Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 17 - Give the eldest sister the fragrant fruit

It was really late. Chen Xiayue saw that it was almost nine o’clock in the evening, almost ten o’clock in the evening. At this time, Zhang Chengchuan and Zhang Deping came back.

Zhang Chengchuan and his son have already eaten dinner, but there are no other people in the village, so the village is really not so quiet at this moment.

Chen Xiayue was sitting at home waiting for Zhang Chengchuan to come back. She just realized that her family members are all workers and have jobs. No one will be home when she returns home tomorrow.

Even her little nephew was sent to kindergarten. Is there someone at home to receive her and the new uncle?

“What’s the matter? Still not sleeping?” When Zhang Chengchuan came back, he saw his daughter-in-law was still sitting and waiting for him, walked over with a smile and asked, rubbing her head.

“You’re not in good health, you should rest early.” Zhang Chengchuan likes this daughter-in-law more and more, she is beautiful and good at cooking, and she is not as arrogant as other girls in the city.

It’s not that Zhang Chengchuan hasn’t seen other city girls. Most city people look down on country people. He has seen them a lot.

However, his daughter-in-law didn’t have such an attitude. Although she was a little polite and distant when she first got married and got along with her family, she didn’t have a high-spirited attitude. Zhang Chengchuan was very satisfied.

Because of Chen Xiayue’s attitude, Zhang Chengchuan likes her more and more. His daughter-in-law is so beautiful and has a good personality, so it’s no wonder he doesn’t like her.

“I just remembered that my mother’s family has to go to work. If we go home, there will be no one at home.” Chen Xiayue said distressedly.

“And on the day we got married, my mother said that it would be nice if they could take leave that day, but they won’t have any leave tomorrow. If I go back, let me not go back, and I will go back when my brother is at home. also.”

“After all, my eldest brother is a teacher, and the school also has weekends, so it is not as easy for him to have a holiday as my parents work in the factory.” Chen Xiayue said.

Zhang Chengchuan also nodded, “That’s fine, I’ll go tomorrow by myself. If there’s no one at home, I’ll go to the school and give it to my uncle, or go to the food factory to give it to my father.”

“That’s it.” Chen Xiayue nodded. In fact, she was relieved that she didn’t have to go back to the Chen family. After all, she was really worried that the changes in her body would attract the attention of the Chen family.

She has only been married for two days, and it is impossible for her to change so much, so it will take a little longer to get in touch with the Chen family.

After talking to his daughter-in-law for a while, Zhang Chengchuan went to take a bath. After washing, he came back and looked at his daughter-in-law who was still asleep, and posted it with a smile.

Without a word all night, when Chen Xiayue woke up, Zhang Chengchuan and her mother-in-law Liu Guiying were no longer at home, and Zhang Deping also went out early.

Chen Xiayue looked at the time, it was almost seven in the morning, almost eight in the morning? However, she still didn’t want to get up very much. Although she had enough sleep time for eight hours, she still wanted to stay in bed.

Chen Xiayue called up the screen of the farm and watched the crops that could be harvested. Chen Xiayue planted all corn at night, and wheat and corn together during the day.

So now the corn output is not enough to unlock the next crop, and Chen Xiayue doesn’t care so much. Anyway, whether it is wheat or corn, they are both food, and she is not in a hurry to unlock the next crop.

Chen Xiayue sighed, harvested the grain and planted the seeds, and then harvested the eggs from the chicken farm. The eggs in the chicken farm are harvested every 3 hours, and Chen Xiayue has harvested 30 eggs so far.

When Zhang Chengchuan went out in the morning, Chen Xiayue asked him to bring all 30 eggs with him. His eldest sister’s house gave 15 eggs, and his father-in-law’s house also gave 15 eggs. It’s fair.

Zhang Chengchuan and Liu Guiying here have already arrived at Zhang Chengyu’s house in the town. Although Zhang Chengyu is married to the town, he has no job. He occasionally picks up odd jobs, but he only needs to be busy with housework and other things at home.

When Zhang Chengchuan and Liu Guiying arrived, Zhang Chengyu was preparing to do laundry at home.

Zhang Chengyu’s in-law’s family has three sons and two daughters. All three sons are married but have no family separation. The whole family lives in the same courtyard. The liveliness is quite lively, but there are also some contradictions.

At the beginning, Zhang Chengyu got married because she had an elder brother of an officer, and Zhang Chengyu had read books and was not a really illiterate country girl, so the Hu family would be willing to let Hu Zhengjun and Zhang Chengyu get married.

Zhang Chengyu married Hu Zhengjun, the third son of the Hu family. Of course, as the youngest son, Hu Zhengjun is not the one whose father does not love his mother, so his life is quite dashing.

Although Zhang Chengyu’s sister-in-law looked down on her as a countryman, they themselves were not necessarily better than Zhang Chengyu, and Zhang Chengyu’s personality was not that easy to bully, so she also got along well in her husband’s family.

In addition, the Zhang family will send some things from time to time, Zhang Chengyu will help his younger brother, and Zhang Chengchuan, a younger brother, will also bring good things to his sister.

As for the eldest brother Zhang Chengyue, that is also Zhang Chengyu’s confidence, and the biggest reason why her in-laws dare not really challenge her. After all, Zhang Chengyue seldom comes back, but he cares a lot for his younger siblings.

“Idiom.” When Liu Guiying and Zhang Chengchuan came over, they saw their daughter washing clothes and called her.

“Mother?” Zhang Chengyu was surprised when he saw his mother and brother. Why did his mother and brother come?

She also went back on the day of her brother’s wedding, and she was quite satisfied with her younger brother and sister. Of course, it’s her younger brother who lives with her younger siblings. She can’t be too picky, even if she feels like her younger brother has been snatched away, she doesn’t want to target her sister-in-law.

As long as her younger brother gets married, it is the same no matter who the younger sister-in-law is, so Zhang Chengyu’s mentality cannot be developed into targeting whoever the younger sister-in-law is.

She is a pet brother, but she is not the real mother of her brother, and she does not have the mentality of protecting her son to the point of madness. Her own mother didn’t have this kind of mentality, and there was no need for her to be a sister.

“Yesterday, Ah Chuan went up the mountain and found a kind of fruit. It tastes very similar to pears. It’s very delicious. I picked a lot of them. I’ll bring them back for you to taste.” Liu Guiying said to her daughter with a smile.

Seeing that her daughter is a little thin but not very haggard, she is also a little satisfied. It is normal for everyone to be thin these days. She only needs to see if her daughter is in good spirits to know how she is doing at her husband’s house.

“Achuan is so lucky? What kind of fruit?” Zhang Chengyu was very curious. She knew that her brother liked to go up the mountain. After all, her brother used to send pheasants, hares, etc., as well as fish and so on.

“Sister, the things are here. Mother will talk to you for a while. I will go to the county and bring a copy for my father-in-law and mother-in-law.” Zhang Chengchuan took the fragrant fruit and eggs distributed to his sister said.

“Want to go to the county?” Zhang Chengyu asked.

“Well, it was originally the day to go home, but my daughter-in-law said that my father-in-law and the others were going to work, so they didn’t bring my daughter-in-law back. But didn’t I pick the fruit? I also sent it to my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so they could taste it. Early adopters.” Zhang Chengchuan explained.

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