Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 378 – Family

Feyanis had finally returned and reunited with Chloe, who had missed her a whole lot during the time they were separated. She also met the others of the group and got confused about everyone except Maya. She hadn’t expected to see the wolves again, but the sisters were on another level because of their magic they had been gifted by the overseers. Things got even more chaotic after she found out that Chloe met Mira while she was gone.

"M-Mira is my m-mother…?" Chloe had to repeat Fey's words because there was just no way she could believe it just like that.

“W-WAIT!” The white fox’s eyes shot open. “S-She didn’t tell you when you met…?”

“NO!” She got even louder.

"A-Ah…” Fey froze up. “I got too emotional and messed up…”

“WHAT IS GOING ON?!” The pink-haired girl couldn't take it anymore. "MIRA! Mira, as in the overseer and or goddess of magic, is my m-mother?! MOTHER?!"


WAIT!" She wasn't being loud quite yet. "D-Does that mean you aren't my mom, after all, Feyfey…?” The loudness instantly switched over to sadness. “I-Is that why you were always so evasive…?”

“…” Fey tried to collect herself. “Mira… and I… you.”

“W-Wha…?” This time, the wolves couldn’t believe it.

“SHUSH!” Sophia glared at them. “NOT NOW!”

“R-Right…” They hung their heads in response.

“I’m… I’m the daughter of you and… Mira…?” Chloe couldn’t believe it.

“F-First, what did you talk about…? I don’t want to mention even more that-” The fox wasn’t able to finish her sentence.

“Don’t you think it’s time to tell her, Fey?” A very soft and gentle-sounding voice suddenly interrupted her. "Everything, I mean."

“Mira…?” She instantly recognized that voice and looked to the side, where she spotted the other white fox-girl with the many tails and teal accents. She had appeared in her hybrid form again, as well.

“Fluffy!” This time, Maya and Sophia had the same reaction. The cat-girl, while not as extreme, too, was a lover of everything fluffy, after all.

“SHUSH!” It was Steph’s time to glare now.


“Uhh…” Chloe’s eyes alternated between the two other foxes. “C-Can I please… What is happening right now…?”

“Hey.” Mira first walked over to Fey and used her hand to glide through the fur on her side before making her way to the pink-haired girl. “I’m sorry.” She put a hand on her head and lightly ruffled her hair. “I’m sorry that Fey kept it a secret and how I didn’t tell you, either… Most of all, I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you in person… But, yes, you are our daughter. We had been thinking about it for the longest time, and when we learned about your previous life, we decided to let you reincarnate through us.”

"W-Why…?" Tears started forming in her eyes' corners. "Why did you two keep it a secret from me…?”

“Well…” The overseer glanced at the other fox.

“I wanted you to have a normal life…” Fey got closer to them while sounding incredibly apologetic. “Mira is, well… Mira. Her being your mother changes pretty much everything. Growing up like any other ordinary girl would be nearly impossible.”

“Yes.” The teal fox nodded. “Things would’ve gotten extremely complicated if I stayed with you… You would’ve been the center of attention wherever we went… It's also unheard of for overseers to have children that way. We kind of abused my powers to have you. Literally governing magic has its advantages… It took some time to convince the others it was a good idea, though.”

"I'm also sorry I always was evasive about the topic." Fey continued the apology. "I just had no idea what to do afterward… I mean, once I confirmed my involvement, the question of who’s the other parent would’ve followed immediately…” She paused for a moment. “Looking back at it, it probably was one of the worst decisions we could've made, but…" The fox didn’t know how to finish her sentence.

“…” Chloe also didn’t know what to say.

"We indeed made some mistakes." Mira agreed. "We wanted your best, but we failed to realize what exactly that was. As an overseer, this fills me even more with shame. I can only apologize for what we did and promise that it won’t happen again from now on.” She kept stroking the hair of the pink fox-girl. “If you let me stay with you, that is. I could understand if this is asking for too much.”

“Does that mean…?” Fey looked at her again.

“Yes.” She nodded. “If I’m welcome, I will walk down here for the foreseeable future again."

“Y-You’ll stay with us…?” Chloe eventually looked the teal fox in her eyes.

“Only if you want me to.”

"…" She went silent again, and instead of answering, Chloe jumped at the teal fox, wrapped her arms around Mira, and tightly hugged her.

“Is that… Err, is that a yes…?”

"A-Absolutely!” The pink fox only increased her grip. “I’m still really confused, and I can’t believe it, but… I don’t want to lose you now!”

“I-I see…” Mira was becoming increasingly emotional, as well, and hugged her back while trying her best to suppress her tears. “Thank you… Thank you for giving me a chance.” She was failing at holding them back, though, and a few tears had already formed.

"I-It’s alright to cry a little while watching them, right…?” Maya was also affected by it and glanced at the sisters for confirmation. “Ahh…” She noticed that both of them were way ahead of her already as some tears were flowing down their cheeks.

“Is that why I felt so at ease with you the other day when we met…?” Chloe tried to find an explanation about why she got along so well with Mira the moment she saw her.

“I…” The teal fox let go of her to be able to better look at the pink one. "I… I would be delighted if that would be the case."

“Then that is what it was!” She simply smiled at her.

“…” Mira then glanced at Fey, who had been next to them the entire time. "I will say it time and time again… You raised her incredibly well. I can’t apologize enough for only having been able to support you from the sidelines…” Saying so, she petted the head of the fox a couple of times.

“Hehe, seeing you this emotional is something new.” She enjoyed being pet and rhythmically moved her head in the same way. “I like it.”

“S-Shush!” The teal fox started blushing a little harder. “There is just no way you can blame me for that…”

“I wasn’t going to.” Sounding a little playful, Fey then booped her hip with her nose. “I couldn’t do that, either. I mean, it was foremost my idea. I was the one who wanted Chloe to have a normal life… You agreed to it, but I know just how hard it was for you…”

“It really was…” She nodded a few times. “I always felt close because I was able to watch and look over her, but… Seeing her happy and having a fulfilled life was all I wished for, but…”

“I understand.” Fey booped her again.

“Were you really watching me, though…?” Chloe then tilted her head. “Because if you did, you would’ve known that being the daughter of an overseer and having a super interesting life filled with all kinds of things related to that sounds amazing to me!”

“…” Mira had no idea what to say in her defense.

“Well, I guess it’s easy for me to say now… I can definitely see and am absolutely thankful for your thoughts of wanting to protect me… You, too, Feyfey.” The pink fox faced her other mother. “Thank you so much for raising me with so much love and always having tried to put me first. I love you!”

“I-I love you, too!” This time, Fey pressed her head against the other girl.

“It’s a little early, so it's hard to say what my feelings are right now, but I do hope I want to be able to say the same to you, too.” Chloe glanced at the overseer. “I, at the very least, definitely can’t wait to get to know you better!”

“…” Mira’s expression got more emotional again. “That’s already way more than I could’ve hoped for. Thank you so much for giving me a chance.”

“Of course!” Showing her a massive smile, the pink fox girl went ahead and hugged the teal one yet again.


While all of that was happening, the other group members started to feel a little awkward.

“Is it really alright to be listening in to this…?” Aura wasn’t sure if it was a good thing that they were still there. “It seems rather private.”

“I do agree.” Fen nodded a couple of times.

“Steph,” Sophia ignored the wolves and looked at her sister. “Can we, uhh… check on your phone and if mom has seen your message more often from now on…? I want to see her. Tell her everything, as well.”

“O-Of course…” The dog-girl smiled at her. “I want to, too!” The two were pretty touched by the scene in front of them.

“I, uhh… I think I’m going to visit my parents later…” Maya also wasn’t unaffected by it.

“How about we give those three some alone time for now?” Aura looked at the girls. "They probably have a lot more to talk about, and it's really not within our rights to be a part of that, as well.”

"T-True!" The trio collected themselves, and afterward, the group decided to leave them alone for the time being and headed back to the village to wait for them there.







Variant with a little less tears:



A big thanks to

- Emmanuel -

- CN Alt -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

An especially massive thanks to

- Anastasia Lee -

for the yearly pledge!!

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