Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 64 We will reserve the right to sue!

Danny Rand took out his cell phone as if sleepwalking and transferred one hundred thousand dollars to Saint. He didn't feel sorry for such a small amount of money. For him, the heir to the Rand Group, one hundred thousand dollars was a drop in the bucket. No, he was simply affected by Saint's sudden change in painting style, which caused serious psychological trauma...

Well, he was not the only one who suffered psychological trauma...

Fortunately, after Saint extorted a windfall and no longer had to worry about being poor in the future, his behavior became a little more normal. He turned his head to look at Matthew Murdoch and asked seriously: "You You said you attacked SHIELD, did you cause casualties?"

"No. Mobile m..."

Daredevil in plain clothes immediately shook his head: "I only knocked out two of the six S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, without causing any permanent damage."

Colleen Wen also shook her head: "I only knocked out two agents."

Danny Rand, who was still in a daze, was a little slow to react. It wasn't until everyone turned their attention to him that he repeated Colleen Wing's words: "I only knocked out two agents. "

Are you sharing your experience equally?

Because Saint slandered him like this, he frowned and said, "Strange...then, is SHIELD crazy? Is it such an overreaction?"

"Wait! Don't say anything!"

Matthew Murdoch suddenly raised an arm and raised an index finger, as if listening. After a while, he showed an expression of sudden realization, and at the same time explained to Saint: "I just heard the A.D. Shield Someone from the bureau said on the public communication channel that Team E actually had no casualties and lost contact only because all members were unconscious. I think they had misunderstood before."

Hearing what he said, Saint curled his lips: "We haven't verified the intelligence yet and issued the combat order. As a global intelligence agency, SHIELD has such a mistake. It's enough!"

"It's not fair for you to say that."

I don’t know what his psychology was, but Matthew Murdock spoke for SHIELD: "For them, this is a battlefield. If any changes occur, they must respond as soon as possible. If they wait until By the time the intelligence was verified, it was already too late.”


Saint glanced at him speechlessly: "Do you have Stockholm Syndrome?"

"I don't feel like a victim..."

Matthew Murdoch shrugged his shoulders, retorted without changing his face, and then suddenly said: "Someone from SHIELD is coming. I heard two footsteps in total."

Because Saint can use breath sensing, although in various details, it is not as good as Daredevil's living radar, but in terms of range, it is far beyond. In fact, he has discovered this earlier, and he can see that others are nervous. With a look on his face, he said: "It's okay, the people here are all acquaintances, you stay here, I will go talk to them."

On the devastated street in front of the alley, Phil Coulson had just walked through the large hemispherical pit when he saw Saint, who had changed greatly, flying towards him and landing lightly in front of him. He couldn't help but feel He showed a wry smile: "Mr. Li, it's so hard for you to hide this from me."

"Call me Saint, Coulson."

Saint first made a friendly gesture, and when Coulson showed an moved expression, he continued: "I keep calling you Agent Coulson, and I almost thought you were called Agent Coulson. ”

Named an agent?Colson?are you serious? !

Colson took a deep breath before he said "My original surname is Colson, 'Phil' is my name, you bastard!" He turned around and looked Natasha Romanoff, who was traveling with him, glanced at him and received an affirmative look that said, "You'll be the one to talk." Then she said, "Saint, you still like to joke so much."

"Your sense of humor has improved."

Saint made a pleased expression and patted Colson on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that you actually understood my joke. My hard work in cultivating you is not in vain."

What are you so happy about, bastard!

Coulson struggled to maintain a smile: "Both of us, I didn't fully expect that Saint, with your character, would actually choose to be a superhero."

"Super hero?"

Yin Saint grinned as if he had a toothache, with an expression of disdain: "This joke is not funny at all. I just have a little sympathy. It's like meeting a stray dog ​​that is about to starve to death. I I will also give away some food to eat.”


Coulson was about to continue talking when Saint suddenly turned his head uncharacteristically and said to Natasha Romanoff beside him: "We meet again, Agent Romanoff."

"I thought you didn't recognize me, Saint."

The charming Black Widow raised one corner of her mouth and smiled: "Why don't you call me Natasha? Has my name also become 'Agent'?"

Saint clapped his hands, pointed at Natasha and said to Colson: "Look at her sense of humor, learn from it."

The corner of Colson's mouth twitched, and he had no intention of answering this question. He was afraid that Saint would make another mistake, so he simply showed his cards straightforwardly: "Saint, we don't need to hold you and your companions accountable. , the attack on our SHIELD, as long as you are willing to agree to one of our conditions."


Saint's face turned cold and he said with disdain: "Believe me, Colson, if I really commit an 'aggressive act', none of your agents will survive! They should be held accountable." The one who committed the offensive behavior was me!"

"We did make something wrong, and thank you for your mercy."

Colson admitted his mistake generously and politely thanked him. Then he suddenly changed his tone: "However, tonight, together with your companions, you and your companions have committed a total of offenses including 'assaulting a police officer'. Thirteen federal laws include 'obstructing official business', 'damaging urban public facilities', and 'helping criminals escape punishment'. If you really refuse to compromise, we will reserve the right to prosecute!"


Because Saint was silent for a moment, he was not afraid of SHIELD playing tricks, but he was afraid that SHIELD would tell the truth... After muttering silently, "You can be cruel," he softly said, "Tell me your conditions."

"it's actually really easy."

Coulson shrugged: "As long as you follow me to our SHIELD headquarters and meet our director, then today's events can be treated as if they never happened."


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