I'll take your position in no time!" The first boy shouted while pointing at Jabie.

"You need a lot more than words to become apart of the Council kids. Pass the academy's entrance exam first." Jabie said while laughing loudly so the kids could hear him and walking away.

The Council is just the name he chose to describe him, Esumi, and Suna as rulers of the village.
They couldn't really think of anything else at the time and it sort of stuck with the populace. After chatting with the local kids in the neighborhood, Jabie knew where he wanted to go next. To his academy that will produce the greatest ninjas of this time! What do schools that are planning to produce ninjas need? Everything that a ninja will face out on the field and need to know! If your enemy is a long-ranged fighter and you're a close ranged fighter how will you get close to him and manage to take him out?! You will find out in this Academy!

There are three requirements for entrance into the Academy.

1. Always have the village's interest as your first priority.
2. Never lose your courage. Always aim to become the greatest.
3. Always crush your enemies.

The third one was made by Suna. Jabie would've added more rules but he just decided to add them in the Shinobi Handbook guide he created for his school. The academy he built just recently was built. He made the building for it a couple of years ago, but didn't truly have it start until he had shinobi he believed had the talent for teaching able to work for him. He would have just sent transformed clones as teachers but realized that perhaps not every student would work well with his teaching methods, so he decided that certain teachers should teach the type of skill they excel in. And he still sent in a clone as a transformed teacher, but only one for ninjas. That clone taught about genjutsu. It taught basic, advanced, and expert classes. The students are required to take basic class but advanced and expert are only electives.

Entrance into the Academy is free, so anyone could really sign up for it. The minimum age of entry is 4 and no maximum limit for age. The Academy is split in what it teaches. One half of the school is for civilians while the other half is for future shinobi. The civilian side is still looking for teachers to hire. Jabie needed to find more experts in various different jobs that civilian children could be interested in. Such as a blacksmith whose good at teaching, carpenters, cooks, and even doctors. He had a few civilian teachers lined up including another transformed clone who planned on teaching math and history.

He was the principal of the Academy, so he made most of the rules involving it. Jabie watched over the shinobi class from above and saw them in their taijutsu class with the instructor he chose. Her name was Lin and she was from the Ryūken clan that we took over. It seems she put the past behind her because she seems like she enjoys teaching the children without holding any lasting hatred or prejudice against him nor is she planting any seeds of doubt or revenge in the children's minds.

She was having the children warm up with some basic exercises before having them choose a weapon.

"Alright you little brats! Choose one of the weapons or stand over there!" Lin yelled to the first year of students who joined the academy.

This group was the very first group of students the Academy received as it just opened not too long ago. They were mostly around the age of 4 to 8 max. Anyone older would have to wait until next year to join the Academy. Jabie still needed to hire more teachers for both the ninja students and civilian students. There are only four groups of kids that were accepted, totaling up to 36 students. Nine students in each group.

The children looked over the numerous cool looking weapons that were actually dulled and somewhat harmless. Worst kind of injury that could happen to the students is brain damage, but that kind of injury isn't a problem with the medical-nin he has as staff for the infirmary.

After each child got the weapon they wanted or chose not to, Lin started to speak.

"Get over here you little brats! Being so excited over some toys. So foolish. Now I'm going to show you all how to use those little toys over the week and increase your body condition for those weapons you selected. If you didn't choose a weapon you get to choose which fighting style you want to learn from the library after school, but for now you will be exercising till class is over. Bring me a copy tomorrow of which fighting style you chose or expect to be in detention for the week." Lin said.

The students who decided on not picking a weapon groaned at having to exercise while their other classmates got to play with the weapons.

"But Lin-sensei! What if I don't want one of those fighting styles at the library? What if I want to make my own super cool ninja fighting style?" A red-headed boy asked while punching and kicking the air.

Lin sighed before replying.. " If you really don't want one of the fighting styles listed in the library then meet with me tomorrow after class. We'll figure out something." And finishing with a sinister smile that caused the boy in question to shiver.

Lin then proceeded to cover her body in that orange energy that the Ryūken clan members use besides chakra and created 3 clones. The class were awed and started to get excited.

"Quiet down! Today's lesson is about to begin." Lin shouted.

Lin and her clones then got started on teaching the class how to use their weapons in a basic manner and giving the other students exercises to do. Jabie then checked on the other classes in session with students in them. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Chakra were the other classes the other three groups were currently in. For the first years, the students will have the classes: General, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Chakra. General was a variety of subjects, such as reading, writing, math, science, geography, and more. This class was the longest out of the four. Ninjutsu taught about chakra, how to manipulate it and use hand seals, how to use jutsu, the different types of ninjutsu, and shape/nature transformation of ninjutsu. Taijutsu involves teaching any techniques that are hand-to-hand combat focused and physical education. Weaponry included. Genjutsu class teaches about how exactly genjutsus work, how to create them, how to figure out if you are in one, and how to free yourself from one. Chakra class teaches about chakra and chakra control exercises.

Jabie smiled in a satisfied manner to himself after leaving the Academy and was about to head back to his lab before having a familiar face and a littler face stop in front of him. She waved excitedly while her tag along bowed his head as Jabie reached them.

"Hey fatass! It's time to go back home for a visit!" A very beautiful and filled out girl shouted as she waved to him.

She had light blue hair that flowed down to her back and ended in curls. She was nearly his height, but only reached to his chest. She wore a black top that cut off at her midriff, showing off her impressive bust, and a short pink skirt that stopped above her knees. The word
"Resistance x3" was etched in her stomach.

"Has it really been three years since we've been gone?" Jabie asked.

"Yep. It's been so long and I don't think I even remember most of our classmates faces! Hahahaha." Esumi responded while looking at the taller Jabie who seemed to have grown in size and height. '

His belly is probably bigger than my cute little not so cute apprentice. Well… This fatass's stomach could definitely take off a good chunk of his upper body…'

"I know you're thinking something incredibly rude right now Esumi. Cut it out." Jabie suddenly responded and startling her.

She nervously laughed before patting him on the back with an audible smack.

"What are you talking about tubby? Let's get moving." She said as she grabbed Jabie's arm and sneakily placed her chest against his arm.

Sho followed behind his master with his face red. Jabie also had a slight red blush upon his face but did not resist against Esumi's actions. Esumi giggled when she noticed Jabie's slight blush and this caused him to redden even further. He sighed as he walked outside the village with Esumi on his arm and Sho walking behind them.

As they left the village entrance, three figure were standing up the road ahead. One of the figures were taller than the other two while the second one was taller than the last one. As Jabie, Esumi, and Sho reached the three figures only one of them smiled. It was Aomatsuna, Fu, and Khael. Broly hasn't appeared to change at all over the last three years except his hair now reached to his lower back and he had a strange book on his waist. Fu had a round metal shield and a morning star on her waist. She had a friendly smile upon her tanned face. Khael had a blank face or passive look upon her face. Rather similar to Broly's normal uninterested or apathetic look. Her black cloak and wild icy-blue hair blew in the wind as she stood next to Broly and Fu.

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