Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

37. ♥♥ Two Small Gods and a Tiny Demon (R-18+)

Not long after Bonny fell asleep, she awoke. Her friends were cuddled around her, like usual, and the willow dryad was standing guard.

Bonny stood in midair, next to the two goddesses, and looked down at her body, confused. They were all about the same size, which is to say, tiny. She looked further down to see herself still asleep, under the pile of sleeping bodies.

“How are you?” The healer was the first to speak. Her rainbow hair and mane almost as captivating and distracting as her smile.

“Good.” Bonny smiled. “I feel really good.”

“We made a bet with your demon. And lost.” Courage got right to the point, as expected.

“What do you mean? What was the bet?” Bonny looked around some more, still disoriented, before finally realizing she was in the tiny succubus body. Her dick had the same proportions as it did on her real body and hung to her lower thighs, overlapping the top of her leather leggings. She glanced behind her to see bat wings and a tail. She flexed the wings and felt herself rise. “Is this real? Or a dream?”

“She bet that you would break through the next level of sage. Does it matter how real it is?”

“Uh, maybe. Yes, it does.”

“It’s both. You are linked closely enough to borrow her body. It’s easiest when sleeping, but you’ll be able to do it while awake with practice.”

“Oh. Can she take mine?”

“No, not unless she takes mastery or you allow it. That is what happened with Wrath. Matt was terrified after arrival and allowed the demon to take over.” Courage added.

Bonny didn’t respond and looked down at herself and her companions. They all looked so cute curled up together. Miu had her head on Bonny’s shoulder and purred, Kanae snored lightly on Bonny’s belly, and Eloisss wrapped her tail around all of them, her head on Bonny’s other shoulder.

She looked closer at herself, there was a scar at the top of her left breast. She drifted down with a thought and landed on it. The breast itself was almost as tall as she was, even flattened, since she slept on her back.

The two goddesses landed near her.

“Will it finish healing? Will the scar go away?”

“Yes. Your healing aura will finish fixing it by the time you get back to the oak.” Recovery answered.

Bonny knelt down and looked at the scar. “How close did I come to dying.”

“Very. I wasn’t sure you would make it. I am limited on what I can do to assist mortals or I would have intervened.”

“But you can touch me now? I assume Lust bet sex with you two.”

“Yes and yes.” Courage said with a smile.

“Will I wake up? Or wake them up? She looked around at her companions, each of their heads were taller than herself from this vantage.

“Most of your actions will phase through them, but you could wake them if you tried. We're in a parallel space, but it is real, if you change something about yourself, it will stay changed.” Healer said.

“Like if I try healing myself more? Or cleaning the blood off?”

Healer nodded.

Bonny pushed her cleansing aura out, finding it easier now. The blood caked across her chest dried up, then cracked into small flakes that blew away. She climbed up her breast and poked her nipple, then sat on it. It was a low seat, only about as high as her upper ankle. “This is weird.”

She motioned for the two gods to follow and stretched out her legs. “So, do I just ask you to do stuff? I mean, you’re gods. I’m just a girl. Just a girl in a strange world.”

“Would you like to command us? We are yours for the night.”

“I’ve kind of had a rough day, can I just have you two take care of me?”

Recovery, the unicorn-kin, blushed. “I’ve never had sex.”

Bonny laughed. “Why did you agree then?”

“Well, it’s not that I don’t want to. And you are very cute, for a demon bunny. It’s just, well we rarely interact so closely on life. Our attention is more diffuse.”

“So you don’t just sit in the clouds and watch mortals?”

Both small goddesses laughed before Courage spoke, “No. We align ourselves with our ideals and only focus when they are disturbed or resonate strongly. You have caught the attention of several of us. I suppose there may be a couple of deities watching. Sex isn’t something we usually seek out, as it is a mortal desire.”

Bonny smiled and stood. “Ok, well, I suppose we’ll figure things out.”

She reached out to grab their hands and pull them close, kissing Courage, then Recovery. The kisses were divine. They may not have a lot of physical experience, but everything was graceful. Their lips were soft and malleable, their tongues feather light, copying Bonny’s tongue, touching and teasing. She pulled them all together into a three way kiss. When they broke apart a few minutes later, a disturbing thought struck Bonny.

“You two aren’t like, sisters, are you?”

Courage laughed. “No. We just are. There are no familial bonds between divinities or demons.”

Bonny smiled. “That’s good. Things are weird enough already.”

She looked down and jumped suddenly, then grabbed at the two goddesses for balance, when her breast compressed and rippled slightly, before returning to normal. “Can other people see that?”

“Yes, probably.”

“But it won’t wake them up?” Bonny looked around at her giant companions.

“If you’re rough enough, they might. But they won’t see a cause.”

Bonny laughed again. “Okay, maybe we’ll have to try that. Let's warm up a little first though.”

She motioned to either side of her and the two goddesses knelt down, one on each side.

“Worship me, worship my cock.” Bonny put one hand on each of their heads and pulled in, guiding them to her shaft, which stiffened in response. “Open up and stick your tongues out, please.”

She grabbed each by the base of their hair and pulled and pushed them along the rod, lubricating it between them. After a couple of passes, she let go and drew back. “Lick around the head.”

The two goddesses did as asked, very obedient for beings that ruled the world.

“How long do we have?”

“Time flows differently for us. We have as much time as we want.”

Bonny beamed at them. “Excellent. Ok, Courage. I assume you won’t turn down a challenge?”

Courage shook her head, still busy.

Bonny lined her cock up and pushed into Courage’s mouth. Teeth scraped along her head and shaft and she stopped. “Wait, open wider. Try to keep your teeth off, they can be painful.

Courage did as asked and Bonny pushed in until her dick hit the back of the goddess’s throat. “Is that uncomfortable? Do you have to worry about gagging?”

Courage shook her head, her throat sliding around Bonny’s dick with the motion.

Recovery spoke, “We don’t have to worry about bodily functions like eating or breathing. Or gagging, I suppose.” She giggled, watching closely.

“I’m going to push further in. You may have to lean forward to straighten out your throat.” Bonny leaned over to pull Courage’s helmet off, then grabbed her hair and pulled, pushing herself into the heavenly throat. “Swallow me.”

Courage swallowed and pushed herself further onto Bonny’s rod, her throat tightening around the head and shaft. Bonny reached under Courage's chin and felt the goddess' neck stretch around it. She could feel her cock head push down through her fingertips. She squeezed, enjoying the feeling through the divine onahole.

“Just. Like. That.” Bonny said, already panting. She rocked her hips forward and back as she let go of Courage and straightened to pull Recovery to her feet and kiss her.

At some point the gear that the goddesses and Bonny had been wearing had disappeared and Bonny ran her hands through Recovery’s rainbow hair and across her divine breasts. The heavenly nipples were large and perky and very sensitive, based on how Recovery flinched when Bonny pinched them.

Courage took charge of Bonny’s dick, reaching forward to grab the base with one hand and cup the heavy balls with the other. The lioness pulled herself further along it, swallowing and squeezing with her throat, then pulled back, letting the head out into her mouth, where she licked around it. She swallowed again and Bonny felt the familiar pressure start rising.

Bonny hadn’t had a dick all that long and had only used it a couple of times. She also had some feeling when it wasn’t directly attached and her companions has used that link to tease her, but the difference in feeling was overwhelming. The tickle of precum and the way her balls contracted was still new to her, but it was enough to tell her that it was already too late to try and stop things.

She pulled Recovery tight against her and kissed her roughly, working her tongue in and claiming the goddess with her mouth. She shoved her hips forward at the same time, impaling Courage further, claiming her godly mouth and throat as well.

She shuddered as her balls contracted and pulsed, sending a load deep into the divine lioness’ throat, while moaning into Recovery. She held on, unsteady and needing support, as her body rocked with pleasure, the two goddesses holding her up as she sprayed cum again and again.

When done, Courage slowly pulled herself off of Bonny’s deflating dick and stood. The two lowered Bonny to lay on her own breast, head pillowed on her areola, which was puffy and wrinkled from arousal.

Recovery bent down to lick at Bonny’s dick, cleaning it up.

“This tastes better than I thought. I’ve heard mortals complain about it. Although, there is … ah, demonic essence. I suppose that should be expected, considering.”

Bonny’s dick responded, hardening and thickening again as Recover worked at it. Bonny sat up, startled. “Oh, ok. I guess there’s no refractory period here?”

Recovery laughed. “No, that’s a mortal thing. I’m going to take a turn now, can you guide me?” She stood over Bonny, straddling her hips and dick, then slowly lowered herself onto the shaft.

Bonny held her enormous dick up, lining it up, and wondered if it would fit.

She needn’t have worried, Recovery’s tight celestial canal slid over her glans and down, without need for lubricant or preparation. It was tight, tighter than Courage’s throat, and it went on forever.

Recovery slid all the way down, crouching and sitting down, her labia touching Bonny’s balls. A ridge protruded from her abdomen, outlining the cock as it rose up to just under her divine breasts.

Bonny reached forward and ran her fingers up and down the hidden shaft. She could feel the sensation through the heavenly body as she pushed in and shook her head, this couldn’t be real.

Recovery leaned forward and kissed Bonny, then sat up straight and began doing squats, sliding up and down Bonny’s hard shaft. The sensation was slippery and tight and divine.

Bonny had no words. She watched the distended bulge slide up and down until Courage blocked her view.

Courage squatted over Bonny’s head. “I get a turn too, right?” She smirked as she looked down at the bunny.

Bonny nodded and Courage moved forward, pushing her pussy tight to Bonny’s mouth. She leaned forward, resting her arms and forehead on Bonny’s real body’s nipple, their eyes locked on each other.

Bonny licked and sucked at the holy pussy and clitoris, the taste beyond delightful. She was in heaven, almost literally.

She moaned into Courage as pressure built in her balls and dick for the second time. The vibration around Courage’s clit seemed to do it for the goddess, who suddenly convulsed and started spasming, glorious fluid flooding from her into Bonny’s mouth, exciting her taste buds like the most delicious meal ever eaten.

Bonny’s balls contracted and she sprayed cum out, into Recovery, who clenched around the spasming dick, and then shuddered into her own orgasm. More godly fluid poured out, running down Bonny’s cock and balls, soaking into her real body’s fur beneath them.

Courage bit down on the edge of Bonny’s real, seat-sized nipple.

Bonny felt a small spike of pain, that only added to the mix of feelings and emotions befuddling her senses. She thrust upward with her hips lifting Recovery up off the ground with the force. She stuck her tongue deep into Courage and bit down on her labia.

All three went through another series of contractions and spasms, fluid and cum leaking out of all three of them.

Recovery fell forward, hugging Bonny and pushing her head under Courage to lick at the girlcum running down Bonny's chin. They lay together for a time, waiting for the pleasurable waves to settle, then separated. They cuddled together, divine heads pillowed together on Bonny’s mortal areola, looking up at the brightening sky.

Bonny reached out to hold hands with both of them. “This was amazing. Can we do it again?”

The two goddesses nodded and leaned in to kiss her. “Anytime.”

My chapters are getting longer. This is over 2200 words. 

So, how about an alternate, divine harem? This was fun to write. You all knew this was going to happen when they were introduced, right?  :)

This week has been busy IRL, so I've gotten behind on patreon advanced chapters. It's currently at chapter 45, but most are still drafts. I'll work on fixing that today and this weekend.

You can look forward to the rest of the arc 2 epilogue chapters plus two chapters of arc 3 next week. I'll be switching to MWF releases though, so there will only be four chapters, then three the week after next.  You can look forward to a complicated orgy with all of the party next Friday.

Thanks for reading,

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