Chapter 18: Chapter 18
A wave of satisfaction washed over Jimin, as he stepped out of the room. Jisun was nowhere to see, it meant he could breath without any fear, even if just was for a moment.
"You know we can talk about anything, whenever you're ready." Taehyung said, as they both walked through the narrow hallway.
As usual Jimin didn't react, but he clenched his fist. He looked anxious, confused and afraid. His eyes suddenly freezed at Mr. Kwon, after a few seconds of long stare Jimin swallowed and shifted his gaze on the floor.
Taehyung sensed Jimin being uncomfortable around Mr. Kwon, but preferred not to say anything. Instead, he continued, "I'm not forcing you for anything Jimin, you can take as much time as you want, but I'm telling you that I'm ready to help you in any way." He said.
Jimin stopped, he now began to feel at ease, his mind recalled his last few encounters with Taehyung, and now he began to believe that perhaps, Taehyung would be able to understand. He never asked anything about that night, never mentioned Jisun, like other doctors, always claiming that he wanted to help.
Taehyung sensed that his facial expression quickly changed, he now looked relax , as if he was contemplating over the thought of trusting the new doctor.
"I have a surprise for you." Taehyung said, a little smile appeared on his face, "Come with me." He led Jimin towards the therapy room, pushed the door opened and stepped inside.
Jimin froze in the doorway, his eyes wide as he looked at the paints, brushes, and blank canvases on the table. He didn't step forward, his body stiff, like he wasn't sure what to do.
Taehyung noticed the hesitation and spoke gently, his voice calm. "It's okay, Jimin. You don't have to do anything right now. Just look. That's enough."
Jimin's fingers gripped the edge of his gray shirt tightly. His gaze flickered back and forth between Taehyung and the art supplies. He looked unsure, like he couldn't understand why they were there.
Taehyung stayed patient, taking a slow breath. "I thought this might help. You don't have to touch anything if you're not ready. It's just here, waiting for you, whenever you want."
Jimin still didn't move. His chest rose and fell quickly as if he was trying to figure something out. He glanced at the table again, his hands shaking just a little.
"You're safe," Taehyung added softly. "No one will force you to do anything."
Jimin now slowly approached the table, he endearingly traced the brushes and canvases, trying to feeling the moment, he remembered his last few sessions with a female doctor, he didn't remember her name, but she brought some art supplies and then asked him to draw anything.
It was the last time when Jimin felt alive, even though for a moment, he grew an urge to seek help and he did, but nobody noticed what he wanted to say, nobody tried to understand his silent plead.
"I saw some of your sketches and I realized you're a great artist." Taehyung continued, as Jimin began to show his interest. His eyes seemed alive for the first time, ever since Taehyung met him. He took a step closer to the table and grabbed one of the sketches, where Jimin had written *"Help me".*
Taehyung extended the sketch towards Jimin, "I like this one, I got the message you're trying to give through this sketch." He said, entrusting some time to Jimin, so that he could react.
Jimin's lips parted as he wanted to speak, but no words came out. Instead, his shoulders relaxed a little, and the tension in his body eased. For the first time, he didn't feel judged or ignored.
He looked back at the sketch, then slowly reached out, taking it from Taehyung's hand. Holding it close, he nodded slightly, a small flicker of trust beginning to show in his teary eyes.
"I have an idea!" Taehyung said, he grabbed a chair and settled himself, "Try to tell anything, through your art and I will try to understand." He suggested.
Jimin locked his eyes with Taehyung's, and gazed him for a long moment. He ruffled the back of his head and then grabbed the brushes, then he picked a blood red and black paint, splashed on the empty canvas and began to paint.
Taehyung watched quietly as Jimin began to paint, his strokes quick and bold. The way Jimin moved the brush showed both anger and pain. Taehyung noticed how the blood red and black colors clashed on the canvas, creating a chaotic, almost violent image.
He didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt Jimin's flow. But inside, Taehyung felt a mix of emotions. He was worried about the pain Jimin carried since a long decade, but also hopeful because Jimin was finally expressing something.
After a four hours of wait, Jimin finally done his work. He tossed the brush back on the table, didn't react or say anything, his pale face lacked any expression.
Taehyung felt nervous, he stood up and looked at the painting, a mystery, a painful tale of a patient who was trapped in a darkness. His heart began to thud loudly in his chest, as Taehyung scanned the painting.
Jimin had drawn himself sitting alone in a cold, dark room. His bare back was covered in wounds, each mark telling a story of pain. He was looking into a cracked mirror, but the reflection wasn't just his own, it showed a strange boy with glowing, demonic eyes.
Taehyung could tell the boy was Jisun because Jimin had captured every detail perfectly. Blood was scattered across the floor, adding to the eerie feeling of the scene. A clock hung on the wall in the background, its time frozen, as if the moment had been trapped forever.
Taehyung knew, Jimin had given him a puzzle to solve, it was a challenge and a chance at the same time, if Taehyung could solve this, then he would be able to help Jimin, and if he failed then nobody could help him.
"I'll understand this, I...I promise I'll come back with the meaning of this painting, Jimin." Taehyung promised.
Jimin didn't say anything, he just turned to the door and made his way outside of the therapy session, giving Taehyung a one and only chance.