Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

16. Gods and Demons

EDIT: I've changed the layout here from a standalone story to contextualize it a little better. Hopefully the page of italics isn't an issue, if it is, I can use a bar or something to isolate it. If you don't like this format, please leave a comment and suggestion to improve it.


Grandma Oak continued her circuit of the tree, her mossy hair dragging on the ground behind her, leaving a trail of loops and curls as they walked around the wild flowers and gardens. Bonny followed, listening, as the dryad relayed her story.

Many ages ago, before animal-kin were civilized, spirits owned the world.

Yes, I was one such spirit. I was there, at the beginning.

Many spirits lost themselves and faded away, but some of us gathered power and bound ourselves to physical objects. I found my tree, for example. This was a new land and the forest grew up around me, a reflection of me. I do not boast, but know that there is both beauty and danger hidden within.

Other spirits found other forms that resonated with them, sometimes ephemeral, like air or fire, sometimes physical, like rock or water. Those are the four base elemental spirits called upon by elementalists, but there are others. Not all are friendly, so beware.

Some spirits chose the emotions and feelings of the animals or animal-kin, becoming totems or protectors. There are several spirit animals within this forest, but they will keep to themselves unless their charges are threatened.

A few spirits became greater, absorbing others with similar bonds. I, myself, am a greater spirit, having bonded with many nature spirits over the ages.

The spirits bonding with, and feeding upon, animal-kin and human desires became especially powerful. Emotional energy like that is easily bonded with, producing many lesser spirits, most of which were eager to bond together. They gained power as civilization grew and divided themselves by type over time. Some fed upon the base natures of intelligent beings and some on higher ideals.

As animal-kin, and eventually, humanity, became aware of these greater spirits, they gave them names: Gods and Demons.

Gods are those spirits focused on higher ideals and work to improve society and life for all beings. Demons are those who fed on more selfish desires and tend to take advantage of others when they can. Though it is not always so simple and some greater spirits are both.

Some time ago, a few thousand seasons or so, time is sometimes difficult to keep track of, the two factions decided they could no longer tolerate each other and went to war. The war lasted for ages and devastated parts of the world.

In the end, the idealistic side won, the Gods of humanity and animal-kin. Both sides were composed of greater spirits, however, and were too powerful to be completely eliminated. Instead, the so-called gods dismembered the demons, separating out lesser spirits that had bonded in, and banishing them.

Some were bound into items or thrown into other worlds. Some were locked in crypts or labyrinths, held in place by rituals. Some were destroyed or allowed their nature to change. A few escaped and are, even now, trying to rebuild their power by bonding with others and feeding when they can.

As for the gods, they were diminished as well. It took power to do what they did, and they spent it, hoping the results would benefit people everywhere. I believe they were successful.

At the end, they performed one last great work, creating the System that you use. All intelligent creatures gain access and it helps guide society by rewarding those who work together and help one another. Of course, once someone gains power through it, they can do evil as well, but they get no reward for those actions.

For example, as a healer, you will gain power by helping others, curing them of injury or disease, even if you use demonic magic to do so. The method matters less than the result, though if the method is antithetical to the goal, there is no reward. You cannot take health from an unwilling person to heal another and be rewarded.

I know, you sacrificed the goblins, but they are monsters. They are intelligent and have access to the system, but are selfish and crude, causing harm and destruction where they can. The system does not reward them and labels them monsters.

By that, you can determine that monsters are beings that work against harmony, whether intelligent or not. Eliminating them is always rewarded.

Divine magic still exists, but is diminished as well. One can call upon a higher ideal, such as Generosity, to receive a boon. It may be temporary or permanent, depending on how closely you align yourself with that spirit. Once you have been recognized by one, you will have an easier time calling upon divine spirits in the future.

Demonic magic works the same way, though they are weaker and more amenable to bartering for power. This is why most people believe all demonic magic involves bargaining. However, if you align yourself closely enough with a demon, you may gain a boon without sacrifice or payment.

But enough of that, for now, let’s discuss your situation. Your dildo contains a spirit of middling power, separated from the demon Lust. It must have been bound and banished. Perhaps the gods couldn’t reduce it further and hoped that banishing it from the world would remove the threat.

It has bonded with you. We could excise it, but cutting away your soul is problematic. Fortunately, that isn’t necessary. You are the being in control and can contain the spirit. As long as you work toward overall harmony in the world, you will be blessed and rewarded.

The title you mentioned, Demonic Master, should allow you to absorb other demonic spirits and influences. As long as you quell the antagonistic nature of the spirit and bind them into harmony with Lust, you can eliminate them and gain power. This is separate from the System, but will be recognized by it.

You will still need to manage Lust, so that it doesn’t overwhelm and subsume you. However, that should be simple with willing companions like yours. As long as you keep Lust satisfied, it will not oppose you. It will gain power over time, but as long as you work toward improving society and the world, you should grow far faster. I can see in your soul that you are a good person, so I expect you will find that an easy task.

Oh, one last thing, your soul wound. If you attempt to use your demon’s power without a proper bargain, it will take from your essence, depleting it. Once or twice shouldn’t cause problems, but the more your soul is damaged, the more it will affect your behavior and System, lowering attributes or canceling skills. It may also allow Lust to gain control over you. Be careful how you use it.

Grandma Oak turned to Bonny as she finished the story. "Now you have some idea of our history.  I believe the spirit behind the goblins is Wrath. Since it seems linked and opposed to you, what do you know of it?"

As told by Oakleigh, the ancient dryad. She's been around for a while.

I know this is a bit of an info dump, but hopefully it works better than a prologue, since you now have a frame of reference and understand how these things affect Bonny and our friends. I didn't want to draw it out with a back and forth conversation or long lecturing paragraphs interspersed with questions from Bonny, so this is what we have, a personalized story by Grandma Oak.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading,

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