Bleach: His understanding is incredible, and Aizen is shocked at the beginning!

Chapter 149

Above the sky, Xiao Long did not have any injuries on his body. Instead, Hitsugaya Toshiro, who had opened his swastika in front of him, was in trouble, and the frost behind him began to break bit by bit.

Xiao Long couldn’t help but smile:”It seems that the captain’s swastika is nothing more than this. It’s really a pity… It seems that your strength has ended here.””

……. the other side

“Swastika solution – Baboon King Sheweiwan!”

Abarai Renji has also used the swastika baboon king snake tail pill, and the Zanpakutō in his hand turned into a huge long snake. The body of the long snake is composed of hollow bone tubes one by one, and the head is A huge baboon with many red manes around its neck.

However, the attack of the ferocious baboon was easily intercepted by the Zanpakuto in Ilfert’s hand, and then it turned around and arrived at Abarai. In front of Renji, a knife was drawn, easily severing the muscles, and blood flowed horizontally.

The boom is a unique rapid teleportation skill, as an advanced footwork unique to the Arrancar.

Its characteristics are more similar to the transformation of space, with a high degree of Agility, with the function of avoiding and interfering with the probing nerves.

The sound rotation not only requires superb skills, but is also affected by the level of spiritual pressure. The higher the spiritual pressure, the faster the speed.

However, not all Arrancars can To master the reverberation, Ten Blades may not fully master this skill.

“How about it? brother? Are you surprised? This is the advanced footwork of our Arrancar.

It is far beyond the existence of Shunpo and Flying Scythe.

It involves the power of space.

If you step into this space, you will appear from the next space, and you can perfectly dodge it.

Exploring the nerves, I have only mastered the superficial skills of these steps, and may not be able to use them successfully.

What I really master are the top ten Arrancars.

They are not on the same level as the rest of us.

Each of them has extremely powerful abilities.

A tremendous strength.

Ilfert laughed wildly while continuing to chop off,”Brother, is this all? What do you call swastika? With your level of vice-captain, it seems that the Gotei 13 is not very smart.”

On the roof of Urahara Store, Jinta Hanagari saw this scene and couldn’t help but said:”What, I’m about to lose.”

On the other side, Tsumuya Ame, who was wearing pajamas and with twin tails, walked out, but her eyes seemed to be staring at Ilfert in the sky with some absent-mindedness.

After seeing Tsumuya Ame coming out, Hanagari Jinta Somewhat surprised,”Xiao Yu, didn’t I tell you to go to bed?……”However, the next moment, Jinta Hanagari knew that Tsumuya Yu in front of her could not hear her words, because at this moment, she had sensed the enemy and entered a killing state.

The next moment, Tsumuya Yu stepped on his feet, and his body flew out like a rocket.

“Come on…it’s almost over, bro!”

When Ilfert was about to finish Renji Abarai in front of him, he didn’t expect Tsumuya Rain to come behind him and kick him out.

It looked like a little girl with twin tails, and the kick was ordinary. One kick, but powerful spiritual pressure exploded in the air, directly kicking Ilfert away.

Ilfert drew a distance of hundreds of meters from the air, and the kick just now simply knocked his head on When the ball kicks,”Damn it! Who are you……”

However, before Ilfert finished speaking, Tsumuya Rain rushed in front of him. His seemingly weak hands grabbed his throat like iron pliers, and it seemed that he could pull out his body with just a gentle pull. The tube was withdrawn, and what Ilfert was about to say was stuck in his throat.

“Danger……”There was no emotion in Tsumuya Yu’s eyes, a state of indifference and thoughtlessness,”You are very dangerous…an enemy…you must be eliminated!”

Then powerful spiritual pressure burst out from his hands, killing Yi. Alfred flew out

“hateful! That kid…what’s going on?”

Ilfert was completely furious. He looked ferocious and roared loudly. His noble Arrancar was defeated by a little girl?

“Stab her to death, Prince Cangjiao!”

Aiming the Zanpakuto in his hand at Tsumuya Yu.

The next moment, white spiritual pressure burst out, and a pale horn pierced Tsumuya Yu’s chest.

With a pop, a lot of blood came out.

Tsumuya Yasame’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

On the other side, Renji Abarai also shrank his pupils.

“Look at you, what kind of expression is that? It seems like you want to say what is this?”

“This is the liberation of our Arrancar’s Zanpakutō…brother.”

I saw that Ilfert, who had maintained his handsome appearance in human form just now, had completely disappeared. Although his lower body still had legs like a human at this moment, his upper body had completely turned into a monster, with a monster above his head. With two sharp long horns, the body was as huge as a bull.

With a slight flick, Tsumuya Ame was thrown out like garbage.

Hanagari Jinta flew into the air and caught Tsumuya with one hand. Rain, and holding a huge hammer in his other hand, hit the bull’s head.

However, Ilfert just looked at this scene coldly. With Jinta Hanagari’s blow, even Not even the shell of the bull was broken.

And in Ilfert’s eyes, a red light flashed, as if it was about to pierce Jinta Hanagari in front of him.

Renji Abarai quickly waved the swastika in his hand. , so the long horn only pierced the snake’s body and easily cut through more than a dozen joints.

“You guys run away.”

Hanagari Shinta was stunned for a moment,”Ah…oh.”As he took Tsumuya Rain and left quickly,


Ilfert roared angrily.

The next moment, with a pop, Renji Abarai’s body was also pierced by the horns.

Blood was hanging on the horns.

He easily threw it away, and only the white horns were visible at this moment. All stained red with blood

“Hahahahahaha, just tell you my name”

“Arrancar No. 15, Ilvert Grantz!”

As Renji Abarai flew in the air, he couldn’t help but think of that man.

The man wearing the star-pulling clamp unique to the nobles was always so calm, always so calm, so powerful, it seemed Everything in front of him can be easily destroyed with the knife in his hand.

The man who wants to spend his whole life to surpass.

If it were him, what would he do?

In the eyes of Renji Abarai, Haku Kuchiki Zai is not only the captain, but also a being that makes him a little afraid.

In front of others, Renji Abarai is a guy with a bit of a foul mouth, who can always make people angry to death.

But in front of Captain Kuchiki Renji Abarai didn’t dare to go out of his way in the slightest, because that serious and cold man would really kill him.

Every time he tried to challenge Captain Kuchiki, he was beaten as easily as trash. was shattered.

Powerful and never able to fall, this was my impression of Captain Kuchiki.

Every challenge did not make me feel that I was getting closer to him, but instead felt that I was getting further and further away.

He Just like the top of a mountain that seems to be right in front of you, but is actually far away in the horizon, it seems that you will never be able to get his recognition. No matter how hard you try, you can’t reach his height.

But one day, you He learned a piece of news.

He lost.

He lost to a new student who had just graduated from Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

He seemed to be named Su Chen.

Who was that guy? He was able to defeat Captain Kuchiki, who in his mind was always undefeated. ?

At this moment, Renji Abarai, who was in mid-air, was staring at the figure above the sky. The wind gently blew the white clothes of the figure, and he was watching everything below quietly.

But his eyes did not seem to be focused on Here… it seems that my strength is not only incompetent for Captain Kuchiki, but also for Captain Su Chen.

However, although I cannot reach their height, it is still more than enough to defeat the bull in front of me.……

0 ·······Asking for flowers····· ········


“Ilvert has been liberated”

“I don’t know if he wanted to end the battle quickly, or if he was seriously injured and had to be liberated?”

“The latter should be impossible.”

Xiao Long said calmly, holding the sword in his hand.

Hitsugaya Toshiro rushed forward, although the Hyōrinmaru behind him had been broken.

The two faced each other, and the two swords intersected.

“How ridiculous.”

Xiao Long easily missed Hitsugaya Toshiro.

Then Hitsugaya Toushiro rushed behind Xiao Long.

“It’s not over yet.”

Hyōrinmaru’s dragon tail actually stretched out and froze Xiao Long’s right hand.

Xiao Long looked at his right hand in the ice and couldn’t help but said:”Well… abandoning his own tail to attack, such a sacrificial attack. Nothing more than that”

“The ice flower behind you has only four petals left.”

“I think your swastika is not finished yet.”

“Because the swastika requires a huge amount of spiritual power, even the captain has a hard time maintaining it for a long time. This is especially true for your unfinished swastika.”

“The Ice Flower withered little by little over time. There were originally three Ice Flowers with a total of twelve petals, but now only…three are left.”

While Xiao Long was speaking, another petal withered on an ice flower behind Hitsugaya Toshiro, turning into ice and snow and dissipating invisible.


“Although I say I can wait until your swastika disappears before I deal with you, but you are also the captain after all, so it would be too rude to say that.”

“At least I will defeat you while you are in the swastika state, using my strongest power”

“Cut it off – the five-headed worm!”

Xiao Long placed the Zanpakutō hilts in the palms of his hands and rubbed them.

The next moment, a large amount of spiritual pressure burst out from his body, blocking the surrounding sight.

When the spiritual pressure dissipated, What was revealed was a strange-shaped monster with hands with five blade-like fingers and a scissors-like tail.

Each finger was tens of centimeters long, as sharp as a blade, and seemed to be gently With one grab, he can disembowel him.

And there are two sharp bone knives on his tail, which can be controlled at will.

If they still looked like humans before liberation, then they showed up after liberation. The essence of the Hollow.

The next moment, with a slight wave of the hand, a large amount of blood burst out from Hitsugaya Toshiro’s chest.

Then the two of them fought. Although Hitsugaya Toshiro continued to burst out with blood, he was still He didn’t fall down.

Xiao Long couldn’t help but said:”As expected of a captain, he’s quite resilient. That’s great.

Hitsugaya Toshiro, covered in blood, asked,”Since you say you are the No. 11 Arrancar, does that mean you are ranked 11th among the Arrancars in terms of strength?””

Xiao Long spread his hands, and those huge five fingers cut through the air, as if he could even cut himself if he was not careful,”No… our order is not based on strength, but the order of birth… But this point Just start with me.”

Hisugaya Toshiro was shocked.

Xiao Long continued to explain:”First of all, we use the”Hengyu” to transform from a void into an Arrancar. According to the order of birth, we give numbers below 11.”

“Among them, those with particularly excellent killing abilities will be promoted and given numbers from 1 to 10 based on their killing abilities.”

“The ten chosen people are called the Ten Blades”

“A certain number is assigned to a certain part of the body”

“They have the authority to control the Arrancar under Ten Blades”

“In other words, the strength of their Ten Blades is in a completely different dimension than the rest of us.”

“And among the people who came to this world with us, one is one of the Ten Blades”

“Aizen-sama gave him the number 6……”

“The 6th Tenth Blade, Grimmjow Jakarjak!”


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