Blooming America

Chapter 153: Arcade plan

Chapter 153 Arcade Plan

By the time she woke up the next day, Catherine felt refreshed, and Elsa had changed her clothes and was packing up the messy clothes at this time. Reading net)


Catherine sat up, then scratched her head.

The annual Christmas is very lively in the United States. The only quiet place is probably Chinatown, right?

In fact, in the eyes of many Americans, Chinatown is like another world, and that world is completely separated from this world.

Taking a deep breath, Catherine jumped off the bed.

As 1966 was approaching, Catherine took a look at the development process of various products sent over the other day.

Research on low-loss optical fiber has just made breakthrough progress, because with the strong support of Catherine, American Telecom has a lot of research funds.

Although American Telecom has not started business so far and has been posting money, in fact, this is also Catherine's strategy.

As long as the low-loss fiber is done, I believe that the Pentagon will soon allocate the second batch of budget, and this will definitely not arouse congressional disgust.

If Congress can pass the intercity fiber plan, if American Telecom can contract this project, it will definitely become the most profitable company under the Ark Group.

Suddenly, a piece of information caught Catherine's attention.


She stood up immediately, then picked up the phone and called DreamWorks.

"What happened to Mr. Bruce Lee?"

Catherine asked.

"Uh... Mr. Bruce Lee did have some conflicts with Mr. Eastwood."

More than some contradictions

Bruce Lee is gone now

Catherine really did not expect such a problem.

But Bruce Lee is not actually a breach of contract, because Catherine's contract with Bruce Lee is very superior. One of them is that if you encounter special circumstances, if your shooting plan has not yet started, you can postpone it for one year.

I'm still filming "Fallout 2", so Bruce Lee's part of the scene has not yet started filming, so he can do it now.

As for whether Bruce Lee will breach the contract, Catherine does not have to worry about Bruce Lee's character.

"Green Hornet……"

Catherine never thought that Bruce Lee would actually be involved in this film again.

She vaguely remembered that Bruce Lee was discouraged by the United States and returned to Hong Kong because the screening of the Green Hornet in the United States was not smooth and the reputation in Hong Kong was generally better.

Originally, Catherine decided to sell Bruce Lee as the first protagonist in two years, but now it seems that the plan has to be changed.

What if Bruce Lee finally returns to Hong Kong?

Catherine thought about it, but she was thinking about it. This matter was returned to Hong Kong.

It's just that today is Christmas, and the work is not easy to start, Catherine can only postpone things.

But after the Christmas ends, the first news Catherine received was about George A. Romero.

DreamWorks acquired Romero's "The-Latent-Image" company under Catherine's instructions.

Catherine did not know how this company translated the underlying image into Chinese? Or what it means.

However, Catherine also successfully received George Romero's banner.

In the history of "Night of the Living Dead", it was a black and white movie, but Catherine decided to use the panoramic and color mode. In the history of this movie with a box office of more than 30 million US dollars, in the 21st century, it also has a box office of over 100 million, and the cost of this movie is not high.

Catherine believes that if the color film model is adopted, the box office of this film can at least double, because the black and white films at this time are regarded as "backward" performances in many people's eyes, and they will not even watch it at all, especially young people. people.

In Catherine's view, "Night of the Living Dead" should be a film for young people. Although the largest market has not been fully grasped, the other party still has an outstanding box office, which is enough to show the strength of this film.

In the future, the film "Dawn of the Living Dead" has a cost of only 500,000 US dollars, and the global box office is as high as 55 million, which is definitely a successful model.

This is also the strength of George Romero.

Although "Dawn of the Living Dead" is very good, but Catherine has always loved "Resident Evil".

"Resident Evil" is a little different from "Dawn of the Living Dead". Movies such as "Resident Evil" that are related to viruses and technology are very gimmicky. The previous zombie films basically had some connection with Haitian voodoo, and they should be "fantasy" movies.

The current script of "Dawn of the Living Dead" was written by Catherine, because the one in history has not yet appeared. Then she sent it directly to DreamWorks, naming George Romero to act as the director.

After being named, George Romero was flattered. This young man in his twenties has not yet begun to flourish.

But for Catherine, it can be said to be very simple to grasp the other party now, but what about in the future?

Bruce Lee's affairs have already made Catherine a point of view, talent is not equal to character, Bruce Lee's character is pretty good, and the most important thing is his temper. If it wasn't for the conflict with Eastwood, it wouldn't be the case, but if you met someone like K founder Mark Zuckerberg, not only would you not be able to use it, but you would have to play far.

Therefore, when Catherine wants to promote directors and actors, she still has to pay attention to one important thing: character.

However, you can't rely entirely on character, you must have a perfect contract to increase the cost of betrayal of those directors and actors.

Carrots and sticks must be used at the same time to achieve the greatest effect, so Catherine decided to provide rich remuneration to those who signed such a contract.

The sense of belonging of the company is also very important. Cultivating team loyalty is also very helpful to the development of the company.

From Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, Catherine really benefited a lot. After being taught by the other party for a period of time, Catherine's methods have been quite good.

"Professional team of lawyers, professional legal thugs." Catherine wrote these two sentences in her notebook.

After getting these things done, Catherine came to Intel again.

Because the first D disc has already appeared.

But watching the CD, Catherine frowned.

"Is this the finished product?"

The 20-inch CD in front of me is more exaggerated than the laser disc, and it is single-sided, and can only be stored for forty minutes.

"Because the technical problem has yet to be resolved, so it can only be done now." The technician explained.

Indeed, the current technology is still not up to that level, and there is still a long way to go to become a 120mm optical disc.

"If you are optimistic, it will take about a year."

The technician said so.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

The basic finished product has come out, and Catherine once again wrote a report to the Quality Supervision and Management Office.

She explained the benefits of the CD to the Pentagon.

Discs can record a large amount of video data, and the storage time is much longer than that of video tapes.

Now that there are real objects, many things can be easily solved, at least, the demonstration to the Pentagon can also be completed, instead of empty words like before.

In fact, the military industry is the most profitable industry, especially manufacturers like fighter jets and tanks.

But Catherine does not have that accumulation, it is impossible to start from scratch.

You know, the drawings of the Phantom fighter alone are dozens of tons.

Without sufficient technical accumulation, it would be impossible to make money in this area. Catherine did not have the ability to draw the drawings of the engine alone-it weighs at least several tons.

But the absence of military industry does not mean that Catherine can no longer make money.

Catherine knows the needs of people in the future, so she can make the product ahead of time. As a "pseudo prophet", if Catherine can't make any money, she might as well kill her.

Then, Catherine came to check the progress of the light wheel.

In this place, it's not going well. In the case of a data disc, the bit error rate is too high, even if it is error correction, it still does not work. And the new generation of CPU research also has problems, so the researchers of light wheel game consoles have nothing to do for the time being.

In desperation, Catherine temporarily postponed the plan of the light wheel game console, but began to think about the arcade version of its X.

X has been on sale for two months, and third-party manufacturers have gradually begun to appear.

Because Catherine adopted the "Royalty" policy used by Nintendo to audit all games, Catherine was very assured of quality.

And Catherine fully learned Nintendo's lessons, so the restrictions on third parties are not too big.

Having a game console does not necessarily lead to success It also requires sufficient game software support.

In history, PS game consoles beat N third-party support.

Catherine also set a rating standard in advance for the game, but X performance is not very good, so it is difficult to show horrible content, so most games are all ages. But Catherine knew that Atari was defeated by a H-type game, and the display effect of that game was worse than X.

So Catherine had to keep an eye on this aspect.

The company is now making good progress in PPU research, and it is able to make something more dynamic than before. It is precisely for this reason that Catherine has the idea of ​​developing the X arcade version.

Compared with the Japanese and Chinese, Americans actually prefer action games, especially sports games, so later sales in Europe and the United States have always been higher than PS3 and X360.

Football, basketball, especially American football, which is the favorite of Americans, are all content that Catherine is preparing to join the X arcade version.

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