Broad World

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce

In the evening, Henry and his party came to the door of a business in the commercial district of Deep Water City. A beautiful bear-shaped pattern is carved on the gate, and on the side is a beautiful swash in lingua franca that says “Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce”. The orc warrior opened his mouth and laughed when he saw it. He said to Hawke: “If you bring Ares, he will love this place. Looking at the size of the bear above, you know it must be a female bear.” Hawke sighed, he was immune to some of Vaughan’s jokes.

Henry waved his hand and said, “Stop kidding, Sir, this is where you want to bring me?”

Hawke nodded: “Here, the owner of the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce is a tall, fat man named Andrew. It is said that he personally killed a large brown bear on the road in the trade. Later, he became rich and opened his own chamber of commerce. This is the name. He has his own business route in the north, and he can often get some rare items, so he can stand firm in this prosperous place.”

Henry looked at the size of the chamber of commerce and said: “Then we will go in and meet this Mr. Andrew now. I hope he will not let me down.” Then everyone walked through the door under Hawke’s leadership.

As soon as he entered the hall, a **** man walked up to him. He laughed and gave Hawke a hug and shouted loudly: “Oh! Captain Hawke, you know what they all say you are dead, but I never believed these rumors. Now it looks like your mix is ​​pretty good, look at the clothes waiting for fabrics, my goodness! Is this the noble family crest?”

Hawke pushed away the overly enthusiastic fat man and said, “I’m afraid they will be disappointed. Not only are I not dead, but I am now a nobleman. Please call me Sir Hawke in the future, and I will bring you big clients this time.”

Then he pulled the fat man over and said to Henry, “Earl, this is Andrew, the owner of the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce I told you.” After that, he turned his head and said to the fat man, “This is the nobleman I serve now, Ang. Earl Henry of the American Islands. I think you must have heard this name as a well-informed businessman.”

Andrew shook the fat on his body, and said to Henry with a smile on his face: “It’s a great honor to meet your Lord Earl. Your legendary adventures are widely circulated in this city. I don’t know if I can be fortunate enough. What kind of service do you provide?”

Henry looked at the fat man with astute eyes for a while and said, “Mr. Andrew, I need a lot of rare ores. Of course, it would be better if you can get some special parts of magical creatures.”

Andrew lowered his head to consider for a while, then raised his head and said, “Please come with me. For ordinary guests, I won’t show these special goods casually, but you are obviously not in this list.” He took Henry and his party with him. People walked through the hall to the warehouse door behind. After walking inside the warehouse for a short while, Andrew suddenly squatted down. He started tapping the ground lightly with a stone, and after a few minutes a stone slab was pushed up on the ground, and then a dirty goblin crawled out of it.

“Master, have you brought a big customer here again?” the goblin asked, rubbing his hands.

Andrew did not reply. He kicked the goblin into the pit and turned his head to Henry and said, “Earl, you may be a little wronged on the way forward.”

Hawke looked at the hole in surprise and said: “Andrew, you have never heard of such a secret warehouse before.”

The fat man laughed and patted Hawk on the shoulder and said, “My friend, that’s because you were not at this level before.”

Henry looked at the low tunnel and said to Andrew: “It’s okay, as long as you have the goods I am satisfied with.” After saying that, he followed the fat man into the tunnel. After walking with their heads down for five minutes in the narrow tunnel, everyone suddenly felt that the realization became cheerful. This is a huge man-made cave, surrounded by a large number of wooden boxes and shelves.

Andrew pointed to these boxes and said: “The goods here are some rare ores and magic materials, as well as a small amount of magic items. This is all the inventory I have saved for 20 years. Please choose it slowly. If you have any questions, please contact us. Go directly to Tim, that is, the goblin who is responsible for sorting out all the things here.” After finishing talking, the fat man pulled a chair and sat down. The chair almost collapsed with a “creak”.

Henry walked up to the goblin and said, “Then first show me the metals and ores here.”

Goblin Tim quickly ran to a row of boxes and said: “Dear guest, all the metal nuggets and ores are here, please choose them at will.” After he said that, he opened all the boxes.

Henry carefully checked the contents of the box, and after confirming that there were no fakes, he said to the fat man: “I want all these ores and rare metals. Next, take me to see the rare magic materials.”

After hearing these words, the fat man stood up from his chair. He looked at Henry in surprise and asked, “Earl, all these things together cost at least 250,000 gold coins. Are you sure you buy them all?”

“Yes, do you think two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins are a big number for me?”

The fat man hurriedly waved his hand and said, “No, no, no! I never doubt your ability to pay. I just didn’t expect you to buy things so boldly.”

Henry ignored him and directly followed the goblin to the shelf where the special materials were placed. It didn’t take long for him to find out the succubus’ tail, the silk sac of the Yite monster, the venom gland of the desert giant scorpion, the tongue of the Slaad’s toad, the eyes of the evil beast, and so on, which were hardly seen in the market. He picked out these materials and turned to Andrew and said: “I didn’t expect you to have some good things here. Let’s just help me figure out how many gold coins I need.”

The fat man carefully looked at all the magic materials, closed his eyes and calculated for a while, opened his eyes and said to Henry: “These materials are 130,000 gold coins, and the total price of the ore is 38,000. But I can only You will receive 200,000 gold coins, but there is a condition attached.”

“Tell me your terms and listen.” Henry looked at the shrewd businessman and said.

Andrew touched his fat chin and said, “I hope you can provide me with a certain amount of spices every year. Of course, after the sale, I will pay according to my four-you-six split. You must know that from your island last year The merchants who bought the spices made a fortune, and the profits they made made me jealous.”

Henry smiled and said: “Mr. Andrew, you are really a shrewd and greedy businessman. If you can send some people to my territory every year, I can agree to your request.”

Andrew gave a noble courtesy with a smile on his face and said: “Of course count, if the population is not enough, I will go to Luskan to buy a batch for you.”

Heng looked at the big fat man with a slightly appreciative look and said: “If you do what I am satisfied with, I will consider increasing your share of spices year by year, and I am not only the spice business that can make a lot of money.”

When Andrew heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of the words. He whispered to Henry: “It is my honor to serve you. If there is anything I need to do in the future, please do not hesitate to give orders.” See the fat man and listen. Understanding what he meant, Henry nodded in satisfaction. After giving Andrew two hundred thousand gold coins, he packed everything into his dimensional bag and left the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce.

Standing on the street in the business district, Hawke exclaimed: “I have known Andrew for more than ten years. I didn’t expect him to be in this kind of business behind his back. If he is caught by the Tower of Order, he will go to jail.”

Henry smiled and said to the old captain: “Sir, I once heard a saying that if a businessman has 50% profit, he will take the risk; if there is 100% profit, he will dare to trample all the laws of the world; if so, With 300% profit, he dares to commit any crime, even risking being killed.”

Hawke pondered for a while and asked, “It’s so apt. Was that scholar who said such philosophical words?”

“A man named Marx. But he is dead.” Henry said with a mysterious smile.

Hawke sighed and said: “It’s a shame not to be able to get to know such a wise man.” After that, he took a group of people and started touring the business district. Hawke explained this area to the people behind him as he walked. The commercial area of ​​Deep Water City never closes except for festivals. Various candles, oil lamps and magic flames are used to illuminate the entire street at night. Moreover, all major guilds have their headquarters here, ready to serve guild members.

Henry walked along the way. Although it is not as prosperous as some famous shopping streets on the earth, it also has a special flavor. For example, the pet shop just now is very interesting. There are not only ordinary cats, dogs, mice, birds, but also some small pterosaurs, highly poisonous spiders and other dangerous animals Henry is even at the top A young bear hound was seen inside.

After walking around for a while, Hawke took everyone back home. Juliet greeted her as soon as she walked in. She smiled and asked, “How is the business negotiation going well?”

Hawke hugged his wife and said, “It went well. I can assure you that the earl will be quite satisfied.”

“Yes, I never thought I could buy so many things at once. You must know that there are many materials here that are out of stock all the year round.”

Juliet helped her husband hang up the coat and said, “I have made dinner, shall I bring it now?”

The orc warrior touched his stomach and nodded desperately and said, “Of course ma’am, my stomach is groaning with hunger.”

Hawke laughed and said to his wife: “My dear, didn’t you hear what Vaughan said? It is estimated that even our neighbors will be able to hear it in a while.” After everyone came to the table and sat down, Dinner was served. Everyone silently ate the things on their plates, and occasionally made a little chewing or swallowing sound. After dinner, Hawke took everyone into the guest room and went back to his bedroom to find his wife warmly. Henry looked at the street scene in the distance through the window, and he secretly sighed the prosperity of Deep Water City. I don’t know when my territory can be like this, with such a large population and bustling commercial streets.


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