Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 62: Karen

"Oh! Well now, that's my victory I suppose. Good match, Ariana! You've really gotten stronger, haven't you?"

The red head bristles in impotent rage, even as she picks herself up, calling her final fainted Pokemon back into its ball. They're standing outside of the Rocket Headquarters currently under construction in Celadon City, where just about anyone could see them. Once the building is done, it will stretch up into the sky, bigger than even the Silph. Co Building over in Saffron. For now, however, it's half-finished.

They'd cleared enough of a space to let them go all out, but it still wasn't enough for her to finally eke out a win against her opponent.

Rocket Executive Karen flicks her blue hair back over one shoulder and gives a carefree grin with a hint of sharpness behind it as she watches Ariana. There's an almost casual air to the other woman, but it's obviously at least partially feigned. After all, despite what Karen says, their Pokemon Battle now was anything BUT a friendly spar.

Indeed, Ariana had felt… provoked into challenging the other woman. It certainly wasn't the first time that Karen had provoked her either.

Karen was… technically the same rank as Ariana. She was a Team Rocket Executive, sort of. She'd gotten her position by being impossibly strong, an incredibly powerful Pokemon Trainer that not even Giovanni could reliably defeat. He HAD beaten her at least once, and Ariana knew that was where Karen's respect for the old Rocket Boss stemmed from. But Ariana herself had never managed to defeat the Dark Type Trainer.

Which really stuck in the red head's craw something fierce. Karen was… her nemesis, in a lot of ways. Though she doubted the other woman saw her as such. After all, it felt like Ariana was always chasing after Karen. Like she was always struggling to play catch up. All the while, Ariana was the one of the two of them truly loyal to the organization.

Karen was just part of Team Rocket 'for fun' and not even remotely reliable, and yet Giovanni had never let Ariana sway him into kicking her ass out of the organization. Whenever Karen DID come around, she was usually willing to do at least one mission for Giovanni before putting Ariana back in her place and leaving again, and that was 'good enough' for her to keep her status.

It was infuriating, and Ariana was already kicking herself for not taking advantage of the opportunity she'd had these past few months. With Cam as the Head of Team Rocket, it would have been easy to bring up Karen's flighty nature and current absence. She could have gotten the bitch demoted or removed from Team Rocket's roster all together!

Instead, she'd forgotten all about the other Rocket Executive in all of the shit that had been happening since Came took over. Suddenly, they weren't a criminal organization anymore. Suddenly, they had become legit, and were part of Kanto's government, part of its defenses even. It was a big fucking change, so Ariana could be forgiven for forgetting about the absent Rocket Executive. Whether she WOULD forgive herself however, remained to be seen.

Having done their usual song and dance, with Karen showing up and being a bitch, goading Ariana into a battle, and then beating her handily, Ariana sighs and crosses her arms over her chest… not even bothering to hide her baby bump at this point, which she KNOWS Karen has noticed by this point.

"What do you want, Karen? And would it kill you to wear the uniform?"

Looking down at herself, at her flashy yellow tank top with its exposed midriff and her flashy gold and white pants, Karen blinks.

"What? I'm wearing white, aren't I? Executive colors!"

The blue-haired woman gives Ariana a shit-eating grin at that, both of them knowing it's a flimsy as fuck excuse. Ariana just bristles and clenches her hands into fists in anger before calming down. High blood-pressure wouldn't be good for the baby.

"What… do you want, Karen?"

Asked again, she finally manages to get a proper response from the flighty Dark Type Trainer.

"I want to join Kanto's Elite Four."

Wait, what?

Looking at her nails, Karen shrugs.

"You've got an opening in the Elite Four. I figure it would be fun to be a member of the Elite Four for a little while. And Team Rocket is all public now, right? So you guys probably have the pull to make it happen."

… Cam DID have the pull to make it happen, Ariana realizes. And there was an opening. It would be child's play to get Karen in. But… she didn't want to actually SAY that. No, rather, she wanted anything MORE than to admit that. Mouth opening and closing wordlessly, Ariana isn't sure how to respond.

"What's going on here?"

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Ariana stiffens as Cam's voice carries through the air, while Karen brightens up and glances over.

"Oh! You must be Cam! You look so cute in that suit, though I'm glad you got your own instead of wearing Giovanni's hand me downs. Hehe, well cutie… how about it? Want a Team Rocket Executive on the Elite Four? I promise, I can handle it!"

Ariana opens her mouth to speak… but she doesn't know what to say. She wants to talk shit about Karen to Cam, of course. To warn him of the bitch and all of her games. But it's too late. They're in public now, and she should have told Cam about Karen months ago. Tch, if only she hadn't gotten distracted!

"… Alright."

What?! No!

"But first, a battle."

Oh! Yes!

Ariana's eyes light up, as Karen lets out another little laugh.

"Oh? You want to fight me, cutie? Alright, sure! My team had no problem dealing with Ariana's, so they're still in fighting shape. Let's see what you can do, yeah?"

Rather than respond to that, Cam just pulls a Pokeball from his belt and tosses it out between them.

"Go, Raticate."

Karen blinks for a moment, and then looks almost pityingly… at Ariana of all people?!

"Oh dear. Umbreon, go. Look, Cam, right? Are you sure-!"

"Raticate, Hyper Fang."

Karen's Umbreon doesn't last a moment. The blue-haired woman's eyes widen, damn near popping out of her skull as Cam's Raticate moves faster than any of them can track. Ariana finds a smirk growing across her face at the sight. Good… very good.

"You little shit-! Vileplume, Acid!"

Karen calls out for her Pokemon to attack even as she's releasing it from its ball… but it makes no difference.

"Raticate, Quick Attack."

Moving with even more blinding speed, Karen's Vileplume is defeated before it can do anything. Her Murkrow and Houndoom follow suit. Even her Gengar… falls to Raticate's Bite attack, the Dark Move utterly destroying the Ghost Type Pokemon.

For the first time in Ariana's memory, she gets to watch Karen collapse to her knees in utter defeat, her Pokemon soundly beaten… by a Raticate of all things. A godly Raticate, to be fair, but still. Ariana has never been happier.

"… You'll do, I suppose."

And then Cam takes all that happiness away with four simple words. Both Ariana and Karen stare at him, shocked. In response, the young man just shrugs.

"Kanto's Elite Four has an opening. You're strong enough to fill it."

Sputtering, Karen shakes her head back and forth.

"B-But I didn't even land a blow on your Pokemon!"

Cam just shrugs at that.

"No. You didn't."

A shiver runs down Karen's spine at that. It runs down Ariana's too. In that moment, she's all too happy to be the mother to one of Cam's children. Still, at the same time, she can't help but worry. Karen is so flighty and irresponsible. And Cam… Cam is just handing her what she wants on a silver platter.

"Sir. Executive Karen has been away from home for quite a long time. I believe it would only be appropriate to make sure she's still loyal to Team Rocket's cause."

Cam glances over at Ariana at that, while Karen's head whips around sharply. The blue-haired woman narrows her eyes as Ariana makes her play… but rather than making a scene and helping Ariana's point, Karen surprises her.

"Fine by me. Why don't we go somewhere alone, you and I, Boss-man. And I can show you just how loyal I can be~"

Ariana stiffens at that.

"No! I mean… I'll have to come with you both. To make sure everything is safe and secure."

Cam stares at her for a moment and Ariana flushes. Then, he looks to Karen. Then, finally… he nods.

"Very well."



"That's right! Take it bitch! Prove your loyalty!"

Ariana was not inclined to take it easy on Karen, now that she had the cunt on her knees. And surprisingly enough, Karen was going along with it without much resistance at all! Gurgling around Cam's cock as the red-haired Executive bounces her peer's head up and down his length, Karen's eyes water and she drools slobber and saliva all over his dick and her yellow top… but she doesn't try and fight it. She takes his dick down her throat without complaint, not that she CAN say anything at this point.

They've retreated to the nearby Rocket Hideout, specifically Giovanni's old office. Cam sits on the couch while Ariana and Karen kneel between his legs. Ariana, with a hand on the back of Karen's head, forces the other woman deep into Cam's crotch again and again, face fucking her damn near nonstop and-

"I'm going to cum soon."

Hearing that, Ariana pauses for only a second… until she feels Karen trying to pull back beneath her hand. With a growl, Ariana forces Karen deeper into his crotch, burying her face in Cam's pubes.

"Take it all, Karen!"

Her crowing of victory is accompanied by a massive amount of gurgling and gagging as Cam cums a moment later, filling Karen's throat with his splooge. Karen chokes on his load, of course, and more than a little of it cums flowing out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making even more of a mess of the stuck up, uppity bitch.

Ariana has never seen the other woman so humiliated. It's an absolutely beautiful sight, and one that the red head will likely be masturbating to for weeks if not months to come. And yet… at the same time, they're not done just yet. Because Ariana… has a plan!

Finally letting go of Karen's head, she allows the blue-haired woman to pull back off of Cam's cock with a gasp and a pop. Karen looks at her, and Ariana smiles a beatific smile, just waiting for the other woman to blow up. But Karen… wipes her face with the back of her hand and gives Ariana a rueful grin, surprising her.

"Hmph. Pregnancy has made you vindictive, Ariana."

What?! Pregnancy had NOT made her vindictive. Her hatred for Karen knew no bounds! It definitely wasn't because of h-hormones, or anything like that!

"Q-Quiet! Don't think you're done with just that much. You haven't proven your loyalty just yet!"

Blinking, Karen looks back over to see Cam's cock is still rock hard and ready for more. To Ariana's displeasure and annoyance, a hungry wolfish look appears on the blue-haired woman's face.

"You're right, I haven't~"

Shucking off her stained top right then and there, Karen tosses it aside as she gives Cam a small little smirk. Then, standing up from her kneeling position, she moves over and bends over the desk for him, pulling her pants down as well and exposing a frankly sopping wet cunt. Fuck! Ariana had known she was getting off on all of this, but to have it staring her right in her face… damn her! Damn her to Hell!

As Cam stands and moves into position, Ariana knows one thing for certain. She's not letting Karen run away again. No, the flighty bitch clearly needs something to tie her down, to keep her in one place. She's NOT about to let Karen be as unreliable for Cam as she was for Giovanni. Luckily, Ariana has the perfect plan in mind…

Sidling up alongside Cam, watching as he sinks his cock into Karen's cunt much to the blue-haired Executive's moaning approval, Ariana leans in close and whispers into Cam's ear.

"Don't hold back, Cam. And don't you dare cum anywhere but inside…"

He glances at her, silent as he begins to fuck Karen properly from behind. Karen squeals and moans, only for those noises to get louder and more enthusiastic as he begins to fuck her harder and faster bent right over his desk. Hm, if Giovanni had done this ages ago, maybe she would have learned her place. Fuck, it was so hot watching Cam lay down the law and-

No! Focus! Looking away from where Cam is pistoning in and out of Karen's cunt, Ariana focuses on the man himself, whispering to him her reasoning.

"Karen is a bitch and a half to tie down. She was a part of Team Rocket for 'fun' of all things, if you can believe that. You're the first person I've ever seen beat her, and the only man who's ever put her in her place. She needs a reason to stick around, she needs a reason to stay. So go on. Turn her into your broodmare like you did me and all the others. Knock her up and breed her silly!"

"Yes! Do it! Breed me, you big-dicked bastard!"

Ariana freezes, only belatedly realizing how loud she was getting at the end there. Looking down again, it's to see Karen grinning at her from the remnants of Cam's first load splattered across her face. Her eyes twinkle, as Ariana scowls at her.

"She's right, Boss-man. Give me a reason to stay and I'll stay. But if there's nothing tying me down, well, I can't be held responsible. It's my nature."

Tch! She was just admitting it outright! Ariana didn't want Karen to agree with her! She wanted the damn bitch turned into a drooling mess by Cam's cock! Luckily, after a moment of considering both of their words, Cam begins to truly plow Karen into the desk, not actually saying anything to either of them, but clearly proceeding to make a healthy go of knocking the blue-haired bitch up.

… Its still not enough though, and after a moment, Ariana rather impulsively climbs up onto the large mahogany desk and drapes her legs over Karen's shoulders as she hikes up her dress and pulls aside her panties. Karen looks at her in confusion for a moment, but Ariana just grabs hold of her hair and shoves her face into place.


After a moment, Karen begins to follow the command… and a little bit of the calcified anger towards the other woman begins to loosen from Ariana's soul, as she proceeds to enjoy Karen VERY much alongside Cam, egging him on and encouraging him to cum inside of the muffled, moaning woman again and again and again…


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