Blooming America

Chapter 165: Network, forums and chat rooms

Chapter 65 Networks, Forums, and Chat Rooms

Bruce Lee’s affairs must be gradual. At this time, Catherine and Seymour Cray were still in the laboratory of the research department.

Catherine hopes that Cray's class computer can support network equipment.

In this case, the computer equipment must be adjusted.

According to Catherine's idea, although there are not many computers nowadays, if you want to serve as a server on the network, it is definitely not possible to use a stand-alone computer. This requires the use of advanced computers.

Catherine's original idea was to get BBs, so that it would not cause much burden on the network.

But soon, Catherine had a new idea.

——Network chat room.

But before that, what Catherine needs to improve is the real-name system of the network.

Because according to the requirements of the military, it must be fully monitored, so the real-name system is indispensable.

This is easy to solve-at least for now.

Because all users of the network are university users and computers are limited, so it should be students and professors who use the network.

To use a computer, you need to use something that can prove your identity, and that's all right.

First, to obtain a license, an application must be made at Catherine's American Telecom. If there is no bad record, you can get a login ID.

In this way, you only need to enter your registered ID and password each time.

There is only one forum and chat room on the whole network. Any nickname or something can be universal. Each ID is bound to a user name. If you need to modify it, you need to apply.

Although Catherine's approach is very complicated, it is nothing compared to now.

After all, at this time, there is still a very headache organization-the KGB.

The U.S. government will not allow a guy who does not know his name to break into his territory, so the real-name system is necessary.

The cost of the original computer was ten thousand dollars. After adding network functions, Catherine added omB storage space to the computer, which increased the cost to ten thousand dollars.

o Ten thousand dollars is for the space of omB, which sounds ridiculous, but in fact, the price is still discounted.

But Catherine is not worried, as long as you sell a few more computers, you will be able to pay back. Catherine's price is 9.9 million US dollars, the price is not high


In fact, apart from Catherine, no one uses such a large space as omB. This year, there is only 5mB of storage space for the first ten thousand dollars-this is the current situation.

Moreover, the storage devices at this time must be shut down for maintenance every night, otherwise... God knows what errors will occur.

Catherine set the closing time of forums and chat rooms from 1 pm to 6 am. At this time, the system will no longer be able to access forums and chat rooms.

Angela: Can you see my words?

Superstar: No problem.

Superstar: This online chat room is really interesting.

Level: The system needs to complete the final debugging. If you want to promote it, it seems that you need to wait a while.

Angela: o, Tere...

"Oh, my God, since we are face to face, why use the online chat room?" Catherine was halfway through typing and suddenly stood up, and across from her was Sanders with a flat nose and scratching her head. Seymour Clay.

"But this thing is really good." Sanders seemed interested.

Although the screen is black and white, the lines of characters really feel very interesting.

"Maybe... I'll go to the forum first."

System: Angela left the chat room.

Catherine entered the BBs.

With the storage space of omB, a forum is more than enough.

Catherine set up three zones for the forum. The first is the management zone. This zone is used to allow people to upload suggestions to Catherine's forum. The second is a technical discussion area, which is mainly for discussing network issues. The third is the irrigation area... Catherine named this area the gossip area... because she was not sure that Americans today would be able to understand the meaning of "irrigation".

The network of &net has not been connected yet, because the military has done it simply, and they still have to try video transmission, which must be debugged.

Using cameras and monitors, optical fiber networks can also realize video conversations.

When Seymour Cray’s class computer is set up, the network between the three universities and Catherine’s company will be truly completed.

Nevertheless, the remote fiber optic network still needs a debugging, so it cannot be put into use immediately.

Facts have proved that the optical fiber network is indeed much more convenient than copper fiber. The network setup was completed quickly. Although each school only has four flagship Microsoft-type computers, this does not prevent these universities from being enthusiastic about the network.

Even Silicon Valley is very interested in networking.

Using a network is completely different from making a call, especially in a chat room.

Of course, in the chat room, a few professors are still testing the network function, and they are not discussing anything interesting.

When thinking of the network, Catherine naturally thought of the network game, but it is a pity that although he thought of the network game, it is almost impossible to play the network game now...Even if Catherine completely realized the national network Connected, the configuration of the computer may not be able to keep up.

But Catherine soon thought of a game-mud.

The English word for mud games is mud, which mainly relies on words to play games with graphics as an aid. In 978 in the original history, Roy Trubshaw of the University of Essex in the United Kingdom used-the first mud game-"mud's first real-time multiplayer interactive network game in the true sense of the word.

In that case, can I also make a mud tour?

Although there is no profit, but it seems to be a very interesting thing.

Although Catherine wrote this idea in her notebook, she did not immediately implement it.

The current network is only the interconnection of three schools, and there are only o computers in total.

At this time, the technicians who are using this computer are also technicians, and no one is too busy to play games.

The commissioning of the first phase of the network was quickly completed. Because the optical fiber used is assumed to be an optical cable network, the transmission is very smooth. The only troublesome thing is the photoelectric converter.

However, universities now only think that the network can achieve long-distance communication very well, such as contacting the feelings between various schools, and their understanding of the network is quite simple, and it does not appear that it is hidden behind the network. The huge benefits.

In fact, there were almost no posts in Catherine's forum at this time, and they didn't even understand what the forum was for.

During the test, the chat room was used the most. They seem to be very keen to talk to other schools about various issues about the understanding of the network.

The commissioning has been completed, and Catherine is now preparing for the network.

Once the monster of interconnection is released, the kind of growth that seems like the big bang of the universe is enough to make everyone feel terrified. It will completely change the life of people in the past.

Such a monster cannot be stopped, even what Catherine can do is just take advantage of the momentum.

Catherine even held a meeting in the company to discuss the prospects of the network and how to develop it.

The electronics industry is completely an emerging industry, and Catherine's industry is entirely an emerging industry. Catherine can be said to be the "standard bearer" of this industry.

In this respect, apart from IBm, there is really no other enemy.

Fairchild had a chance to compete with Catherine, but now this company is on fire in the backyard, and internal conflicts have accumulated to the stage of exploding.

However, Catherine believes that her creativity can completely get rid of the IBm ten streets

More importantly, even IBm cannot be regarded as a fully qualified opponent. The goal of "World Business Machines Corporation" is not to compete with Catherine, and Watson is also very busy.

Moreover, the other party is now developing laser discs, and Catherine is sure that as long as her grade computer is not sold, IBm's attention will not turn to herself.

But in a blink of an eye, another news came again, and this news caught Catherine by surprise.

Motorola and Sony are cooperating to develop a new generation of picture tubes

Catherine was dealing with IBm, but she didn't expect Motorola to step in. To be Catherine really doesn't want to compete with each other.

Motorola, a giant in the communications industry, is an absolutely difficult enemy.

Originally, Motorola cooperated with National Film and Television Corporation to develop the first rectangular picture tube for color TV. The picture tube soon became the industry standard.

However, Caitlin's dazzling picture tube made Motorola a little unbearable.

At the level of expansion, Catherine's company can almost be described as "unscrupulous". In an industry with no enemies at all, the market value of aRk company doubles every year, and sometimes quadruples or even triples.

But before she knew it, Catherine's expansion had already touched the cake of other monopolies.

Motorola had already understood the pager at this time, and it was at the peak of its ascent, and the scenery was unparalleled. Coupled with the close cooperation between the other side and the Pentagon, antitrust sanctions are unlikely to fall on them.

To be honest, Catherine didn't want to have trouble with this company, but since the other party has come to the door, Catherine must also fight back.

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