Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 324 – Say cheese

Sophia and Maya went to an outdoor store to get a power bank with a usable solar panel on it to get a bit of charge during the day in the other world because that would be the only source of electricity there. They only needed to charge their newly bought toys, after all. It ended up with the blonde spending a ton of money, though. After discovering that there are large but portable solar panels and gigantic power banks that can even power AC devices for a long time, she got all that instead. With that, they'll be able to power all sorts of electrical devices in the other world.

"That look on that clerk was amazing!" After they had left the store and put everything into Sophia's storage in a side alley where no one saw them, Maya was in a good mood while smiling at Sophia. "He was so shocked when we lifted all those boxes with ease. He totally couldn't believe it~. Well, it did feel like it weighed more than the two of us together. Significantly more."

"And I can't believe I just spent half of the coin money on some oversized power banks… He really wasn't kidding about them being expensive. Well, it will be so worth it!" There was a moment of buyer's remorse, but it only lasted a second because she was looking forward to all the possibilities they now had.

“By the way, what kind of language were you and the clerk using…?” The white-haired girl tilted her head while looking confused. “I understood next to nothing when you two were talking…”

“Ahh, it was rather technical stuff that only exists here. There’s no way Canir’s translation feature would be able to take care of that." Sophia saw the issue. "Don't worry, though. It was all pretty boring stuff. Also, I didn't understand all of it, either…"

“Okay! So, the important part… Will it work? Will I be able to test out the vibrating fun things?!” She was still horny.

“We absolutely will~.”

“YAY!” She was very horny.

“Not just that, we will be able to use pretty much anything from this world over in our mansion now. From what I understood, we might even be able to use a TV with it. Some of the devices that play music and words, too.”


“Yup.” The blonde nodded. "We'd need to buy a ton of movies and series, though… It could be quite a pain. Not sure if it's worth it."

“Well, I am rather interested in it, but as long as I’m able to vibrate once we’re back home, everything else is optional!”

“Ahaha…” She had to laugh at her girlfriend’s horniness. “Good lord, are you thirsty…”

“I have no plans to apologize for that!”

“I wasn’t expecting you to. I am looking quite forward to it, too.”


“Mostly your reactions to the toys, though~.” Sophia’s smile turned into a smirk. “That will be amazing!”

“I don’t even care how smug you are about it! That just means they’re at least as amazing as I imagine them to be!”

"I doubt your imagination can reach the actual thing."

“S-Stop teasing me! I’m enough on edge already!”

“Hehe~.” Her smirk only increased.

"I'm so going to use every single toy we got on you after I'm done testing them! I'll make you scream!"

“Is that a threat or a promise?” The blonde wasn’t sure what to make out of this reply of hers.


“I see~.” She was happy with Maya’s answer. “Well, for now, let’s head to an electronics store and see how we can waste some more money.”



Luckily, a big electronics store was on the same street as the outdoor shop and just a few buildings away, so even Sophia could find it easily.

“Sure is loud and flashy in here…” Even Sophia was affected by the many TVs on display that were all playing something.

“T-That’s putting it lightly…” The white-haired girl just nodded in agreement.

“Should we start looking for things further away from the TVs first? Oh, how about we look at some other household appliances? Like stuff for the kitchen? I doubt we’ll be able to use many if any of them, and a lot of them we don’t need because of magic, but we might get some inspiration for more inventions~.”

“Yeah!” She seemed to be a fan of the idea.

“Let’s see… Ah, fridges are quite fun! Well, not really, but… in this context, maybe… It’s all those boxes over there.” She then pointed at several fridges while looking at her girl.

“Okay…?” Maybe got closer to one of them and decided to pull at its handle. “Mhmm… You can store things inside…?” She didn’t seem very impressed. “Amazing…”

“Ahaha… Fair point, I guess.” Sophia saw how it seemed a bit underwhelming. “It’s not working right now. When it is, the insides turn cold, and you can store food in it to keep it fresh.”

“Ohh!” She sounded a lot more impressed now. “That’s super handy! It’s like your ice storage, huh? Just a lot more accessible! What a great idea! It was such a pain having to buy everything fresh all the time… Being able to easily store perishable food for a few days makes it so much easier!"


“Oh!” She got even more excited. “Now, with those portal enchantments… Could you use that on a tall cupboard and make it activate when touching the handle? If the portal links to the ice storage inside, it would basically be the same, just much bigger!"

“That’s a great idea!” The blonde was also getting excited. “We have to try that when we get home!”

“Only after we try the other things first, though!” Maya interrupted her. “The vibraty things take utmost priority!”

“Yesyes…” She rolled her eyes in return.

“Good.” The incognito cat seemed happy about her reply. “What other things are there? I can see some ovens, but they’re not much different, I guess?”

"Pretty much. Instead of magic, they work with electricity like pretty much anything in this world. Those flat and black rectangle things are our stoves. Same principle, too,”

“Fancy~.” She liked the look of them. “I bet it’s fun to cook on them.”

“What else is there…?” The blonde looked around some more. “There are washing machines and dryers, but… They use water and hot air to clean clothes… Magic is much handier in that regard. Ah, speaking of which…” Her eyes fell on a few dishwashers while mentioning that. "Is there any cleaning magic for dishes, as well…? We have a machine here for that, and I miss that a lot… It has to be, right? We can clean clothes with magic. Why are we scrubbing dishes by hand…?”

"They break easily, and magic isn’t the most delicate at times…”

“Ahh…” Sophia could see the issue. She has a little experience with magic not being delicate at times, after all. “There has to be a way, though… A dishwasher is just a box that squirts warm water and soap at the dishes until it’s clean, then dries them with hot air… Nothing delicate about that, either… More for the list of experiments!”


“After the vibraty things, of course.”

“Sure!” Her second reply was a lot livelier.

“So horny…” She rolled her eyes once again. “Is there any more…? Coffee machines are nothing more than pouring hot water over the ground beans… A toaster just uses heat…There are a ton of different varieties of the same thing that can be substituted with a regular stove and some pans… Oh, a blender would be nice!” Sophia finally found something that might actually have a use. "They use many blades that spin around at high speed to blend and or juice basically anything you throw inside.”

“Sounds fun! Useful, too! We usually chop something to death until it’s smooth… Oh, we might be able to do something similar if we create a tornado of air blades in a tall container, wouldn’t we?”

"You're on a roll today, huh?" The incognito tiger was impressed by how much stuff Maya was coming up with.


"Well, I guess that's pretty much it for appliances… After all, most of the things are just useless gimmicks that do nothing other than taking up space in your cupboards after you used them once… Okay, let’s look for some electronics that are more fun!”

“Oh!” Maya’s eyes started sparkling.

“Not that kind of fun.”

“Aww…” She hung her head again.

“Just how horny are you today…?”


“I see… Well, those days happen.” Sophia decided to ignore it again. “Oh, I want to get a camera!”

“A what…?” The white-haired girl looked confused.

“Ahh… How to explain that thing…?” The blonde tilted her head in response. “Oh, let's just take a look at them, and I will show you what they do."



The two walked around for a moment, and Sophia quickly found the aisle with the cameras and picked up a random one.

“Say cheese~.”

“Cheese…?” Maya looked incredibly confused.

“Good enough…” Shrugging her shoulders, the blonde then pressed the trigger.

“E-Eh?!” She got even more confused about suddenly being bathed in a flash.

"Such a nice reaction~." Sophia let out a small chuckle.

“W-What just happened…?”

“Let’s see…” She pressed a few buttons and then showed the display to Maya. “Look, it’s you~.”

“H-Huh?!” Noticing that it was indeed her, the girl clutched the camera to take a better look at it. “I-It really is me?! How?!”

"A good question…” The incognito tiger paused for a moment. “Anyway, that’s a camera.” She ignored the question. "It takes a picture of everything in front of it, and you can look at it whenever you want. A picture is basically like a drawing, but this little thing does it for you. You can also look at these pictures on a big TV instead of the little one on the camera.”

“I don’t get it all, but that’s amazing!” Maya was saying that a lot today.

"I want to take a ton of pictures of you!" The blonde got excited again. "All of our other friends, too. Oh, and like a million of Ellie!"

“That sounds great!” She liked the plan. “I also want to get a lot of you! Most of them are going to be the lewd kind, though. This camera can do that, too, right?”

“…” Sophia just stared at her.

“You’ll also get some of me, don’t worry!”

"You're adapting to the technology of this world way too fast…"

“Is that a yes?!”

“As long as you keep those pictures to yourself…”

“Of course!” She smiled at her. “Only me and my new vibrating friends will ever see them!”

“Your horny levels are still rising?! How?!”

“Hehe~.” Maya smirked at her. “It’s one of my biggest talents.”

“No kidding!”

Afterward, Sophia chose a nice but not over-the-top camera together with a couple of memory cards to save all the pictures she wanted to take. They also found an instant picture camera and got one of them together with the entire stock of paper for it. Maya, especially, was a huge fan of being able to have some pictures at hand whenever they were needed.







A big thanks to

- Bast -

- Reon -

for joining and supporting the story on Patreon to make more art possible! Enjoy the (horny) extra stuff there!

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