Bloodlines part 1 [Book of Jakai]

Chapter 4: Fear..

There are some things, you don't come across.

Stone writings with a creature holding earth, isn't one thing you see in the woods.

I stand up, almost petrified with fear but I slowly grasp the metal plating. It's heavy but not hard to move, I pull it off the ground slowly but stea....

A old ragged skeleton clings on the bottom, not a undead one.

I let go from shock'what the...hell?' Why would a skeleton hold on to it.

The skeleton hands, black with grime, dirt, and small worms moving around the fingers. It was like a very odd horror movie scene, I look around then pull it hard out of the ground.

The metal plating flies up, but not that high. It tumbles down as I look the skeleton, the arms look human but the's too skinny, and the fingers are 7 inches long.

It doesn't seem human.

I find the skull, and swipe the dirt away, and cover my hands in shock.

The skull has two horns, that have a shape that makes it look like its moving in every direction. Exactly like the creature drawing "then it isn't human? But that makes no sense!"

Why would this be randomly in the middle of the woods, but if it isn't important then why would I care. My dad is still up this jagged slope, like 50 feet of walking up.

It's not much to walk, so I'll just get going an....[The skeleton hand grasps the humans ankle,] I look down, to see the skeleton grasping my ankle.

It's eyesockets glow a dim, but fiery red. I kick the arm breaking the bone,and rip off the hand grabbing my ankle throwing it against a tree.

I run up the slope as I look back, the skeleton walking the other way. It's going somewhere? It's suspicious but I don't wanna fight a skeleton, it doesn't seem like I can kill it.

I keep advancing up the slope, and reach the top to find, my dad positioning the chopped wood. He was trying to make a house, I see a box of nails that he packed from our abandoned house.

"Hey dad! You Trying to build a house?"

He gets startled, but stays composed. "yeah, but yknow I kinda need time to figure it out"

I plop down on the grassy ground, the small prickles of grass greet my skin. I shift around turning trying to get comfortable, after the training he felt heavier.

'To think I gotta do it every makes me shiver'

I hold my hand out, as the light fades away on the horizon, as the moon shines. "WHAT!?" I yell out instinctively, all of the stars are....gone?

This makes no sense, why last night only half of them were gone!

There's no light pollution, since nobody in the city has lights outside or even uses artificial light.

I don't get it at all, I just hope it doesn't stay like this forever.

Ch end

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