Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

34. Wake up and Level up

They woke to the rising sun and cheery birdsong the next morning. The blanket had been pushed off at some point in the night.

Kanae was curled up on Bonny’s stomach, covered in dried cum. Both of their fur was matted with it. Bonny’s massive flaccid penis draped over the fox, covering its nose and head.

Miu looked at Bonny, “Did you …?”

“A lady never kisses and tells. Or comes and tells, for that matter.” Bonny smiled and beckoned. “Kiss me.”

Miu did. Eloisss copied her.

“Now you’re protected as well, I won’t tell anyone what we did. Did you two have pleasant dreams?”

“Dreamed of foxes, nya. Lots, playing. I was one too.”

“Me too. Ssame dream. Sstrange. “

“Kanae said you were dreaming of foxes.” Bonny laughed and sat up, catching the fox before it could slide off.

The fox curled tighter into Bonny’s lap and arms, not quite waking up.

“This might be difficult.” The bunny looked down at the mess. She looked at the other two. “Can you help me up?”

They grabbed her shoulders and helped her stand while she held onto Kanae, pulling the fox up and cradling it against her breasts. She then walked into the pool, still carrying the sleepy animal.

She found a shallow corner of the pool where she could sit without submerging the fox. She cleaned herself and Kanae, stroking the fox’s fur and playing with her tails. Kanae woke up partway through and melted into Bonny’s hands, leaning into the scratching and petting.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

Kanae yipped.

“You still don’t want to change and talk?”

Kanae shook her head.

“Okay.” Bonny leaned over and kissed the fox on the nose, then got up and carried her out and over to the blankets, where she set the fox down.

She removed her dildo and left it in her pack, taking the collection of scales they had picked up instead. She wasn’t looking forward to trying to absorb them again, since the previous attempt had been so traumatic. Hopefully Grandma Oak would have another option. She went hunting for the dryad.

The crowd of refugees had mostly dispersed, going back to whatever part of the forest they inhabited, now that the goblin threat was gone. Still, it took a while, wandering among other animals and the occasional animal-kin, before she found the dryad.

Grandma Oak was crouched near a bed of flowers, coaxing them to grow, healing the damage the working had done. The dryad looked up and spoke first.

“Ah, Rabbit Bonny. I see you have recovered.”

“Yes, thank you. Uh, I have these scales from the battles yesterday, but this is too much to try to absorb like I did before.” She held them out, Twenty three total. Five from the battle at the cat Clowder and eighteen from the various skirmishes on the trip back.

“I have collected more from the fallen yesterday for you as well. They are near the trunk, watched over by Adelina. I believe you have more control now. Have you checked your status?”

Of course she hadn’t. Bonny rarely remembered it except when reminded, despite all the magic and wonder around her.

“Oh, uh. No. Status!”

Alerts (3):
You have increased your stamina by continuously exerting yourself in combat. Your Stamina greatly exceeds the norm. Plus one skill for Physical related classes.

You have increased your mana by usage over time in combat. Your Mana reservoir exceeds the norm. Plus one skill for Magic related classes.

You have gained an Air Elemental spirit. Your Elemental Affinity has increased.


Name: Bonny
Race: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin
Age: 22
Health: Healthy
Soul: Healthy

Titles: Novice Sage, Divine System Engineer
Achievements: Proficiency with all Magic Affinities, Attention of the Gods, System Update
Affinities: Arcane Beginner 0%, Demonic Master 12% (Lust), Divine Beginner 25% (Courage), Elemental Novice 57% (Air, Water)
Auras: Divine Courage (allies), Divine Cleansing (area), Diving Healing (area), Demonic Desire (area)

Class: Lesser Medic/Demonic (alternatives available)
Skills: (1 skill available)
     Create Water (elemental)
     Mending (lesser)
     Pain Management (divine)
     Panacea (lesser)
     Sacrifice (demonic)
     Triage (lesser)
     Ward (demonic)
     Wound Transfer (demonic)

General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Running, Walking, Outworlder Knowledge

Equipment: Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Epic/Demonic)

Phys Pow: Average
Phys Con: Above Avg +
Stamina:  High

Mag Pow: Above Avg +
Mag Con: High
Mana:        Above Avg

Aura Pow: Beginner 75%
Aura Con: Beginner 80%
Will:            Beginner 99%

“The more you train and use your abilities, the quicker they will increase. Especially for beginners.” Grandma Oak told her.

Bonny remembered that she had questions for the dryad, who was the most knowledgeable person she knew. “What do these titles do? Did you know the gods would give me abilities? Is that why you gave me an elemental spirit? How do I make the spirits stronger? How can I turn off the aura, so that it doesn’t bother everyone? Why is …”

Grandma Oak smiled and held up a hand, interrupting Bonny. “Hold on. One at a time.”

Bonny sighed and started over, re-prioritizing her list. “Did you know the gods would …?”

Grandma Oak interrupted her again, holding up a hand. She looked through Bonny for a moment, then tilted her head back, as if sniffing at the air. “You have been touched by Recovery, and … Courage?”

Bonny nodded. “How did you kn…, oh, the aura? Lust added one too, it didn’t seem to like the Divine auras.” She told Grandma Oak about the alerts.

“Of course he didn’t. Let’s ask them directly. Recovery. Courage. Attend!”

The air shimmered and two tall woman materialized next to them. Both wore white togas that fell to mid-thigh and were trimmed in gold thread, with matching golden belts. They both exuded powerful auras that demanded attention and respect.

Animal kin nearby bowed and backed away, clearing the area around them.

One of the goddesses was a unicorn kin, with a dapple gray coat and rainbow hair, mane, and tail. Her horn was a multicolored spiral about six inches long. She held a tall staff, carved with strange symbols in a rising spiral and topped with a horizontal bar. A pale white bird, wreathed in white flames, sitting on it.

The other was a lioness, wearing a leather helmet and carrying a spear, both carved with the same strange symbols. Her fur was thick and golden.

“You called, Dryad Oakleigh?” The lioness spoke.

Lust! Out! You are not excluded.”

A small demon appeared in the air in front of Bonny, floating chest high. It was about three inches tall, with red skin, small horns, bat-like wings, and a prehensile tail ending in a heart shaped point. It spun to look at her and she saw it was male, with a huge erect dick.

She glared at it.

The demon licked his lips and stroked his dick with both hands, eying her naked body up and down.

“If you’re trying to excite me, it’s not going to work. Although … You should already know that. Are you trying to intimidate me?”

The demon smirked and shimmered, red light cascading off, obscuring him for a moment. When the light faded, a small clone of Bonny appeared. She still had the horns, wings, tail, and dick, but wore a fancy, decorated version of Bonny’s armor, framing her naked breasts and pelvis. “Better?” Her voice was higher pitched than Bonny’s, but similar.

Bonny smiled. “Much better. That’s hot!”

When Bonny looked up and saw Grandma Oak and the two goddesses watching quietly, she blushed. “Oh, uh, sorry.”

The dryad winked at her, then addressed the other three. “I consider Bonny a friend. You three have marked her, causing trouble. Explain.” She looked at Lust first.

The demon shook her head and drifted backward, away from the dryad, towards Bonny, as if she would protect it.

Courage spoke up, back straight and head held high. “Bonny has shown courage beyond compare. Since she has appeared in this world, she has fought and persevered, despite her confusion and fear. She chose her path of healing due to a dislike of killing, not fright. Even so, she has taken lives to save and restore her friends.

“She has voluntarily faced pain in order to gain power, using the demon within her. Meanwhile, her nemesis cried himself out the first night and surrendered to his demon, allowing it to take control.”

Courage looked over at Bonny before continuing. “No one in this world would have done better, she deserves my blessing.”

Grandma Oak looked at Recovery, who smiled and winked at Bonny, before turning back and explaining.

“Bonny has studied anatomy and healing in her world. She not only offers new knowledge to this world, she is the first person to ever turn demonic power to healing. She deserves my blessing.”

Everyone looked at Lust, who had continued drifting back, until she impacted one Bonny’s exposed breasts. The demon ignored the gazes to poke Bonny’s nipple, which immediately puckered and hardened. Lust straddled it, leaning back against the slope and grinning up at everyone.

Bonny could feel the demon’s legs tighten around her, the slight weight indenting her boob. It was just enough to let her know the demon had a physical form that could be interacted with.

“Why would I give her up?” Lust tilted her head back and glanced up, meeting Bonny’s eyes momentarily. “She was a popular erotic dancer in her own world. She will be amazing here, with my help.”

The demon paused and glared at the two goddesses. “You can’t have her. I found her first and she’s mine!”

Bonny grabbed the demon and turned it to face her. “Yours? Do I get a say?”

“You accepted my blessing. You’re mine!”

“Can I reject it?” Bonny looked around at the other three. “Can I give up the class and destroy the dildo?”

Lust panicked. “No, no. Please don’t. You need … I mean, I need you. Please keep me.”

Bonny laughed. “It’s fine. I like you and won’t try to destroy you. Yet. But you need to tone down the aura.”

Lust nodded and Bonny let her go. She immediately floated back to Bonny’s right breast and sat on her nipple, where she crossed her arms and gazed at the goddesses triumphantly.

Grandma Oak smiled. “It seemed we have that settled. You three will stay with her and provide guidance. If any other gods or demons wish to bind to her, they will also be bound in turn.”

Courage and Recovery nodded, agreeing.

Recovery pointed around The Oak and refugees still surrounding it. “Caladri, circle.” The bird leapt into the air and quickly flew around the tree, swooping low over the people and animals, its flames flaring up occasionally.

Grandma Oak continued, “We are almost out of time, so I will answer your other questions quickly. Concentrate on your titles to see their benefits. You should know this already. I did expect an aspect of Healer to claim you, but was not sure which. Recovery is a fine companion. The three of them can help you manage your aura, but the fox spirit has already provided the training you need. Talk to your elemental spirits, they can guide you. Also talk to Willowbelle, you will meet her soon.

“Wrath is near an artifact to the west, about four handspans distant. I believe it is best for you to face him, not me. Gather your companions and hurry. You can leave your scales near the tree with the rest. Return the artifact to me.”

The beginning of this chapter follows immediately after 33.5, which is a patreon bonus chapter from Kanae's pov. It's one of my favorites, but there's nothing important in it that impacts the rest of the story (no bestiality either, for anyone concerned about the opening to this one).

Here is where I also cross 50k words posted to SH. The achievement post was two weeks ago and we've already caught up to what I had written at that time. The end of the arc is another five chapters and 8k words away.

Thank you for reading,

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