Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

76. Beneath Windy Skies, Resolve Takes Flight

I perched silently, my gaze fixed on Kai. From my vantage point among the whispering leaves, I observed him with a blend of concern and curiosity. My comrade stood alone outside his resting area, his fist repeatedly colliding with the sturdy bark of an aged tree as the moonlight waned overhead.

His hand, swathed in a white material called gauze, bore the marks of his exertion; once pristine, it now bore the stains of toil and blood.

Fluttering closer, I was drawn by an inexplicable need to understand his actions.

To an untrained eye, it might seem a dance of folly, a deliberate pursuit of pain. The tree, an unwitting participant in his ritual, stood resolute, its bark etched with the story of his determination.

But I knew there was a purpose to it. There always was.

The sun rose and fell multiple times since he embarked on this journey, refusing my attempts at giving him qi, using that sweet-smelling nectar that glowed like my wings. Every night after he finished, he held the "staff" made by his fellow comrade from home while in a meditative position.

I could tell it was important, so I refrained from bothering him. I had more of that so-called "lychee wine" to dine on while he worked diligently.

Of course, I secretly healed him during his sleep, but it was a secret I wouldn't reveal till the very end of my days.

I watched, a silent guardian, as the skin around Kai's fists transformed. Where once there was softness, now lay a landscape rugged and unyielding, akin to the very tree he challenged with his might. The texture, rough and calloused, bore testament to his discipline, a contrast to the delicate touch he possessed when tending to plants of our garden.

His strikes, initially marred by winces of pain and stifled groans, eventually turned into a silent storm of speed and precision.

This transformation was not lost on me. In Kai's silent perseverance, I found a lesson etched deep within the heart of pain and endurance. It was a realization that dawned quietly, like the first light of dawn creeping over the horizon, illuminating the path to growth and strength.

Just when I thought I had the human figured out, he seems to show me more and more.

The sight stirred something within me, a whisper of discontent at my own limitations. Fragile, ephemeral, my existence was a stark contrast to Kai's burgeoning fortitude. Bound by my form, I lamented the fragility of my being, the delicate wings that carried me, beautiful yet so easily marred.

If only I had appendages like his, perhaps I could've been an even greater help in the battle against those scaly serpents. Those of Windy's ilk. Remembering Kai's form, between the border of life and death, shook me to my very core.

Had it not been for the powerful immortals supporting us, would we have survived? It was only through luck that I managed to land a blow against one of those monstrous, wind-whipping serpents. Had my wings met with their hardened scales, I don't think there was any room for doubt what would've happened.

Never. I'd never let myself be so useless ever again.

Inspired by Kai's silent testament, I resolved to push beyond the confines of my nature. With a heart buoyed by newfound determination, I channeled qi into the gossamer threads of my wings, feeling the familiar surge of energy coursing through me, lending strength and sharpness to my delicate form.

I turned my attention to an orange leaf, caught in the gentle embrace of the breeze, its descent a dance of serenity and grace. With a focused burst of speed, I blurred from sight, my wings slicing through the air with precision. The leaf, bisected by my passage, fluttered to the ground in silent testimony to my resolve.

Emboldened, I faced a tree. I approached, my wings humming with qi, and struck. A faint mark, barely a whisper against the rugged surface, was all I managed, yet it was a start. My wings recoiled from the impact, the shockwave a stark reminder of the tree's unyielding nature and my own fragility.

But I did not falter. Drawing deep from the wellspring of determination Kai had unknowingly bestowed upon me, I pressed on. Strike after strike, I honed my technique, each attempt a step on the path Kai had unwittingly laid before me.

From my secluded perch amidst the verdant canopy, my attention momentarily drifted from his relentless training to a familiar presence lurking overhead.

Windy, our serpentine companion, was nestled comfortably on a branch, its white scales with a subtle blue hue shimmering softly in the moonlight that filtered through the leaves. I couldn't help but notice the slight bulge in Windy's stomach, a telltale sign of a recent hunt. It filled me with a sense of relief and pride to see the hatchling thriving, growing stronger and more formidable with each passing day.

Despite the initial trepidation I felt towards Windy, stemming from the harrowing memories of the battle in Qingmu, my heart had since warmed to the little hatchling.

I saw in Windy not the shadow of its kin but a sibling, a companion in our shared journey within Kai's nurturing embrace. The thought of Windy's presence in our garden, deterring the pests that sought to ravage our carefully tended plants, brought a flutter of joy to my heart. Although it seemed the little hatchling never considered Kai a friend in the same way I did, I had no doubt the relationship would only grow deeper and deeper with time.

Windy's gaze, curious and observant, alternated between Kai and me, seemingly intrigued by our respective training rituals. I couldn't help but be amused at Windy's expression, a blend of interest and a hint of the laziness that was characteristic of the hatchling.

Despite its natural predisposition as a predator, Windy often preferred the comfort of a good nap or the satisfaction of a hearty meal over the rigors of training.

Yet, in this moment, something seemed to have sparked within Windy. With tentative determination, the hatchling attempted to replicate our actions, striking at a nearby tree with its tail. The motion was uncharacteristic, a departure from its innate hunting instincts, and it showed in the clumsiness of the attempt.

Moved by Windy's effort, I sought to bridge the gap between us, to offer guidance in the absence of a shared language. I flew over in a smooth arc, doing it discreetly so as to not distract Kai training down below.

I demonstrated the way I channeled qi into my wings, hoping to convey the concept of focusing energy into a precise point. The energy coursed through the intricate design along my It was a complex lesson, one I anticipated would take time for Windy to grasp fully.

The hatchling tilted its head. I knew it held considerable power under those shimmering scales, but to use it was an entirely different matter. But I knew they could do it.

It took a near-death experience against one of my most feared foes to learn how to infuse qi into my wings in the same way Kai and other immortals did. It wasn't something that could be done easily.

Training, true training, required time, patience, and often, a touch of desperation. I watched Windy, expecting it to struggle, to falter, and learn from the arduous process just as I had. A lesson in humility, perhaps, a spark to ignite the latent potential I knew slumbered within its serpentine form. Till then, I would-


The sound of wood being splintered alerted me, pulling my attention back with swiftness. Mid-flight, I pivoted, my gaze scanning the surroundings for the source of the disturbance.

And there was Windy, its presence unmistakable against the backdrop of the forest's deep greens and browns. The hatchling's tail, once a mere extension of its curious, playful self, now stood raised like a banner of triumph, emanating a soft, ethereal blue glow. The unmistakable aura of qi.

But it was the mark on the tree bark that truly caught my attention—a clear, undeniable gouge made by Windy's tail. Not just a scratch, but a mark of significant depth.

For a moment, I hovered in stunned silence, my mind grappling with the reality before me. Windy, the hatchling, had achieved what I had deemed a distant goal in mere moments.

The realization brought with it a cascade of emotions—pride, for the undeniable progress Windy had made; wonder, at the ease with which it had adapted a technique so foreign to its natural instincts; and, lurking beneath the surface, something else. It was...unpleasant.

The hatchling's gaze met mine, a silent question in its eyes. Was it seeking approval, or perhaps validation of its achievement? In response, I allowed my own light to brighten, a silent nod of recognition and encouragement.

Yes, Windy, you've done well.

I fluttered away, a sense of unease lingered, a shadow cast over the glow of their achievement. It was an unfamiliar sensation, gnawing at the edges of my consciousness, demanding attention. I flew further away, just at the edge of the forest's perimeter and away from Kai or Windy's sight.

The whispering leaves seemed to echo the tumult within me. I sought solitude, a quiet corner of the forest where I could unravel the knot of emotions that had ensnared me.

Alone, with only the gentle rustle of the forest for company, I allowed the feelings to surface, to take shape in the clarity of my thoughts. The memory of Kai's voice came unbidden, a conversation from days past when he spoke of his own struggles, of the daunting task of catching up to the immortals who walked the halls of the Verdant Lotus sect.

'Ah, Li Na and Han Wei are too strong! I'm so-'

Jealous. Yes, that was the word, foreign and yet so fitting. It described the turmoil within me. It was jealousy that had tainted the pride I felt for Windy's success, jealousy that whispered of my own limitations in comparison.

In the quiet of the forest, I contemplated my path.

Windy, with its innate hunter's prowess, had adapted and overcome, finding strength in its nature. Kai, ever determined, pushed past the pain and limitations, seeking growth through perseverance. Day by day, he grew more unfathomable. Stronger, faster, smarter...No matter what, he always found some way to improve.

And I? Where did my path lead?

I couldn't shake the feeling, the unsettling realization that my role might always be that of support, watching from the sidelines as Kai and Windy took center stage in the battles that lay ahead. If one day, there came a time when I could no longer protect the garden...The thought was a thorn in my side, a constant reminder of what I perceived to be my own inadequacies.

Jealousy, though a bitter companion, also held a mirror to my desires, to the aspirations that soared as high as my flights. I knew my healing powers were potent, invaluable even, yet the idea of being relegated to the background, to merely watch as others fought and struggled, was disheartening.

I gazed down at my delicate form, at the wings that had carried me through countless trials, yet seemed so fragile in the grand scheme of things. A single misstep, a moment of inattention, could spell my demise. The thought was sobering, a stark reminder of the limitations I was born with.


As I grappled with the storm of thoughts swirling within me, my contemplation was abruptly shattered by a triumphant roar that echoed through the forest. My gaze snapped towards the source, finding Kai standing before a tree, its trunk bearing the testament of his relentless assault. His fists, wrapped in tattered gauze, dripped with crimson. His face was dripping with sweat, marred with dirt and exhaustion. But his smile was as bright as the stars in the sky.

With a flourish that belied his evident pain, Kai threw back his head and proclaimed with exaggerated grandeur, pointing at the damaged tree. "You have met your match this day! By the unwavering might of my fists and the indomitable spirit of my will, I have bested thee in honorable combat!"

He struck an odd pose, with one foot off the ground and both his hands raised up to the sky. "Let it be known across the realm that not even the stoic guardians of nature can withstand the tempest of my resolve!"

Yet, no sooner had the words left his mouth, a grimace of pain contorted his features, a stark reminder of the physical toll his victory had exacted. "Ah, but let it also be recorded that the path to glory is fraught with trials most... ouch, arduous! I should call it a day," he added, wincing as he gingerly inspected his battered hands, the humor in his tone not quite enough to mask the underlying agony.

Despite the gravity of my earlier reflections, I couldn't help but be drawn into the moment. It was moments like these, where the weight of our journey seemed to lift ever so slightly.

As I watched him laugh off the pain with a bravado that was quintessentially Kai, I felt a renewed sense of purpose stir within me.

Kai's words echoed in my mind once more, a beacon in the darkness of my doubts. He spoke of defying the heavens, of challenging the natural order to carve out one's own path. It was a sentiment that resonated with me now more than ever.

I didn't want to be just a 'delicate butterfly,' admired for my beauty but underestimated for my strength. I wanted more. I wanted to defy the constraints of my form, to push beyond the boundaries that nature had set for me.

With renewed determination, I channeled my qi to its utmost limits, feeling the energy surge through my veins with an intensity I had never dared to reach before. My wings, a blur of motion, became honed edges of pure force, refined and sharper than they had ever been.

I turned my attention to the base of a nearby tree trunk, a silent witness to my inner turmoil. With a burst of speed and precision, I struck, my wings cutting through the air with a force that belied my delicate appearance.

The impact was jarring, a testament to the power I had unleashed. A gouge, as deep as my own wingspan, marred the tree's surface, a physical manifestation of my resolve.

In that moment, I solidified my determination to overcome my body's limitations, to rise above the preconceived notions of what I was capable of. I would not be confined by my form, nor would I settle for a role that did not satisfy the fire that burned within me.

I was Tianyi, a being of light and grace, but also of strength and resolve. I would forge my own path, one that would see me stand shoulder to shoulder with Kai and Windy, not as a mere support, but as a force to be reckoned with.

Your dao is slowly forming.

The forest around me seemed to acknowledge my resolve, the rustling leaves and whispering winds a chorus of encouragement. I knew the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but I also knew that I was no longer the same creature that had once doubted her place in this world.

The Interface brought itself back to my attention once more.

Quest: Wings of Resolve

- Infuse qi into your wings for one hour.

- Slice through a stalk of bamboo.

With a heart full of purpose and wings ready to defy the heavens, I soared into the sky, embracing the unknown with a spirit that refused to be caged. The path ahead was mine to shape, and I would do so with every beat of my wings, every drop of my qi.

And so, I flew on, towards a future where I was more than just a delicate butterfly, towards a destiny that I would carve with my own two wings.

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