Break Up with the Green Tea Heroine First

Chapter 32

Chapter 30: Second Breakup

Xia Nan was looking at the computer screen attentively, his fingers quickly flying on the keyboard.

Yan Su’s position was by the window, from here he turned his head to look out the window, and unexpectedly saw a figure.

He thought about it for a while, in order to avoid disturbing Xia Nanzhu, he and Xia Nanzhu sent a message and walked towards the interior.

It’s time to see your child’s progress.

After a while, a girl’s delicate voice came from outside the door.

Sheng Xue sat beside Xia Nanzhu, her face was blushing from the sun, she complained in a low voice, took off her hat and mask and fanned.

Xia Nanzhu seemed not to notice her, stared at the arranger software on the computer, thinking about what tone to use for this track.

“Southern?” Sheng Xue called to him in a low voice.

“Am I disturbing you?” Sheng Xue frowned, her voice soft.

“No.” Xia Nanzhu saved the arrangement and reopened another file, “Why did you come here?”

She looks very pure, with her hands behind her back, she bows close to Xia Nanzhu.

Xia Nan took a step back with a blushing face, Sheng Xue laughed lightly, straightened up, and handed him the box containing the snacks.

“Thank you.” Xia Nanzhu took it and was about to call Yan Su out, only to find that Yan Su had sent him a message saying he was going to rest.

He put the dessert aside, “Would you like to try your new song?”

“Is that okay?” Sheng Xue widened her eyes in surprise, and tilted her head very cutely, “Wow, you’re not here just to help me compose music, right? As expected of ~ confidant ~”

The latter sentence she cadenced, like a child reciting ancient poetry, quirky, clingy, but not annoying.

Xia Nan paused for a while, always feeling strange, he said vaguely, “Almost.”

The song he wrote for Sheng Xue is called “First Love”, which is fresh and in line with her temperament.

“Try it out, I’ll see if there’s anything I need to change.” Xia Nan handed her the sheet music, Sheng Xue was dazzled by the dense variety of scales and rhythms.

He is almost absent here.

Sheng Xue did not come from an academic background, so she is ok with the numbered musical notation. There is really nothing to do with this original version.

She looked at Xia Nanzhu with an embarrassed expression, and Xia Nanzhu met her innocently, not understanding her thoughts.

Sheng Xue bit her lower lip in embarrassment and said, “I…don’t know much about this…”

“Huh?” Xia Nanzhu was dumbfounded, he never thought that this would happen.

In his impression, his confidant is simple and gentle, understanding and talented, but no one appreciates him in the music circle, otherwise how can he tell him those words that can really comfort him ?

He suggested in a low voice, “Then I’ll play it for you, can you listen and find out?”

Sheng Xue sat down with a flushed face, a little annoyed.

What kind of genius thinking, wasn’t it marked with plagiarism? This child is really, shouldn’t he whisper to her how to recognize and cultivate the relationship with her only confidant at this time? No sense of style at all.

A fresh melody sounded in the room, Sheng Xue hummed to the score several times, her voice was clear and smooth, singing this style of music was very suitable, Xia Nan nodded one by one, but Sheng Xue’s performance was still made him not very satisfied.

Too much to change.

“Sing it a few more times and try.” Xia Nanzhu said bluntly, “There are too many things you don’t like, and it will be troublesome to change.”

Sheng Xueya was about to be bitten to pieces, and Yan Su, who could hear clearly inside, was laughing to death. It seemed that his cub not only changed his personality, he even dared to speak more than before. In the past, Sheng Xuequan might have been changed by silence.

She was so hoarse at the end that she barely satisfied Xia Nanzhu.

Sheng Xue couldn’t stay for a minute. She insisted on saying a few words and was about to leave. Xia Nanzhu kept it seriously, and pointed out her mistakes and told her to go back With more practice, Sheng Xue’s face was going to freeze with laughter. When he looked up and saw a person standing at the door, he almost cried out.

“Miss Sheng, long time no see.” Yan Su leaned against the door and smiled at her.

“Yan…Director Yan.” Sheng Xue pretended to be calm, she never expected to meet Yan Su here.

Xia Nanzhu looked at her suspiciously, then looked at Yan Su, Yan Su was in a good mood and threw a wink at him, Xia Nanzhu turned his head with a “huh”.

“You know each other?” he asked Sheng Xue.

Sheng Xue nodded carefully and blinked at Xia Nanzhu, “Is he your friend?”

“No, he’s me…” Xia Nanzhu stopped, calling him brother, he couldn’t say it, not brother… What’s his name?

Sheng Xue’s eyes widened, and she felt blessed for a moment. No wonder Yan Su didn’t like her so much, and Xia Nanzhu also had a bad attitude towards her…

Sheng Xue came back to her senses, pursed her lips and smiled shyly, “Ah, I almost forgot, don’t bother you, I will practice more when I go back.”

What she said was a pun, but the people who should pay attention didn’t get to it at all.

As soon as Sheng Xue left, Yan Su let go of Xia Nanzhu and lay down on the sofa next to her, “Are you helping her compose?”

Xia Nanzhu didn’t look very happy, so he answered in a muffled voice.

He is actually a little sad that his confidant does not have such deep feelings for music at all. If he has feelings, how can he even speak more full?

“Then do you know who she is?” Yan Su opened the dim sum box that Sheng Xue brought, looked at the obvious sign on the package, raised his eyebrows, “This store is not you. Next to the studio?”

Xia Nanzhu recalled it for a long time, and it was too long before she came to think of it.

“She is your confidant?” Yan Su picked up a cookie and asked him slowly.

Xia Nanzhu turned her head in embarrassment, “…Yes.”

Yan Su patted his head and handed him the phone, “Don’t you go online to check who she is?”

Xia Nanzhu took over the mobile phone, and the lit screen interface was displaying the results of the Weibo search.

Sheng Xue, 27 million fans, actor, masterpiece “The World”.

Swipe down to see the article about her affair with Pei Qin posted by the marketing account.

Xia Nanzhu’s face darkened. Although he didn’t like to be in contact with the outside world, he was not stupid. On the contrary, he used to know this circle very well.

The more you understand, the more your heart sinks.

Sheng Xue is not mixed in the music circle as she said, but she wants to act and sing well.

A star, or a star who once had an affair with Pei Qin, it is impossible to find a composer, find him a person who used to be glorious for a while and now stamps and plagiarizes, isn’t it? Do you want to act and sing when you are good? Are there any disadvantages? At that time, it was revealed that he had been stamped and plagiarized, and standing on his side, his reputation went up, and he was an innocent and prosperous lotus.

But he doesn’t believe that the girl who will comfort him tenderly and softly is really what he thinks?

No, it won’t.

He clenched his hand tightly, his nails imprinted several months of teeth in the palm of his hand.

Thinking that I had drawn her as a confidant, opened my heart to her, made a tune for her as a gift…if I was really deceived…

He was sad and fell into the emotion of being betrayed.

The child is still not mentally able to bear, and the appearance of being immersed in his own world makes Yan Su tut, he interrupts Xia Nanzhu’s thoughts, “Brother is going out this afternoon, you have time?”

Xia Nanzhu nodded with less interest.

He doesn’t want to go anywhere, he just wants to go home and stay in the dark room to lock himself up.

“Come on, accompany me to the audition.” Yan Su couldn’t help but pull up Xia Nanzhu and pushed him out of his comfort zone.

His hand has distinct and strong joints, and he is obviously someone who has experienced wind and rain, but he has always been determined to be himself, and the smile seems to have never disappeared from his face.

The world favors him.

He involuntarily entered the word “Yan Su” in Weibo.

The results of the search made his eyes widen.

Yan Su, 12.2 million fans, director, masterpiece “The World”, “Unique Coincidence”, “Acacia” and so on.

Director? Xia Nanzhu was shocked.

Although he has not seen these films, he has heard of them. He really did not expect that Yan Su, who has nothing to do every day, turned out to be a great director.

Xia Nanzhu is a little confused, why is Yan Su still so positive after so many things?

Yan Su smiled at him, “Because my heart is towards the sun.”

Xia Nanzhu realized that he accidentally said it.

“Actually, it’s because every day is different.” Just at a red light, Yan Su took out a piece of candy from his pocket and asked him, “Guess what today is?”

“Taibai Rabbit.” Xia Nanzhu guessed randomly.

“Wrong answer, today is fruit candy.” Yan Su opened his hand with a smile, and in his palm lay a pink package of candy, “It’s like you don’t know what the candy you took out is. It tastes the same, and you never know what tomorrow will be like.”

He stuffed the candy into Xia Nanzhu’s hand and tugged at the boy’s face, “Don’t always think too much, children will be much happier.”

“For example, you can think about what surprises I will bring you today.” Someone was honking the horn behind, and the light was green. He stepped on the accelerator, and the high-rise buildings lined up outside the window flashed by. , Xia Nanzhu stared at the candy in his hand unconsciously, and suddenly he was no longer immersed in his own world.

Yan Su is coaxing him into a child!

Yan Su laughed invisibly. Children need to be coaxed. Actually, Xia Nanzhu is only nineteen this year. For him, he is indeed a child.

He’s right, every day is different, but the point is, you have to love yourself to feel that every day is different.

People who don’t love themselves are unaware of the changes around them. They stubbornly stare at a certain point. When there is no change, life is like a pool of stagnant water.

I can imagine how hard it would be for a child to fall in love with a woman who pedals a lot.

His pillar is also loving others.

The one who sent Yan Su a message was his friend Wei Jia in the circle. Although his name is feminine, he is also a well-known director in the circle. He is currently auditioning for his new movie. Yan Su agreed to take a look.

Yes, the heroine went all the way smoothly, from the explosion of “The World” to the first hit of the record at the premiere, and Xia Nanzhu made a golden song for her all the way, and the progress soared until he recommended the past. She has established a firm foothold in the music circle and has a very high nationality, so Wei Jia is determined to use her.

But now Sheng Xue is not only lost by the butterfly the opportunity to show her talents in the music circle, but Pei Qin’s fans are not too fond of her, and because the various previous announcements are actually It’s not as good as it sounds, so I shouldn’t be able to get into the group now.

So he generously walked into the audition site with his younger brother.

Wei Jia is rich and powerful, not like Yan Su, but he is very similar to Yan Su. They all like to find actors who fit their movie roles. It is precisely because of this that in the original plot he accepted Sheng Xue, who had only acted in one play.

He directly covered the top floor of Yunji Hotel. As one of the gathering places for the old-fashioned film crew, the people coming and going here are very lively, and there are many familiar faces.

Yan Su walked around with Xia Nanzhu from behind. There were posters about movie auditions on the wall, and there were also process signs every few steps, which was not as careful as Wei Jia’s style.

Xia Nanzhu suddenly pulled at the corner of his clothes.

Yan Su looked back and followed his eyes to see Sheng Xue who was sitting beside the stars.

Xia Nanzhu looked over there, her long eyelashes lining her beautiful eyes like glazed glaze, she looked like she was overwhelmed.


Yan Su’s expressionless child turned his head back, “You see the wrong person.”

Xia Nan followed Yan Su step by step, turning his head three times, his gaze was too obvious, Sheng Xue looked up to see him and smiled at him, Xia Nan Zhu seemed to be shocked He turned around and retracted into his shell.

Yan Su took Xia Nanzhu directly into the director’s room.

There are already a few people inside, Yan Su glanced at a few familiar faces, and sat down in the vacant seat next to Wei Jia, “The seat Jiajia reserved for me? terrific.”

Wei Jiaren lives up to her name, and she has a mustache and looks a little sexy.

He hummed, “You’re really only willing to come after you’ve been asked three times.”

“Then you can’t bring children?” Yan Su casually pulled a chair from behind and let Xia Nanzhu sit down, then turned around and took out a handful of candy from the basket in front of Wei Jia and stuffed it for him .

Wei Jia was almost laughed at by his familiarity, looked at him carefully, and exclaimed in surprise, “Have you changed your hairstyle?”

Yan Su used to comb his hair back, revealing his full forehead, and the whole person was very aggressive, but today he put it all down, looking several years younger, and his temperament was not so aggressive .

“That’s not right, it seems that you don’t pay attention to me at all, Jiajia. It took me a lot of days to change and now I know.” Jia was him on the left, and Pei Qin on the right. Pei Qin smiled when he saw him, but Yan Su was surprised for a second when he saw that there was only a green grass on top of his head. thing, I understand.

“It seems that the throne of the male protagonist will fall into the hands of the actor Pei again.” He also smiled at Pei Qin, Wei Jia said proudly, “No, the box office is guaranteed, this film I thought of him as soon as the movie was set, and our screenwriters were very satisfied with him.”

This is to insinuate that Yan Su is always at odds with the screenwriter.

Yan Su doesn’t care either, the crew is his one word, and the screenwriter’s eyes are definitely not his.

“Sister screenwriter, is this what you set up? Jiajia must not be so careful.” Yan Su sat like an uncle, but everyone present seemed to be used to it, Wei Jia even turned towards Xia Nanzhu shrugged, Xia Nanzhu relaxed a lot, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

The screenwriter of “Only the Wind Knows” is a woman in her thirties, sitting next to Yan Su, wearing glasses in a gentle manner, she pushed up her glasses embarrassedly, “How can there be, Director Wei couldn’t find a suitable heroine, so he was going to choose a role for the first time, and he was afraid that the newcomer would not know the process.”

The vacancies are almost full so far. Apart from the director, producer and screenwriter, and he and Pei Qin Xianan are fighting three idlers, there is still a vacancy.

Yan Su’s eyes stopped for a second on the sign on the vacant seat, and turned away casually.

No wonder the heroine can come, it seems that Jiang Chuo has ended.

When it was almost time for the interview, Xia Nan was expelled out, and when he came back, his face was not very good.

Yan Su was chatting in a boring position while turning the pen, watching him come in and laughing, “What’s the matter, have you met someone you don’t like?”

Xia Nanzhu silently sat on the chair and refused to pay attention to him.

Yan Su may have met the heroine.

This child looks stupid, but in fact he has the same heart and mind, but he doesn’t want to think about it.

The movie was auditioning at 1 o’clock, two minutes before 1 o’clock, a man in a suit hurried in, and smiled at Wei Jia with an expressionless face, “Sorry for being late. already.”

Wei Jia put away the kindness in the chat, and his expression became serious, “It’s not too late, come over and we just start the audition.”

Jiang Chuo nodded and said politely to the screenwriter, “Can I change positions with you? Director Yan and I want to talk about a private matter.”

He smiled, and the screenwriter was stunned. He didn’t expect the gold master’s father to be so approachable, so he quickly stepped aside.

When Jiang Chuo sat down, Yan Su was looking at him.

This is the first time he really sees his hair Xiao Jiangchuo.

Jiang Chuo is not very similar to his name, he always looks unsmiling, his eyes are sharp, and he is dressed neatly in a suit, which is slightly inferior to Yan Su’s aggressive appearance, but The scent makes up for this lack.

Yan Su’s eyes paused on Jiang Chuo’s slightly messy shirt collar, and he closed it with a touch.

The smell on her body is a bit like the perfume that the hostess often uses.

Yan Su was thoughtful when he heard Jiang Chuo ask him, “I went to find you before, why are you not here?”

Yan Su secretly scolded, the crow is really good but not a bad spirit, and as expected, someone went to him, what good can Jiang Chuo do to him? The head is full of female protagonists.

He brushed a handful of the child’s hair, retracted his claws before Xia Nanzhu reacted, and said with a smile, “Isn’t this going to see the child? Let me introduce, my brother.”

Jiang Chuo wondered, “You still have a younger brother? Don’t you and your elder brother are the only two in your family?”

“It’s a watch.” Yan Su rolled his eyes, “You’re just jealous.”

Jiang Chuo couldn’t help laughing and laughing, but he had already understood Yan Su’s merciless character, so he shook his head and stopped talking to him.

Wai Jia, who pricked up her ears and listened to the gossip, listened to a mouthful of nonsense.

The audition is about to begin.

The author has something to say:    Today’s heart (1/1)

I love you too

There will be no change tomorrow at noon and evening

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of paulinep; 2 bottles of painting like the wind; 443734361 bottles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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