Chapter 11: Monotony
"What do you think you're doing? Are you really going to smash the enchantment just because you can't draw out it's power?!" Kennedy yelled, snatching the gem out from Ezekiel's hand. "If you can't remain calm in such a situation, then there's no point in you having one in the first place. First thing tomorrow, I'm taking this back and giving it to Gina."
Ezekiel's anger began to clear as he began to realize what he almost did.
"I didn't mean to..." His voice trailed off at the end, though he continued after a few seconds. "It's just that I can't stand the fact that I'm so weak. Yeah, sure, I'm a grade three vampire, but even a grade three vampire should be able to do this at least. Why can't I just do this right?!"
Kennedy could feel the anger in Ezekiel's words, and although normally he would punish him for his erratic behavior, he walked closer and embraced him in a a hug.
"I know how you feel, kid, but going around breaking things isn't going to change anything. You need to control your emotions," he said. "Forget about the crystal, I'll just keep on taking you with me to work everyday."
Hearing Kennedy speak, tears rolled down Ezekiel's eyes.
"I hate how life can be so unfair," Ezeikel muttered to himself.
"Let's call it a day. Go get some sleep," Kennedy said, pulling away and heading to his bedroom.
Getting up from bed the next day, the both of them went about getting ready for work before heading out. Going through the process from the previous day, they quickly found themselves in Ember City once more.
"I understand that you're upset, but don't let how you feel get in the way of your work," Kennedy said, observing Ezekiel's face as they both made it into the factory.
The day went by just as smoothly as the previous day, with the workers performing their tasks effectively. Later that day, and the bell rang out once more. Everyone was just as excited to leave, heasing out through the main entrance.
Ezeikel waited for Kennedy outside the building, and once he was out, he used the Mist Travel skill to transport them back home.
Everything seemed to be going alright for the Stormwing family. Meanwhile, all across Nefaria, the citizens were getting ready for Crimson Day, just as they have been for a while now.
In one of the many high-rise buildings in Ember City, a man who looked like he was in his forties was present seated on a sofa in an extravagant living room. The large space was filled with expensive ornaments and furniture, and set-up in the room's centre was a fancy table with a flower vase placed on top of it.
"Just a couple more days till the crimson day is upon us," Thane said, taking a sip from his glass cup. "Business is booming as usual. What do you think, my love?"
Seated opposite him was a woman who looked to be about his age, dressed to express her wealth as she sipped from her own glass.
She had long curly black hair that went all the way down her waist and a curvy physique despite her age. Her lips curled up into a smile as she savoured the sweet taste of the glowing liquid.
"I think things can't get any better than this, honey. Look at you, you're the head of one of the twenty noble families. You are the head of one of the five major factories in Nefaria. And, you are the man of my dreams. What more could a woman ask for in a man?" She shot him a seductive look as she spoke.
"Oh, Natasha, after all these years, you still have that fire in you," Thane replied, winking at her.
"Well, then, why don't you come extinguish this flame?" She winked at him at the end.
Thane chuckled at her words.
"Well, as much as I would like yo do that, I'm afraid I can't right now. I need to head out to a business meeting. But don't worry, we can still have fun when I get back," he replied.
"If you say so, boss," she got up and walked towards him, her fitted gown swaying as she strutted across the room, now standing right in front of him. "Don't keep me waiting too long."
"Don't worry, sweete, I won't," he laughed as he got up from his sofa, inching closer to her face before giving her a kiss. "Still, it's a shame that Suzan decided to call for the meeting today of all days."
Later that day, Thane left his mansion to head to the location where Suzan had decided to hold the metting.
Suzan Mayuri was another head of one of the twenty noble families, a notable figure who was also the owner of one of the prestigious schools in the kingdom, The Nightshade Academy.
Within Nefaria, in various towns and cities, there existed educational institutions where the younger generation were expected to attend in order to become learned individuals in society.
Naturally, those at higher positions could afford to not only send their children to school, but send them to prestigious ones. In contrast, the people who were less fortunate financially could either send their children to the underdeveloped schools with poor teaching facilities which existed within their immediate environment, or not send their kids to school at all.
This obviously led to there being a population of uneducated folks living within the Eastern and Western regions. But then again, vampires are more inclined to pursue power over knowledge, so they often viewed knowledge as a byproduct of power, and not a means to acquire it.
Schools within the settlement were grouped into three categories as a result of this. They existed as poor, substandard, and prestigious. For instance, the school within Fluxton town is regarded as a poor school since it was constructed within the western region and in that particular town.
In cities which were not built in the North ir South, but maybe in the East, the schools found there are graded as substandard due to the fact that they were constructed using the resources obtained from the locals in form of tax and other financial means.
Meanwhile, within a city like Green City, the school built there is classified as prestigious since the locals living there are of high class, so in order to meet up with their standard, a high-class school needed to be put up in place.
Thane was meant to meet with Suzan in one of the high-end restaurants within the city. Since vampires possessed strong physical attributes, they didn't rely on another possible means of transportation other than walking.
After heading out from his mansion, he trekked until he made it to the restaurant. Upon making it to the front entrance, he was greeted by the workers stationed there who greeted him respectfully before opening the door for him to step inside the place.
He walked in and could already see Suzan seated a couple table away, staring out the window. She wore a long black dress that match her long hair that almost glistened under the lights powered by mystic orbs found in deposits within certain locations in the kingdom.
"You're late," she said, not even turning to look at him. "And here I thought that Thane Emberlin was a man who never played with a business opportunity. What keot you for so long?"
Thane went and took his seat facing opposite her. Before answering her question, his hands reached for the menu placed on the table. He picked it up and flipped it open, his eyes scanning through the pages to find what he wanted.
"Despite the fact that I've been a head longer than you, you think you can talk to me like that. Suzan, you have quite the tongue on you," Thane said, laughing at the end. "So, what business deal do you have for my this time that made you send me a message on such short notice?"
Suzan turned her head to face him, the dark sunglasses she wore covering her crimson gaze which often made men shiver with a single look.
"This matter concerns the new school I plan on building in Ice City. You are aware of what happened between the mayor and Korvus, right?" She asked. Upon seeing Thane nod his head, she continued. "In that case, you must know that the conflict between them escalated, and in the midst of their skirmish, the school that the mayor built got caught in the cross life, leading to it's destruction. News about this is spreading everywhere like wildfire, only someone who isn't interested in what is happening wouldn't know."
Thane couldn't help but shake his head as he snickered to himself.
"Two noble family heads fighting. This younger generation and their hotblooded nature," Thane said, right before calling the waiter to place his order.