Blooming America

Chapter 199: Windows operating system

Chapter 199 Windows Operating System

"Really... In other words, when you can only use 16 colors, make the picture colorful?"

Catherine told Annia what happened, and she seemed to understand.

"That's it. Of course, you just need to be responsible for the interface design. I will let other people help with the work on the computer."

Ania seemed to understand.

"Then when did I go there?"


Annia is in Los Angeles, so she can come over at any time.

"Then I will go to No Pop-up Novel Network tomorrow."

After the matter was settled, Catherine began to design her own Windows operating system.

Graphicalization is the future trend. What Catherine has to do now is to make a graphical interface.

Catherine referred to the "future" s system, as well as Apple's s.

Catherine still remembers how amazing it was when sxp appeared.

Of course, if the system is used for a long time, the freshness will disappear.

At this time, more stimulation is needed.

As a result, s7 turned out, once again attracting people’s attraction from sxp to s7.

However, many people are already tired of the s system itself, so they put themselves in the arms of nux or s. For example, the popular ubuntu system later.

Of course, people who are disappointed in the brand itself are a minority after all, and s has formed a monopoly. The vast majority of computer applications are .exe, which is an executable program that can only be run in s.

After this monopoly has been formed, it is impossible to shake up the market unless the company itself makes several serious decision-making errors in a row.

The graphics operating system is Catherine's killer.

You know, in the "future", if Apple did not license the graphics operating system to Microsoft, how could Microsoft become the overlord?

Due to cost considerations, Catherine decided to make an m version now. That is, the read-only version.

After all, the storage cost is very high now, unless the hard disk is opened, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

But here is the problem.

IBm holds the patents for mechanical hard drives, unless they wait until their patents expire or are authorized, otherwise, the hard drives are temporarily hopeless.

In Catherine's view, instead of looking forward to mechanical hard drives, it is better to look forward to flash memory.

Although the latter is also not very practical.

An industry like Catherine has the advantage that when a new hardware product appears, Catherine can quickly develop the corresponding software, and because they are all their own products, Catherine’s staff knows the basics of the product, so they can fully understand the product. The potential of the hardware is unearthed, not like a third party, which requires constant exploration.

What Catherine adopted is the s mode, with the taskbar below and the icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

Of course, Catherine also wanted to support the change of background, but obviously, this is not realistic-that would only take up the poor storage space that is already far from enough.

For the first version of the graphics operating system, what Catherine wanted to think about was not the translucent and gorgeous interface like In7, but the need for convenient operation of the system.

Turn the storage medium into an icon, double-click the mouse, you can enter, and visual operation.

Left click, you can enter the drive letter, right click, you can view the commands that can be performed on the system.

In order to facilitate editing, Catherine decided to use the original x operating system kernel. And in this way, it can also be compatible with the previous software to the greatest extent.

The work of rewriting the kernel, in Catherine's view, should be to wait for 32-bit netbsp; and at that time, it was not Catherine who had to write the kernel, but a whole team.

Even now, Catherine is only designing a framework, and the specific work needs to be done by the team. Now there is no visual operation, step by step, you need to type out the codes one by one on the text.

Catherine's main thinking is the idea of ​​visualization. It is precisely because of this idea that the visualization of the exhibition can go smoothly.

Due to the high prices of current hard drives and their impracticality, Catherine mainly uses read-only storage media.

For example, optical drives.

At the thought of the optical drive, Catherine was stunned.

Could it can use an optical drive as a reading medium?

She thought, if a CD-ROM drive with CD-ROM is built into the computer, because CD-ROM has a life span of more than years, it is completely feasible.

Of course, there are many issues to consider in doing so.

In Catherine’s consideration, such an optical drive should be sealed and vacuum-sealed. If it is not a vacuum, it should be isolated from the air to avoid oxidation and dust.

But if you do this, one thing is very important, that is, the software must be green, that is, it will not cause any modification to the system, instead of writing information into the system like many programs in the "future".

In Microsoft computers, Catherine has used read-only memory. On Pentium computers, she still seems to plan to use it.

"Forget it, that's fine."

The only disadvantage of this is that the user cannot set the system. Catherine must separate the user configuration file, and then let the system read the user's settings every time the system is started.

That's probably enough, right?

Catherine thought so.

This is just a preliminary plan. The 16-bit cpu has just been successfully developed, and the technology is still immature, and a new generation of 2D graphics cards are under development. The emergence of new machines will probably wait until 68 or 69, and the time to market, It may be later, and it may even reach the year.

In Catherine's view, the cpu frequency needs to be at least 8mhZ higher in order to meet her own requirements.

But Catherine's dream is a computer that can play "StarCraft", but obviously, this is temporarily impossible.

The minimum requirement for StarCraft is mhZ frequency and at least 4mB of memory-this can only be played in the campaign mode. If you want to play smoothly, the configuration needs to be higher.

By the next day, Annia came over, and at this time, Catherine was already thinking about how to use 16 colors to make her picture as colorful as possible.

"Oh, Annia, you are finally here"

Catherine obviously has a headache, and Elsa on the side is evaluating the icon and system interface designed by Catherine in the form of an audience.

Of course, this is on paper, not on the computer.

Catherine's computer also plans to provide an x256-color display mode, so it is necessary to design a 256-color icon display mode.

However, Catherine now, no matter what she does, she can't achieve the realm that the Japanese artists of those years can achieve.

"Is this the graphical interface?" Aniya picked up the drawing.

"No, this is just a conceptual interface. I'm thinking about how to make my product use as few colors as possible to show the charm of this interface."

Ania nodded.

"I have also used a Microsoft computer. It seems that this new computer is even more exciting."

"Of course. This computer, I named it ‘Pentium’, it’s definitely a good thing."

Catherine smiled.

"But with so many pictures...Is the disk capacity enough?"

Aniya has some questions.

"This is not a problem. I already have a solution, so I can make the picture as refreshing, gorgeous and stylish as possible."

Ania nodded.

But for Anniya, this workload seems a bit too much.

This is not just for designing an icon. Catherine considers the "harmony" of the picture.

Although Catherine wants to make money, maybe Catherine also suffers from the common problem of programmers of this era-excellence.

Therefore, Catherine has been thinking about how to make this system the best.

Because the read-only memory is adopted, once the system has a loophole, it will not be repairable, so the test time must be long to avoid any problems.

Fortunately, in this era, there have not been any hackers. Otherwise, the problem Catherine will face would be big.

In Catherine's view, there should be one 16-bit cpu, so there must be no mistakes.

"Maybe... I should really go to Japan to recruit some art artists?"

Catherine tilted her head.

It's just that... Catherine is not sure whether the legendary "age art" can be powerful now.

With a mentality that talk is better than nothing, Catherine called Carter. Although he was discussing with Jin Yong about Catherine’s original plot, after receiving Catherine’s order he started arranging non-stop in Japan. The local recruitment of staff matters.

Next, Catherine should name her operating system.

This is Catherine's first Windows operating system, and she decided to give this system a more popular name.

But what is it called?

After thinking for a long time, Catherine finally thought of-x-stargate.

x is the code name of your own operating system, just like s.

The latter stargate corresponds to xp, sta and 7.

The meaning of stargate is "Stargate", which sounds very good.

It's just...In this way, your own system, isn't it ps for short?

Although it feels a bit funny, x-stargate is really good, and Catherine does not plan to change it.

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