Blooming America

Chapter 185: Data CD

Chapter 85 Data Disc

The core of x is almost the same as that of a Microsoft computer, the difference lies in the memory. The memory of Microsoft computers is several times x, so it is completely possible for them to simulate the system through the hardware developed by Atari.

After investigation, Catherine found that the other party not only opened this hardware, but they also made games for x. Before that, it seemed to be influenced by Catherine's gme-TV, so he opened an arcade machine-even more than Catherine. early.

This arcade is called "Space Battle", but it failed because the gameplay was too complicated.

After that, Catherine opened X. The company made a comeback and started to develop software for X. This time the other party learned a lesson and now she has become a well-known game maker.

Catherine's X is the only medium for home computers. At this time, no other company has realized the benefits in this area-but Catherine thinks that they will get involved in this soon, because the sales of X are so good.

Millions of users have brought about the prosperity of game makers, not to mention that the sales of x are still soaring.

An emerging market has been opened up, which means that more and more people want a slice of the pie.

But Catherine is not worried, because she adopted a low-cost strategy from the beginning, and more importantly, she has already launched a heavyweight game such as "Class Mario".

For this Atari company, Catherine is going to observe their company's actions. If it doesn't work, Catherine will choose to buy directly. In this case, there will be no problems. But this matter also reminded Catherine, at least the next generation of computers and game consoles, she will definitely not adopt the same architecture.

Fortunately, ordinary users who buy Microsoft-type computers to play games are good, and X and Microsoft-type computers buy less together, so the damage caused by this incident is not too great.

For now, Catherine's biggest headache is the error code problem of the optical drive.

The 6-bit CPU is being developed rapidly, and it is expected that a breakthrough will be achieved by 968 at the most. However, it may only take 969, or 1969, to use it on the light wheel game console. But the research on optical drives is a bit troublesome. After all, there are far fewer talents available in this industry than semiconductors.

"Error rate..."

Catherine's inspiration suddenly flashed. What came to her mind.

What if... using the method of comparative reading?

Catherine's thoughts crossed her brain.

Yes, the bit error rate for a single piece of data is indeed too high, but if three pieces of exactly the same data can be used for comparison and input?

In this way, even if there is an error in one piece of data, as long as there is no error in the data at the other two ends, it is fine. In fact, the possibility of errors in both pieces of data is extremely small.

For example, the original data recorded in this place is "", but on the three recorded sectors, they are "o", "o" and "o" respectively. It is considered such an error, and the last one is read. The data will still be "".

In addition, proofreading codes and error correction codes can also play a role at the same time

In this way, the probability of data errors can be minimized

Catherine immediately verified this idea.

In this case, three laser heads are required. The three laser heads will be installed in the optical drive in the form of a regular triangle. Because they are in a symmetrical position, they can read data synchronously.

During the reading process of the computer, three binary belongings, such as "", "", and "o", are scanned separately, and the CD-ROM drive will take the data of "" and enter it, and discard the "o", so that it can be large Increase the storage stability of data.

This kind of data disc can store up to ~ mB of data, which is enough for now.

Not only for light wheel game machines, such data can also be used to record software and various programs.

Although the CD-ROM drive is costly, it is not too high overall. Therefore, such a plan is completely feasible and there is no problem in using it on a computer.

In this way, a fully functional e-software can be manufactured.

The storage capacity of mB can leave a lot of room for the development of the software, which is very convenient for operation.

In this way, Catherine rushed to the optical storage research department that had been separately integrated.

"Let's make a data disc now"

The first words of Catherine shocked the employees.

"Uh...Miss Edson..." The supervisor came over.

"'s your name?" Catherine suddenly remembered that this technician who often introduced herself to the progress of d, she didn't even remember the other person's name.

"My name is Tagore Reid."

"Tiger. Red? This surname is really rare."

"I changed it myself. I want a distinctive name. Tiger can show my domineering, and red always reminds people of fear."

Catherine shrugged.

"That... Mr. Reid, our next job is to open the data CD."

Catherine gave the order.

Reid was a little puzzled: "But, Miss Edson, we've been opening data CDs all the time..."

"No, I'm talking about making finished products"

Catherine patted her head, and it suddenly occurred to her that her plan had not been explained to them.

So Catherine explained her plan again.

The current process problem, on the one hand, is the misreading of the laser head-this is usually the most common problem with optical drives.

But the problem is not there, but the disc itself.

Because the optical disc is originally a product that has been spawned, it is very likely that an error will occur when the disc is pressed. This error is almost invisible in d, but once a data disc is made, it will appear in many cases. A very headache problem.

In fact, in 98 years in the history of Catherine, the mB high-capacity CD has been launched, but unfortunately, Catherine now has only such products.

"indeed so."

Reid also thought about it very carefully.

If it is used as a game disc, especially if it is used on a 6-bit cpu, the capacity is too large to perform anything, unless the d technology is implemented. Moreover, even if the d technology is implemented, capacity is sometimes secondary, such as Nintendo, which has developed the Mars compression method. It can fully compress two discs with a capacity of mB on a 64mB cassette...

"Well, this is our next research direction."

The technician consciously moved to the front. They knew that it was Catherine who was ready to speak her thoughts.

Catherine's ideas will have a big impact on the technicians every time, and at the same time bring more inspiration-most of Catherine's ideas come from the later world, which is the future trend in itself.

After Catherine said the idea again, she let the research department begin to study. In this case, the technical difficulty is much smaller, and it is not too difficult to research the data drive.

Back in the office, Catherine stretched her chair back, then put the tripod on the table without any image, and then began to think about it.

Optical discs, optical discs that use digital information to record, are about to appear?

The laser disc, that is, d, its recorded signal is an analog signal. The analog signal processing mechanism means that both the analog TV image signal and the analog sound signal are modulated by Fm frequency, linearly superimposed, and then limited and amplified. The signal after clipping is represented by the length of a pit with a width of 0.5 microns.

The size of laser discs in history is as large as inches, almost equivalent to o. meters, and it is precisely because of this that they are unknown.

And Catherine's d is to convert all image information into brightness information, so that the space required for recording data can be greatly reduced, but it is precisely because of this that splitting is what has to be done.

In the case of data discs, the method of data recording is to turn continuous pits into individual "dots". The requirements for the process have suddenly risen to a level. Each dot track must be at least ~ micrometers wide; between tracks It is ~ micrometers or more to record data on the disc.

In fact, Catherine has always been a person who admires the analog way, digital and so on, just for profit.

The only problem with simulation is transmission and copying. If it is played directly from the source, it absolutely simulates the n-th power of the superior digital mode o.

However, it is too difficult to realize lossless copying in analog mode, and the application on the optical disc is just a special case.

Take film, for example, the clarity of the film after copying with master tape has dropped by a level, and after multiple copies, the picture will become very bad. The digital video is just some data, which can be copied anytime and anywhere, which is very convenient.

There are also problems with the storage of analog methods, which is why many old movies feel a bit yellowish, and movies since the era, it is difficult to judge the time when the film was shot from the visual effects of a single screen.

Of course, this is not absolute.

If you can develop your own fluorescent disc, you can make a lossless copy, and use it in movie theaters. There is no problem at all, and the cost is cheaper than film.

It's just a pity that because Catherine is building a laboratory recently, she is a bit tight in funds, and she has to go to the east to collect money, so the ternary computer plan and the fluorescent CD plan are only plans for the time being...

But Catherine has already decided, as long as she waits until the IBm and Motorola are overturned, she will do exactly what she wants.

But for now, the trend of the times is digitization, and then digital quantification. When human beings reach a certain level and pursue greater visual enjoyment and better experience, maybe they will begin to pursue analog display again.

In Catherine's view, the difference between humans and animals is probably that animals use "analog" methods to perceive the world, while humans use "digital" methods to view this space.

For example, people think that the gravity increase is but animals don't feel this way. They just rely on their own feelings, ah, that's it, that's not bad.

But things are strange again, because if you scale down to the molecular interface, the analog quantity in nature will become digital again.

This world is very strange, no one knows what the origin of our world is.

"Fluorescent disc."

Catherine wrote another vocabulary in the notebook, and then took a pentagon.

This kind of CD is the future trend.

Just think about it, you can fully enjoy the visual enjoyment of the theater at home, is there anything more wonderful than this?

Moreover, I can take pictures of some fun things, such as when Elsa is in the shower...

Catherine's thinking drifted farther and farther, but at this time, the office phone rang...

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