Blooming America

Chapter 68: Intel's new president

Time has entered April.

   "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "Fallout 2" are both on sale at this time.

   The "Harry Potter" series is now a household name, and "Fallout" has also become well-known because of the Cuban Missile Crisis last year and Catherine's 20 million U.S. dollars. The box office record is now 15 million U.S. dollars for "Ben Xu", and now, this record is maintained by Catherine.

   At this time, Catherine was sitting in the office rare. She was about to interview someone who was discovered by Bruce.

   Actually it shouldn't be an interview. Catherine just wanted to see if this person is the same as the one in her memory. After all, Catherine just knew the name of this person.

   A man with a flat nose came in. He actually looks pretty good, but the scars on his face and the nose have reduced him a lot.

   "Jerry Sanders?"

   "Yes, Miss Edson."

   Sanders was born in Chicago in 1936. When he was still in kindergarten, his parents divorced and he was raised by his grandfather. He is very clever in his studies and has consistently excellent grades. He skipped one level in middle school. But he likes to fight injustices, so he often gets involved in fights. At the University of Illinois, he studied engineering. Once, one of his classmates named Jim had a dispute with a group of hooligans. Seeing that Jim was about to be beaten, he walked up to pull the hooligans away. Jim ran away, but he was beaten all over his body, so that he was permanently broken. His nose was deformed, his frontal bone sank, several ribs broke, and he almost died.

  Silicon Valley in a few years, Sanders will become a prominent figure and get the title of "Prince the Clown".

   But not now.

   He is currently working under the Motorola banner, but he has always been dissatisfied with his work.

   And this time, Bruce stretched out an olive branch towards him.

   At this time, Sanders' talent has just been revealed, but Motorola has not paid attention to it yet.

   "I want to know, what do you think of the electronics industry? I heard that you have always had unique insights in this area."

   Sanders is a very strong man, he met the development of the electronics industry very early.

"I think that the development of personal computers just shows that computers are moving towards civilianization and industrialization, and are no longer the industry of companies such as IBM. Supercomputers may only appear in certain research institutions in the future, for ordinary enterprises. , This will become an unnecessary existence. I think our company should really face personal computers to'individuals'. We should make them dependent on our products. For now, profitability should be ranked second First, what we need is to expand the industry and occupy the market."

   The other party did not despise each other because Catherine was a little girl, but spoke out her own opinions eloquently.

   Catherine smiled.

   "Mr. Sanders. Now I want to congratulate you. Starting today, you are the president of Intel."

   Sanders was also taken aback. Before that, his position should have been general manager, but now, he suddenly became the president of Intel...

  Bruce's current experience is not enough. Catherine thinks that someone should share his pressure. And Sanders is a very strong person. At this time, if he is not allowed to come, who else will he look for?

   Catherine took out a contract.

   She hired Sanders for 2.5% of Intel’s shares and a sky-high price of US$500,000 (with an increase of 100,000 to 1 million each year).

   Because of this remark, Catherine also decided to develop the second generation of Microsoft computers.

   This time, Catherine made a decision: open hardware standards.

   In other words, it is to allow third parties to set up plug-ins for their computers!

   Just like the future motherboards, CPUs, and graphics cards, countless manufacturers will make them.

   Catherine decided to open up this standard.

   However, every time a manufacturer sells a product, he has to get a commission. After all, I own the patents of the products, and the standards are also owned by my company.

   However, Catherine was not sure what would happen to her idea.

But IBM has already noticed the personal computer market at this time. Some other companies seem to be preparing to develop personal computers. Catherine does not want to "die on the beach". Therefore, if she can open her own standards, it will be better for her own. Market share is also very helpful.

   Microsoft Type II computer is the bomb dropped by Catherine.

   Catherine opened up the standards for memory, CPU, and graphics card. At the same time, it also reserved several sockets to allow other companies to configure plug-ins such as sound cards for their products.

   Catherine’s current computer uses 8KB of memory. Originally, this memory was integrated on the motherboard, but now, Catherine decided to make it independent. At the same time, the original display output device was also replaced.

   Originally, Catherine used a monochrome display card and a color display card. Although the so-called color is only 16 colors, it is already a big cost. This is why Catherine will only use monochrome display for working versions of Microsoft However, Catherine has not opened up the standards for motherboards. Every piece of hardware must include an agreement from Catherine in order to be able to replace the hardware of one's own computer.

  If anyone wants to develop the motherboard and their own standards separately...Sorry, this is a subpoena from the court.

   However, the electronics industry is still in its infancy, and it will take some time to wait for the fruit to blossom.

   Now that Catherine has tens of thousands of funds, she immediately invested it in Intel Corporation. Fairchild is the big brother of the semiconductor industry, but even now when it is extremely strong, its internal contradictions have already begun to emerge. Catherine is preparing to wait for the opportunity to dig all the best semiconductor engineers of this era. Even if she can't dig it all, Catherine hopes she can dig most of it.

   Catherine's own vision for the Microsoft II type computer was written into a plan and then handed over to the technical department.

   In order to keep secrets, she also asked the technical department to sign a contract to ensure that the secrets would not be leaked during the research period.

   Catherine believes that at most two years, new computers will appear.

  The electronics industry is in a dormant stage, while the film and television industry is taking off, and Catherine’s GameTV is taking the market faster and faster.

   The popularity of TV has risen, which has led to the prosperity of the TV industry.

   So Catherine's TV station was also established.

  AngelBeats, angel beats.

   referred to as "AB TV Station", or "Angel TV Station".

   If there is no accident, this TV station of Catherine will start broadcasting on July 1, 1964. And the TV series version of "Fallout" will be Catherine's main show...


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