Bloodlust Legacy: Carnage

Chapter 6: Investigation (Part 2)

Marcus made his way to the residence of Cassandra Cassan and upon making it to the front door, he knocked, and not long after, a young woman came and answered him. She had long flowing black hair and wore a rather calm countenance on her face as she greeted him.

"Good day, sir. Can I help you with anything?" She asked, looking at the badge on his shirt, signifying that he was an officer of the law.

"I apologize if i may be disturbing you, but this is an urgent matter," he started off. "The authorities are investigating the mysterious deaths that have been taking place in this town, and I was hoping that I could get some useful information from you regarding one of the victims. Her name is Maya Ken. I assume you are friends with her?"

Cassandra's face turned pale upon hearing Maya's name. "Oh, yeah... " Her voice trailed off as tears began rolling down her eyes. She raised her habd to wipe off the tears before continuing to speak.

"You are correct. She's my friend. I was expecting her to come visit her yesterday because I wanted to talk to her about plans regarding Crimson Day, but then, she never even made it to my house. I waited for her for hours, but she never turned up. And then, the next day..." She could no longer contain her tears as she broke down, her back hitting the wall and slidding down to the floor.

"Miss Cassan, please, compose yourself," Marcus said, his voice soft as he bend down and gave her a hand. Her watery eyes look at it, then looked up at his face to see an expression filled with sympathy. Slowly, she raised her hand and grabbed his, allowing him to lift her back up to her feet.

Weak from grief, Marcus guided her to one of the furnitures in the living room, gently allowing her to take a seat before letting go of her hand and walking towards the chair faced opposite her to seat as well.

He waited for a few minutes for Cassandra to regain control over herself. Once she had stopping sobbing, she cleared her throat and said one more thing.

"That is all I can tell you, sir. I have no idea what might have happened to her, but please, punish the damned fool that took my best friend away from me!" She said, slamming her fist against the armrest.

"I assure you, miss, that I will do everything in my power to make that happen," Marcus said before getting up from the couch. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Cassandra call his name, halting him in his steps.

"Please, sir, can't I offer you anything? You are working so hard to bring justice for my friend's killer. At least let me seeve you with some of our bioluminescent blood as a show of thanks for your help," she said, already getting up from the chair and heading towards the kitchen.

"No, there's no need. I don't have time to wait around, miss," he said before opening the front door abd stepping out of the house.

After interrogating everyone on their list, all four of the police officers arrived and met in one of the street corners to discuss the results of their inquiries.

"This is really annoying. Everyone seems to be saying the exact same thing about not even meeting up with the victims last night, and it's clear that no one saw who or what might have killed the victims, so now, what are we going to do?" James asked.

"At this point, we'll have to just wait out and hopefully catch whoever is in charge of these murders. However, in order to do that, we'll need bait," Richard eventually said, seeing the frustrated look on their faces. "Two of us dress as regular civilians, while the other two will watch from the corners and catch the murderer once and for all."

Upon hearing Richard's proposal, they all agreed, since there wasn't any evidence they could go by.

"Alright, so now, we just have to decide who will serve as the bait and who will watch," Marcus said, eying the other three. "Our blood magic are pretty much all at the same range so it doesn't make a difference with who is bait and who isn't, so, who's volunteering?"

"We'll volunteer as bait," both Henry and James said.

"That's good. Which means that Richard and I will watch out for the murderer," Marcus said, and with that, the four of them decided to head back to the station to report their experiences to the head officer and their plans for hopefully catching the murderer.

As all of this was going on, Ezeikel had made it back home. He looked down at the door handle, and after heaving out a breath of defeat, he pulled own the handle and pushed the door open. Since he had come home early, he wasn't surprised to see Kennedy's usual reading chair empty, with a newspaper placed on the small chair beside it.

He walked into the house and entered his bedroom, locking the door beside him. The distant noise of people chatting from afar somewhat filled the void of being alone at home as he fell onto his bed.

"What a shitty life," he muttered under his breath, memories of his younger days dancing in his mind once more.

A few hours later, and the door leading into the house was pushed open, and Kennedy stepped in and immediately went into his room to freshen up and spend the rest of his time at home relaxing.

Meanwhile, as more hours crept by, it was finally time for the police officers to initiate their plan. Henry and James had changed from their regular police attire and wore casual clothes that made them blend in with the locals while Marcus and Richard stood behind the corner of the buildings watching the two walking down the open streets.

From what they could gather from their interrogations, all the victims seemed to have been murdered around the twenty-third or twenty-forth hour of each day, so they hoped that their plan would work.

"Richard, I really hope that whoever is responsible for this is someone that we can handle," Marcus whispered to him. "I understand that Head Officer Blackwood gave us permission to deal with the murderer, but what if we are unable to do so on our own and the Head Officer himself has to get involved?"

"What are you trying to say, Marcus? Do you believe that whoever is the culprit is really that big of a threat?" Richard responded.

"That's exactly my point. If this criminal is on par with us policemen, then what are the chances that we ourselves, or even the Head Officer, can take him or her down without getting others involved?" Marcus replied with his own question.

"Well, I guess we just have to wait and find out," Richard eventually said.

While the two officers were going back and forth, James and Henry kept their plan of walking around the road chatting about random topics like they were just two civilians walking out in the open. They all believed that whoever was responsible for the murders may not have been part of the town, so they may not recognize them as police officers.

Hours past, and still, there was no sign of anyone or anything emerging to attack them. Eventually, the locals began to come out from their houses to resume their lives in the town, while the policemen decided to head back to the station in defeat.

Upon making it back to the station, they were greeted by Dorcas at the entrance who asked them about how the stakeout went.

"The murderer didn't make an appearance, but we plan on trying again today. Maybe we'll ecounter him this time around," Marcus told her.

"I hope he does. We can't keep letting innocent lives get taken away by this criminal," Dorcas replied, shaking her head before stepping aside to allow them to step into the building to drop a report for the head officer.

After hours of sleep, Ezeikel got up from bed and freshed up before heading to the dining table to have breakfast with Kennedy. Neither of them said a word to each other as they both sat there and ate the meat on their plates and drank the glowing blood in their cups.

Eventually, Ezeikel decided to break the silence. "Dad, I understand that you want what's best for me, but the truth is, there isn't any job that's available currently in this town. With all the more capable vampires available and Crimson Day just being around the corner, all the job spots have already been occupied," he said as he looked down at his cup.

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