Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 603

Chapter 603: First Meet

Chapter 603 First Meeting

“LID, first meeting, hello.”

‘s voice is like a human, calm and magnetic, it is a very nice Qingshu tone.

Shen Lingxi, who is a sound controller, really likes his voice.

Shen Lingxi smiled and said, “F, first meeting, hello.”

The two smiled at each other.

Although they have been in touch online for a while, this is their first meeting.

Judging from the expressions of the two, they should be very satisfied with this meeting.

F’s full name is Dean Lawrence, the Falcon leader.

The nature of the   Falcon Organization is somewhat special. It is a bit like an international security group organized by secret agents. In addition to the expensive characteristics of ordering tasks, it also depends on the mood of the leader.

If he is in a good mood, the list is easy to talk about.

If the leader is in a bad mood, he will not accept the order even when the king is here.

And support him to have the confidence to refuse the list, and become a feared organization in the gray area. In addition to the strong fighting power of the Falcon squad, the power of the Lawrence family is also their confidence.

The Lawrence family, the world’s largest arms supplier, has business dealings with many countries, even in the international arena, has a very important position.

Shen Lingxi and Dean have an intersection, or because of a single business.

The two joined forces by mistake, and the other left a deep impression on him. After getting along several times, he found that the other’s temper was very suitable for his appetite, and gradually the two became close friends.

Dean was able to send a team of falcons to Jincheng to help Shen Lingxi without meeting each other, which shows the trust between the two.

Knowing that Shen Lingxi was coming to the gray area, Dean also arranged his schedule at the first time, just to meet this friend.

After    was seated, Dean was still looking at Shen Lingxi, his eyes straight and undisguised.

It’s not that she is narcissistic, Shen Lingxi knows that she is beautiful, and she has received too many such admiring eyes, even if she is not so calm, she has long been used to such eyes.

Dean is undoubtedly a very attractive man. At the age of his early thirties, after years of polishing, he has developed a mature charm, and every smile and every smile carries the steadiness and self-control unique to his age.

Judging from his conversation, we know that his family is very good, so that he can have such rich experience.

Although Xie An is also very calm, compared with Dean, he has lost a few years of precipitation.

That’s the beauty of different ages, Shen Lingxi couldn’t help thinking, what Xie An should look like at the age of 30.

The taunting skill should still be full, but it shouldn’t be like the 21 or 2-year-old now, with a smile on the corners of his lips and an angry jump.

Xie An at that time should be more interesting.

Dean came over, nothing special, mainly to meet friends who haven’t met.

When Zhou Fucheng got off work at night, Dean had been gone for a long time.

It was too late, and it was not convenient for him to come here, so the two made an appointment to meet the next day.

Early rest tonight, Shen Lingxi’s languid body can be regarded as regaining his energy.

When Zhou Fucheng came over, she was having breakfast in the restaurant on the second floor.

The coffee that was obviously not touched was put aside. If the latte art on the coffee was not slightly deformed, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was brand new.

“Your face is so bad?”

Zhou Fucheng’s face was sullen, obviously angry: “The three views have been refreshed by the shamelessness of that group of people.”

(end of this chapter)

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