Bring Dragon Ball to Marvel

Chapter 28 The killer move!scissors!

After saying that, Saint pointed to the tablet on the table and finally said: "The scene in this video is that I borrowed Danny Rand's iron fist to save Colleen Wynn who was dying of poison. As for me, What methods were used and why Iron Fist can cure poison? Sorry, these are all secrets. Mobile version m..."

The situation was overwhelming. Even if Phil Coulson wanted to ask more questions, he could only nod helplessly at this moment, took the tablet and opened another video: "Mr. Li, I have another question. Colleen Wen again What is their identity? She was the one who called those who picked up Danny Rand, right?"


Saint hesitated for a moment, intending to avoid the question, but he felt that he could not escape the first grade of junior high school, but he could not escape the fifteenth grade. After a moment of silence, he finally told the truth: "They are the Hand. They are talking to Colleen." That person is her master 'Botu', one of the 'Five Fingers' of the Hand."

"This seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it?"

Phil Coulson frowned and questioned directly: "You said before that Colleen Wing was injured while fighting against the Hand."

"It's not contradictory."

Saint shook his head slightly and explained with a complex expression: "Colleen didn't know that she worked for the Hand. She always thought that Botu ran a charity organization."

Phil Coulson nodded doubtfully, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Mr. Li, if you don't mind, I would like to ask, what role does your 'Kame Senryu' play here?" Role?"

"It's nothing to do with us."

Yin Shengte said seriously: "Our Kamesen-ryu is different from Kunlun. It is a completely hidden sect with no outsiders in the secular world. As far as I know, so far, the Kamesen-ryu who have joined the world are Disciple, I am the only one, and if Colleen Wing hadn’t been my old friend, I wouldn’t have been able to ignore him, and I wouldn’t have interfered with the grudge between Kunlun and the Hand at all.”

"Do you mean that there are peripheral personnel in Kunlun? How big is their scale?"

"No comment. Ask Danny Rand."


Phil Coulson turned his head speechlessly and exchanged a look with Melinda May. After seeing her vague affirmation, he quietly reached into his arms to retrieve another pistol hidden in his tactical vest.

"Agent Coulson, don't rush to draw your gun yet."

Saint shouted to stop Phil Colson's small movements. While his expression changed drastically, he pointed in the direction of the store door and said: "I know that the backup you secretly called has already arrived outside the door, and most of them are After receiving your instructions, they are all equipped with sunglasses to block strong light. Before you send the signal for them to rush in, I want to ask you a question."

"Are you mentally prepared to let them sacrifice?"

Saint said these words with a murderous look on his face, and at the same time, he raised the index finger and fingers of his right hand, pointed the fingertips at the table in front of him, and made a slight stroke in the air, and a light blue arc light The blade quietly formed in the air as he cut like a knife. Then, with lightning speed, it silently cut on the tabletop, almost without any obstruction, and the entire thing was cut in one fell swoop. A solid wood table, cut in half from beginning to end!

Guessing: Scissors - Condensing Qi at the fingertips and releasing it. You can draw the Qi blade horizontally or stab the Qi sword vertically. The flying speed, sharpness, and range of the Qi blade and Qi sword are all related to the output of Qi. The intensity becomes positive, and it is the most lethal move of "Guessing: Rock, Paper, Scissors"!

This kind of terrifying killing move is obviously not suitable to be used unless it is a life and death fight. At this moment, Saint used it to show his determination and as a further deterrent. The effect can be said to be extremely significant. Phil Cole With a horrified expression on his face, Sen hurriedly shouted into his headphones: "Stop the action! I repeat it! Everyone stops the action!"

"Wise choice."

Saint stood up with a sneer, pointed at the group of special service soldiers who had fallen to the ground, and said, "I didn't hurt their lives, not because I was soft-hearted, nor because I couldn't do it, but because New York is mine. I just want to live here peacefully and don’t want to cause trouble for myself. You’d better not break this peace, otherwise! You need to think about whether you can afford the consequences!”

Phil Coulson took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said with reason: "Mr. Li, your ability is indeed very powerful, but it is precisely because of this that we cannot leave you alone. , once your ability is out of control, the harm caused will be immeasurable, and countless innocent lives will be..."


Saint interrupted Phil Coulson's words with a snort: "Agent Coulson, did you misunderstand something? Ability out of control? Do you think my strength is obtained out of thin air like a mutant?" Really? Stop joking! That air blade just now is one of the introductory skills of our 'Kame Senryu'. Do you know how long it took me to learn it?"

"ten years!"

Because Shengte made a gesture representing "ten": "I have practiced for ten years before I have the strength I have today. Every bit of 'qi' in my body is obtained by hard work day by day. Completely under my control, let me ask you, as a well-trained combatant, will you accidentally discharge your gun when you hold it?"

"Of course not. After a long time... Oh, I understand what you mean..."

Phil Coulson showed a clear expression: "You mean, just like I can fully master the firearm in my hand through training, you can also fully master your own abilities through practice. It’s going to be out of control.”

"That's the truth."

Saint nodded and left the choice to Phil Coulson: "So, Agent Coulson, please tell me now, do you still insist on handcuffing me?"


Phil Colson thought silently for a while, then raised his head and said: "I can't give you an answer now. The development of the matter has exceeded my authority. I will truthfully report your situation to my superiors. It’s up to them to decide how to deal with it.”


Saint nodded in understanding and made a "please" gesture: "You are free to do as you like, but before today passes, you'd better give me a clear explanation."

"it is good!"

Phil Coulson stood up and pointed at the secret service officers who were unconscious on the ground: "Can I ask someone to come in and take them away?"


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