Blooming America

Chapter 174: August of 1966

Chapter 74-August 966

"Kate, it's dinner."

Mother Emma has prepared the meal.


Catherine came out of the room.

These days, she has been staying in New York, observing the progress of things.

Lunch is steak.

Catherine looked at the TV at home.

What is playing on TV is a ballet performance.

"what's happenin?"

"Nothing. It's just that I haven't been balleting in a few years."

Catherine shrugged. Although she didn't like ballet, she was still professional.

But after not skipping for so long, Catherine suddenly felt a little itchy.

"Business is always more important." Emma is almost forty years old, but she doesn't look old because of proper care.

Watching TV and eating steak, Catherine started to think again.

Interconnection is indeed a good medicine for a planned economy. But the question is whether the Soviet Union will apply it to the planned economy.

But even so, the time of the Soviet Union’s collapse may not be too late. After all, the Soviet Union was destroyed by themselves.

"Forget it, what about Soviet love, so be it..."

It’s more appropriate to describe the future situation of the Soviet Union as "hard to return". When Brezhnev is in full power, this medal fan will bring the Soviet Union to destruction. Although Andropov behind is willing The reforms worked well, but he was a patient with diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease. After him, Chernenko died after taking office for more than a year. When Gorbachev came to power, the best product simply dismantled the Soviet Union.

If Andropov and Chernenko are allowed to live for a few more years, the collapse of the Soviet Union will at least not be as ruthlessly robbed of the West by tens of trillions.

But if those two guys live longer, Catherine will have a headache, but she also belongs to the "Western capitalist"...

"What happened to the Soviet Union?" Emma looked at Catherine talking to herself, a little strange.

"It's nothing, I just think the area of ​​the Soviet Union is too big. It would be better if it were divided into several countries." Catherine replied absently. In fact, the words just didn't pass through her head at all.

"is it?"

"Almost." Catherine felt that when she was at home talking about the Soviet Union, it seemed a bit painful, and then she quickly changed the subject.

"Mom, would you like to go to my villa? There is a big house and beautiful scenery."

"Last time I heard your dad say that he bought acres of wetland over there, just for hunting...oh, he hasn't been there once," Emma complained first.

"I still prefer to stay in New York, but if there is a chance, it is not impossible to visit California."

Emma finally rejected Catherine's proposal.

In fact, Catherine had already been mentally prepared.

After all, this is how parents in Europe and the United States think that their children need to be more independent. Of course, there are also a small number of parents who dote on their children.

After dinner, Catherine picked up the newspaper that her father had read when he went out in the morning.

But just opening the newspaper, Catherine was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Billionaires less, millionaires more"

The title of the title is very embarrassing, at least Catherine thinks so.

Shaking her head, Catherine stood up.

"In the morning, I went to Manhattan and there was another parade, Kate, be careful when you go downtown."

Catherine nodded.

"Anti-war again?"


Catherine also nodded.

The Vietnam War in the United States is in fact a long-term plan with a long-term vision.

For the time being, the plan is not good or bad.

Nowadays, a large part of Americans are holding isolationist thinking, thinking that they have no connection with foreign countries, and they do whatever they like.

Why should we sacrifice our people and fight for them?

This trend of thought continued into the century.

And even in the 21st century, there are still many people who hold this idea. One result of this is that Americans are indifferent to the outside world. Many people don’t even know which country is in. Some people even ask how to travel by car. The joke of going to Australia...

"I really don't know when the Vietnam War is going to happen..." Emma also shook her head.

Perhaps because of the relationship between immigrants, Emma and Bruce are actually not too concerned about people's livelihood issues in the United States, and they hold an upright attitude towards many issues.

It is precisely because they are so, the so-called "near Zhuzhe Chi", Catherine is almost the same now.

Whether it's the United States or the Soviet Union, she doesn't have too much emotional hostility... This is a bit like those transnational capitalists.

"It depends on when our government will step down." Catherine said.

But what she said was quite ironic.

The result of multi-party governance is the incoherence of policies. Although all the big capitalists are in control, the biases between parties are different.

"Oh, yes, Kate. I recently found some old photos from the past."

Emma suddenly thought of something, then went to the room and took out a few photos.

"Look, Kate, when you were born."

Emma took out a picture of a very cute baby.

"this is me?"

When Catherine first came to this world, her feelings were still very vague, and she even felt that the memory of that time was farther away than her previous life.

"Yes, when you were just born. Just a few days before you were born, I was in a car accident and I was really terrified at that time. But thank God, you finally came to this world safely."

Although there are atheists in the family, things like "Thank God" and "Oh, my God" are basically mantras.

It's like saying "My God", "God" and so on, which means the same thing.

"Is this dad at that time?"

Catherine saw a somewhat frivolous young man who was somewhat similar to Bruce now.

But something different from the current Bruce is that the Bruce in the photo looks younger and does not have the sense of stability as it is today.

"Yes, the gap with the present is really big" Emma also seemed to miss that time a bit.

Being with each other all the time, such subtle changes are always invisible. But after more than ten years, I turned out the old photos from that time and compared them, but the difference is getting bigger and bigger.

After flipping through some photos, Catherine returned to the house.

The Vietnam War is underway and Catherine's umbrella is also expanding. She feels that the umbrella company's business seems to be able to expand even more.

It seems a good choice to win over some Vietnamese veterans.

Those retired soldiers are often discriminated against in the country, and it is difficult for retired veterans to find jobs, and many people become beggars in the end.

But Catherine's company just needs such a veteran.

Can I open a security company in Southeast Asia such as the Philippines?

For the monkeys in Southeast Asia, being able to hire retired American soldiers as their own bodyguards is a very popular thing. Based on this, the company is not losing money.

And this is also very helpful for establishing the veterans' goodwill towards their company.

Thinking of the end, Catherine decided to write a plan for her prospects, and then gave it to her father Bruce. Without his nod, Catherine would not be able to point fingers at the umbrella company.

In addition, what Catherine has to do is to take a gun license.

In many parts of the United States, it is legal to wear a gun, and Catherine also wants to get a gun to enjoy herself. And in the event of an emergency, I am fully capable of protecting myself.

The time is right here without any rush, and it's August.

The test of the Microsoft computer in terms of network is quite perfect. After using IpV6 technology and optical fiber network, the stability and smoothness of data transmission can also be guaranteed.

After all, the ternary computer is just an idea. The binary computer is in history, but it has been developed until the century.

However, Catherine still established a department in the company that specializes in ternary computers. This department is completely independent and dedicated to the study of ternary computers imagined by Catherine.

On the other hand, although Microsoft-type computers are about to be sold, the new generation of computers still needs to be studied.

Technical reserves are necessary, just like the Inte1 of Catherine’s world. Although they already have very high-end CPUs, they are not high-end products that are released on the market. These products are placed in the laboratory and wait until It will only be taken out when needed. For example, every time AMD in that world sells a new nette1, if that cpu is enough to threaten its own market, it will release new technology.

It’s the same on Catherine’s side. Research on new technologies must be a step ahead. So, if any manufacturer launches a new computer, if you don’t have technical reserves and technical advantages, it will only be a tragedy .

Catherine expects to separate the operating system in the next computer.

She wants to open an independent version of the x system.

Today's computers, in a strict sense, are very different from later computers, but in order to make her own computer more in line with the current reality, Catherine can only do this.

In addition, Catherine is also preparing to set up an independent subsidiary dedicated to research software and operating systems.

Catherine thought it would be better to call this company "Microsoft", but a Microsoft computer and a Microsoft software company sounded strange.

At this time, Catherine realized that her own evil taste sometimes made herself a little troublesome.

"It seems that the next generation of computers should have a different name... How about Lenovo? ASUS?" Catherine's unscrupulous thoughts popped up again.

"Forget it, just call it Apple..."

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