Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 53 Date in the Night Sky

"Tsk, I should have bought more discounted air tickets. Red-eye flights are actually not a big deal..."

Three days later, Saint bought ingredients in large quantities and his savings dropped sharply again. Feeling deeply poor, he began to regret his lavish spending the past few days: "I shouldn't have rented such a good car and stayed in such a good hotel. …”

Fortunately, after Li's restaurant reopened, the business was as good as ever. It was even more popular than before it closed. Saint was pleasantly surprised, but now he also realized that he was Inadvertently, I played a game of hunger marketing...

What Saint didn't expect was not just the business in the store. He originally thought that although he just knocked out the SHIELD agent and did not cause any harm to him, it was still an attack after all. Even if SHIELD doesn't want to fall out over this trivial matter, it should at least condemn him, right?But three full days have passed, and there has been no movement from SHIELD.Mobile terminal m..

"It's impossible not to guess that I did it..."

Saint finished his work for the day and before closing the store, he turned on his breath sensor as usual and scanned the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were "attention" to him. He wanted to rush over and ask them - why didn't you come here? My trouble...

Although he had the urge to put it into practice, Saint had more important things to do. After taking off his work clothes, he took a shower, combed his hair neatly, and put on new clothes. Said, today is his first date.

Well, a first date in the Marvel world.

At the same time, Colleen Wen climbed up the rusty fire stairs to the roof of a brown building. As she walked up the rooftop, she patted the rust stains on her body and mentally accepted the reason why she had been invited here. Special, I got scolded like crazy.

For three nights in a row, she was so mysterious that she didn’t know why she was there. Today, she was invited to such a ghost place again. Colleen Wen secretly felt cruel in her heart. She must let Saint come later. nice!

"You came so early? I was 5 minutes early, but you're still late."

At this moment, Saint's voice suddenly sounded behind Colleen Wen, which scared her so much that she almost jumped up. She glanced at the fire stairwell in front of her, and turned her head with a frightened expression. He looked at Saint: "How come you don't make any sound when you walk? Where did you come from?"


Saint pointed in the direction behind him, then magically pulled out a red rose from his back, handed it to Colleen Wind and said, "For you."

"Forget you."

Colleen Wen didn't mind that Saint was being stingy. After accepting the rose generously, she took his arm naturally and rested her head on his shoulder: "Tell me, why did you invite me here? "

Yin Shengte smiled mysteriously and asked instead of answering: "Do you still remember, the first time I told you that I was learning Guesen-ryu martial arts, why didn't you believe me?"

"Of course I remember."

Colleen Wen raised her head and rolled her eyes at Saint: "It's only been more than a month. How could you forget? Because you said you could fly."

"No, no."

Saint shook his head and corrected in a stern tone: "I mean, 'one day', I can fly too."

No matter how slow Colleen Wen was, she reacted now. She let go of Saint's arm, turned to face him, stared at him blankly and asked, "Don't tell me, Today is 'someday'."


Saint gently clapped his hands: "The guess is close enough. In fact, I flew three days ago. Do you want to guess again, why did I hide it for three days before telling you?"

"Guess your size!"

Colleen Wen punched Saint very savagely: "Can you please speak to me?"


Because Saint curled his lips speechlessly, he stopped trying to be mysterious and slowly stretched out his arms, wrapped his arms around Colleen Wen's slender waist, hugged her tightly, and then said: "Hold her My neck."

"What do you want to do... ah!"

Colleen Wen was only halfway through asking when she felt a sudden void beneath her feet. While screaming, she tightly wrapped her hands around Saint's neck, rested her chin on his shoulders, and moved her feet skillfully. Hooked on his leg, the whole body pressed towards him, leaving no gap between the two of them.

"Don't be afraid, I've been practicing by myself for three days."

While Saint used the starting position of Wu Kong Jutsu to lead the two of them to float together, he said in Colleen Wing's ear: "Trust me."

"I'm not afraid! It's just because of the sudden...ahhhh!!!"

Accompanied by Colleen Wen's deafening scream, Saint hugged her tightly and soared into the sky, far away from the rooftop where the two of them were originally standing. Carrying the whistling wind, they kept climbing towards the starry sky. Gone into the night sky.

When Saint flew a hundred meters in the air, Colleen Wen stopped screaming and bit him hard on Saint's shoulder before shouting in his ear: "Asshole! You won't do it first Can you prepare me mentally?!"

"Isn't that boring?"

Saint replied loudly as a matter of course: "That's how exciting it is!"


Colleen Wen deliberately refuted, but she had to admit that it was really exciting to suddenly rush into the dark night sky without any preparation...

After Saint flew to an altitude of [-] meters, he slowed down. He held Colleen Wen in mid-air, spun around like a ballet, and boasted, "This is our first time." It’s a date place, how’s it going? Do you feel satisfied?”


Colleen Winn snorted noncommittally, crossed her legs and wrapped them around Saint's waist, and said to him: "Hold me tight, I'm going to let go."

Because Saint was a little confused, after tightening his arms slightly, he saw Colleen Wen loosen her hands, make a dangerous move of throwing her head back at a thousand meters altitude, and then...start to take it. Rubber band to tie hair...

You really can cut off your head, bleed, and lose your hairstyle...

After tying her hair that was blown by the strong wind into a neat ponytail, Colleen Wen put her hands on Saint's shoulders, and the first words that came out of her mouth were: "This move is called 'Dancing in the Sky'" Technique, right? When will you teach me?"

Saint shrugged his shoulders: "You can teach it at any time, but don't hold out too much hope. The energy consumption of Wu Kong Technique is very terrifying. With your current energy, you can't even float for long. Flying Don’t even think about it.”


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