Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 60 Black Widow!Natasha Romanoff

"Okay. Please () read the most complete! The fastest updated novel!"

Saint nodded again. It was really not a good choice to fly with Colleen Wen when he was about to encounter a battle at any time. He tiptoed and jumped into the air. Before flying away, he looked at Colleen Wen with concern. Wen said: "Be careful and don't show off."

"You too."

Following the scan of the breath sensor, Saint flew to the nearest apartment building. "Bang!" He crashed through the window of the outer wall and floated into the corridor on the third floor, actively involved in a confrontation. of the situation. "What the fuck!"

Following two swear words, a group of six S.H.I.E.L.D. special agents appeared in the direction of the stairs in the corridor. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. The three of them turned their guns and aimed at Saint, who was suspended in mid-air. .

Saint glanced at the black muzzles and instinctively released the energy in his body, forming a beating flame around him. After protecting his whole body, he ignored the more nervous SHIELD agents. He turned around and looked to the other side.

On the other side of the confrontation with SHIELD was a man holding a black samurai sword. He was wearing a black and red ninja suit and a black and red ninja mask on his face. His left hand without the sword was holding a ten-year-old boy hostage. The little white girl on the left and right, the right hand holding the knife, put the blade across the little girl's neck.

From the black ninja suit with red lines on his body, Saint recognized him as a member of the Hand. In fact, at this time, the Shinshin Society was already dead in name only. Even if the entire army was not wiped out, only the kittens were left. There were two or three of them. Of the two sides that were ambushed by SHIELD at the same time, the only one that was still struggling was the Hand.

The ninja man holding the hostage tightened his grip on the samurai sword in his hand and looked at the nervous SHIELD agents. His eyes looked very calm, and he threatened Saint in a clear manner: "No matter who you are. , let me go! I promise that after I leave, I will never hurt this child."

"I believe you."

While Saint nodded, he suddenly raised his arm, extended his palm to the ninja man, and made a "hold it and then pull it" motion in the air: "But, I don't negotiate with terrorists."

The next moment, the katana in the male ninja's hand suddenly came out and flew towards Sora at an angle. With a horrified expression, he wanted to grab the little girl's neck with his right hand, which had a broken jaw and was bleeding. At the same time, Saint, who was several meters away from him, appeared in front of him like lightning. Immediately afterwards, he felt a pain in his head, his vision went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

Saint picked up the unconscious ninja man with one hand, threw him in the direction of the SHIELD agents, and let him slide against the floor. At the same time, he said without looking back, "He is yours." .”

A young agent knelt down, checked the condition of a ninja man, raised his head and said: "Captain, he is still alive."

On the other side, Saint also squatted down while hanging in the air, and touched the little girl's head: "Little sister, don't be afraid, you are safe."


At this moment, a white woman about 30 years old suddenly rushed out from the corner, stumbled towards Saint, hugged the little girl in front of him, and sobbed incoherently: "Thank God, you are okay, you fine……"

The little girl Ginny seemed to be frightened. It took her a long time to stretch out her arms and put her arms around the woman's neck: "Mom..."

Because Saint smiled slightly and did not disturb the reunited mother and daughter, he floated back a little further, and then flew out the same way he came from the window he broke through.

Only then did Ginny's mother react suddenly. She rushed to the window with Ginny in her arms and shouted to the sky: "Thank you! Thank you for saving my Ginny!"

At the same time, the young agent pointed to the window and said, "Captain, are we letting him go like this?"

"...Attention all units, there are superpowers who can fly involved, and they are very powerful. I repeat, there are people who can fly..."

After Saint left the apartment building, he rescued two civilians who were unfortunately involved in a firefight and subdued three Hand ninjas. It was still the same as before. Kill them, just knock them unconscious.

Just when SHIELD began to think that it could temporarily treat Saint as a friendly force, he suddenly fell from the sky and kicked away a SHIELD agent who was about to shoot...

The agent's companions immediately turned their guns, and then discovered that the direction the agent was about to shoot was not only the ninjas of the Hand, but also a little black boy hiding in the shadows...

On the necessity of black people wearing shiny accessories at night...

Half an hour later, Saint had already saved more than two digits of civilians on several different occasions. When he followed the breath sensor detection again, he came to a small alley between two apartment buildings. When he saw the scene, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and show a surprised expression.

Saint originally thought that this was the same team he had encountered several times before, a team of six S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hunting down a Hand ninja. Unexpectedly, the situation was exactly the opposite, and it turned out to be a mere female agent. He was hunting down six Hand ninjas, and when he arrived, three of them had already fallen.

This female agent wearing a black tights has curly long red hair and an extremely sexy figure. The perfect body curve with large breasts, thin waist and round hips can only be described in four words: breathtaking. Coupled with her charming oval face and plump flaming red lips, the whole person is simply a walking hormone.

She is... Natasha Romanoff?

Because Saint swallowed hard and suppressed the source of his wandering desire, he looked at the iconic red wave and thought to himself: Even the "Black Widow" appeared, this time S.H.I.E.L.D. The action really came out in full force...

"My dear little handsome boy, aren't you going to help me?"

After hearing what Natasha said, Saint glanced at the three Hand ninjas who had fallen to the ground, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think you need my help."

"But I also..."

Natasha suddenly jumped up and clamped a pair of plump thighs around the neck of a ninja. Using this as a fulcrum, she turned in a dazzling way and knocked him to the ground. Then he finished what he said: "I don't mind your help."


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