Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

25. ♥ Teasing and Tasting (R-18)

Eloisss strapped her armor on and they left shortly after. Bonny naked and Miu leading, a bow and quiver now slung over her back. They moved carefully and quietly, now aware of the increased goblin presence, but Eloisss was fairly certain the trip would be safe.

They traveled east, further from the river and the Cat Clowder, heading down the rocky terrain. The trees were a little sparser and the ground rockier.

At some point, shortly after noon, Bonny looked over to see the fox trotting beside them.

“Hi, cutie. Thank you for the help in the fight.”

The fox looked over and let out a rough edged bark.

“I have some food left, you can have some if you stay with us.”

This time the fox yipped, the sound wild and feral.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Please stay quiet for now.”

They traveled on, the fox sometimes disappearing, then reappearing throughout the day. It was mid afternoon when Eloisss called a halt. They stopped in a small clearing, sheltered on one side by a sheer wall and another by a sizable drop.

“My Rhumba iss closse, jusst over the next hill. You sshould sstay here, it iss ssafe and there is a sstream below. I’ll go in alone, sso that your aura doessn’t alarm anyone.”

Bonny nodded. “Do you want to eat something first?”

“Yess, food and you.”

Bonny looked over to see that both Eloisss and Miu were still suffering from the aura curse. They had stayed silent through the journey and she had almost forgotten about it. Miu looked especially tired, not having slept much the night before.

“Miu, are you ok? Do you need to cuddle too?”

She nodded, presumably answering both questions.

Bonny sighed. All three of them were sweaty and dirty from the journey. “Ok, but you two have to do as I say. Are you ok with that?”

Both agreed.

“Eloisss, you go ahead and eat while watching the show. Miu, undress and come over here.”

Bonny sat behind Miu, reaching around pulling her into a slight reclining position. Hugging her tightly. “You are in so much trouble, little kitty of mine.”

Miu purred.

“I want you to open your legs and show Eloisss what you have. Go on, spread them.” Bonny pulled on one of Miu’s legs as she spoke. “Eloisss, you need to watch.”

Miu did as told, turning slightly to face Eloisss and opening her most vulnerable place. Her legs spread and knees up. A deep blush darkening her face, nipples, and vulva.

Eloisss watched, unblinking, her tongue flickering in and out.

“It’s scary, isn’t it? Even among friends.” Bonny pinched one of Miu’s nipples and slid her other hand down, stroking Miu’s belly fur, but not quite going low enough for the cat. “Put your hands on your knees and keep them there. If you move them, I’m going to stop.”

“Please, nya.” The words, whispered, pleading.

“Wait a moment. First, let’s see how this looks.” Bonny reached down and pulled Miu’s wet labia apart, opening her up to Eloisss. Fluid leaked out, running down her taint and dripping onto the ground.

Bonny leaned around to look. “Oh, my. Whose naughty pussy is this?”

Miu’s purring grew louder.

“I haven’t even done anything yet. You are such a bad kitty.” Bonny kissed Miu’s neck, then bit down.

Miu arched her back and whimpered.

“Is that a good sound?”

A nod.

“Ok then, are you ready?”

Another nod.

Bonny slid one hand back up to cup one of Miu’s breasts and started teasing Miu’s pussy with the other. She slid two fingers in, and swirled them around, collecting the cat’s essence, then brought them up to Miu’s mouth. “Open up, I want you to taste your need.”

Miu took the fingers into her mouth and licked them clean. Her purring growing ragged with desperation.

“Remember, don’t move your hands.” Bonny slid her hand back down and repeated the motion. But this time, she circled Mui’s nub, lubricating it, before sliding her fingers back down along her labial folds and inside. She curled her fingers up and pushed her palm down, stimulating Miu's sensitive spots, both inside and out. Her other hand teased at Miu’s breast and nipple, while her mouth nibbled at the kitten's neck and shoulder.

It didn't take long before Miu shuddered, convulsing, curling forward, and pulling her knees in. Bonny tugged her back up, forcing her to keep her back straight.

“Open those legs.”

Miu obeyed, mewling and purring. Panting.

“Good kitty.” Bonny kept working with brief pauses to let Miu come down slightly, then stroking her into another shuddering orgasm.

“Good kitty. I’m proud of you.” Several minutes later, Bonny finally let Miu close her legs and move her hands. She guided the cat to lay back on the ground, where she leaned over and kissed her. “Are you satisfied?”

At Miu’s nod, she added. “Sleep now and I'll have food ready when you wake up.”

Miu curled into a ball, pulling her arms and legs in, and hiding her face in her paws. Her ears started twitching as she immediately dropped into a pleasant dream.

Bonny stood and moved over to Eloisss, who had already undressed. “You said you wanted to eat me. Do you mean that or do you want me to pleasure you as well?”

“Both, of coursse.”

“Hmm, I don’t think you want what I did for Miu.” Bonny thought for a moment, then grinned. “Why don’t you lead. You can do whatever you want with me.”

Eloisss struck, four inch fangs flicking open as she shot forward, stopping just shy of Bonny’s neck. Her tail curled up and vibrated at the same time: ch-ch-chhh.

Bonny looked at Eloisss’ head, then down to her tail, which was still vibrating: ch-ch-chh.

There was a long, awkward pause, then Eloisss blushed, her face and breasts turning red. She retracted her fangs.

“Oh, the aura. Courage won’t let you scare me.” Bonny sighed. “You are very scary though. I’ll show you.”

Eloisss drew back slightly as Bonny crossed her arms under her breasts and twisted back and forth rapidly, mock shivering.

“Oh, what will I do? The big bad snake is coming to eat little old me.” Bonny squatted and pressured her bladder. It was hard to pee when someone was watching, but she forced a few drops out. “Oh, no. I’m so frightened I wet myself.”

Eloisss stared. Speechless. Nonplussed.

Bonny blushed, the heat rising up through her face and ears. “That … that was too much, wasn’t it?”

Eloisss started giggling, covering her face and trying to hold in the laughter.

Bonny giggled too, then stepped forward and hugged Eloisss. Her face buried in Eloisss’ enormous bosom.

They laughed together, both still mortified.

Eloisss picked Bonny up, then twisted around and lay back, the rabbit on top of her. Her tongue flickered out, touching and sliding along Bonny's neck and jawline. “I do like the way you tasste.” The admission was not quite as embarrassing as their recent actions.

“Do you mean my pussy or my skin?”

“Both. You are very delisciouss, little bunny.”

“Should I be worried?”

“No. I would not harm you.” Eloisss hugged Bonny tightly. “At leasst, not without permisssion.”

“Do you want permission? I said you could do anything.”

“I would love to bite you, ssometimess. But not today. It iss ssafe here, but that would tempt fate, I think.”

Bonny crawled up and kissed Eloisss. “Let’s see what happens if we live through the goblin invasion. For now, how about I move on up.” Bonny crawled further up, sitting up on Eloisss’ mouth. “And let’s see how well your tongue works.”

Eloisss looked up and met Bonny’s eyes. She flicked her tongue out, tasting, sliding the tines along Bonny’s wet folds. Then delved deeper, her mouth opening to cover Bonny's entire vulva. Her long prehensile tongue flicking in, across Bonny’s sensitive internal erogenous zones, before withdrawing and circling and stimulating the entrance. The tongue slid up, caressing and rubbing across Bonny’s little button, before retracting and repeating.

Bonny rocked back and forth, staring down into Eloisss’ unblinking eyes. Bonny moaned,  still turned on by her show with Miu. The light tickling combined with heavier pressure against her sensitive spots driving her closer and closer …

She felt a weight building in her core and pushed down, onto Eloisss’ tongue the next time it slid up into her. She could feel it, deep inside, stroking, brushing.

Bonny exploded, flooding Eloisss’ mouth with girl cum as she sprayed down, the weight releasing and tension easing. Her muscles clenched again, shuddering into a rolling wave of pleasure. Bonny curled over, trying to maintain eye contact as she felt Eloisss’ tongue still at work, lapping up her emissions, tasting, teasing.

The waves of pleasure continued, growing unbearable, until Bonny had to pull herself off of the unrelenting lamia. Eloisss followed, twisting around, holding on, keeping her mouth in place and her tongue busy.

Bonny tried to push her away, but Eloisss was stronger. Much stronger. She held on, forcing the bunny to cum over and over, her squirting becoming weaker and weaker, until she was a shuddering boneless mess lying helpless on the ground.

Eloisss finally released her. “You ssaid I can do whatever I want.” The lamia grinned down, evilly, flicking her tongue in and out. She leaned down to kiss Bonny.

Bonny kissed Eloisss back, tasting herself as she did.

“That iss enough for me, for now. But I would like more when I return.” Eloisss pulled on and fastened her armor and gear, then sorted through the backpacks quickly, moving their remaining supplies and clothes to one and putting the stuff to return to the lamia tribe in the other two.

Bonny recovered and sat up at the end. “I’m sorry I can’t go and meet your friends. Your people.”

“It iss fine. There will be another time. I hope.”

They smiled and kissed again. Then Eloisss slithered away, wearing one backpack and carrying the other.

Bonny really needs to get that aura under control.  And where did the fox go?

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