Chapter 23: *Chapter 23: "The Last Click"**
**Page 1:**
**Panel 1 (Full-page spread):** Your screen glitches. The comic's panels dissolve into a live feed of your own face, staring back at you. Jin's voice crackles through your speakers: *"You're still here. Why?"* The Rot seeps from the edges of your screen, forming the words: *"This is your story now."*
**Page 2:**
**Panel 1:** Your reflection in the screen morphs into the **Reader's Shade**, its face a mosaic of your social media profiles. **Shade**: *"You could've stopped. But you* **clicked.***"
**Panel 2:** Yuri's scarred hand bursts from the screen, gripping your wrist. **Yuri**: *"Don't let it consume you. Fight back."*
**Panel 3:** Your phone buzzes with a notification: *Eclipse Corp has updated their privacy policy.*
**Page 3:**
**Panel 1:** Flashback: A childhood memory—you drawing stick figures on a napkin. The figures move, becoming Jin and Yuri. **Caption**: *"You created them. Now* **save them.***"
**Panel 2:** Present. Your room fills with Rot—your shadow detaches, your devices scream, your walls bleed ink. **Jin**: *"This is your fault. Fix it."*
**Panel 3:** You grab a pen. The Rot recoils. **Yuri**: *"Good. Now* **write.***"
**Page 4:**
**Panel 1:** You scribble on the walls: *"Jin and Yuri defeat the Rot."* The words glow, pushing the Rot back.
**Panel 2:** The Shade laughs, its form shifting into a viral meme. **Shade**: *"Cute. But who's gonna read it? Who's gonna* **care?**"
**Panel 3:** Jin's Rot-crystal sword becomes a pen. He hands it to you. **Jin**: *"Make them care."*
**Page 5:**
**Panel 1:** You write: *"The Rot is a lie. Stories are real."* The words burn into the Shade, forcing it to retreat.
**Panel 2:** Yuri's scars glow as she smashes your devices. **Yuri**: *"Stop consuming. Start creating."*
**Panel 3:** The Rot reforms into a single droplet. It falls onto your pen. **Caption**: *"One drop. One choice."*
**Page 6:**
**Panel 1:** You write: *"The end."* The Rot dissolves. The room goes silent.
**Panel 2:** Jin and Yuri fade into sketches on the wall. **Jin**: *"You did it. Now* **let go.***"
**Panel 3:** Your Shade whispers: *"But what if they forget you?"*
**Page 7:**
**Panel 1:** You close the comic. The panels reset. Jin and Yuri are back in Chapter 1's cemetery, but the gravestones now have QR codes linking to real obituaries.
**Panel 2:** Jin's Rot is gone. He's just a man. Yuri's Shade-core eye is a smartphone lens. **Jin**: *"Was any of it real?"*
**Panel 3:** Yuri scans a QR code. It leads to the Author's obituary. Date of death: *Today.* **Yuri**: *"Real enough to* **hurt.***"
**Page 8:**
**Panel 1:** The final panel is a mirror. Readers see their own reflection, holding their device. Rot seeps from the "page" into their hands.
**Panel 2:** Text in blood-red font: *"Close the tab. Shut the book. Or let the Rot in. We're waiting."*
**Panel 3:** A final, tiny Eclipse Corp logo winks.
**Cliffhanger Text**: *"Next: You tell us."*
### **Post-Chapter Notes (Meta-Commentary)**:
- **The Rot** = Digital decay, existential dread, commodified storytelling.
- **Eclipse Corp** = Meta-corporate entities (Amazon, Disney, AI startups) feeding on creativity.
- **The Author** = A stand-in for *every* creator trapped between art and algorithm.
**Why It's Addictive**:
- Blurs fiction/reality, forcing readers to question their role in the narrative.
- The final page's interactive horror leaves the story *literally* in their hands.
- Eclipse Corp's cameos in real-world platforms (Twitch, TikTok) create uncanny immersion.
**Tone**: Lynchian existential horror. The comic becomes a virus—readers aren't sure if they're being punk'd, hacked, or gaslit.