Blooming America

Chapter 1182: Catherine one hundred and eighty three...

"It's a strange feeling.*"

Catherine just sat on the side of the road and watched other people coming and going. She lay down and didn't feel the bane, which kept her body at a constant temperature, could appear anywhere in the city so sloppily and roll around and no one would care about them.

Lying on the ground, Catherine didn't care at all. Anyway, there was nothing dirty to contaminate herself.

Although it is black and white, Catherine found that she seemed to be able to calm down and look at the world from another angle.

"……This unscientific."

Catherine found that she looked at herself from time to time and made Catherine a little flustered.

Someone just secretly left and left soon, but there were others looking at her.

what's going on?

Catherine quickly realized the problem-her figure was too good.

Compared to other banes, Catherine's figure can be said to be perfect. Of course, they are not interested in the male bane and some ordinary women.

But when bane eliminated other factors and left only the figure, people's evaluation of bane was estimated to be only this.

Perhaps people will subconsciously ignore bane, but when a certain element shines, it seems to be another.

"Go to the maintenance station as soon as the maintenance time expires."

At this moment, the manager's voice sounded in Catherine's mind.

Catherine stood up and she was indeed a little hungry now.

The food that used to enter the stomach became solid at the time, so that the stomach had something to do to eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time, but it was more than 24 hours ago.

But Catherine was a little puzzled why Jenny’s design was from back to front so that the food itself would go in through a six-meter intestine and then out through a six-meter intestine...

Although very hungry. But she didn't feel thirsty. Because the rǔ glue material covered her mouth and throat, her mouth never felt wet or dry. The fluid she needs every day also comes from the injection during maintenance.

It is very close to the square, and there is a maintenance station, Catherine, walking past. *

Come to the square. Catherine found the maintenance station that looked like a circular kiosk.

The maintenance station has no doors and is open. There is a light on the front of the maintenance station to indicate whether the inside is full and the light is off. Catalina walked to the maintenance station.

"Time limit for entering the maintenance area: seven minutes."

Catherine was taken aback.

Is the maintenance time added when upgrading?

"Forget it."

Catherine shook her head but her steps began to speed up.

She entered the building and found a round room. There are six maintenance positions evenly arranged close to the wall. She saw that there were already four banes inside, one male and three females. They squatted in the maintenance position and acted funny like a dog.

The jǐng report in her brain that was too close to Bane did not sound at the maintenance station. This was the only time Bane could get in close contact.

Catherine squatted down on the surface of the bowl. This is not the first time she has maintained it. As soon as she squatted down, a strange sensation came from a tube sticking out of her body. Then the maintenance process begins.

I didn't feel it before, but when Catherine really became a bane, she found that she was a little embarrassed. She suddenly realized that these maintenance stations seemed to be in crowded places.

"It seems that Eureka's zhèngfǔ really regards this as a sightseeing item..."

Catherine discovered the truth.

Catalina looked around at the other blank faces and wondered if the others were as embarrassed as her. But the fact is that they have been through it many times so they feel that such maintenance is already commonplace.

One by one other bane stood up and left, and some came in. Going to a vacant seat. This is what bane goes through every day.

However, Catherine’s maintenance is somewhat different. Catherine’s body has no waste and will not be cleaned. In fact, Catherine’s skin is combined with the rǔ glue skin that softens the carbon nanotube fiber material.

After the maintenance, Catherine stood up. She tried to get close to the other bane but she found that the punishment took effect when she got one meter away from the other bane.

As she left the building, she heard the manager's voice again.

"Seven minutes to leave the maintenance area."

At the same time, Catherine noticed some acupuncture sensations in her body, and she ran out immediately and the feeling disappeared.

Out of curiosity, she turned her head and walked a few steps towards the building without being punished, but she suddenly remembered that she had jumped back.

"It is not allowed to re-enter the maintenance area with a time limit of 15 hours and 59 minutes."

Catherine scratched her head-of course only to the helmet-and then she walked out.

Catherine had decided to sleep on the street for a day, but after thinking about it, Catherine decided to go back to the park.

She found a park and lay down in a deserted place.

But soon the scream rang.

Catherine realized that someone had broken into her turf.

Sure enough, Catherine saw a guy and she seemed to want to rest in Catherine's place.

Catherine refused to give up.

The guy couldn't stand the buzzing of his ears and left soon.

"The fighting power is only five scum."

Catherine curled her lips and lay down.

Catherine was awakened by the manager's voice early the next morning.

"The feedback from the control network is based on your weekly performance and your sentence has been extended by 7 days."

Will the violation be extended? !

Catherine was taken aback and immediately jumped out of the hateful female reporter.

It was all caused by that guy!

Immediately realized that this was the case.

There is no doubt that when I suffer from such a thing now, I was scammed by that reporter...

Catherine's pity is not that any punishment will increase the sentence, but contact with other people is the most likely reason for the increase of the sentence. I have repeated the contact with Katerina several times, and this must be the reason.

Catherine knew. Bane can't wear clothes, can't pick up any modern products, etc. But although these have penalties, as long as the number of times is not reached, the sentence will not increase.

Words in contact with people. Why does it feel a little...stern?

At this time, Catherine thought that those bane tourists who like to appear in front of others also like such guys.

And this time Catherine understood.

"It's really lost money..."

It seems that this punishment is probably to maximize resources?

Catherine looked around and then looked around. She will feel back to her body again.

Unlike the film, Catherine could feel her body being tightly bound but she didn't feel anything else.

Bane's skin isolates all senses of cold, heat and pain.

She wanted to try something interesting for her body, but Catherine found that it seemed impossible. Although Catherine was quite interesting, she didn't feel at all in the end. The slight touch has no other feeling besides making people more hungry and thirsty.

Catherine decided. Don't think about these things for the time being, there are still things to experience in such a life.


Katerina stood in the dock of the court.

Her current name is Vivienne Marbury. She will face a long prison sentence.

"Ms. Mulberry, do you have anything to say?"

"I feel that the judge is guilty," Katerina said hoarsely. She has never been in court. Just being there made her feel the guilt, sweating and trembling all over, sitting in a chair and listening to judges and lawyers talking about legal terms that she didn't understand. She could hardly understand what happened before her. And the crime is theft and...sell n?

Benjamin, this is ridiculous.

She was ashamed of this charge, but she couldn't complain. This is enough for her to complete the work. What kind of punishment is not important anymore, she feels inexplicably excited but also fearful at the same time.

"Ms. Mulberry" the judge said she was an old woman with thin lips and saggy jaw. "We don't want to waste time in court. You confessed your crime? What you are about to face is the shortest mandatory sentence. Do you have anything else to say?"

"I uh..." Catalina tried to organize the language of confession. She felt that the less she said, the better. She was not an actor nor was she making a movie. "There is no judge."

"It is very good to sentence you to a fixed-term imprisonment of no less than 14 months. According to the principle of the exile plan, you can choose to become bane and serve the sentence outside the prison so that your sentence can be reduced to 8 months. Which one do you choose?"

Catalina took a deep breath and tried to calm her mood: "I chose to be bane."

"If you choose, you will be sent to Eureka Prison to dress immediately. The time spent in dressing is included in the sentence." The judge knocked a small hammer. People began to prepare for the next case. A jǐngcha helped Katarina got up and walked towards the exit.

Soon they were sent to Eureka prison and the staff walked over: "You all voluntarily choose the exile plan. If someone brings me here by mistake, tell me." He paused, "No? Okay, I miss you guys." They must be very nervous and relaxed. We will try our best to make your process as comfortable as possible, but this requires your assistance."

An assistant brought a bunch of pieces and distributed them to the prisoners. Each prisoner took a copy of the law, waiver, and medical history form.

"Sign all the places highlighted in yellow and indicate the period. At the same time, fill in the medical history form carefully. If you fill in dishonestly then we will not be responsible for the consequences."

A few minutes later, the prisoner signed a copy of Katrina said: "Sorry, may I know what rights we have waived after signing the waiver?"

"You agree to accept a safe but experimental medical procedure. You give up all your claims and debts. And because all confidential matters are involved, we won't tell you some things."

Katrina thought: If the plan is safe, why give up credits and debts?

Have a plan!

It all started.

Katerina knew this was a great opportunity.

Only in this way can I uncover the school district’s scheming...


The update on the 24th is completed and I will fly tomorrow... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) to vote for recommendation, and your monthly pass is my biggest motivation.)

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