Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 617: DCXVII. The Demi-God

The feeling of amazement and disbelief that enveloped Dag's mind mingled with that of happiness: the Alfather had just declared that he would train alongside the Gods, becoming the strongest being of Skjold and even the other planets, and would entrust him with the task of saving his people and all the Aesir of the floating city.

Freya approached Dag, who couldn't look away from the Goddess's statuesque physique, dressed in a very low-cut white silk jacket and tight black leather trousers, which hinted at the shapes of her legs and lower body.

"Time flows differently here in Asgard. Training in the divine arena is an experience you can't even imagine, Midgardian. A week in the divine city corresponds to about a day on Skjold, did you know this?" the Goddess of beauty and war, as well as carnal love and seduction asked. 

"No, my lady. I had no idea... this means that long workouts here in Asgard take a small amount of time on Skjold and the other planets, right?" Dag asked, answering with a question.

"I see you've already figured out how it works. In addition to lasting less time, they are also more effective. When your mortal body starts training in the divine arena, it will benefit almost immediately. Believe me, you won't be able to recognize yourself anymore... your physical strength will become three or four times greater than that of other mortals and..." 

"Odin intends to make you a demi-God, there's no reason to dwell" Freyr suddenly interrupted, breaking his sister's sentence and anticipating the verdict of the Alfather, who was letting them speak for him, having accurately explained the directives to be followed.

"A demi-God... Dag whispered, beginning to believe that what he was experiencing was just a dream from which he would soon wake up.

"Yes, that's it, in a nutshell" Freya confirmed, crossing her arms and waiting for her interlocutor to respond to the final verdict.

Dag remained silent for a few minutes, continuing to think about everything he had gone through to get there and the fact that, if he accepted, his life would change drastically: he would not only have more power but also his responsibilities to the Gods would increase, blowing up the plans he had for his future with Freydis, with whom he had always dreamed of spending a quiet life and start a family.

A new statue would be added to that of the 16th-floor of the Vàlaskjàlf, representing the Primal Thunder and a new warrior would gain the favor of the Gods, traveling between the planets for the first time.

However, the eyes of all the Gods in the throne room were on him, as if they were hoping that Dag would accept the almost obligatory proposal, accepting his fate as the savior of humanity.

"You don't have to make a decision now, my friend. Try to train with us for one week only. Seven days... it will be your trial period. If you decide you want to continue without our support, we will take you back to Skjold and you will be free to continue your life as you wish" Freyr intervened, who noticed the perplexity in Dag's gaze.

"Seven days... it's about seven weeks on Skjold... a month and a half" he whispered, thinking out loud, trying to make a decision.

"If in seven days your qualities as a warrior will not be improved as we believe, then we will do as my brother said. You will decide whether to return to your planet or continue training here in Asgard. Are you in?" Freya asked again, eager to satisfy the Alfather's will and curious to see Dag in action.

A whirlwind of mixed emotions affected the young warrior, who was cheered by the proposal but at the same time frightened at the idea of having to leave his companions in Krypstorm all that time without being able to tell them a word. 

"Odin's eyes are on me and it seems Frigg is also hoping that I will accept the deal. This could really be the turning point, it could change my life forever! Combining my dark power with that of the Gods, I could finally defeat even the strongest Frostsinners and I could reach the Crystals of the Elements in record time... only a fool would reject such a thing... it's just seven days..." he thought, clutching his Giantbane in his hands and using a few more precious seconds to examine all the details, all in his favor.

The giant artificial Sun visible from the palace's large window continued its slow path to the horizon as sunset time approached.

Although time seemed to flow normally in that room, after Freyr and Freya's words, Dag knew that was not the case.

"Boy!" Odin said, breaking the silence that had been created.

Dag looked at him without saying anything.

"Come closer, come towards me" the Alfather continued, heading towards the big window and turning his back on Dag.

The young warrior made a slow walk towards the father of the Gods and when he arrived at his majestic stone throne, he stopped.

Frigg, Freya, and Freyr stood still without knowing what their King had in mind. 

"Throughout Asgard's story, I allowed only one person to sit on the Hlidskjàlf besides me, do you know that?" Odin asked, continuing to look out the window.

Dag turned his gaze towards Frigg, knowing that she was the person the Alfather was talking about and the Queen of Asgard smiled, confirming his thoughts.

"I've had so many women and so many children, Dag. But just like any mortal man, I chose to marry only one of them, making her Queen of Asgard, as well as my loyal counselor. I'm sure Frigg still remembers the day I allowed her to sit on my divine throne" Odin continued, slowly turning to everyone else.

"Yes, I remember, my husband. How could I forget one of the best days of my life?" Frigg said, bending his head slightly, out of respect for the decision of the King of Asgard, who had deemed her worthy to support him throughout his life and had given her an entire kingdom to rule.

Odin's hand rose to the throne, his palm facing upwards and his eye shifted to Dag, penetrating straight into his soul.

At that moment, Dag felt microscopic, a small being helpless before the most powerful of the Viking warriors, the strongest of the Norse Gods.

"Come on, sit down." 

Those words, though spoken in a low voice, rumbled into the room as if they were screams, leaving Freyr and Freya speechless, so much so that they changed their expression.

"Wh... What?! Alfather, I... I can't! I'm not worthy to sit on your throne, I'm just a mortal guy!" Dag exclaimed, bowing before Odin, pretending not to accept the proposal while within himself he couldn't wait to experience that otherworldly experience.

Odin's hand stood still in mid-air and he said nothing else, not going to convince him to do something he didn't want to do.

Dag, realizing that if he continued to pretend that he did not want to accept the answer, he would lose his only chance to sit on the throne for a few seconds, stood up and walked forward, ready to receive instructions.

Freya and Freyr were upset, as was Frigg, whose astonished expression was less evident than theirs.

Dag positioned himself before the throne of Odin and the two great wolves looked up at him.

Lowering his hand and making a gesture towards the two divine beasts, Odin ordered them to remain still in their position.

"When you'll sit on the Hlidskjàlf, you might feel a little dizzy. It will give you the chance to travel wherever you want between the nine kingdoms, peer into every place, every hidden corner you want to discover. Try to focus on your mother's figure, visit her. See how she's doing with her two children away from home" Odin said, who somehow knew a little bit about Asa's story, having kept an eye on Dag since he began developing his dark powers.

Dag took a deep breath and put his hand on one of the armrests of the imposing stone throne, which had been stationary in its position since Asgard's creation.

As soon as his fingers came into contact with the rough, cold stone surface, an immediate feeling of power enveloped his arm and then his whole body.

Dag also put his other hand on the other side and, continuing to breathe and focus on memories related to his mother, slowly approached his back to the base of the throne. 

Under the incredulous eyes of the other Gods, the young earthly warrior did what no one but Odin and Frigg had ever managed to do in history: sit on the Hlidskjàlf.

When his back came into contact with his backrest, his eyes opened wide in the direction of the window and inside him, something wonderful happened.

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