Break Into Another World

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: , Code Name “White Water”

The “Hidden Thorn” organization is the most mysterious and powerful killer organization in Feiyun Kingdom.

In recent years, many members of the royal family have died in their hands; but the Hidden Thorn Organization has not only stood firm in Feiyun Kingdom, but has become stronger and stronger.

In the Hidden Assassination Organization, there can only be two reasons for the failure of the assassination: first, the price offered by the employer is not high enough; second, the assassination target is dead.

The Hidden Thorn Organization even put out such an advertisement: As long as you can afford the price, even the emperor of Feiyun Kingdom will kill you!

“Boss, have you been offered a reward by Hidden Thorn?” Sun Ji worriedly said, “Then don’t take part in this hunting competition, it’s too dangerous!”

“It’s not dangerous for me!” Xu Ming said, “I have a life-saving trump card, and it is difficult for a congenital expert to kill me!”


“Of course! Full confidence!”

Xu Ming did have the assurance of life-saving. If he encounters an opponent who is too strong to compete with the enemy, he will run away in stealth, and it will be difficult for anyone to find him.

“Boss, don’t be brave, it’s just a reward for a hunting competition, I know you’re not that bad!” Sun Ji was still worried.

“Don’t worry, your boss, I’m not stupid, so I won’t make fun of my own life!” Xu Ming said, “It’s you… if I take you into the Monster Beast Mountain Range, it will be even more dangerous!”

“I understand!” Sun Ji knew that with his own strength, if the boss encounters a strong enemy, not only will it not help, but it will become a burden. “I’ll go to the hunting area myself! If you want to go, boss, Be careful!”

“It’s so long-winded!” Xu Ming felt warm in his heart, “I see!”

“Then boss…”

“You go first! When you are farther away, I can start!” Xu Ming said, “When I arrive at the hunting area, I will find you through sound transmission.”

“Okay!” Sun Ji was a straight man, and he didn’t talk nonsense. He told Xu Ming to be careful and left.

Xu Ming was in no hurry to leave.

He didn’t go to the Wufu meeting, but asked Sun Ji to convey the matter of the hunting competition, in fact, he was deliberately delaying the time.

Since he knew that there was a killer who was going to kill him, even if Xu Ming had full confidence in his life, he wouldn’t foolishly hit the muzzle, right?

He has to wait!

When a suitable opportunity arises, sneak out of town. If you can directly avoid the killer, that would be great.

“Who could be offering a reward to me?” Xu Ming already had a clear suspicion in his heart.

Xu Ming didn’t offend many people in Yunqi City; in other words, there were only a few people he offended in this world.

And there were only two people who hated Xu Ming to death, or even offered a reward to the Hidden Thorn Organization—Lin Muqing and Wenman.

These two people, Xu Ming directly ruled out Wen Man.

In Wen Shuai’s words, if Wen Man really wanted to kill himself, he wouldn’t need to waste money to assassinate the organization at all; it would not be difficult for Wen Man’s masters to kill Xu Ming once they caught him.

Therefore, the suspect was quickly ruled out and only one person remained – Lin Muqing!

Lin Muqing has just been determined to become the heir of the Lin family, and he must have a lot of resources in his hands; and Lin Muqing himself does not have much force, so it is very likely that he will offer a reward to Hidden Thorn!

After thinking about it, except for Lin Muqing, Xu Ming couldn’t think of anyone else.

“A reward for me?”

To be honest, Xu Ming is not afraid of being offered a reward.

There is a stealth hanging close to him, as long as he doesn’t encounter the kind of super expert who can kill him in seconds, Xu Ming will fight and leave if he wants. And the ones who can kill Xu Ming in seconds, I am afraid that there are relatively strong existences in the innate, such as Du Yude, Du Lao and others; how can Lin Muqing afford a master of this level?

Therefore, for Xu Ming, this reward is not painful or itchy.

“However, dare to offer me a reward? Is it only you who can offer me a reward, and I can’t offer you a reward?”

At some point, Xu Ming quietly left the Savage Martial House.

While walking unpredictably, Xu Ming bought some disguised goods from the artifact store; as he walked, Xu Ming’s appearance and temperament were completely different, and at this time, he also came to a remote corner of the capital. pub.

Because it was daytime, and the tavern had not yet opened for business, a few servants lay on the table boredly, waiting for night to fall.

When Xu Ming walked in, one of the servants shouted lazily, “I don’t sell alcohol during the day, come back at night!”

“I buy wine for others.” Xu Ming said.

“Oh?” The boy’s eyes lit up and asked, “Poly alcohol?”

Xu Ming only said three words: “Practice while drunk!”

Translate these three words – I want to kill an internal martial artist.

“Come with me!” The servant looked at Xu Ming several times before saying.

After all, Xu Ming is a new face, even if the connection code is correct, he still has to be a little cautious.

Xu Ming followed the servant and walked through a few secret doors, leading to the basement of the tavern.

Although the Hidden Thorn organization is arrogant, the killer organization is not visible after all, at least it can’t be known to everyone, even ordinary people know about it – in that case, the mystery of the killer organization will be greatly reduced; this is for the killer organization. , is not a good thing.

Entering the dimly lit basement, Xu Ming saw no one.

The servant threw Xu Ming on a table, put down a glass of wine, and left.

Xu Ming flicked the wine glass to check it out, and made sure there was nothing tricky, so he drank calmly. Xu Ming did not want to taste the wine in the glass, but to drink it for the eyes in the dark here.

Soon, an enchanting woman in a black veil walked out of the dark. The woman’s eyes were as sharp as a wolf; under the right eye, there was a hideous scar.

“Who’s life to buy?” The enchanting woman opened the record book and went straight to the point.

“The Lin family, Lin Muqing.” Xu Ming said.

“Lin Muqing, the heir of the Lin family, is also a direct disciple of the elders of Feiyun Martial Pavilion, right?” The woman obviously recited the famous people in the capital.

“Yes, what’s the price?” Xu Ming felt as if he was asking someone for the price when he was shopping at the vegetable market.

“The reserve price is two million taels of gold, and I can put a bounty on it for you.” The enchanting woman said, “But there is no guarantee that the assassination will be successful. It depends on whether anyone takes the task. If no one completes the task for a year, you can return the commission.”

“Two million taels, Lin Muqing is so valuable in the early stage of internal training?”

“Although Lin Muqing’s cultivation base is low, his background is amazing. Killing him means offending the Lin family and Feiyun Wuge at the same time. UU reading is the bottom price. If you want to invite our hidden assassins, five hundred 10,000 taels, guaranteed to kill, guaranteed to be efficient!”

Xu Ming thought for a while and asked, “I want to sell some Phantom Sea Devil Insects. There are a lot of them. What price can you give for the hidden thorns?”

Hidden thorn organization, the main business is murder, and part-time jobs also do some black market transactions and the like.

“Illusory Sea Devil Insect?” The enchanting woman seemed to have guessed Xu Ming’s identity at once, but she kept calm, “Thirty thousand!”

Xu Ming took out the 50 magic sea monsters that he had always used as a bet in the ring, and then bought 20 more from the artifact store.

“Seventy phantom sea monsters, help me with a reward of 2.1 million for Lin Muqing!”

“make a deal!”

Xu Ming was getting up to leave when he suddenly thought of something and asked, “Can you help me see how much Xu Ming is worth?”

The enchanting woman had no expression on her face: “Xu Ming from the Wild Martial House? The reserve price is 1.2 million, and the price is 3.5 million!”

“Uh, my worth is not as high as Lin Muqing’s…” Xu Ming muttered to himself, “I don’t know which package Lin Muqing bought to deal with me—the reserve price?

Xu Ming still didn’t believe in the so-called Bao death. After all, the information of the Hidden Thorn Organization may not be completely correct. If they encounter a deeply hidden assassination target, it is entirely possible to stop the assassination operation.

After finishing the work, Xu Ming left the tavern directly.

“Hmph, offering me a reward? Then I’ll let you taste it too, what it’s like to be offered a reward!” Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, “Lin Muqing, I hope you’ll be dead when I come back from the hunting competition; otherwise, I’ll take it myself. After completing my mission, I will kill you again!”

However, just as Xu Ming left the tavern, the enchanting woman who had just met Xu Ming sent a message to the outside world: “Codenamed ‘Bai Shui’, the assassination target Xu Ming has appeared. It is suspected that he is about to leave the city and is suitable for the task.”

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