Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 126

Everyone was overjoyed and spoke.

A big eagle who can’t fly: “Big brother, Diao’er listens thoroughly!”

Ruffian Dragon: “Longlong moved a small bench and sat on his head and listened.”

Straw hat boy: “I…I jumped on the sail to listen.”

Head Yue: “Big brother, talk more quickly, everyone else has nothing to say.”

Yue Buqun sent this message, but was not refuted, and everyone fell silent.

Li Huan had sorted out this information long ago.

He has been doing this work since he knew that the members of the group came from the world of major film, television, animation, novels and so on.

Now he can tell some things, part of what he knows comes from his previous life, and the other part comes from the system.

But the unknown part can be kept, waiting to be revealed later.

Evolver of all things: “々`There are many similar worlds in the heavens and all realms.”

“These similar worlds are like gourds on a vine. They are not the same, but they are very similar.”

“For similar worlds, there are different opinions in all major worlds.”

“For example, the parallel world principle of the technological world.”

“This principle tells people that when the timeline of a world undergoes any slight change, this world will produce another similar world.”

“That is, Family A, whose time has not changed, and World B, which has changed. These two worlds are very similar, but different, and will become more and more different over time.”

“Even in the process of development, these worlds will continue to fissure, forming more parallel worlds.”

“This is why your world is similar but different.”

After Li Huan finished speaking, he stopped, leaving time for everyone.

They are all the first time they have heard of this kind of thing, but everyone is not stupid. After a little thought, they thought of a lot.

Jiu Shu: “Compared with the Dao and found that His Majesty Shi Huang, His Majesty Cao Aman, His Majesty Wu Xi, Tai Chi Lao Dao, Yue Zhang Sect, and me all belong to the parallel world.”

Ruffian Dragon: “You miss a dragon, and so does this dragon.”

Pi Zilong: “When this dragon went to the mainland, he found the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.”

“Furthermore, the history books do record the existence of the First Emperor.”

Uncle Jiu: “Then add the ruffian dragon.”

The flightless eagle: “Why did you forget this eagle? This eagle is also in a parallel world!”

In fact, Li Huan is also in the parallel world, and he is also a traverser from the parallel world to the parallel world.

Uncle Jiu: “Plus the big eagle, is there any more?”

Blood Rotation Boy: “I am not, except that our world is somewhat similar to yours in culture, everything else is different.”

Straw hat boy: “Neither am I.”

Cold running: “It’s not recognition.”

Uncle Jiu: “Excluding the two hapless newcomers, that means we have a total of eight people who belong to the parallel world.”

Cao Ama: “What can this explain?”

Others are equally puzzled.

Uncle Jiu: “This can show that our world may be very close, even several adjacent worlds.”

Uncle Jiu: “Although we can’t travel through the world to find out, what if we can in the future?”

Everyone was silent.

There is indeed such a possibility, and Li Huan also fell into contemplation.

in this case.

Isn’t the world in which oneself is also very close to them? .

=== Chapter 89 Scorpion Dragon: Who wants this fire unicorn? ===

When Jiu Shu said that everyone in the world may be very close. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

Everyone couldn’t help but think about it.

However, all reveries were disrupted by a single sentence from the **** carving.

The big eagle who can’t fly: “Hey, the disciple of this eagle is back, wow, I also brought a lot of delicious food to this eagle. Let’s not talk about it, let’s get off first.”

Ruffian Dragon: “Dead carving, the dragon is also greedy, and the dragon is down!”

Yue Buqun and others’looked at each other.’

The atmosphere created with great difficulty was abruptly obliterated by these two goods.

At this moment, everyone has no interest in exploring the parallel world.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let’s talk about it later.

Now their most important thing is to make money.

Li Huan was also very speechless, but he was also relieved. After all, he firmly believed in the theory of parallel worlds.

But if the parallel world is very close, he doesn’t know. What if he is asked?

Therefore, the divine eagle seems to be fooling around, but inadvertently saves himself from embarrassment.

There are also good assists from the riffraff, um, you can help these two in secret.

Then buy more things from their shops.

Just do it when he thinks of it, and immediately went to the trading house to sweep away all the beasts and beast meat sold by the gods.

He also bought all the things in the Pizilong shop.

Then he left the chat group.

Blue Star, Li Huan’s home.

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