Blooming America

Chapter 167: Great programmer

Chapter 67

In addition to Motorola, there is also Sony to deal with.

In a sense, Sony is more troublesome than Motorola.

Sony basically represents the interests of the entire Japanese industry, and after that, the entire Japanese national power is supporting them.

Sony was originally the company that created the Trinitron tube. God knows what kind of chemical reaction they will have with Motorola.

If you deal with other Japanese companies, Catherine may have a headache for a long time, but since the opponent is Sony, Catherine does not have to worry.

Sony has been losing money all the time, and "historically" it was because of the creation of Trinitron that it turned losses into profits. And now, this technology is controlled by Catherine, and it also combines the three shot technology, no matter how Sony researches new picture tubes, it is almost impossible to get more.

Katherine's only concern is that Japanese companies will unite again.

Just as Catherine was about to flex his muscles, the order of the Microsoft computer was frustrated.

To be precise, it is not a frustration, but a cold reception for the dazzling display.

Catherine had a headache.

She immediately realized that she had made a big mistake: the current computer can only display a variety of colors, even ordinary monitors, they can also bear it, so why do you want to dazzle the monitor?

Of course, there are also a few people who are attracted to dazzle, mainly because of the innocence.

Now only Catherine's televisions and monitors can achieve pure flatness. Because of this, some people with more surpluses simply sell dazzling displays.

Needs, it doesn’t work if there is no need

Without experience, users will not have demand. Since there is no demand, it is only natural that their products cannot be sold.

But when Catherine was considering whether to suspend the production of the dazzling display, a large number of orders followed, and they were all group purchases.

The curious Catherine immediately checked the whole story, but it turned out that most of these orders came from the manufacturing industry.

Soon, a keyword appeared frequently in the volume-computer graphics?

Computer graphics?

What's a joke, in this era when there are not even 6 CPUs, there is computer graphics?

Catherine immediately went to look through the information, and then she was shocked to discover that computer graphics appeared earlier than she thought.

Even in the early years, the CAD surface patch technology has appeared, and even commercial CAD drawing equipment has appeared.

Microsoft-type computers are not for sale, but many people have already got the products in advance, and most of them are software vendors that may appear in the future.

But Catherine did not expect that even such a cruel thing as computer-aided design would be brought out.

They connected the device to a Microsoft computer through the cassette socket, and then through Catherine's flat-screen display to achieve a more perfect drawing work.

Even earlier, there were already such devices. That was still in the era when integrated circuits were not used much... but they were actually commoditized.

The "program apes in the 1950s" were a magical species. They were able to create a magical thing about computer graphics in an era when even programs had to be punched and input, and when there was no mouse.

Catherine suddenly thought of a plot like a legendary story that he had heard before: an officer who had never received a higher education designed a circuit-that was the era when there was no computer, but that circuit could Achieve some of the functions of chronological computer programs.

Catherine didn't believe it yet, but when a new species of "chronological program ape" appeared, she could say that she completely believed in this fact.

Catherine continued to look around, and then found another cruel thing-netbsp; the emergence of cam means the emergence of CNC machine tools. There are CNC machine tools in the age?

Catherine didn't believe it, but cruelly, it was completely true.

The illuminator of cam, like cad, is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Cam should be written by the programming language apT for machining parts of CNC machine tools. In 1995, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States first developed a CNC milling machine. The feature of numerical control is that the machine tool is controlled by the program instructions coded on the punched paper tape. Since then, a series of CNC machine tools have been exhibited, including multifunctional machine tools called "Processing Centers".

"So cruel..."

Catherine really couldn't think of other words to describe her mood at the moment.

Mi Di’s college animals are all enchanting evildoers

Catherine murmured to herself.

In fact, there are indeed many technologies that can be realized without relying on complex integrated circuit processing.

For example, the RV missile at this time. This missile can change its orbit and release its warhead at different positions. The mx warhead can also change its orbit during the reentry phase. Sometimes the missile thrown down has real warheads and fake decoys. .

This kind of missile century anti-missile means is basically unstoppable.

-And all of this is achieved by relying on traditional circuits, not integrated circuits.

Catherine thought about it carefully, and it seemed that basic research was faster than applied technology.

Later, Nintendo once abruptly compressed the PS game console and B's "Resident Evil" to 64mB, but the quality of the cg has dropped, and the quality of the characters has even improved.

Another example is the original time and space of Microsoft. Obviously the configuration is lower than many, but the picture is still better than those of the same game, because the manufacturer has specially optimized it. In home consoles, due to the different types of graphics cards and cpus, the replacement is faster than game consoles, and there are not many companies that can do a good job of optimization. Of course, it is not without, the original Blizzard company in the history of optimization is an insurmountable mountain.

For another example, in the games launched in the early stage of PS and the games launched in the later stage, the screen is also the same as the sky and the underground, all for this reason.

"Should I set up a dedicated senior software research group?" Catherine muttered to herself.

Specializing in software optimization, let the configuration as low as possible to achieve the requirements of the highest level of game as possible.

This idea was a bit early and unrealistic. Catherine struggled for a long time, and in the end she could only temporarily record the matter in her notebook.

After all, a set of software has a set of procedures. How to optimize if you don’t understand those procedures? But to understand those procedures, isn’t this duplication of work?

As for its own Blizzard company and the like, it does not need to be mentioned. After all, they are all their own products, even if the dual-processor system is optimized, it is not impossible.

But because of this small episode, Catherine realized that her third-party software seems to have been increasing. The increase of third-party software also means that she is stepping towards victory step by step.

On the other hand, X also achieved exciting results, although Catherine made almost no money on the console. However, she can use the "future" method-earning money on the game.

Mario is very popular and has sold millions of copies. Even the expensive cassette version of Mario still has an objective shipment volume.

One of the keys to dealing with Motorola is the user experience.

Their products are not yet on the market, and Catherine has enough time for scheduling.

Only need d to appear, everything will be no problem.

The only problem that Catherine worries about now is whether Motorola is attacking itself from semiconductors or other places under the guise of slamming.

Catherine’s d is different from historical ones. Although a video requires two discs, the overall price is very advantageous compared to laser discs. Unless IBm uses a loss-making method, it is not Catherine’s opponent at all.

However, the research is not in a hurry. Although d has a great advantage, it will only be counterproductive in the end if it is encouraged by the seedlings.

When it comes to dealing with Sony, the key word is: drag.

As long as it can drag Sony down, it will be fine.

The matter of building a factory in Taiwan has been discussed. As long as the factory in Taiwan is built, oneself will have a great advantage in cost and gain sufficient initiative.

And Sony has been losing money continuously for a long time, and they can't afford it.

But at this time, IBm and Philips announced that they would cooperate with Motorola's new standard TV sets, using the RgB system input standard, which is one of the input standards for laser discs.

As for laser discs, they will be promoted into the market in early 968.

The degree of IBm is so fast?

What Catherine didn’t expect was that actually united with Motorola.

However, Catherine was just shocked.

Because laser discs were not originally successful in the United States, there is no need to worry too much.

But IBm actually started to cooperate with Motorola, and the matter was a little bit troublesome. But Motorola's intention is also very obvious, they are ready to block aRk in the field of television.

But Catherine was also unambiguous. After receiving the notice, she immediately notified Sanders to sell the computer

The background of aRk is far inferior to Motorola and IBm, so if it drags on for a long time, it is not good for itself. At that time, it became "Sony".

This should be a resolute counterattack, to beat the opponent to pain and disability.

Just as Japanese companies defeated Motorola in history, Catherine will do the same.

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